F Y. W. BRATHWAITE Phone 18 More than ever before you should keep your home in good repair. Save expensive repairs to woodwork ete., by using SHERWIN .WILLIAMS PAINTS .Lloyal citizens do z_m_t. hoard. They buy only for their im- mediate needs. They cheerfully adjust their standard of living, realizing that their country’s needs must come first. They do not try to gain unfair ad- vantages over their neighbours. Are ybu a hoarder or a loyal citizen? Are you hampering Canada’s war effort by un- necessary buying? Or are you Good Selection of Paint Brushes FLITE, the new Casein Paint Pure Turpentine, Linseed Oil Shellac, Etc. WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOAR!) OTTAWA E'th 1 for interior and exterior “THE HOARDER†In cases where it is advisable for you to buy in advance of your immediate requirementsâ€"such as your next season's coal supplyâ€"you will be encouraged to do so by direct statement from responsible officials. We Deliver If Canadians do their duty, there will be no more hoarding. Everyone will get a fair share of the goods available. More food can be sent to Great Britain. More raw materials -- more manpower - will be available for making guns, tanks, planes and other armaments to back up our armed forces. co-operating to the best of your ability to save Canada from such horrors asJHong Kong? People who buy more of any- thing than they currently need, and merchants who encourage them to do so, are sabotaging the war effort and are therefore public enemies. EARLY SPRING Wild plum trees and cherry trees are in full blossom, tulips are in flower, a great many farmers have completed seeding, vegetables are well through the grOund in many gardens, trees are in almost full leaf, in one of the earliest spring seasons on record. George Fuller this morning handed us a blade of some kind of grass in almost full head. It looks like Timothy but we are not expert enougn to say that it is or isn’t. Liberal classified “ad-s†pay good dividends. You are asked to reserve the date of May 20th by our own local YJP.U. who are having the Leaside Y.P.U. come to visit them that night and present their play “Eyes of Love" in the Community Hall. Mr. and Mrs. W. Knappman and family of Toronto, Mrs. Fred Sand- erson of Hamilton called at Mr. Bert Sanderson‘s on Sunday evening, also Mr. Roger Britnell. Master John and Nelson Buchanan spent: the weekâ€"end with their grand- parents at Elia, returning on Sun- day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Middleton of Temperanceville and family called on Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buchanan on Sunday evening. Miss Dorothy Oliver had tea on Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boynton. Word was received on Sunday that Pilot Officer James A. Mo‘C‘ague was reported missing- after air opera- tions over enemy territory on Satur- day. Some 16 fighter planes failed to return and he was one of them. He was a pilot on a Spitfire. James is a Ibrother of H. D. McCague here at Victoria Square. The sympathy of the community is extended to the family. on May 3, 6, , 8 and 10. Services will be held on each evening at 8.8-0 on Sundays and 8 o’clock week nights with an extra afternoon ser- vice on May 10th at 73 o'clock. The speakers will be from the Student Evangelistic Band of Emmanuel Col- lege Toronto. The students taking part are Stewart Crysdale, Bruce Hall and 8% Oliver. Everyone in this community and surrounding neigh’borhood are cordially invited to ‘be present and enjoy these meet- ings VICTORIA SQUARE Don’t be PM May THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO for the special serv'ces ctoria Square church 8 an; 10. Services GRAHAM, Marion Smith â€"â€" At her late residenc‘e, 1145 Yonge Street, Riihrmond Hill, Tuesday, April 28th, 1942, Marion Sémith, widow of the late James R. G'raham, in her 85th DIED BURNSâ€"At his late residence, Richmond Hill, Thursday, April 30, 1942, William E. Burns, husband of the late Mary Shearn, in his 82nd year. Funeral from! his late resi- dence to St. Mary’s RC. Church for Requiem High Ma55 Monday, May 4 at 10 a.m. Interment at Thornhill Cemetery. The small daughter sat watching her mother making up her face, no doubt wondering what it was all about. When it came to the time for the application of the lipstick the small girl could contain herself no longer. “What do you put all that on your »McAR‘THURâ€"â€"At her late residence, Port Credit, Wednesday, April 2r9th, 1942, Emily McArthur, widow of the late Arthur McArthur, in her 82nd year: Resting at the Funeral Par- lors of Wright and Taylor, Rich- mond Hill. Requiem High Mass at St. Mary’s RC. Church, Richmond Hill Saturday, May 2nd at 10 am. Interment at Thornhill Cemetery. year The funeral service was held at the above address Thursday, 3‘C‘th instant, at 2.30. Interment follow- ed in Richmond Hm Cemetery. face for, Mmmmie?†she asked “‘Mummie puts it on to make look pretty,†came the reply. Congratulations to R. G. Lake, son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Lake who receivedhis wings and commis- sion as Pilot Officer at Hagersville Training School last Friday. He will shortly take up his duties as inâ€" structor at Trenton. ' Queen’s York Rangers are con- ducting an active recruiting cami- p‘aign for Canada‘s Home Defence Army and a large number of men throughout the district are signing up. It is a possibility that a Com- pany of the Regiment may train at Thornhill and the Lawrence Me- morial Hall may be used for this purpose. “Then why doesn’t it?" asked small girl innocently. ’ Mr. Nelson Hickson who has been with the R.C.N.V.R. in Toronto for the past two months, was transferr- ed to Halifax on Monday, where he will continue his training as a ship’s writer The many friend! 01' Miss Betty Sumner wish her a speedy rec0very from her operation in Grace H03- pital for appendicitis. The monthly meeting of the Young Ladies' Guild will be held at the home of Miss Audrey Michell. Memâ€" bers please note that the Michell-s have recently moved to 50 Edgecombe Drive, Toronto. We are happy to report that Mr. Stan Little is now progressing rapid’ 1y from septic sore throat. The friends of Miss Marjorie Jamieson gathered at the home of Miss Audrey O‘ke to celebrate Miss Jamieson's birthday. Mr. Hevbert Home visited friends in the villhge last week. Mr. Jnhn Pickett Sr. was a guest of Mr. Michael Pickett. The Young People’s Union of the Thornhill United Church will con- duct the evening service at the church on Sunday evening. May 3rd. Miss Erla Currey of Queen St. Unit- ed Church will be the guest speaker, Mr. Bert Kelso of Toronto soloist. Following the-church service there will he a fellowship service with Mr. Ed. McClure of Sherbourne St. Unit- ed Chunch as guest speaker. Every- one is invited to be present. {Miss Emma Hord and Mr. James Herd attended the annual Convocaâ€" tion in Divinity, of Victoria Univers- ity and closing exercises of Emman- uel College at Trinity United Church, Toronto at which Raymond Hord, B.A., son of Mr. James Herd, re- ceived his graduation diploma. The regular monthly meeting of Thornhfll United Church Women's Missionary Auxiliary will be held in the church school room Tuesday, May 5th at 3.30 pm. Good Vote Polled Monday Thornhill recorded a decisive “yes†majority in the voting last, Monday. In the Markham polling division the vote was 486 “yes†and 26 “noâ€, and' in the Vaughan division 164 “yes†and 17‘“noâ€. It was a very good turn out of voters and we extend congratulations to the citizens. The Thornhill W.I. recently receiv- ed a cheque of $7.45 for fats, bones etc. left at the Eciwal'ds (butcher shop. Thornhill her the RED CROSS DRIVE Richmond Hill Lions‘ Club in co- operation with the local Red Cross Branch will conduct the local canâ€" vass for funds for Red CrBss work starting May 11th. F195?!“ ()0 row. Red winged Blackbird. Yes, on outer tips of tail. Baltimore Oriole. Blue Jay, Cardinal, Cedar Wax- wing, Crested Flycatcher, Pileat- ed Woodpecker. - . Cedar Wax-wing. . Downy, Hairy Woodpecnkers, sucker. and Red-headed Flicker and Sap- Sunday, May 3rd Easter 4 10 a.m.â€"S\md~ay School. 11 a.m.â€"H0Ly Communion. 7 pm. â€" Evening Prayer and Ser‘ Sunday, May 3rd 1030 a.m.â€"«Sunday School. 11.45 a.m.â€"Divine Worship. The Minister will preach. mon. All welcome RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brebhen. B.A.. Minister Sunday, May 3rd 10 a.m.â€"Sundiay School. 11 a.m “Morning Worship. Rev. James H. Anderson, B.A., of King United Church will preach. 7 p.m.â€"~Evening Worship conducted by the Minister. All are welcome. 10. Male Rev Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. I..Th. 4 Markham Road Yellow. Nuthatch. Meadowlark, Junco, Vesper Spar- ANSWERS 'I‘O BIRD QUIZ Tires and Gasoline FARM and POULTRY Stelco Fence PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 29 Y onge Street ST. M ARY'S CHURCH S. W. Hirtle, B.A., minister ._AT._ Cities Service Garage P11 one 259.] RICHMOND HILL Norman Bone We handle a complete line of farm and poultry fence and steel posts, barb wire and gates; All styles of wire and rail fence erected at reasonable rates. (Anglican) CEDAR POSTS â€"â€" ALL SIZES A SET OF WHEEL LOCKS FENCE FENCING CONTRACTOR GASOLINE. TANK LOCK 2 Elizabeth St. Richmond Hill SAVE YOUR BY PURCHASING THURSDAY, APRIL 80th, 1942 â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" TAKE NOTICE: The riding of hi- cycles on village sidewalks is for- bidden by by_law. This dangerous practice will not -be tolerated, and offenders will be prosecuted. The Village Caretaker will soon be making collection of Dog Tax. Please coâ€"op'erate by paying promptly when called on. Village By~La.w provides that it is forbidden for dogs to run at large in the Village of Richmond Hill on and after May lst. Dog- owners are asked to take notice and see that dogs are tied up on and after this date. The provisions of the by-law will be strictly enforced. RE BICYCLES 4W TIRE lIEE EXTENSION PLAN YOUNG’S SERVICE STATION YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL . You can'tgoo new Hus. Your pros-M “m mun soc you “nough “n nu! your at two. If you want up to o yolr'o extra on hem you: urn-yam cerâ€" NOTICE RE DOGS Ink 0: oboe! our KEPT ON THE ROAD FOR $2.00 a W! 5 TIRES- BY ORDER OF COUNCIL. Richmond Hill NOTICE By Order. VILLAGE COUNCIL.