This dangerous practice will not -be tolerated, and offenders will be prosecuted. TAKE NOTICE: The riding of bi- cycles on village sidewalks is for- bidden by layâ€"law. A heavy frost was reported- throughout the district Monday night but it is still difficult to estimate the extmt of the damage. “Ice as thick as a quarter†was reported by early risers Tuesday morning. SATURDAY, MAY 9â€"Auction sale of household furniture etc. the pro- perty of James Patton, King City, at the former Dr. Pinkerton propâ€" erty, sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. C. E. Walkington, Auctioneer. RE BICYCLES MASTER F E E D S F EEDERS Who Keep Records EVENTUALLY Buy ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH Offered at Public Auction JONES COAL Co. EVERY YEAR our sales of Master Chick Starter and Master Growing Mash have increased â€" proof that it pays to use Master Feeds. Raise your 1942 pullets on Master Chick Starter and Master Growing Mash and you will become another one of the many enthusiastic Master Feeders. A ON TUESDAY, MAY 12TH SEVENTY-FIVE HOLSTEIN HEIFERS and Four Bull Calves will be ' Phone Thornhill 54 "Poultry, Hog, Dairy and Dog Feeds YONGE STREET THORNHILL Richmond Hill Don’t Run Low on coal. Let us fill your bin with our RED trade. marked premium coal that costs you not a, penny extra. These animals are from T3. accredited herds, and are Federally blood tested. They are offspring of such sires as Shady Elms Pietje Black Ace, Paul Gerben Supreme, Abegweit Sport Model, Cherry Lane Rag Apple Baron and Centre View Royal Prince. The animals have been reared under ordinary farm con- ditions and are in an excellent state of health. Sale catalogues may be obtained up0n request from the Ontario Department of Health, Hospitals Divi- sicn, 11 Queen’s Park, or from the Steward’s office, Ontario Hospital, Langstaff. The sale will begin promptly at 11 a.m. Luncheon will be served at 12.30 p.m. FROST MONDAY NIGHT For sale by Stock Reduction Sale ONTARIO HOSPITAL, LANGSTAFF Sale Register PAGE FOUR NOTICE By Order, VILLAGE COUNCIL. A stock reduction sale will be held at the W. R. DEAN Phone 188 Recruits are wanted for Canada‘s Home Defence Forces. Recruiting office at 33 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill in charge of A. J. McLatchy and R. W. Hall. Chairman E. D. Cunningham re- viewed the progress of the Salvage Committee since its organization on March 20th and expressed satisfac- ‘tion with the fine measure of co- operation extended by the memfbers of the committee and the citizens generaily. E. D. Cunningham, chairman of the Richmond Hill Salvage Commit- tee with R. Walker Hall and Paul E. Angle, committee members inter- viewed memlbers of the Municipal council Monday night and asked that the village co-operate in the salvage effort by designating one of the reg- ular refuse collections, as a. salvage collection. Reeve T. H. Trench and all members of council concurred in the suggestion and from now on the second Tuesday of each month there will be a collection of refuse and on the fourth Tuesday a collection of salvage. The regular collection of refuse will be next Tuesday, May 12. This is for all waste material usual- ly taken in the municipal refuse col- lection which is not useful as salv- age. The Salvage collections previ- ously scheduled for the first and third Tuesday, will in future be held on the fourth Tuesday of every month, the next one being Tuesday, May 26th. Village Co-Operates InSalvageCollection It was felt this was a very satis- factory arrangement, solving the transportation problem for the local salvage committee and placing no extra burden on the municipality. It simply means the town is con- ‘verting one of its regular refuse Clollectinns into a sawage collection. GH‘EZ-‘VIKOII RESTAURANT, Elgin ’Mills, Ontario. New buildings, ready for lbusiness. Excellent equipment. Splendidly situated. Apply at Law Office of B. B. Jordan, Richmond Hill, Ont. PAJS‘TURE for lots of water. 176 Richmond summer, 4 rooms and bath, constant hot water. Apply 68 Richmond St, phone 13w. 100 ACRES, good pasture, well fenc- ed, and plenty of water. Also one heavy horse rising 3 for sale. A5)- ply J. H. Brooiks, Aurora P.O., Ont. FURNISHED APARTMENT for the LARGE 4 RJOOvM COTTAGE with a large garden and chicken house, and electricity. Now vocant. $15 month- ly. Apply W. J. Hopper, Egflin St, Thlorn‘hill. Benzocaine. The new local anaes- thetic. Puts corns to 'sleep immedi- ately. Get a jar to-day. Scotchmer’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. The Village Caretaker will soon be making collection of Dog Tax. Please co-operate by paying promptly when called on. FOR SALE OR RENT LLOYD’S CORN SALVE contains The provisions of the by..1aw will be strictly enforced. Village Byâ€"Law provides that it is forbidden for dogs to run at large in the Village of Richmond Hill on and after May lst. Dog owners are asked to take notice and see that dogs are tied up on angl after this date. Rev. A. H. and‘ Mrs. Halbert visit- ed the Dawnsview Circuit Y.P. Unâ€" ions at As‘bury United Church on Tuesday evening. ; The many friends of Raymond Round were pleased to hear his voice on the “Overseas Broadcasï¬â€ last Saturday evening. The Golden Rule Mission Band‘ met last Saturday with over thirty in attendance. Seventeen mem’bers were added to the memlbership roll mak- ing a total now of thirty-Seven paid \memlbers. Jean Lippett (presided: The meeting opened with quiet mu- sic and all repeating the Memibers" Purpose, a hymn and the Lord's ‘Prayer in unison. The scripture lesson was read by Norma Loekyer and the Bible story given by Hazel Heeling. Tommy Adair received’ the offering and Jean Lippett gave the offertory prayer. A recitation was given by Margaret Eberhart and a ‘vocal selection was sung by seven little girls. Wilma Adair contribut- a piano solo. Georgina Plain *gave a reading “A Thanksgiving 'Legend". The study book chapter ‘was told in story form by Miss Isa- bel Allard. Mrs. Halbert told the life story of Nikku, a. little Indian boy, illustrated by coloured lantern slides. The next meeting will be held on Saturday, May 16th. Misses Marion, Evelyn and Lottie Case of Toronto have come 'back to their bungalow at Northmount for the summer months. Mrs. Raymlond‘ Round and‘ Miss Ruth Douglas spent last week-end in Hamilton. The Young People’s Union visited Thornhill Y.P.U. last Monday even- ing and report a very happy time. Next Monday evening Thornhill Y. P.U. will be guests of Newtonubrook Y.P.U. The Girls’ Mission Circle will meet at the Parsonage next Tuesday even- ing. May 12 at 8 o’clock. The mem- bers are asked to bring in the sew- ing which was given out some time ago. There will also be a shower for the missionary bale. Any good used clothing will be very accept- able. Every member is requested to attend and' bring a friend with you. The local Auxiliary of the WlMlS. enjoyed the hospitality of Laskay W.M.‘S. last Wednesday at their May meeting. O. Bales and Mrs. James Murray of Toronto will bring a message on “Christian Stewardshipâ€. The ladies of the‘ church and community are cordially invited to attend. The Woman’s Association will meet on Thursday afternoon in the 8.8. hall of the United Church. There will ‘be a. quilting for the Red Cross. The Auxiliary of the W.MJS. will hold a shower for the missionary bale at their regular meeting next Tuesday, May 12th. at 2.30 pm. at the Parsonage. The study :book chapter will ’be reviewed‘ by Mrs. 'C. NOTICE RE DOGS NEWTON BROOK BY ORDER OF COUNCIL. PERSONAE TO RENT THE LIBERAL, RILHMOND l-HLL, 0N? ARIO cattle for the season, L. H. Clement, phocne Hill 7 p.m.~â€"Young People’s Service. Guest preacher, Rev. W. A. Cam- eron, B.A., B.D., General Secretary ocf the Board of Missions. 8.15 p.m.-â€"Fireside Service. Special musical numlbers by the Tyndall Trio and the Heise Quartette. Speaker, Mr. Lascelles, Toronto. Come and worship with us. Warning Notice RE CORN BORER All com growers, whether on the farm or elsewhere, are hereby noti- fied that all corn stu‘blblre must either be ploughed under completely or else gathered and burned BEFORE M‘AY 20th, and that failure to do so leaves the offender liable to prosecution, or to having to pay the cost of sending men in to do the work. Signed, R. J. MacTA‘GGAR‘T, Assistantsâ€" F. Marritt, Ke‘smcx G. Sellers, Aginlcourt Wilfred Fountain, Sharon Stewart McQuay, Gormley Frank O. Reeve, Woodbridge THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL ‘Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, May 10th 11:30 a.m.â€"The Sunday School. 11.45 a.m.â€"Mother"s Day Service for S.S. and Congregation. The min- ister will preach. mon. A welcome to all men. 7 p.m. â€" Evening Two local organizations have ask- ed‘ that the salvage committee share with them the proceeds of the salv- age sold, yet not one member of either organization has volunteered to assist in the collection of the salvage, the sorting which takes hours of time, or the preparation for shipping and the actual loading of the trucks from Toronto. If eith- er of these organizations had sup- plied volunteer workers who had‘ been ready to give several days work in assisting the committee, the re- quest to share in the receipts might have seemed more in order. Sunday, May 10th. Rogation 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Morning Prayer and Ser- Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., Minister Sunday, May 10lâ€"IMother's Day 11 a.m.-â€"'Com|bined church and’ Sun- day School service. A special Mother’s Day pro-gramme will be followed and members of the church and Sunday School will participate. 7 :p.m.â€"vaening Worship â€" “Our Mothers“. All are welcome. :Many people still put bottles, tins, rags, rubber, etc. all in one con- tainer evidently unconscious of the fact that all these items must 'be sorted and put in different contain- ers by the committee. If the rags and rubber were put in paper bags, the tins tied securely and the bottles put in a (basket or carton it would greatly assist the collectors. Some people have failed to read former suggestions as broken crock- ery is still mixed with salvage, and this is of no use but is rather a menace ’60 the sorters.‘ in the salvage venture. She cuts the top all [but about one half incl; empties the can, rinses it, then pushes! the top inside. Then the can is in- verted and the bottom cut out all but one hallf inch. The bottom is pushed inside and by stepping on it the tin is flattened, no end is lost and the lady has run no chance of cutting her finger. This week the collectors left many things that had ‘been' put out for collection but were not of use as salvage. It is to ‘be hoped that all citizens will again read over the lists of articles acceptable as salvage and! will set out for collection only those articles that can be disposed of 'by 1he committee. To those who find it difficult to flatten tins we would suggest a pro- cedure used by a certain young housewife who is vitally intereste?! For this week’s salvage collection the use of the truck was donated- by Little Bros. and it was driven by Sidney» Leppard. Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixcn. L.Th. 4 Markham Road Salvage Notes RICHMOND HILL RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Chief Inspector for the County of York (Anglican) Prayer and Ser- TEAJM GENERAL purpose houses, mare and gelding, *5 and 6 years- old. 10 cows, Holsteins and Durhams, fresh. Chestnut colt 1 year old, good. Edgar Thompson, Summit Hotel, Oak Ridges. D'EJL'AVAL MILKE‘Rrâ€"Act quick Have one installed oe1ore the busy season. Also Woods Grinders, Frigâ€" idaire Coolers and uentury Motors. Lilberal Trade-ins. Write or phone for prices. B. R. Leech, TORONTO RIADIO & SPORTS, 241 Yonge St, phone Wa. 4601. ‘O’U‘S’DO‘M HA’TOHING. Our incu- ‘bators now in full swing, hatching hens, ducks, turkeys and pheasants. We will also purchase matching eggs from blood‘ tested flocks. Government KLEEREX CELEARS THE SKIN. Heals Boils, Impetigo, Eczema, Psoriasis. Gives quick relief while you work. 50o; $1.00; $2.00. (Med- ium and Strong). Recommended and sold by Austin’s Drug Store. 'Egg Grading Station, Reg. No. 0-285. We can handle your eggs., ‘Unionvil‘ie Poultry Farm and Chick ‘Habchery, No. 7 Highway. Phone ‘Unionville 292-0, Stouffville 2620. SHEEP SHEARING, expert work- manship with either hand power or Hectric. For partltuiars telephone Richmond Hill 10. 'FO-RD V-8 SEDAN DELIVERY TRUCK, 1939, new motor; 3 horses, young; two 10â€"20 tracfcors; 2 seed drills; 3 cultivators; 1 set sprimg‘ tooth harrows. F. R. Perkins, Rich- tmvon‘d Hill, phone 21W. every Friday, $1.50 per 100, any quantity, no delivery. William Vanâ€" derfbent. half mile south of No 7 highway on 3rd con. of Markham, p-honve Thornhill 181'21. HOUSES Raised and Moved. Phone Thornhill 73. ti Ibed; dresser; chest of drawers. Ap- pin to Pritchard, Thornhill Golf Club, phone Thornhill 11. upholstering. cabinet work, ‘Wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. LAWN MOWER, reconditioned, in good shape. W. Booth, Church St. MASS’E‘Y-HARJRIS ‘5 FT. CUT BIN- GOA’I‘Sâ€"‘Wo white Saanen, horn- lesvs, milking, fifteen dollars. Will sell separately. E. G. McKean, Thornhill, phone 36111. LE GH OvRN ‘OOCKEREL CHICK S ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. ONE 7-FT. GRAIN ELEVATOR for threshing machine, reasonable. Ap- ply to S. Winger, phone Maple L062. at a sacrifice. Also 12% acres of Fall Wheat. At 265‘ Ellerslie Ave., Willowdale. ELECTRIC STOVE, Hotpoint, four burner, with oven, in good condi- tion, price $36.00; also two-lburner stove with oven, plug-in type. Apply Box 18, The Liberal Office. UNIVERSAL TRACTOR, with two- furrow plow and cultivator, will ex- change for livestock, feed or any- thing useful. Apply 6 Oliver Blvd., south of Steele’s Ave., east of Duff- erin. 400 FENCE POSTS, good. Phone Richmond Hill 79. HIOKJSE DRAWN DISC in good re- pair. Phone Richmond Hill 45:3, Harold Snowball. ' 1 THOROUGHBRED JERSEY 00W SMALL QUEBEC HEATER; single \bumers with oven and warming closet, reasonable. A‘pply I. Mc- Quarrie, telephone 60114 Maple. 1 CAMP BED. Apply Box 4104, The Lilbera] Office. SINGLE BED, spring- and mattress Apply 45 Richmond St. TLMBERS from two barns. Roselawn Farms, Richmond Hill, phone 54f‘- HiORJSE DRAWN DISC in good DER, SB, almost new. Apply Box 92, The Liberal. RJO‘S’EJLAWN DAIRY HORSES. Ap- ply Charles Boorer, Stop 24, Yonge Street, near Richmond Hill. Cobblers, good, clean, $1.45, sacks extra. Apply Coady, Bathursut at Elgin Sideroad. ELECTRIC STOVE, Moffat, four SEED POTATOES, Kathadin and MISCELLANEOUS THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT. RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for_ez}ch subsequent insertion. Over 5 linesi‘5 cgnt§ per line extra each insertion. -IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE Classified Advs. FOR SALE THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1942. STRAYED from Hunt Lane Satur- day night or Sunday morning, Jbay horse with 4 White feet and white marking on face; has sore shoulder. Apply Bennett, Hunt Avenue, Rich- .mond Hill P.0. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars RABBITS WANTED, young, female. Good prices paid. Evenings, Vidkery, 267 Hendon Avenue, near Stop. 10, Yonge St. TO BUY FEA'THERS and: feather (beds of all descriptions, highest prices paid. Send' particulars to Queen City Feather Co., 23 Baldwin. St, Tmonto. TRANSPORTA‘TLON wanted from Oriole to Scavboro munition plant. Working hours from 8 to 5. Night shift starts May 17. O-pply to Box 101, Liberal Office. East Block, Parliament Bldgs., Toronto. Ontario. DATED at Toronto, this 27th day of April, 1942. ELECTRIC shallow well pressure .pump and tank. State price. Box 77, The Liberal Office. GIRL or MIDDLEPAGED WIOIM‘AN for general housework; two adults; modern conveniences; high wages; references required. Box 25, Liberal. V For furiher particulars and con- ditions of sale, apply to 1940 FORD DeLUXE COUPEâ€"Ex- q‘elltmt tin-rs. Gblod valup. COMPANION HELP for aged lady- Aprply Wm. Brooke, Gormley RR. 2, phone Agincourt 5j3. MLARJRIED MAN on dairy farm, hydro in house and :barn, good wages. Apply to Alfred Bagg, Edge- ley, telephone 870' Maple. ' ALL AND SINGULAR those cerâ€" tain parcels or trans of land and premises situate, lying and being in: the Township of King, in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, and being composed of FIRSTLY: The North Half of the West Half of Lot Number Seventeen in the Third Concession of the said Town- ship of King, containing Fifty acres more or less, AND SECON‘DLY: The South-west Quarter of Lot Number Eighteen in the Third Concession of the said Township of King, containâ€" ing Fifty acres more or less. On the said farm there is said TERM'S‘ OF SALE: Twenty-five per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of the sale, the balance to be secured by a mortgage with interest at four per cent per annumx PUBLIC AUCTION on Tuesday, the 19th day of May, 1942, at the hour of one-thirty o’â€" clock in the afternoon at the farm of NELLIE DION, Aurora, Ontario, the_ _f_ollqwing pfoperjcy, namely: On the said farm there is said to be erected a dwelling house with suitable farm (lgpildings: The lands will be gold subject to a reserve bid. 1932 FORD V-8 2 TON TRUCK â€"â€" Overhauled motor. Good value. 1938 FORD TUDOR â€"â€" Excellent Condition. Powers of Sale contained in a cér- tain Mortgage, which will be pro- duced at the time of sale, there will be offered for sale by A. M. McEWEN, Auctioneer, at Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 UNDER AND BY VIRTUE of the MORTGAGE SALE THE COMMISSIONER OF AGRICULTURAL LOANS, $765.00 $275.00 STRAYED $595.00 WANTED