iFriday,Apr.24§ O" §Citizens of Richmond Hill WWOWWWOWW â€"Sa_dJy missed by Mother, Daddy sisters and brothers. grave Of the one we loved and could not save; The call was sudden, the shock severe, To part with one We zoved so dear. Sweet little flower OI heavenly birth, He was too fair to bloom on earth. IN MEMORIAM HJADWENâ€"In loving memory of our darling Jimmie Hadwen who God called away on April 26th, 1941, age 3 years and 6 months. The evening stars shine o’er the IN MEMORIAM PlRJE'NTI‘CEâ€"In loving memory of a (kar Hudband, Father and Grand- father, John H. Prentice, who pass- ed away April 27th, 1941. Nothing can ever take away The love a heart holds dear, Fond memories linger every day, Remembrance keeps rum near. â€"Wi'fe, Children and Grandchildren. For travelling to Montreal and other points the bride wore a pale blue Redingote with navy top coat, hat and accessories, and a corsage of red roses. Later the 'bride and groom ‘will take up residence in Toronto. Lansing. The bride was given in marriage by her only brother Joe of Upper Canada College and the ceremony was performed by Rev. I. Brubaker, Gormley. The wedding music was played by Miss Doreen Gooding. The house was beauti- fully decorated with\ pink roses and lbouvardia and tall standards of calla lilies and white stoczzs formed a background for the bride and groom and their attendants during the ceremony. The bride was becom- ingly gowned in a white gown with long full skirt of net trimmed with a design of satin, a satin basque with sweetheart neckline fastened with a long row of satin buttons down the front and pointed sleeves trimmed with satin buttons. Miss Florence Cherry, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing a gown of‘ pink sheer trimmed with silver and‘ carrying a bouquet of Johanna Hill roses and ’bouvardia. Miss Shirley Gray, Gormley, niece of the bride, was flower girl and wore a long dress of pale yellow silk trimmed with blue velvet beaus and carried a nosegay of sweetheart roses, for- lbet-me-nots and pans’es. Mr. Harâ€" vey W. Rumble, Toronto, assisted the groom. 4.30 in the afternoon when Verna Irene, youngest daugiizer of Mrs. and the late Jos. L. Cherry became the bride of Douglas Lioyd Jones, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jones, JONESâ€"CHERRY ‘ Fe] The home of the bride's mother, tiscite Gormley, was the scene of a pretty are 1 wedding on Saturday, April 18th atl THURSDAY, APRIL 23rd, 1942. REPRESENTATIVES OF ALL ORGANIZATIONS AND ALL CITIZENS INTERESTED IN HELPING MAKE SURE A LARGE VOTE IS POLLED ARE INVITED TO ATTEND THIS MEETING. To Organize for a 100 per cent “Yes†Vote on Monday, April 27th, will be held in the A PUBLIC MEETING MUNICIPAL HALL VOTE MONDAY AND VOTE “YES†WEDDING T. H. TRENCH, Reeve AT 8 RM. The final games of the Bridge :Tournament which has been con- ducted by the Red Cross for the past eight weeks will be held Thursday and Friday evenings, April 30 and 'May 1 at the home of Mrs. F. Boyle, 16 Centre St. West at eight o’clock. Anyone who has donated in any way to the success of the tournament is given a cordial invitation to attend. The ladies’ game will be played on Thursday evening and the mixed game on Friday evening. The usual charge will be made and prizes for the series will the presented. The committee request that all scores be handed in not later than Wednesday, April 29th. Members of the Women’s Institute are kindly asked to hand in their nomination slips as soon as possible to one of the following ladies: Mrs. Sayers, Mrs. Pollard, Mrs. Cruick- shank and Mrs. Beresford. Al] citizens of Richmond Hill are invi’ocd to a meeting in the Council Chambers Friday evening at 8 o’clock to organize for a. 100 per cent “Yes†vote in Richmond Hill next Monday. Mrs. O. L. Wright, Mrs. A. Eden, Mrs. K. Blanchard, Mrs. W. Charles and Mrs. G. Yerex attended the W0â€" men’s Institute Summary Day held at Markham on Tuesday afternoon. A euchre will be held at the home of Mrs. Burgess, Rumible Ave., Tues- day, April 28th at 2 pm. under the auspices of the Mothers Auxiliary, Boy Scouts Association. A euchre will Ibe held in the 01'â€" ange Hall,..Richmond Hill, Thursday evening, April 30th under the aus- pices of the Women’s Auxiliary of Veterans. The Anglican W.A. will hold their regular monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. R.‘.D.,VLitt,le, Vaughan Road, on Tuesday, April 28th at 2.30 pm. Local Ladies†Orange Lodge will hold a Home Baking and Apron Sale Saturday afternoon, April 25th in the Orange Hall from three o’clock. Miss Marian Buchanan of Toronto has been visiting her sister Mrs. Len Rice for the past few weeks re- cuperating from a minor opra‘tion. A euchre will be held in the St. Mary’s RJC. Church Hall Friday ev- ening, April 24th at 8.30 pm. Good prizes. Everyone cordially invited. The first A.R.P. meeting will be held in the Municipal Hall, Richmond Hill, tonight, Thursday at 8 pm. Polling booths for Monday’s Plebâ€" iscite for all voters in Richmond Hill are located at the Masonic Hall. SOCIAL AND PERSONAL The Young People's Unicn met last Monday evening with a good attendance. Harold Schmidt the Cit- izenship Convenor was in charge. The topic was taken by Rev. A. H. HaLbert. The treasurer reported $80 raised since the New Year. A por- tion of this was turned over to the church stewards. The Young People are to be congratulated on their en- thusiasm and interest. Captains were chosen for a Bible Quiz Contest. Hicks Smith conducted the devo- tional. The Mission Band met last Satur- day afternoon in the United Church school room with 315 in attendance. The meeting was in charge of Mar- garet McMillan and Jean Lippett. Georgina Plain assisted in the devo- tional service. The study period was conducted by Isabel Allard. Life isn’t long; a little while To live and love and sing and smile; And words of anger are not worth A moment’s thought, and hour of Word was received recently that Donald MuSparran, a former Earl Haig' Collegiate student, is reported missing in air operations overseas on Saturday, April 10th. Donald was a memlber of a bomber crew with the R.‘C.A.F. He was a senior matriculation graduate and was ac- tive in the field of athletics. Two years ago he took the main part in the Operetta. WlIxLiLJAIMISâ€"At Newmarket Hospi- tal, April 1‘5th, 1942‘, Martha Bes- tard, wife of the late George H. Williams, and dear mother of John H., Toronto, Jacob G., Toronto, Mrs. C. H. Hickson (Annie) Toronto and Mrs. Chester B. Stoutenburgh (Mary) of Newmarket. The funeral was held from the parlors of Road- house & Rose, Saturday, April 18. Interment followed at Heise Hill Cemetery. earth. The words that pleasant memories bring Alone are worth remembering. Yes, life’s too short for folks to snarl There isn’t time enough to quarrel. Congratulations to Melvin Pres- ton, eldest son of Principal G. A. Preston of Earl Haig Collegiate on his recent winning of a scholarship of $400. Sunday, April 26 10 a.m.â€"Sund‘ay School. 11 a.m.â€"Mornin.g Prayer. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Prayer. A11 cordially invited. ion Service. (Kindly Note Change of Time). Monday Eveningâ€"Young People’s Rally in Rogers Church, Toronto. Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., minister Sunday, April 26 10 a.m.~Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"-Divine Worship. Commun Rev. C. B. Brebhen. B.A., Minister Sunday, April 26 1‘0 a.m.~â€"Sumdiay School. .11 a.m.â€"â€"Mo-rninng Worship. 7 p‘mrâ€"Evening Worship. Monday evening 8 p.m.â€"Young Peo- ple’s Union. All are welcome. Dr. C. J. Kerswill from the At- lantic Biological Statron, St. Amd- rew"vs, N.B., has been attending meetings at Ottawa the past week and spent a few days at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Kersrwill, Richmond Hill. The Evening Auxiliary Red Cross are sponsoring something different in the form of a Spring Bridge and Tea, Saturday afternoon, May 2. ’It promises to be a delightful social event and a generous patronage is anticipated. James D. MiciLean has donned the khaki, and joined Canada's Active Service Forcles. As a Lieutenant he will be stationed at North Bay, and lef-t Tuesday to take up his new duties. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th. 4 Markham Road Mr. R. A. vMoodie with Miss Jessie Moodf‘e motored to St. Mary’s and visited with their sister Mrs. James MacDonald and family and also vis~ ited with their nephew Mr. Andrew MacDonald at London. Every person who is interested in the re-organization of the Tennis Club for the coming season 15 reâ€" quested to be present at the Munici- pal Hall next Wednesday night, April 29th at 7.30 D.S.T. NEWTON BROOK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ST. MARY'S CHURCH UNITED CHURCH THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO (Anglican) DIED Easter 3 CARD 0F THANKS .Mr. W. G. Bishop and family of Maple wish to thank their friends and neighbours for their many acts of kindness and expressions of sym- pathy, also the beautiful floral tri- butes at the time of their recent bereavement. The family of the late Mrs. Martha Williams wish to epres-s sm- cere thanks to the many friends and neighbours who were so kind and thoughtful at the time OI the recent death of their dear mother. CARD OF THANKS !Mr. Herman Dennison and family desire to express their sincere ap- preciation for the many kind thoughts And expressions of sym- pathy during their recent bereave- ment. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Clamnce Brown of Maple announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Deretta A1- berta (Det) to Lloyd Walker Palm- er, son of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Palmer of Maple, the wedding to‘ take place at the home of the bride’s parents early in June. ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. Edward Witney of Concord announce the engagement of their daughter, Julia Mary, to Pte. Albert Bolen Henderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Altbert Henderson of Corbetton, Ont, the marriage to take place at St. Stephen’s Church, Maple, Saturday, April 25 at seven o’clock. A Spring Bridge and Tea is some- thing different. Why don’t you tele- phone Richmond Hill 184 and let the Secretary of the Evening Auxiliary .Red Cross assign you to one of the (bridge hostesses who is entertaining at bridge in her home on Saturday, May 2nd. After the bridge she will take you to tea at the United Church School Room at 4.310 o’clock. If you don’t want to play bridge, come to the tea at 4.30. Your full support is needed for the success of this first activity of the Evening Auxiliary. RED CROSS NOTES CARD 0F THANKS MUNICIPAL COUNCIL, TOWNSHIP of MARKHAM The Municipal Council of the ToWnship of Markham urges the voters of Markham to go to the polls and vote “Yesâ€. It is the duty of every Canadian Citizen to mark ballot on Monday next, -- A .. . JAMES RENNIE, Reeve, CHAS. H. HOOPER, Deputy Reeve Councillors: W. L. CLARK, HARRY BARBER. ALBERT REESOR. There is a polling booth in every polling division and we urge with the utmost sincerity that you let nothing keep you from exercising your full duty as a citizen. Voteâ€"Don’t let it be said Markham Citizens don’t care. Monday, April 27 Wednesday & Thursday, April 29, 30 HUMPHREY BOGART, MARY ASTOR, PETER LORRE _ 1N _ “ The Maltese Falcon †HOME BAKING and APRON SALE Richmond Hill Evening Branch of the Red Cross Under Auspices Ladies’ Orange Lodge _ 1N __ SPRING BRIDGE and TEA SATURDAY, MAY 2nd Bridge & Tea 50c. Tea Only 25c. Bridge at the homes of Bridge Hostesses Tea at the United Church School Room at 4.30 p.m. For further particulars see Red Cross Notes Thursday, Friday, Saturday, April 23, 24, 25 MICKEY ROONE'Y, JUDY GARLAND in SHOWS START AT 7.30 P.M.7AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. Saturday, April 25th Monday & Tuesday, April 27, 28 WM. POWELL, MYRNA LOY in Shadow of the Thin Man THE LODGE ROOM FROM 3 O’CEOCK AFTERNOON TEA EVERYONE WELCOME Babes on Broadway will hold a RAGE FIVE