Centre St. E. Richmond Hill Office Hours -â€" 1 - 4 pm. daily 6 - 8 p.m. daily except Wednesday ' Telephone 24 Richmond Hill WOOOOWOOOOW MAPLE Thirty Years Experlence Formerly with Heintzman Company have Orders at Austin’s Drug Store R‘chmond Hill From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils b Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hili~TuesdayA and Friday DR. JAMES R. LANGSTAFF Office Hours: 9-11 a.m. daily except Sunday and 6-8 pm. daily except Sunday and_ Wednesday“ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publip Resxdence â€" 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 Room 66, 18 Toronto St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877-8-9 DENTIST PHONE 70 YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Drs. Langstaff DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF 93 Yonge Street Immediater North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Ofï¬ce â€"â€" 18"1‘oronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Alexander MacGregor K.'C. 814 Confede'ation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Rec. MO. 2886 Mice 229 A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER McK-innon Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ontario Barris’oem, Solicitors. etc. Wm. Cook, K. C. J. A. Gibson Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Bate J. R. HERRINGTON General Insurance Richmond Hill Telephone 87 1924 Policies issued through this ofï¬ce covering Farm Property â€"Private Dwellings and their contentsâ€"Automobile â€" Plate Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, ate. Claims Settled Promptly B. Bloomfield Jordan Office Hours: 10 to 12 am BARRIS'I'ER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST Bank of Commerce Building Telephone 80 Dr, R. A. Bigford mmsmg, soucmon, Etc. VOL. LXIII. Dr. J. P. Wilson Walter S. Jenkins George W. Cross Piano Tuner Dr. W. J. Mason THURSDAY AFTERD'OON BARRIS’I‘E‘R & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Adelmo Melech -10 OFFICE HOURS 9.36 to 12 â€" z to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephones Office Hours ) a.m.. 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 p.m. and by appointmentfl T. C. Newman Cook & Gibson Richmbnd Hill Every MEDICAL INSURANCE MUSICAL DENTAL MRS. MYLKS THORNHILL $1.50 PER VEAR IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES 50. 84 Ybnge Street Ricnmond Hill LEGAL Residence 148 Phone 100 Phone 3 1942 80,000 food' parcels a week for British prisoners of war in Nazi- held territory is the objective of the Canadian Red Cross this year. Pres., Mrs. John Dalziel; 2nd Vice- Pres., Mrs. Wm. Fleming; Sec., Miss L. MioNeil; Assistant Sec., Mrs. Ed- gar Brownlee; District Director, Mrs. W. 0. Duncan; Directors, Mrs. John Kella‘m, Mrs. James Elliott, Miss Mary Wallace, Mrs. A. B. Cousins; Pianist, Mrs. W. 0. Duncan; Flower ‘Com., Mrs. A. B. Cousins and Mrs. A. Hollingshead; Pu’blicity Sec., Mrs. Edgar Brownlee. .At the annual meeting of the Woodbridge Senior Institute held at the home of Mrs. H. N. Smith, the following officers were elected for 1942-1943: Hon. Pres., Mrs. Arthur IMlcNeil and Mrs. W. 0. Duncan; Pres., Mrs. H. N. Smith; lst Viae- Motorists who were given an A or B category when the gas ration 'books were handed out can soon laugh at their more fortunate neigh- bours who lboasted of BX, C or high- er ratings. Insurance rates will in future “be adjusted according to your gas ration rating. Reductions for the lowly A or B and increases for the others. Perhaps some of those folks who insisted on a big ration book which they didn’t need will now regret it. Prior to July 1938 the expense of hospitalizing patients at sanitoria was distributed among local muni- cipalities, the counties and the pro- vincial government. The Counties paid at the rate of $10.50 per week per patient and half of this amount was charged Iback to the municipal- ity. In July 1938 the Hepburn gov- ernment assumed the full cost of maintaining indigent consumptive patients and by this have saved the municipalities of Ontario some $5,- 600,000 during the past three years. The saving to York County mun- icipalities in 194J1 was $73,185. Dur- ing last year the County had 239 such patients in sanitotia. They in- cluded 1 from Richmond Hill, 3 from King, 5 from Markham township, 4 from Vaughan, 4 from Whitchurch, 21 from North York Township. ‘ Monday, June 8, will be observed as the King’s birthday in Canada this year, said a proclamation printâ€" ed in the Canada Gazette on Mon- day. The proclamation followed the custom observed in recent years of having the celebration during the summer period rather than on De- cemlber 14, His Majesty’s actual birthday. An American paper tells a story about a motorist who returned to his car to find it jacked up and the tires removed. A purse containing some jewelry was left on the car seat (the property or the car own- er), and [beside it the following note: “Roses are red, and violets are blue, Your jewels are valuable, but your tires are new.†Johnnie: “No fear. I don’t yant my face slapped like daddy’s was." (Mother; “Johnnie, you must go down and see the new nurse. Go and give her a nice kiss!†Isaac Borinska, prominent ville creamery proprietor of ville died last week at the 72 years. The Canadian Red Cross is Ready! Commencing May 9th there will be a forty minute service on North Yonge Radials to Richmond Hill and a twenty minute service to Steele’s corners. “Blankets for Britons†are sup- plied by the Canadian Red Cross ‘by the thousands for bom‘bed out civil- ians and shelter sleepers. The price hardships. mination. Remember the speed limit is now forty miles per hour. Richmond Hill Annual Fair, Mon- day, May 25th. General News & Views Give generously to the Red Cross ceiling may work some Inflation would mean Stouff- Stoufsf- age of RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 7th†1942. Birds care for their nestlings as tenderly as human parents look af- ter their children. “They feed them wisely too. Songlbirds don’t feed In addition to beautiful song's, spring birds are interesting because ocf the artful ways they build- their homes. Of course there are a few kinds of birds, like the goldfinch, which don’t weave their nests until late summer, lbuy many of the ’best Linown birds all have woven the year’s cradles for their yOung by late- May. Mother and father 'birds work together building nests, ‘but the mother usually‘ does most of the work while the farther sings. One of the amazing things about bird nests is the way they always are placed where they will be protected from storm and sun. If you would like to attend a con- ‘cert so lovely you can never forget it, you should go on an early morn- ing [bird walk in May or June. In May, birds start to sing- before dawn, by four-thirty when the sky is just starting to grow grey, every male bird in the land is pouring out his heart in song. If you and your friends visit the woods at this mys- terious, magic hour, you will hear a chorus so rich and full that you can hardly tell it is made of separ- ate songs. Down in the beautiful green jungles of South America lives a handsome thrown cousin of our com~ mon Jenny Wren, and both the fe- male and male can sing. These birds sing little wild‘ duets as they hop about through the Ibranches of rubber trees and lofty ferns. There are very few [birds like this jungle wren in the world. One reason birds are especially attractive now is their spring songs. They slng‘ more loudly and joyrfully in May than at any other time. The songs of this golden season always sound lzke an anthem sung :by a worldful of tiny choristers. Do you know that only male «birds take "part in this chorus? Making friends with birds is fun. It is fun in warm shady summer; it is fun in frosty autumn when geese are honking high overhead. It is good sport in winter too when you scatter crutntlhs for the cold. hungry .lbirds. But, most of all, feathered creatures belong to spring. to the pleasant. lazy days when sun- shine streams down through lbaby leaves from a blue, blue sky. And May, you might say, is the birdiest of all months. The woods and fields are fairly brimming over with hand- some little songbirds now. This is the time for long- Ibird walks. There are so many happy, interesting things to see. ‘HONE 10, THE ELEVATOR BIRD CHATTER I. D. Ramer & Son FUL 0 CHIQK "3‘ *7 “PE STARTER P . Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter has the wonderful oatmeal base! . Also contains Concentrated Spring Range â€" many health beneï¬ts of fresh pasture. . Balanced in minerals, vitamins, proteins and carbohydrates. . Save up to 1/3 to 1/2 on feed cost by following the Ful-O-Pep rearing plan. The Easy Way to Succeed wit/.7 Chicks RAISE THEM ON May 2, Yellow War'bler, length 5â€. Male, with chestnut streaks on sides; female, duller and without the streaks. Often known as the “Sum- mer Yellow Bird†and is seen flitt- ing albout like a gleam of sunshine snatching insects from the foliage or dartmg- after them in the air. May 4th, Baltimore Oriole, length 11/2 inches. Brilliance of plumage, May 2nd, Brawn Thrasher, length 1'11/2 in. Color afbove bright reddish brown, below white with blaék spots. Song, a (bright and cheerful carol always clear and SIWESt, call a clear whistled wheu-u. April 30th, Boboiin‘k, length 7% inches. Two of those were seen to- gether. When nesting it is the merry minstrel of the meadows, clad in its neat suit of black, white and buff. It is known as bobolink and its tinkling song is heard overhead. This song- is different from that of any other bird, so rapid and bubbling that the notes fairly fall over each other. April. 28th, whip-poor-will, length 91/2» inches. Their main food con- sists of insects and in twilight most of their time is spent flying albout, sweeping up the insects of the air, but during the day they rest much of the time. ‘Here are some very interesting bird notes made by one who gets a great deal of pleasure feeding and studying her feathered friends. At her feeding station she and the birds have become quite good friends. So much so that the friendly little ohicadees will perch on her hand and enjoy the food she holds for them. Birds of the week -â€" last week in April and first week in May. We all should feel glad just to 'be alive in May. The world, in spite of wars, seems so comfortable and ‘happy after the long winter. Just ‘to go outdoors and discover wild' flowers or watch the leaves come out on the trees makes one happy. But most of all we enjoy the thrill- ing drama. of the bird world; the music of Ibrave, winged fathers watching over hidden nurseries; the clever tricks of feathered mothers to protect their children; great numr bers of ‘bright-coloreu songlbirds re- turning from their winter haunts. We hope you will share the excite- ment of these events, learning through your own eyes and ears the fascinating story of our lovely birds. their babies seeds like they eat rbut caterpillars, grasshoppers and wild berries. These things are healthful like spinach and cod liver oil for human beings. Insects and berries are full of vitamins which are ne- cessary for healthy Foodies. FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY RICHMOND HILL Tel. Maple 82 KING & MABLE - Tel. King 2300 Graduate Ontario Veterinary College and McKilly’s Veterinary College, Chicago Dr. G. D. and Mrs. McLean of Woodfbridge have announced the en- gagement of their daughter, Mary Denton. to Lieutenant John Law- rence Elder, son of Mrs. Elder and the late Mr. George T. Elder, To- ronto. The marriage will take place on Saturday, May 9th, in Woodbridge United Church at seven o’clock. May 4th, House Wren, length 4% inches. The most common and fam- iliar member of the Wren family; a tiny bird with an extreme rippling, laughing song which reminds one strongly of a. musical waterfall or purling brook. His upturned, perky tail, however, is quite as notable a mark of his personality. This jubi- lant songster should have been named Laughing Water. sweetness of song, and faultless food habits make the Baltimore Oriole a favorite with mankind, a very so- ciafble bird. Its attractive basket- shaped nest usually hangs near a. house from the extreme end of a bough woven from bits of string and grasses securely fastened to the branch as to make it safe even in stormy weather. Hang Nest, Fire Bird and Golden Robin are other names applied to the oriole. G. I. Roberts V.S., B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON MAPLE, ONT. M.D.V.V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. S. W. Armitage WOODBRIDGE VETERINARY Empire Feed Co. RICHMOND HILL R.R., ONT. Willowdale 418 C. E. Wallcington AUCTIONEER INSURANCE Licensed Auctioneer for the Count-y of York Insuranceâ€"Life, Fire, Automobile. Plate Glass, Burglary, Guarantee Bonds, Accident Etc. KING CITY P.0. Phone KING 421-3 Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of York and Ontario Successor for Corporal Ken Prentice of C.A.S.F. and of the late J. H. Prentice, formerly (Prentice & Prentice) Farm and Farm Stock Saies a Ipe- cialty at fair and reasonwbie rues, Milliken Phone Agincourt 52w3. AUCTIONEER MKPLE Licensed Auctioneer f0! the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at {easonableï¬â€™ra-tos J. T. SAI-G‘EON & SON Farms and vi-llage property for sale and exchange Richmond Hill Phone 1 Office Kingsdale 4812 WANT ADS COVER AND DISCOVER A MULTITUDE OF NEEDS FUNERAL DIRECTéRb AMBULANCE SERVICE Sichmond H'iH Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at Insurance FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€" LIFE THORN HILL AND UNIONWLIJ‘J Ernest W. Hunter CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Blom' St. West, Toronto, Ont. Phones: Wright & Taylor AUCTIONEERS Clarke Prentice J. Carl Saigeon R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE INSURANCE BUSINESS Residence Hargrave 0795 Phone 92-3 N0. 45.