Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 May 1942, p. 5

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If you would care to, please send your contribution to our local Ibranch: Mrs. Ed. Rowdon, Treasurer, Rich- vale, Ont. The allotment for this district in the forthcoming campaign of the Canadian Red Cross is $400.00. Can- ada, through the agency of the Red 1Cross Society, is being asked to pro: vide some 40,000 food parcels per week for our men and those Anzacs who are now interned and prisoners of war in Occupied Europe and the Far East. This work alone, in trac- ing men listed as missing, answer- ing the anxious questions of rela- tives and providing the weekly par- cels once the men are found, besides that od' caring for 30k and wounded among fighting forces and civilians alike grows apace as the war spreads and we can all share this national responsibility. Won’t you be gener- ous in your response? We mm"; not fail. VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP EXECUTIVE 1942 William B. Hanna, President; Mrs. John Aird, lst Vice-President Miss Eila Whitmore, 2nd Vice-President; Mr. H. Bryan, Treasurer Mr. R. Marritt, Secretary; Mrs. J. Hostrawser; Mrs. C. Shore Mrs. K. A. Stevenson; Mrs. L. T. Redman; Mrs. W. Malloy; Mrs W. A. Wallis; Mrs. George Merrick; Mrs. Roland Keffer; Mrs. E. Needham; Mrs. John McNeil; Mrs. D. Askew; Mrs. F. Teasdale; Mrs. R. A. Bigford. (This space was donated to Vaughan Township Red Cross by a Subscriber) WORK Cigarettes to the amount of six- teen dollars worth have been sent to sixteen of our local men in active service during the past ten days. Anyone who would care to donate his truck for an evening for the collection of larger amounts of salâ€" vage is asked to cemmunicate with the President, Mrs. A. W. Bailey, Spruce Avenue, telephone Richmond Hill 13613. Any offers would be welcomed. Total Expenditures . . . . . . Balance of cash, December EXPENDITURES Divisional Payments for wool and materials Local purchases of wool and materials Workroom and shipping Expenses . . . . . . . . . Trucking scrap metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sundry Expenses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . An afternoon euchre party will Ibe held at the home of Mrs. G. Allison, opposite Stop 22, Yonge Street, on Thursday afternoon, May 14 at 2.15 o’clock. All the ladies are welcome and a special invitation is extended to newcomers in our midst who would like to come out and get acquainted. Tutal receipts from all sources . . . . . Balance of cash, December 3\lst, 1940 Refunds . Donations and subscriptions Special Fund-raising- Events Russiim Relief . . . . . . . . . . Scrapmetal collection Aluminum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Blanket donations _ . . . . . . . Smock account . . . . . . . . . . t THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1942. CANADIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY Support Vaughan Twp. Red Cross May 11th to May 315t Richvale Red Cross VAUGHAN TOWNSHIP BRANCH ashville, Elders, Kleinburg, Pine Grove, Vellore, Hope and Teston, Maple, Edgeley, Concord, Wallis, and Lutheran. COMPLETED AlN'D SYHJP'P'ED T0 ONTARIO DIVISION 1st January 1941 to 3151-, December 1941 . Number of Knitted Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3364 Number of Refugee Articles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 669 Number of Hospital Supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 821 Number of Quilts and Blankets . . . . . . . . . . 172 Ontario Division BALANCE SHEET RECEIPTS Certified Correct, 3151:, 1941 Signedâ€"A. CELALRKSON, J. M. McDO-NALLD, ENGAGEMENT .Mr. and Mrs. G. White of Elgin Mills, Ontario, announce the engage- ment of their daughter Florence E'thel to Gnr. Samuel James Carlisle, son of Mrs. L. Carlisle and the late Mr. R. Carlisle, formerly of Gorm- ley, the wedding to take place in St. John"s Anglican Church, Oak Ridges, on May 9th at 4 o’cl‘ook. $2700 â€" an increase of 50 per cent over the amount subscribed two years ago. The Richmond Hill Lions’ Clulb, vdth the assmtance of a few other citfzens, is again taking charge of the campaign, and plans calling on you blonday evening, nday 11th. If a genelous donation is ready for the canvassers when they call it will save the thne of busy Inen, and showv our grafitude-for our freedonh our safety, and above all show our soldiers and airmen that their sacri- fice and their survival comes first with each and every one of us. Give what you can, 'but let it be the most you can. To the Citizens of Richmond Hill and District:â€" Next week the Canadian Red Cross is appealing for $9,000,000 to meet the evergrowing' needs of its service. The Red Cross is an or- ganization dedicated to the answer- ing- of every cry for help. As the war grows and spreads in intensity so those appeals increase. Richmond Hlill’s quota in this campaign is $2700 â€" an increase of 50 per cent LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE (Auditors of the Branch). $ 10.00 95.28 26.90 82.70 3.66 Chairman Red Cross Campaign Committee. 5026 $ 1595.86 119.66 .65 7.33 75.69 $ 207.00 1 119.6 1 $2358.87 $2358.87 17 99.19 559.68 1549.6 7 809.20 217.54 5.52 The Bridge Tournament sponsored by the Red Cross was brought to a delightful conclusion last Thursday and Friday evenings when all par- ticipating in any way- met at the home of Mrs. F. Boyle, Centre St, to see if they could make a better score with someone else’s partner thian‘ the partner they had through the series. Sad to relate, in some cases they did. In the ladies? group first prize 'went to Miss Lucy Y-erex and Miss Marion Carter; second prize, Mrs. '0. L. Wright and Mrs'. IN. J. Glass; lucky rpr‘ize given for average score was won 'by‘ Mrs. JBS. Stewart and Mrs. Edgar Kidd. The prizes in the mixed group were won .by Mr. and Mrs. J. Grainger With high score; second prize by Mr. and lerS. A. J. McLatohy; and lucky prize [cfor the avenage score won ’ny Mr. and Mrs. H. Charles. The tourna- ment was most successful, the total ‘sum realized being $193.25; of this $136.00 was made up of the tourna- ment fees, clash donations amount- ing to $37.25 and the proceeds of Thursday and Friday evenings $20. .Much credit for the success of the tournament is due to the efficient way it was scheduled and carried on by the committee Mrs. F. Boyle and th‘s. O. L. Wright, which was en- ‘thusiastically acknowledged at the closing- games. Appreciation was also extended to Mrs. A. G. Savage, Mrs. P. C. Hill, Mrs. J. R. Herring'- ton and Mr. Godfrey Willis who very generously donated the prizes for the tournament, and to a number who were unable to take part in the play but gave cash donations: Mrs. H. J. Mills, Mrs. H. A. Nicholls. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Hill, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hill, Mr. and Mrs. G.‘ VValwin. Mr. and Mrs. C. MicTagg‘art. Mrs. Jas. Langstaff. Mrs. Walter Mason. Miss Marion Scrivener, Miss Etta Endean and Mrs. H. Tuck. :Mr. Aubrey Teal, a memlber of l'the High School teaching staff for the past six years and who leaves Friday to go on active service, was honoured by the students and staff memlbers at the assem’lily exercises this morning. Principal James Stew- art presided and following the open- ing chorus Betty Jadkson and Ben Olsen on behalf of Grade X made the presentation of a beautiful lean ther writing case. On behalf of the school Miss Elaine Hirtle, speaking in French expressed the good wishes of students for their French master, Sid Lenard spoke on behalf of the [boys who took “PJT.” under Mr. Tea] and John Gurzon and John Stephens on behalf of students and staff pre- sented him with» a Sleeping Bag. ‘In reply Mr. Teal congratulated Elaine Hirtle on her fluent address of “Bon-ne Chance" and in thanking the students and staff said he hoped ‘it would not be “adieu” but only “‘au revoir". Miss Shirley Hill, who is with the staff of the British Consulate in Baltimore and_ who recently was ap- pointed private secretary to Capt. John Taylor, O.B.E., head of the British Consular Service for Mary- land, Virginia and North Carolina, was honoured during the past week by being one of the Canadians preâ€" sented to “Their Excellencies" Lord and Lady Halifax at a tea given .in their honor on the occasion of the official visit of the British Ambass- ador to Baltimore on Friday, May 1st. Lieut. Mrs. Allan Skaith, Sgt. Neilson, L. Corp.’s Aziz, Albel and Gorland of the Canadian Red Cross[ Tia-nsport Corps, Toronto Detach-l ment, gave a very interesting and instructive ambulance demonstration in Richmond Hill Tuesday afternoon. ‘The demonstration included many branches of first aid work and was enjoyed by a large numlber of peo- ple. Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Hill have announced the engagement of their daughter Marvelle Ruth Pauline to Emmera Milton Smith, son of Mr. George Smith and the late Mrs. Smith of Richmond Hill, the mar- riage to take place May 22nd at St. Hilda’s church. Mr. Eugene ROSS Lin'klater of Buffalo, NY. called at The Liberal Office this week. \Mr. Linklater was born in Richmond Hill in 1883 and left here about 1895. The regular meeting of the Lions’ Club will be held tonight at 6.310 o‘clock. Edward Heeley, youngest son of Mr. and‘ Mrs. E. Heeley, Elgin Mills, has recently joined= the navy. In Richmond Hill a Red Cross, canvasser will call on you Monday; evening THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL LATE WM. E. BURNS Requiem high mass: was sung in St. Mary‘s Church, Richmond‘ Hill, ‘by the pastor, Rev. E. J. Keane, Monday morning at 10 o’clock for the late Wm. E. Burns, a farmer in .‘Vaughan Township for many years. i‘Born in Osprey Township, Grey :County, 82 years ago, Mr. Burns ‘married Mary Shearn and took up residence in Thornhill 1886. In 1900 they move-d to Maple district to farm and about five years ago took ‘u‘p residence in Richmond' Hill, where Mrs. Burns died four years 'a.go. Surviving are three sons, 'Agustine, Thornhill; Frank and Thomas of Souris, Manitoba; a ‘daughter Ellen, of Richmond Hill; two brothers and one sister in Sas- ‘katchewan and a. brother and sister ‘in Toronto. Pallbearers were Stanley and: Wal- lace Moriarty, William Cosgrove, Walter Paxton, Agustine Burns and ‘Bernard Deferrari. \ LATE MRS. MARION GRAHAM The funeral of the late Mrs. Mar- ion Graham who passed away at her home, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill on Tuesday, April 28th was held last Thursday aften..eon. She was the last surviving member of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Smith, and was born in Scott Town- ship but spent the greater part of her life in Markham Township before moving to Richmond Hill when they retired. from farming. In her 86th year she is survived by two sons, John of Richmond Hill, Fred in To- ronto and one daughter Mrs. John Phillips of Vaughan Township. Her huslband and one son William pre- deceased her in 1924. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. S. W. Hirtle, Minister of Richmond Hill Presbyterian 'Church of which the late Mrs. Graham was a devoted memlber. Interment followed in Richmond Hill cemetery, the rpall bearers lbeing Phillip and George Graham, Roy Phillips. Archie Saw-i age, Duncan Kerr and John Gibson of Gravenh‘urst, a nephew. Cross by them. The cheque along with! the proceeds of the bridge and tea amounting to $82.25 made the afiternoon a very successful one. The committee in charge are desirous. of thanking all who in any way con- tributed to the success of the event. A very enjoyable Red Cross event took place last Saturday afternoon when the Evening Branch sponsored a Spring Bridge and Tea. The Bridge hostesses were Mrs. A. Hill, Mrs. R. Paris, Mrs. J. MoGarry, Mrs. R. Ed- munds, Mrs. D. Douglas, Mrs. J. Hart and Mrs. R. D. Little. The re- spective winners at the homes were Mrs. P. Savage, Mrs. D. Chammey, Mrs. M. Beynon, Mrs. W. Hall, Mrs. N. Anderson, Mrs. N. Chatterley and Mrs. Ford. The ladies gathered at the United Church later when af- ternoon tea was served in the srhool room by the following hostesses: Mrs. W. J. Taylor, Mrs. H. Charles, Mrs. W. J. Mason, Mrs. H. Reid, Mrs. Keith and Miss Shoelbotham. Mrs. Unger and Mrs. J. Hart, presi- dent and vice-president of the Even- ing Branch and Mrs. Jas. Langstafrf, president of the local branch of the Red Cross received the guests num- bering about one hundred and fifty. ’I‘wo long tables were attractively arranged with roses and silver 'candela‘bra and spring blossoms formed a pleasing background. Dur- ing the afternoon those pouring tea were Mrs. Wrixon, Mrs. Brethen, ‘Mrs. Pollard, Mrs. Mortson, Mrs. Boyle, Mrs. Ed'munds', Mrs. MoGarry and Mrs. P. C. Hill with Betty Bre- then, Betty Smith, Olive Ross and. Gladys Masters assisting the tea hostesses. An, important feature of the afternoon was the presentation of a cheque for fifty dollars by the Public School to the Red Cross. Eleanor Young, assisted by Stanley Ransom, Eugene Hilliard and Eric Hillalby presented the cheque which was graciously received by Mrs. Unger and Mrs. Langstaff who spoke of the commendable way in which the girls and boys of the Public School are contributing to war ac- tivities. This is the second fifty dollar cheque presented to the Red_ Reeve Robert W. Scott of Vaughan and Deputy-Reeve Charles Hooper of Markham represented York County as members of the Ontario Council of Agriculture deputation which- waited on Prime Minister King and members of the Cabinet in Ottawa. Tuesday. The third lecture in the A.R.P. series will be given in the Masonic Hall tonight at 8 p.m. The speaker will be Maj-or Collins. OBITUARY g PHONE 49 RICHMOND HILL OWMMWWOMM'» The regular monthly meeting of the Woman’s Association will (be held in the school room of the United Church on Tuesday, May 18th at 3 pm. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend. SIlMlPSOANâ€"At Private Patients Pa- vilion, Toronto General Hospital, on Wednesday, April 29th, to Mr. and Mrs. Willard Simpson, a sister for Nancy, (Jane Anne). a daughter, at Mrs. Heeley’s Nurs- ing Home, Elgin Mills. KERRâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. Dugal Kerr of Willowdale, onI Saturday, May 2, Letters of thanks for cigarettes have been received from Ernie Goode, Thos. Bales, Eric Wilson, Harry Sayers, John Clarke, Sid Hunt. The April quota of knitted art- icles shipped last week consisted of: For Navy, 2 aero caps, 20‘ pairs socks; for Army, 15 alternative caps, 8 pairs gloyesl, 10 pairs socks; for Air Force, 5 turtle neck sweaters. Letters of thanks for cigarettes RED CROSS NOTES Take Good Care of Your Clothes Davies’ Dry Goods Store DROP IN TODAY AND ORDER THAT NEW SUIT OR TOP COAT YOU HAVE BEEN PROMISING YOURSELF. War-time economy necessitates the best possible care of clothing, and we offer to the people of Richmond Ilil! and district an unexcelled Cleaning and Press- ing service. Look your best at all times in clothes taken care of by our cleaning service. UNITED CHURCH W.A. On display now in our showrooms, an attractive line of “Brunch Coats”, smart in gay colorings, close fitting waist and generous under flapped skirt, puffed sleeves, assorted, three styles and patterns, sizes 14 to 44, price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.98 Girls’ Cotton Print Dresses, Princess and tailored lines, Peter Pan collar, V and square necks, short puffed sleeves, sizes 8 to 14, price _ . . . . . . . . . . . $1.251 Printed Rayons, 36 in. wide . . 59c. yd. Angelskin, 36 in. Wide . . . . . . 49c. yd. MISS E. ORME Richmond Hill Tel¢ Repairs and Alterations a Specialty RICHMOND TAILORS g BING CROSBY, ROCHESTER, MARY MARTIN, CAROLINE LEE in Monday. Tuesday, Wednesday, May 11, CLARKE GABLE’, LANA TURNER “ Honky Tonk ” Thursday, Friday. Saturday, May 14, 15, 16 SHOWS START AT 7.30 RM. AND 9.30 P.M. D.S.T. Friday and Saturday, May 8, 9 JANE WITHERS, BRUCE EDWARDS in “ Small Town Deb ” J. A. GREENE Men’s and Ladies’ Tailoring BIRTH (é WM. BOYD, ANDY CLYDE in Outlaws of the Desert Birth of the Blues The family of the late Wm. E. Burns wish- to thank the friends and- neighbours for their many ads of kindness and expressions of syn»- pathy in their recent bereavement in the loss of their father. The family of the late Mrs. Marâ€" ion Graham desire to thank the many friends and neighbours for their ad: of kindness and expressions of sym- pathy in their recent bereavement in the loss of their mother. MOTHER’S DAY GREETING BY TELEGRAPH Various fixed text messages qt exceptionally low rates are avail- able for Mother’s Day with Cauld- ian National Telegraphs. Phone 169. BILL'Y HOLE AND ORCHESTRA TO PLAY AT FAIR NIGHT DANCE Billy Hole and his popular 01d}â€" estra will provide the music for W ‘big Old Time Country Fair Hoedm. Fair. Night, May 25th, at Richmond "Hill arena. Don’t miss this big dance. Telephone 119 CARD 0F THANKS CARD OF THANKS RAGE FIVE 12, 13

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