g Buy War Savings stamps ‘Regu‘ra'ny‘; PEOPLE ARE LIKE THAT Hon. W. P. Mulock, Member for North York, speak- ing in support of a “yes†vote in Schomberg last week related a very interesting experience. He recalled that speakng at Kettleby almost two years before the outâ€" break of the war he had advocated increased appropria- tion for National Defence. He received a letter from a constituent‘criticizing him for being a war-monger. Re- cently he received a letter from the same constituent crit- icizing the government for not having been better pre- pared for war. People are like that. Do you listen to Andy Clarke’s “Neighbourly News†broadcast every Sunday morning at 10.05 a.m.? It may be a little early in the morning, nevertheless listening to him is an excellent habit in that when he’s finished you have just about the right amount of time to get ready and at- tend church service. Then too it’s a homey and whole- some review of the happenings “in that important part of Ontario which lies outside the citiesâ€. Listen in next Sunday and we think you will find it refreshing. The program has proven popular in the cities as well as in the country. Most of the people in the city come from little places or farms, and they are intensely inter- ested in the doings of the folks back home. The incident may not be about your home town, but it is about the same kind of a place where the same kind of people live. In support of this worthy work a Tag Day will be conducted in Richmond Hill next Saturday, May 2nd, and we commend this worthy cause to your‘ generous consid- eration. City folks take a particular delight in rubbing it in about the hicks living in the sticks. Do you realize they are just jealous? Every man in the city has a secret ambition to make enough money to buy a little place in the country, but too many of them will be chained to the hot city pavement until they die. And do you know where they will be buried? Back in the old country cemetery, it the neighborhood where they were born, but left be- came they thought nothing ever happens there. Over half of the money required to maintain the ser- vices provided by The Institute comes from the public in the way of subscriptions or in response to public appeals. ‘Metropolitan newspapers may print the big news of the world and the war, but real folks still reach for the “Home Paper†which gives the intimate news f people in the home community. That’s what Andy Cla e’s pro- gram does too. It’s definitely not high-brow but it is full of human interest. It is the business of The Canadian National Institute for the Blind to find employment for blind people who are employable; to provide library service for those who read Braille or listen to Talking-books; to give home- ï¬eaching in Braille, typing and handicrafts to newly-blind- ed adults; to. see that medical or surgical treatment is provided for those whose vision may improve; to estab- lish and maintain residences; to carry on social service wcrk; to sell the products of blind homeworkers; and to establish blind men and women in small business oppor- tunities. For over twentyâ€"four years The Institute has been doing all these things. It is making such a fair job of it that young executives of organizations for the blind in the United States are sent to Toronto to study Canadian methods. There are over twelve thousand, five hundred blind men and women listed witï¬ The Canadian National Insti- tute for the Blind. V The Simple fact is tHat toi this date we have lost the war. True none of us think we will not win, but we must face the fact that so far we have been losing. SO‘far people have approved of restrictions for others but resented them for themselves. This type of thinking must go. We as citizens must be prepared to adjust our way of living to conform to an all-out war effort. There are some rough roads ahead and we might just as well start bracing our feet now. It’s the only road to Victory. It isn’t a matter of conscription for military service. That’s only one phase of the problem. In this war may one is going to feel the jolts. To attain Victory we are going to go from a peace to a war footing for every man, woman and child. Established 1878 $dvartising Rates on Application. In the country as a whole the “yes†majority was substantial if not impressive. Quebec results were dis- appointing but if it does nothing else it presents in clear outline the difficult problem which faces the national adâ€" ministration. There is a definite difference of outlook in French Canada which presents a major national problem. The number of “No†votes even in Ontario was somewhat surprising, and these added to the “stay-at-home†votes which must largely be interpreted as “no†votes adds .up to thought-provoking figures. The Plebiscite over, the average citizen now asks 'What Next?†We don’t know and make no claims to any inside information but our guess is that we as a people have some rude jolts ahead. Our way of life which has been having some minor adjustments must have some major adjustments and quickly before we lose the war. Congratulations to the Citizens of Richmond Hill and the riding of North York on the vote polled Monday. Here the voters went to the polls in large and representative numbers and registered an overwhelming “yes†verdict, and this fine performance was typical of most York County Communities. AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL 'I‘HZE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. J. Eachem Stmith, Manager Member Canadian Weekly Newspaper Association ‘1 Covering Canada’s Best Suburban District Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the United States $2.00 PAGE TWO THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1942. ROUGH ROADS AHEAD NEIGHBOURLY NEWS “THE LIBERAL†SIGHTLESS ARMY TELEPHONE 9 King United Church announces the 7151; anniversary of the founding o! the church, to (be celebrated on Sun- day, May 3rd. Service at 11 a..m. with Rev. C. B. Brethen of Richmond Hill assisted :by Maple United church choir; at 7.30 pm" Rev. A. Carman Hie of Earlscourt United Church, To- ronto, and Maple quartette. On Monday, May 4th a supper in the church basement, followed (by a brilliant entertainment of variety numbers, vocalists of the Illtyd Har- ris Studio, Aurora. Mr. Harris will S.S. No. 17, Deacon School, has an interesting class of vocalists and tap dancers, trained by their teach- er, Mrs. Fred Hunter. Dressed in patriotic colours, featuring a V for Victory design, they gave a credit- alble floor show before the audience attending the Ple'biscite meeting at Schomberg last Friday evening. On Sunday last Rev. R. E. Morley of St. Paul’s Runnymede Anglican Church preached in the King circuit. Following the morning service at St. John's, Oak Ridges, several remain- ed for lunch in the Parish Hall and, heard the broadcasts on Youth Cru- sade week. Rev. Mr. Worrall announces the schedule of services for the coming months, for each Sunday, as fol- King Township stacked up “Yes†votes in the Plebiscite on April 27, with 1390 affirmative and 235 nega- tive votes. The Riding of North York made one of the outstanding totals in the Dominion of Canada. A meeting held an; Schom'berg on April 24th in the interests of the Pleibiscite was well attended. Dr. M. K. Dillane was chairman. Speakers were Hon. W'. P. Mulock, Major Alex McKenzie, Jas. Butler, secretary for North York Veterans, Morgan Barker, lM.P.P., J. A. Greene, Richmond Hill, and J. W. Bray of Toronto. Cloéing remarks were made by Rev. IF. V. Alblbott of Schomberg. We are glad to report the recov- ery of Herman Dennison who was too ill to attend his father’s funeral. The funeral of William Northcott, aged 71 of Nololeton was held on Monday, April 26th, interment in Schomlberg Friends’ Cemetery. His wife and 2 children survive, Mrs. Clarence Jessop of Lisle, and Bill Northcott of the Lincoln-Welland Regiment of Newfoundland. Fortunâ€" ately the son was home on leave at the time of his father’s passing and was able to remain for his funeral. ‘Mr. Northcott was a veteran of the last war and in poor health as a result. A‘LLL SAINTS, KING 9.30 a.m.â€"-Organ recital by Dorothy Armstrong. 10 a.m.â€"«Service. 2 p.m.-â€"lSu.nday School. ST. JOHN‘S, OAK RIDGIE‘S 10.30 a.m.â€"«Sunday School. 11.15 a.m.â€"Service. On Saturday, May 23rd a sale of home baking will be held at All Saints’ Anglican Church during the afternoon. L.A.C. Bill Walker of King was tendered a fareWell party at “The Embassyâ€, Toronto, early during last week prior to his leaving for New Brunswick on Wednesday, April 22. always at the most friendly variance with each other. We sons, Herman and William, and a daughter, Mrs. F. Denison. survive. He was interred in King Cemetery. lows: Pte. Warren McBride, Fort Garry Horse, England, writes the family here of a pleasant visit to Scotland recently among friends wno show the greatest kindness. Warren says the civilians in Scotland think the Can- adian soldier is “O.K.†“When one is riding on a bus or train, the Scotsman puts his hand in his pocket and draws out money for the Can- adian boys’ fare. I had money in my pocket but my 'nosts refused to let me use it. Every man in Scot- land appears to be host to Canadian boys." ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Herb Wellesley‘and family visited at Mr. Arthur Well- esley’s on Sunday. The removal by death from our village of John Dennison, 90 years of age. who died recently at Toron- to, makes another break in the list of older residents. Mr. Dennison lived his life in York County, the greater part of that In Vaughan and King- Townships. From Eversley he moved to King and‘ after his wife’s death, resided with his son Herman. A builder by trade, he kept up a lively interest in local affairs until his advancing years closed rapidly in upon him. He was of a kindly nature and excellent company for a dreary day. His sense of humor and friendly nature made him many friends. We recall him at his best in this capacity when he and Mal- colm Mitchell were inseparaible and King Township District News THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Messrs. Wm. Ross and Hugh, E-rn- est Hollinshead, Norman MacMurchy, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rolling, Miss 'Alice Ferguson were among those in this locality to attend the funeral of the late Mrs. E. J. Davis of New- market on Monday last. direct and present a program of un- usual interest, including a Reader. We shall find these talented artists a real treat, indeed. E. J. Davis marks the last of the Johnston family, natives of King- horn, the brother James L. Johnston of Ottawa, having~ passed’ away only recently. Mrs. Davis was born 93 years ago, the daughter of the late David Johnston, on the fifth con- cession, near Kinghorn. Her early education waé received at SS. 23, King, where later she taught for a time. In 1874 Margaret Johnston married E. J. Davis, already a cap- axble partner in his father’s 'business, the Lowell Tannery of A. Davis and Son. They lived in the house now owned by Ernest Hollinshead. Five sons and two daughters were born and raised here, until 1903, when 'the tannery was burned. Hon. E. The passing of Mrs. E. J. Davis of Newmarket, wife ofï¬he late Hon. “When your father has 'been workâ€" ing hard all day, he is tired and worn out, isn’t he?†“Yes, miss.†“Then, when night comes and his work is over, what does he do?†“That‘s What mother wants to know,†Tommy replied. J. and Mrs. Davis moved to Newâ€" msarket where the remainder of her life was spent. And so it would seem her passing creates another broken link in the family circle of Kinghom f-ol'ks. Local friends will remember her gracious kindness and extend sym- pathy to 'the Davis family. th em ? “Well, I thought they were rather undersized for their age." , The teacher was explaining ’the meaning of the word “recuperate†to young Tommy. May 3lst is United Church me yesterday.†“Why, what was wrong with “I don’t like A)" the date of Laskay Anniversary. those eggs you sent THIS IS AN URGENT APPEAL FOR YOUR HELP Question: Of what use is reclaimed rubber? Answer: Old rubber is processed so that the rubber content is reclaimed. This reclaimed rubber is used in the manufacture of essential itticles for our war effort, thus replacing crude rubber. YMFR SCRAP RUBBER Question: Is the rubber situation really serious? Answer: The shortage of rubber is so grave that any citizen hoarding rubber or using it unnecessarily is committing an act of disloyalty. Itis now illegal to dcsh'oy any rubber article. Question : How much scrap rubber is needed? Answer: Fifty Million Pounds. This is a large quantity, but it MUST be found. Every old piece of rubber in Canada, no matter how small, is needed, QUICKLY. Answer: Absolutely not! By no means discard anything that is still useful and that might have to be replaced. On the other hand, rubber txres used as boat bumpers, swings, etc., should be turned in for war uses. Question: Should I turn in any usable rubber articles as well as worn out ones P The school boys and girls of Canada are 1- Give it to the children for their sl being organized, through the school “Quecfmn- _ authorities, to act as Ofï¬cial Collectors 2' “Gill’s; t° Y0“: l0“) Namnal salvage ‘ .Of scrap Rubber' The SChoo} “FarCSt you 3. Leave it with any Service Station or is, therefore, your best Collection Depot. Dealer where you see the Sign; “volm You may dispose of your scrap rubber Scrap Rubber Receiving Depot." in any one of the following four ways: 4. Sell it to a junk collector. When you gather up your scrap rubber and dispose of it by one of these methods, 1' 1‘ will be used by the Government for Canada’s War Eï¬'ort. Do it NOW! HOW DO I 'I'IJ'RN IN MY SCRAP RUBBER? SCRAP RUBBER DIVISION our whole war eHort is in serious danger. Canada and her Allies must have rubber, quickly, for the armed forces, for factories, for ships. The Japanese control our source of crude rubber importsâ€"the only other quickly available supply is old scrap rubber, which can be reclaimed. Every citizen in Canada must do his part in collecting all the scrap rubber in the country and turning it over to the Government for war purposes. Here is how to do it. Enemy action in the Far East has caused suclran acute shortage of rubber that ('1 now a vital war material This advertisement is issued in co-opezation with The National Salvage Campaign, Department ofNationaI War Services Department of Munitions and Supply 65 Yonge Street Eave Troughing, Repairs to Heavy Metal Parts on Farm Implements and Equipment GENERAL TINSMITHRWORK FINDLAY FURNACE DEALER TIN SMITH .7} Clear felephone lines for All-Ill" PRODUCTION Your telephone is part of a vast interlocking aya- tem now earrying an abnormal wartime load. Don’t let needless delays hold up messages on which ino- duction efficiency may depend. PAUL DUBOIS Question : What kind of scrap rubber is needed? Answer: Every all-rubber or part-rubber ‘u‘ï¬cle must be salvaged. Here are a few of the articles you must turn in: Old Tires of even' kind Rubbers Old Inner Tubes Overshocs Rubber Boots, Hats, Coats, Aprons. Pants, Gloves, Tubing, Matting, Toys Sport Shoes (crepe soles are especially good) deen Hose Hot Water Bottles Stair Treads Bathing Caps'and many otï¬er 'articles Question: What happens to the scrap rubber collected P Answer: The scrap is sorted, baled and as- sembled into carload lots and is then purchased by the Government at ï¬xed prices throughout Canada. The Government pays forwarding transportation charges on these carload lots, and is responsible for their allocation. You may be sure that every pound will be used directly or indirectly in the war effort. Question: How do I go about saving scrap rubber? Answer: Start hunting for it TODAY. Clean out your cellars. attics, garages and sheds right away. You will ï¬nd more rubber articles than you expect. Start them all on their way to the battlefront. Give it to the children for their school collection. Give it to your local National Salvage Com- mittee. Leave it with any Service Station or Tire Dealer where you see the sign; “Voluntary Scrap Rubber Receiving Depot." Sell it to a junk collector. ROYAL BANK BUILDING. TORONTO THURSDAY, APRIL 30th, 1942. Phone Richmond Hill 147W