Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 May 1942, p. 1

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Jack Walkington, Wireless Oper- ator of the R.‘C.A.F. Ferry Command, Dorval, Que. has been spending a few days leave with his parents Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Walking-ton, who have been staying in Maple for some weeks ‘before moving to their new home in King City. Rev. C. W. Bowman Was the guest speaker at the closing meeting of the United Church Y.P.U. on Monday night. A recitation was given by Mrs. Fockler accompanied by Mr. Fockler at the piano and Marjorie Bailey rendered a piano solo. An enjoyable time was spent in recre- ation at the close of the meeting. Don’t forget to get your tickets from- Ken Jennings for the Y.P.U. Ban- Miss Beatrice Mathewson of To- ronto spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Emery Math- ewson. Bernard DeVries, who is working in Oakvxlle visited with his parents Mr. and Mrs. L. DeBries on Sunday. The United Church Sunday School will observe Mother's Day next Sun- day, May 10th at 11 o‘clock in the church. Mrs. C. E. Fockler will be the speaker. Flying Officer Alex Walkingion of Rockcliffe, Ottawa, called on rela- tives and friends in the village last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brown of Me- Keesport, Penn., U.S.A., Miss Chris- tina Currie, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Currie and Richard of Toronto visit- ed on Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Weech of Isling'ton, Mrs. .AUbert Ellis and Shirley of Brampton spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Laver. Mrs. Gordon Ross of Montreal is spending a few weeks with her sis- ter Mrs. George Bailey. Miss Dorothy Keffer and Miss Marion Watson entertained at a small birthday party at Maple Villa on Thursday last in honor of Mrs. Charles Ball. The ladies of the Women’s Mis- sionary Society of the United Church will hcid their annual church ser- vice next Sunday evening, May 10. The guest speaker wnl ’be Mrs. Dun- can McRae who with her husband has recently returned from West China. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Cousins are glad to know they have taken up residence in Maple again. Mrs. George Lloyd of Toronto en- tertained at a tea in honor of Miss Edna. Hatwood on Saturday evening. Among those present were Mrs. A1- bert Bowes, Giiss Minnie Line and Mrs. Aex. Forrest. A number of 'friends from Maple attended the Graduation of Miss Edna Haltwood from the- Toronto Bible College on Thursday night last. Mr. and Mrs. William Egan and Lois of Bolton visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lawrie. Rev. A. C. and Mrs. Forrest of Hamilton spent a couple of days Rev. A. C. and Mrs. Forrest of Hamilton spent a couple of days visiting his parents Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Forrest. The Maple Unit of the Red Cross realized $16.85 in the sale of scrap this week. 1 33 BA PM E Tl] START M 0 N DAY VOL. LXHI. 'ALL WEEK â€"- MONDAY T0 SATURDAY, MAY 11 to 16 MICKEY ROONEY, JUDY GARLAND in "‘Please Do Not Destroy _‘_.THIS PAPER” It-i-s needed in Car-adn‘s War: Effort. Bundle your old newspapers and give them to your Salvage Committee. PHONE MO. "2172 Extra Cartoons and Serial for Saturday Matinee “ BABES ON BROADWAY ” â€" â€"â€" AND â€" â€" BRENDA MARSHALL, OLYMPE' BRADNA in Robert Taylor, Lana Turner, Edward Arnold in Thursday. Friday. Saturday, May 7, 8, 9 MAPLE NEWSY NOTES “ JOHANNY EAGER ” SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS CAPITOL THEATRE “ HIGHWAY WEST ” 300 Seats All Evening 25c. FIELD MOUSE COLORED “County Police officers are check- ing Speeders in RichmOnd Hill and there are plenty of offenders,” re- ported Councillor Bill Neal at Mon- day night’s meeting of the Richmond Hill Council. At the last meeting in response to complaints of speedâ€" ing in the village Councillor Neal was instructed to take action to check the violations of the traffic regulations. A County Officer has been on duty in the village and will continue to clock motorists and those exceeding the thirty mile speed limit will receive summonses to court. Tell your friends it costs money to drive fast in Richmond Hill. IRELANDâ€"In loving memory of Samuel Ireland, Maple, who passed away May 10, 1941. â€"48ad1y missed by wife and family. Police Check Speed In Richmond Hill David Harris, head boy of Toronto Bilble College in- 1942, will be the guest speaker at Pine Grove Con- gregational Church Sunday evening, ’May 10th at 7.30 o’clock. Pte. Jack Saigeon‘ of the Ordin- ance Corps, Stanley Barracks, spend: the week-endI at his home here. Plenty of Offenders Are Receiving Summons to Court Woodbridge District Dramatic Club will present a three-act play “Mother Talks Business” in Maple Concert Hall Friday, May 15th at 8 1p.m. sponsored by Maple United Church W.A. the proceeds to be used for church and war work. She leaves to mourn her loss one son Wilbur, his wife and grand- daughter Helen, also two nephews, Thomas and Joseph Baker of To- ronto. Mrs. Cousins was a sister of the late Thomas MoCormack. Late Mrs. Thomas Cousins The funeral iof the late Mrs. Thomas Cousins was held from her late residence on Thursday, April 23. Mrs. Cousins was in her 86th year, .born in.Hope and lived the greater part of her life in Maple. She was a member of Maple United Church and took an active part until recent years. On Tuesday evening, April 28 the P.Y.P.SV closed their meetings for the year with a banquet held in the Sunday School room. Guests were present from other Young People’s Societies and brought messages to the Guild. The guest speaker for the evening was Mr. Carl Goldeerg who, born in Vienna, told the Young People about the treatment of the Jews under Nazi rule. The soloist for the evening was Bruce McDon- ald. Mrs: 0. R. Church, of Streetsville, visited with her daughter, Mrs. Paul Snider, at Pine Grange, Tuesday. quet which is to be held in Maple Villa on Monday evening, May 11th at 7 o’clock. Mr. P. Bridgeland will be the guest; speaker and will show pictures of the Canadian Rockies, IN MEMORIAM Yonge at Castlefield “In Essentials, Unity; In Non-Essentials. MAY 25TH, FAIR DAY Richmond Hill Fair, Monday, May 25th. There will be a varied pro- gram in addition to the Horse Show and: other feature attractions. The Rev. W. F. Wrixon announced during service last Sunday that the church had received me promise of a beautiful Honour Roll. The names of over thirty members of the con- gregation now in the King’s Forces will Ibe inscribed on the Honour Roll and it is expected to have it dedi- cated on Sunday, May 24th next at a special Empire Day service. In the 1940 campaign Richmond Hill contributed approximately $1800. This time the objective is $2’fl00, just fifty per cent more. We are confi: dent Richmond Hill will do its full share. You can help in the work of can- vassing by having your donation ready when the representative calls at your door. Don’texpect them to visit with you â€"â€" leave that for an- other night. If you are going to be out Monday evening, arrange your contribution in advance 'by telephon- ing the Chairman of the committee. Richmond Hill’s share of the na- tion-wide Red Cross campaign for $9,000,000 is $2700 and while this is a substantial amount it is hoped that With the enthusiastic 'coâ€"operation of every citizen that it can ‘be obtain- ed. In the local campaign the Lions Club members are cu-uperating- with the Red 'Cross in carrying out a. house to house canvass. Volunteer canvassers have been assigned to various streets and districts and it it proposed that all will start out at 7.30 Monday evening, and as far as is possible the aim is to com- plete the job in one night. To this end the committee headed by Lion President R. D. Little asks the co- operation of every citizen. Canvas To Be Made Monday Next $2,700 ls Objective For Red Cross Drive ForRichmond Hill RICHMOND HUJL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1942 HONOUR ROLL FOR ST .MARY’S CHURCH, RICHMOND HILL TWO KINDS OF CROSSES There was a most generous re- sponse to the annual Tag Day ap- peal for the Canadian NatiOnal In- stitute for the Blind in Richmond Hill last Saturday. The Tag Day receipts were $75.00 and donations to date amount to $5.50 {bringing the total to $80.56. The Tag Day was in charge of a committee 0f Mrs. R. Cuttance, Mrs. W. Edmonds and Mrs. J. E. Smith. The taggers who did a fine job throughout the day were: Betty Wilson, Marjorie Patterson, Alvlerna Smith, Helen Ransom, Marian Little, Eleanor Young, Margaret Ransom, Helen Patterson, Betty Smith, Doris Bow- yer, Nancy Austin, Audrey Hirtle, Dorothy Bowes, Mary Butt and Shirley Paris. Following this service there will be a Y.P. Fireside Service at 8.15 p.m‘. A very capable speaker in the person of Mr. Lasoelles, will give the address. Vocal music will be rendered by the Heise Quartette, and instrumentals by the Tyndall Trio. An invitation to all Young People is extended. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN Y.P.S. On Sunday evening, May 10, there will be an evening church service in the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church at 7 pm. sponsored by the Young People. The speaker will be Dr. W. A. Cameron, General Secre- tary of the Board of Missions, the Presbyterian Church in Canada. The leport presented at municipal council meetings Monday was well received by mem'b-el's of council. The increased earnings are attributed to the increased employment through- out the area served by the line. This profit has been divided Ibe- tweeri the municipalities, Richmond Hill receiving a cheque for $1,024.01. Vaughan and Markham each receiv- ing $439.75, and North York Town- ship $2,448.73. North Yonge Radials continue to show mounting revenue and increas- ed profits, and the report for the first three months: of 1942 shows an operating profit of $4,452.24, com- pared with a profit of $2,264.93 for the first quarter of the year 1941. Passenger revenue for the three month period was $26,404.79, com- pared with $21,219.45 for the same period last year, an increase of $5,â€" 185.34, or 24.44 per cent. Radial Profit First Quarter$5,185.34 I-‘f‘l wert‘ Revenue Up '24.4 Per Cent Over Same Period Last Year TAG DAY FOR THE BLIND REALIZES $80.56 VIpfiAll Things, Charity”. “Yes and they do a lot of good,” said councillor Dr. Wilson in mov- ing- that a grant of $10 be given .ny the municipality. The motion was seconded by Councillor R. D. Little. “I’d support it gladly if it was $25,” said Reeve T. H. Trench. “It’s not your own money you're voting,” said Councillor Middleton. “‘Some of it is", said the Reeve. “It’s a lot of other people’s too,” said councillor Middleton. The motion to give a grant of $10 carried with all mem- bers supporting it except councillor Middleton. A grant of $10 was voted to the Salvation Army Iby Richmond Hill Council at Monday night’s meeting, with Councillor Wes Middleton op- posing the motion. The appeal from the Army asked for .a donation to help carry on the social service ac- tivities off the organization. “If any individual wants to give a donation that’s his czm business," said councillor Middleton, “but I don7t think we have any right to sit her“. and vote the taxpayers’ money for any such grant. We’ve never given a gran; before. We allow them to have a tag day every year when everyone who feels like it can give a donation. The Army is a wealthy organization,” he said, “and they raise a, lot of money.” ' Market Building Secured to Train Richmond Hill Co. Village Council Grants $10.00 To Salvation Army LtaCol. J. E. Bennet, officer com- manding the Queen’s York Rangers stated to The Liberal today, that the Richmond Hill Company of the Regiment now being recruited will train in the North York Market Building at the City Limits. He said arrangements have now been com- pleted with the Township of North York for the use of this building which will greatly facilitate the training plans of.the Company, as transportation was going to be a big item if training had to be car- ried on at Weston. The North York Market building is ideal for training purposes and the officers of the regiment feel they are fortunate in securing such fine quarters. The Richmond Hill Company will include men fiom Richmond Hill, Thornhill and Willowdale districts. Q----o.o.o-u.o.o.o.o.o-u Councillor Middleton Opposed To Motion By Councillors Dr. Wilson and R. D. Little Local Company of Queen’s York Rangers To Use North York Market Building With Betty Grable, Victure Mature, Carole Landis “SHUNGTHMflmH” With JEANETTE MCDONALD, BRIAN AHERNE â€"â€"â€"M%â€"â€"â€" Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, May 11, 12. 13 “ HELLZAPOPPIN ” With OLSEN & JOHNSON, MARTHA RAY â€"- â€"- â€" AND â€" â€" â€"- ‘6 “ FLYING CADETS ” With EDMUND LOWE, PEGGY MORAN NOVELTY â€" LEND A PAW WAKE UP SCREAMING ” NEWS The largest reduction is in the Concord school section where the rate this year is 2.5 compared With 5 mills last year. Among the large increases are Patterson With a rate On Thursday, May 14th at 3 o’- clock the regular monthly meeting of the Richmond Hill W.I. Will be held. The T‘hornhil‘l Branch will be in charge of the program. Members 'are asked to make an effort to be present as this is the last meeting of the season. Thornhill, general 6.6 mills, de~ benbure 8.7 mills; No. 2‘, Langstaff. general 8.1 mills, debenture 7.3 and 1.3; No. 3, Carrville, 3.2; No. 4, Richmond Hill, general 12.4; N0. 5', Hope, 4.5-; No. 6, Maple, 3.7; No. 7, Concord, general 2.5, debentures 0.7: No. 8, Edgeley, 2.9; No. 9, Vellore, 3.3; No. 10‘, Lot 30, Con. 6, 2.9; No. 311,. Purpleville, 3.4; No. 12, Pine Grove, general 4.4, debenture 2.0; No. 13, Lot 6, Con. 9, general 3.2., debenture 1.5; No. 14, Woodbridge, general 6.5, delbenture 1.2; No. L5, Elder’s Mills 2.3; No. 16, Coleraine 3.0; No. 17, Kleinlburg 5.0; No. 18. Nashville 2.5; No. 19, Patterson 6.0: No. 2-0, Lot 311, Con. 9, 2.5; No. 21, Jefferson 2.2; No. 22, Malton 2.3; No. 23, Elbenez‘er 2.8; No. 24, Rich- val‘e, general 10.2; No. 6, Separate 7.5. ‘ of 6 mills, a jump from 3.7 last year and Richvale up to 10.2 this year from 6.7 in 1941. It is needed in Canada’s War Effort. Bundle your old newspapers and give them to your Salvage Committee. Vaughan Township taxpayers will pay slightly reduced taxes this year compared with 1941, and there will be a prepayment discount of two per cent if paid on or before June 16th. There will be a discount of one per cent if taxes are paid on or before September 15th. The pre- payment discount was tried out last year for a short period and it prov- ed so popular with the ratepayers and so satisfactory 1n every way that the council at Monday’s regu- lar session decided to issue the tax bills early this year and allow a two per cent discount up to June 1~5th. Township Treasurer J. M. McDonald is now busy preparlng‘ the tax hills which will soon be ready for dis- tribution. The county rate this year is 7.1 mills, a reduction of .4 mills, and the rate for township purposes re- mains at 5 mills, the same as last year. The general school rate is 3.2 compared with 3.4 last year. The rate in Thornhill is 6.7 mills, one tenth of a mill down from 194.1, and in Maple the rate is down one mill to 6 mills. ' As usual the rates: in the school sections vary, some being reduced and some showing substantial inâ€" creases. The rates In the various school sections are as follows: Vaughan Township ‘ To Give Discountl; 0n Tax Payments “Please Do Not Destroy THIS PAPER” WOMEN’S INSTITUTE N0. 45.

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