i=0=0=0=0=0=0=01 °=0=O=01 SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R NEIL SELLTHE WOOD TO BUILD ATOWN - ‘ OR CHICKEN COOP WITHOUT A MEWN MUNICIPAL COUNCIL OF VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP ROBERT W. SCOTT, Reeve BOYNTON WELDRICK, Deputy Reeve Councillors: JOHN HOSTRAWSER, JAMES H. ROBSON, J. A. DICK. We urge a “Yes†vote because we believe in the light of the existing peril our safety and ultimate Victory demands it. Do not fail to cast your ballot. There is a polling booth in every polling division. If you are in doubt where to vote or desire any information telephone the ToWnship Clerk at his office, Maple, or any member of council. Let nothing keep you from doing your full duty as a Citizen next Monday. The Municipal Council of the Township of Vaughan deems it of the utmost National importance that a large vote be poll- ed, and urges every citizen to make a special effort to go to the polls and mark a ballot. COMPANY and MARK YOUR BALLOT This Way HAVE FAILED CANADA AND THE To the Citizens @f Vaughan Twp. BE SURE TO VOTE Monday, April 27th itizens of North '1’ I an . 1‘ n . .. y _ Hats off to the Past of Canada Coats off for the Future of Canada PAGE FOUR RICHMOND HILL York County Veterans Plebiscite Vote “YES†Committee 'ote Mon., April 27 IF YOU FAIL TO VOTE Are you in favour of re- leasing the government from any obligation arisâ€" ing out of any past comâ€" mitments restricting the methods of raising men for military service? YOU OVER THERE. BOY JAMES BUTLER1 Chairman, Richmond Hill 0:0 Mr. James Butler of Richmond Hill, who is chairman of the York County Veterans Association “Vote Yes†Committee, and Mr. J. A. Greene of Richmond Hill will be speakers at the public meeting to ’be held in Schomberg- Friday evening sponsor- ed by the Veterans Association. Congratulations to E. V. AJbIbott of Schom‘berg who .passed his second year exams at the Faculty of Med- icine, University of Toronto, with Honours. Victor A. Hall; Returning Officer for the riding of North York is a busy man these days completing ar- rangement-s for the Plefbiscite next Monday. The many friends of Mr. Herman Dennison will be pleased to know that he is now home from the hos- pital and is slowly on the mend fol- lowing his recent painful accident. T0 SPEAK AT SCHOMBERG and Vote YES KING CITY OED] NO YES ms officer had no objection; The soldiers could not marry without his permission. He insisted on interâ€" viewing the prospective brides be- fore he gave it. He said they were Many Canadian soldiers are mar- rying English Igirls. Some are marrying Scottish girls. The com- manding officer of one Ontario Bat- talion told me that over one burr. dred of his ‘boys had married? since reaching England. That is a higher percentage than would‘ have married in that time if they had stayed in Canada. Yet the subject is one of interest and‘ I don’t see why it should be [kept secret. Canada has sent some two hundred thousand of hériLyoung men over the ocean. one that marries in Britain will not be free to marry a Canadian girl if he returns. And allowances and pen- sions to the wives mrust amount to a considerable item in time. Perhaps this is a subject that I should- not~discuss. -It~seemsuto--be a ticklish one. One of the other editors on the trip wrote about it in a woman‘s magazine and" created quite a stir. I had an item in my own paper on the subject, and to- day received a red-hot letter from some Toronto woman who says I should be Writing for D.N.B. She is quite rude in her remarks, not only about me but also about C-an- adian- girls. Having completed the first dozen stories in this series, perhaps I should take time this week to anâ€" swer the questions most often asked- me since I came back to Canada. I shall not attempt to answer them all, of course, but only some of those which seem the most important and which are most frequently asked. ARE MANY CANADIAN SOLDIERS MARRYING BRITISH GIRLS? Answering Questions Most Often Asked Abou'r Conditions in Britain This is another of a series of 18- articles on conditions in Great Britain in wartime, writ- ten exclusively for the weekly newspapers of Canada 'by Hugh Templin, of the Fergus News- Record. THE LIBERAL, RILHMOND HILL, ONTARIO TUESDAY, APRIL 28â€"Auction sale of registered and grade Holsteins, horses, implements,- etc., the prop- erty of H. Majury, lot 24, con. 6, North York Twp., 1/2 mile south of No. 7 highway at Emery. Terms cash. See full list in this issue. C. E. Walkington, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, AAP'RIL 2‘9iâ€"4Public auction sale of farm stock, impleâ€" ments, &c., the property of John H. Daniels, part of lot 8, con. 8, Mark- ham, just south of Markham village. Terms cash. Sale starts at 1.30 pm. Positively no reserve as proprietor is forced to give up farming. Clarke Prentice, Auctioneer. SAJTUR'DAY, MAY 2â€"Public auc- tion sale of household goods, antique and other furniture, the property of Miss Priscilla Wood, 8th Avenue, Woodfbridvge, first house north of school. Terms cash. Sale starts at 1 pm. No reserve as owner is giv- ing up housekeeping. J. C. Saigeon, auctioneer. LLOYD’S CORN »SALVE contains Benzocaine. The new local anaes- thetic. Puts corns to sleep immedi- ately. Get a jar to-day. Scotchmer’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. MAN for work on farm by day, week or month, good wages to good men. Apply Manager Milne Farms, phone Thornhill 16r3. for munition work, steady job Leno’s Machine Shop, Richmond Hill Phone 2.1I1. CAJD‘DIIE’S. boys or girls, classes ev- ery Saturday at 110 am. Apply Pro Shop, Uplands Golf Club, Lang- staff. Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted. GO‘OD HOUS‘E in Markham Twp. on 5th con.~ just north: of No. 7 High- way. 9 rooms, good‘ garden and' op- tion of renting an additional acre, good well, $10 per month. Apply R. L. Stiver, Unionville, phone 5612. TWO WA‘I‘TRElSS‘EuS for Golf Club, live in, experience not essential. Up- lands Golf Clwb, Phone Thornhilll 66. DOUBLE B‘U'GGY, Surrey or Glad- stone. Apply T. H. Trench, Rich- mond Hill. Full particulars may be obtained at this office. WOIIVLAN for general cleaning, full time, live in. Uplands Golf Club, phone Thornhil] 66. FIELD GLASSES or opera glasses. Anyone having pair to sell, phone RiJchmond Hill 28. Tenders will be received up until noon Monday, May 4th, by the un- dersigned for the supplying of coal for the Municipality of Richmond Hill for the current year. SOON BE BOWLING Bowling enthusiasts were at the local green yesterday and threw a few bowls. They report the greens in fine shape and this popular sum- mer game will soon be in full swing. For the Canadian girl who has sent her soldier overseas, there seems to be but one precaution to takeâ€" send‘ a continuous stream of letters, mixed occasionally with boxes and photographs. And letters are more important than boxes. Some of them are billetéd vate‘. homes and have become call}? “one of the ï¬amily." get acquaintgï¬xgth‘ girls at and entertaih 5 put on troops The reason seems obvious. The Air Force is continually in action. There is nothing monotonous about life in the bomber or fighter squadâ€" rons. In the Army, some of the men have been in Southern England for more than two years, training for a fight which has never come. I do not think the proportion of Air Force men getting married ov- erseas is large. invariably fine types of girls, who would be a credit to Canada after the war. If he did not think so, be withheld permission to marry. FIRST CLASS MACH‘INIS‘T‘S Sale Register PERSONAL TENDERS WANTED RUSSELL LYNETT, TO RENT FOR COAL Clerk, Richmond Hill. ated in pri- ome practiT y." O‘CHQI‘S ; at dances on for the ZEMA, OUT'S’, etc., respond quickly to KLEIE‘REX â€" “A Quick Healing Salve". Also heals Psoriasis, Impe- tigo, Erythema, etc. 50c.; $1.00; $2.00. (Medium and Strong). Re- commended and sold by Austin’s Drug Store. TRJAJCTOR, International 10-2‘0‘; three 2-furrow tractor plows; one 3-furrow plow; International Binder; 3 M.â€"H. Binders; 2 Rakes; 1 scuffler; 1 Cock- shutt walking plow. Harold W. lMortson, 11 Centre St. West, Rich- mond Hill, phone 93. 0F 61 ACRES on lot 32, con. 1 Vaughan. on which is a good rough cast house, 2 barns with stabling for about 9 head of cattle, 4 horses, two box stalls and implement shed. The farm is in excel-lent state of cultivation, 6 acres in fall wheat, 15 acres seeded down. For further information apply to Mrs. George Bowes, 6 Maple Grove Ave., Toronto. B’ABY'S SKIN Al'LlMEENTS, EC- ELECTRIC RANGE, MGCILARY, new 1942 model, automatic oven control, broiler, 4 burners. all white porce- lain, $109.25. Westinghouse Com- bination Coal and Electric, $219.00. Beach Combination, $225.00. TORON» ’IlO RADIO &: SPORTS, 2‘41 Ybnge JERSEY HEIF’ELR‘S, freshening soon. Fair prices for cash or will trade for bred Yorkshire sows of Ad- vanced Registry standing; also will purchase du‘cklings or cockerels. P. O. Box 54. Richmond Hill, Ont. St, phone Wa. 4501 ‘FORD V-8 SEDAN DELIVERY TRUCK, 1939, new motor; 3 horses, young; ‘bwo 10â€"20 trac.t0rs; 2 seed‘ drills; 3 cul'tivators; 1 set spring tooth harrows. F. R. Perkins, Rich- (monld' Hill, phone 21W. HORSES. Team good work horses, 15% 1035., rising 5 and 7 years; 1 light driving mare rising 5 years, and other horses; Holstein ,and Dur- ham cows, fresh and springing. Ap- ply Summit Hotel, Oak Ridges. AlB‘O'UT 5-0 BUS. No. 1 Erban seed oats with germination of 97%; also 5 tons of well cured 1941 Alfalfa hay in the barn. R. E. Sanderson, Uhiorwille, Ont., phone Stouffville 5204. tons of mzxed Timothy and Alfalfa and 6 tons of No. 1 second crop Alfalfa; cheap work horse. R. Stone- house, lot 8, con. 5, Markham. VICTORY OIATS, Gov. Grade No. 1, jhst a few left; also one 18-foot and one 7-foot grain elevator for threshing machine, reasonable. Ap- ply to Samuel Winger, phone Maple 1062. AJBO‘UT .12 TONS, LOOSE HAY, 6 ton b'aled‘ oat straw. Seed Erban and) Alaska oats; 1 Durham bul’l. Percy Cdber, phone Stouffville 7313. 3 PE'RCFH'ERON WORK HOR‘SES, 1 HOLSI’I‘EIIN 00‘â€, due now; al‘so 1 Deering Binder, 8 ft. cut, good can- vasses, owner bought a. combine, $80. C. Winger, phone Stouffville 1509. BALLEID TIMOTHY HAY, mixed; 2 colt 2‘ years oLd’, 1 yearling colt. Apply Wm. Glass, phone 7913 Maple. 500 CIIIFCKEINS, year old, laying well; also chicken house and 176 acre of land. quplvy Box 404 Liberal Ott‘fice. NEW HAMPSHIRE and White Leg- horn chickens, laying. W. E. Tay- lor, May Ave., Stop 24A, Yonge St, Richmond Hill. ' STACK 0F HAY and some loose ‘straw. R. W. Scott, Richmond Hill RR. 1, phone Thornhill 6r3. 10 WEA‘N‘ED P‘LG‘S. Apply Doncast- er Gardens, Thornhill, phone Maple 681‘32. . QCIIET HIOLSTEJN HEIFER with calf. Apply West half of Lot 30, con. 4,‘Markham. SMALL STAJOK OF HAY, second cutting. Apply W. Windas, Vellore. Lean, 189 Finch Ave. West, North- mount P.O., Ontario. R10=SE|LAWN DAIRY HrORJSE‘S. Ap- ply C‘harlves Boorer, Stop 24, Yonge Street, near Richmond Hill. TLMBERJS from two barns. Roselawn Farms, Richmond Hill, phone 54. pl‘y 38 Arnold St., Richmond Hill OOtLLIE PUFFS. Apply R. J. Mc- 7 FOIO‘T WIRE GATE, cheap. Ap- THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT. RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd, The Village Caretaker will soon be making collection of Dog Tax. Please co-operate by paying promptly when called on. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1932 FORD V-8 2 TON TRUCK - Overhauled motor. Good value. 1938 Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 Village By-La‘w,provides that it is forbidden for dogs to run at large' in the Village of Richmond Hill on and after May lst. Dog owners are asked to take notice and see that dogs are tied- up on and after this date. The provisions of the by.1aw will be strictly enforced. 1940 FORD DeLUXE COUPEâ€"Ex- quhnt ï¬rm Gblod valures. |bators now in full swing, hatching hens, ducks, turkeys and pheasants. We will also purchase natching eggs from blood‘ tested flocks. Government (Egg- Grading Station, Reg. No. 0â€"285. We can handle your eggs, ‘Unionv-il‘le Poultry Farm and Chick ‘Hatchery, No. 7 Highway. Phone rUnionville 29210, Stouffville 2620. TAKE NOTICE: The riding of bi- cycles on village sidewalks is for- bidden by by-law. This dangerous practice will not -be tolerated, and offenders will be prosecuted. MONEY TO LOAN an firstixlnort. gage on good farm‘s, not more than 25 miles from City Hall. Apply to Box 200 The Liberal Office, Rich: mond Hill. 6 YEAR OLLID OLYDE‘ GELDING, @160, 1700 Lbs., sound and. well .brok- en; 1 grade Holstein due May 5th, $100. Leechywood Farms, 2% miles east of Yonge St, 1 mile south No. 7 Highway. ‘CUS'I‘OM HATOHIN'G. Our incu- SEEDS AND PLANTS. We sell ev- erything that grows. Baxter’s Seeds and Plants, 3357 Yonge Street, be- tween Golfdale and Snowde'n Aves. Op-en evenings. RE BICYCLES WRI’N‘GER, attached to foldâ€"up tub stands, $5; brooder, $2.50; small cul- tivator, $1.50. Apply Aston’s, Cedar Ave, Langstaff. DIEJLAVAL MJ‘LKERâ€"Act quick. Have one installed oe1ore the busy Season. Also Woods. Grinders, Frigâ€" idaire Coolers and century Motors. Liberal Trade-ins. Write or phone for prices. B. R. Leech, TORONTO RLADIO & SPOR’DS, 24,1 Yonge St, phone Wa. 4601. GREY PEROHIERON MARE. Apply Rofbert Rodick, lot 9, concession 4, [Markham Township. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thomhill 73. H ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering. cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. ‘38 FORD TUDOR â€" Excellent Condition. NOTICE RE DOGS MISCELLANEOUS BY ORDER OF COUNCIL. NOTICE $765.00 $275.00 $595.00 FOR SALE By Order, VILLAGE COUNCIL. 1942.