Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 May 1942, p. 6

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I] KING CITY PHONE KING 1908 I] °n°=°=0=0=0=°=0$0=° OPEN TO PUPILS OF ALL SCHOOLS IN RICHMOND HILL AND SURROUNDING DISTRICT. ALL ENTRIES MUST BE MADE AT THE FAIR GROUNDS, MONDAY, MAY 25TH, BEFORE _10 AM" EXCEPT EXHIBITS IN ART AND WRITING. ENTRIES FOR ART AND WRITING MUST BE MADE AT RICHMOND HILL PUBLIC SCHOOL BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 4 AND 5 PM. MAY 20th, 215K or 22nd. ENTRIES MAY BE MAILED TO REACH THE SCHOOL BY MAY 22nd. ALL NECESSARY IN- FORMATION CONCERNING GRADE AND CLASS AND CER- TIFICATE OF TEACHER MUST BE WRITTEN ON BACK OF EXHIBIT. 1. Model aircraft, flying models, lst prize 5%., 2nd prize 2‘50. 2. Hobby collection. May include Stamps, scrapbook, fretwork dle- signs, snapshots, woodlcraft, !bird houses, insect collections, knots and- splices, boats or any hobby collection not herewith specified. 1st prize T5c., 2nd prize 5'0c., 3rd prize 260. 3. One piece wood-working. lst prize 75c, 2nd 50c, 3rd 250. 1. Hobby. Collection, for 4th class igirls. May incrude dressed doll, scraplbooks, bouquet or [bouquets of wild‘ flowers, or any hobby col- lection not herewith specified except baking and candy. At least two exhibits to qualify but in case of a tie extra eXJhi'bits Will earn extra points. lst prize '7‘5c., 2nd prize 5400., 3rd prize 25c. 2. Needlework and Knitting, 4th class girls, single exhilbit allowed. lst prize 50c” 2nd prize 25C. 3. Hobby Collect’on, girls below fourth class. May include needle- work, dressed doll, scrapbook, or any hobby collection not herewith specified except baking and candy. At least two exhibits to qualify but in case of a tie extra exhibits will earn extra points. lst prize 75¢, 2nd prize 5'0c., 3rd prize 25c. ART AND WRITING Open to Both Boys and Girls 1. Water 'Color, for 4th class pupils. 1st prize 7x5c., 2nd prize 50c. 2. Water Color, for 3rd class pupils. lst prize 75c., 2nd prize Me. 3. Invk or Pencil Drawing, 4th claSS pupils. lsrt prize -5-0c., 2nd prize 25c. 4. In’k, Pencil or Charcoal Drawing, 3rd class pupils. lst prize 50c., 2nd (prize 25c. 6. Oil Painting. lst prize $1.00, 2nd prize 750, 3rd prize SOC-1 4th prize 2‘5c. 6. Best Handwriting, two stanzas and chorus of Rule Britannia, for 4th class pupils. lst prize 75c., 2nd nrize 50c. ’1'. Best Handwriting, two stanzas and chorus of Rule Britannia. for 3rd class pumils. 1st prize 7‘5c., 2nd prize 50c. 8. Best Handwriting. two stanzas and chorus of Rule Britannia, for pupils below third class. lst prize 7150, 2nd prize 50c. botham on or before Wednesday, May 20. th ar All entries and exhibits are to ‘be submitted to Miss Shoe- Posters are to become e property of the High School. All prizes except those designated e provided by the Fair Board. PRIZE‘S FOR EACH SECTION WILL BE: lst prize 750., 2nd 599°.“ 5” fat“??? l" ... .0 iii-'aéuNMANsmIP, Grade IX. 12 .prize 50c, 3rd prize 25c. AiRT, Grade lXâ€"Pencil Drawing. Prizes donated by Mr. Stewart. ART, Grade lXâ€"Water Colour. Prizes donated by Mr. Stewart. ART, open to other high school studentsâ€"Pencil Drawing. ART, open to other high school studentsâ€"Water Colour. PENMAN‘SH‘IP, open to any high school studentâ€"One verse and chorus of “The White Cliffs of Dover”. MATHEMATICS POSTER (illustrating some mathematical topic), open to high school students. 7 MATHEMATICS Work Book. open to high school students. TYPING, open to anyone who types. Typewritten picture. HEALTH POSTER (Posture poster, safety, food, exercise, health habits, etc.) open to high school students. LITERATURE PROJECT, open to any high school. (Project Iamay illustrate the manners and customs of the period or the "locale of any work studied; or the life and times of any great ‘ English author). (Matter to be selected parts of the Business Practice course). . LATIN PROJECT, open to high school students. illustrate any phase of Roman life). (Project may P=0=O=Ol FROST STEEL & WIRE PRODUCTS The Largest General Store Stock-fl Between Toronto and Barrie g Richmond Hill Fair Monday, May 25th CHILDREN’S DEPARTMENT PAGE SIX Farm and Poultry Fence, Chain Link and Farm Gates, Steel and Cedar Posts, Brace Wires, soft wire for fencing and electric fence, Bright Galvanized Staples. Telephone 281-2 McDONALD & WELLS’ HIGH SCHOOL DEPARTMENT Paints, Wallpapers â€"â€" Harness And Harness Parts Backed by our long establisqu ‘regptation for W sevrvice, quaTity and fair-dealing Is at the disposal of the people of this district and we invite your patronage. Men’s and Boys’ Boots and Shoes Government Egg Grading Station Groceries, Fruit and Provisions Dry Goods and Ladies’ Wear JUNIOR DEPARTMENT Shelf and Heavy Hardware We Will Gladly Quote Prices HOBBY CLASS â€" GIRLS HOBBY CLASS â€"- BOYS WALTER BONE 10:0 o=o=o=9 Maple, Ont. Mrs. Floyd Berger and children, Douglas and Janet of Barrie Spent Saturday with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Wellesley. King City Women‘s Institute lbranch will hold the May meeting on Wednesday, May 20th at King Unit- ed- Church basement. MiSS Lindsley of Lever Bros. will give a Lux de- monstration. Note the change in date. King Township District News Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Smith of Newâ€" market visited Mr. and Mrs. Walter Rolling on Sunday. Nolbleton Women’s Institute branch elected officers for the coming year as follows: President, Mrs. Lorne B. Goodfellow; Vice-President, ers. Garnet Hoover; Secretary-Treasurer, .Mrs. A. Hill; Assistant See, Mrs. Howard Weller; District Director, ers. Russell Snider; Directors, Mrs. 'Jos. Beak, Mrs. Norman Roblb, Mrs. W-m. Bishop, ’Mrs. Newton Pringle; Auditors. Mrs. Geo. Irwin, Mrs. Alex Brooks; Red Cross Convenor, Mrs. R. Snider; Pianist, Mrs. N. Pringle; F’lower Com., Mrs. J. Ballard, Mrs. Stanley Cain, Mrs. Wm. Brown. Staff Sergeant Frank Egan of Barriefield Camp gave an interest- ing talk to pupils of King Public School on Monday afternoon. He pointed out the need of an educa- tion as an aid in learning the art of soldiering. Study courses require diligent application and academic standing proves very helpful. Cibedi- emce, cleanliness and truthfulness are required of a good soldier. Sergeant Egan has progressed in his profes- sion. Misées Eleanor and Merle Cumm- ings of Toronto were guests of Mrs. J. M. Winter over the week-end. Mr. and “Mrs. Jack Walker of To- ronto visirted the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil‘ Walker, on Sun- day Township schools used the annual Aribor Day on Friday, May lst as a general “clean-up‘” day. Salvage collections are made regularly and children have done well in this ef- fort. Sohom‘berg has two ton of paper, besides scrap metal ready for sale; proceeds for Red Cross. Schools are all using the salvage proceeds for war work. We are surely learn- ing the truth of the old adage. “Waste not, want not”, and a fine principle it is. Mrs. C. Watson of King celelbrat- ed .her birthday on May 2nd; Con- gratulations and many more with health and strength abundant. St. Mary’s 'Magdalene W.A. o-f Schon‘lberg sponsored a Red Cross quilting bee at the Anglican church last week. Some 50 ladies of the town did 6 quilts; afternoon tea netted $8.50 for the Red Cross treasury. Temfieranceville Women’s Institute raised $27 from Apron Patches and ney Laskay United Church Annivers- ary will be observed on Sunday, May 3lst. The annual Sectional meeting 01 Section IV, W.M.S., will be held at Westminster Presbyterian Church, ir Willowdale, on Wednesday, May 20 a euchre, proceeds for soldiers’ boxes. The apron made a 2 months’ jour- A good program has just been com- piled and members and- friends in Section IV are reminded to attend. 7 All Saints W.A. will hold a Sale of Baking at the church basement 139 Ceresan for treatlng grain Semesan Jr. for treating corn We carry the famous Maple Leaf Dog Biscuits CHIC MASH GROWING MASH LAYING MASH OILCAKE MEAL PEBBLE OILCAKE MEAL RICHMOND HILL, ONT. Farm Implements and Repairs Massey-Harris Rite-Way Milkers Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washers and Household Appliances C.I.L. Fertilizer Corn King Mineral “Gem” Milk Coolers and Electric Fencers Viking Grain Cleaners and Graders Harold W. Mortson 11 Centre St. W.. Richmond Hill Telephone 93 THE MILL THE LIBERAL, R1CHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Massey-Harris Phones: 82W of on Saturday, May 23rd in the after- noon. Mother’s Day will be observed next Sunday, May 10th at Kettleby, Sec- ond King and King City Baptist Sun- day Schools and churches. Art King City, Sunday School will be merged with the service which will be held at 7.30 D.S.T. instead of Standard Time, as forinerly. All are cordially invited to these services. Services at King will be continued on Day- light Time from May 10th on. Several Young People from the Baptist Circuit are attending the T0- ronto B.Y.P.U. Rally being held in Toronto this week. Eversley Sunday School has org-an- ' ized for the season’s work as fol-‘ lows: Superintendent, Edith Bovairh Asst. Supts., D. M. Ross, Selena Wes- l ley; Bifble Class teacher, Nancy Harshaw; grad-e teachers, Jessie Gellatly, Ethel Ferguson, Betty Ball; 1 Organist, Ethel Ferguson; Secretary-il Treasurer, Dorothy Ball. Young- Peo- ple and children of the neigh‘bour- hood are welcome to attend. Very successful Anniversary ser- vices were held at King United Church on Sunday with capacity con- gregations both morning and night. The entertainment following the Monday evening service was well ap- predated. Tempting Egg Dishes Here are short cuts to emergency meals â€"â€" an easy solution for the pro‘Hem of what to serve when un- expected guests drop in. BAJCED 4 eggs 1/2 cup 1/2 cup grated cheese 2 cups soft bread crumbs 3 cups milk Beat the eggs; add milk, then the cheese, crumbs, and; salt. Pour into a buttered baking dish, set the dish in a pan containing an inch of hot water, and bake in a moderate oven until firm. :Sprinkle the parsley over the top and serve from the baking dish. ' 1 tsp. salt Minced parsley 6 hard-cooked eggs 6 slices of toast Slice 1 hard~cooked egg on each piece of toast on a hot place. Make 2 cups hot cheese sauce by adding 1/2 cup grated cheese to 2. cups medium white sauce and stir over hot water until the cheese is blend- ed. Pour over the eggs and toast. well beaten eggs can corn cup sweet milk (mp cream tbsp; sugar Salt and pepper 1 tbsp. butter Beat the eggs well. Mix the corn. milk, cream, sugar, salt and pepper and add them to the beaten eggs. Melt the butter and add it to the mixture. Bake to a. golden brown in moderate oven in a baking dish set in a pan of water. HHHrâ€"Aw Beat eggs- until well mixed. For each egg used add 1 tablespoon of water, 1/8 teaspoon salt, 1/2 tea- spoon Worcestershire. Melt 1/2 tablespoon butter for each egg; pour in eggs and cook over low heat. McTavish purchased a pair of boots which were guaranteed for a year. After eleven months, he returned, and complained that they were not standing up to the guarantee. “Are you sure ‘mey fit you all right?” asked the manager. “'They fit me a’ richt,” was the answer, “but my {brother on night shift says they’re a bit too tight for him.” 188,366 articles of com-forts and clothing were distributed at Eastern Canadian Ports to men of the Can- adian 'and British Navy and Mer- chant Marine last year by the Can- adian Red Cross. CRIE‘AMEiD EGGS WITH CHEESE SAUVCFE DINNER LUNCHEON BANQUETS RECEPTIONS FAMILY GATHERINGS SPECIAL PARTIES HO’I‘ CORN OU‘STARD MAPLE, ONTARIO SCRAbMtBLLED EGGS C‘MEJLET WITH CHEESE A New Home For Better Meals MAPLE VILLA Prof. J. E. Francis, O.A.C. says gathering eggs several times a day in warm- weather most important Tells How To Avoid Low Quality Eggs With the approach of warm wea- ther, more laying flocks are re- leased from their winter quarter§ and allowed to range. The increased consumption of grass and other ma- terial picked up makes for low- quality eggs. The yolk colour may be high and the albumen thin and watery, states Prof. J. F. Franci§, Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph. At least part of this drop in qual- ity may be prevented 'by allowing the birds to range for one or two hours in the evenings when first let out, and later making a practice of [keeping them houses during the forenoons. A temperature of 69 degrees Fahrenheit is high enough to start the germ in a fertile egg to develop. The physico chemical changes which [break down thick egg albumen are very rapid at summer temperatures. Eggs held in rooms Where the air is dry, lose moisture rapidly. The air cell increases in size, and this along with a visible yolk, gives the candling appearance of an old egg. Gather egg-s several times each day, cooling them quickly and hold- ing them at a temperature between I55 and 65 degrees, in a room where the humidity is between 75 and 85 per cent. This is an important fac- tor and cannot be overstressed. To produce tOp quality eggs, dur- ing warm weather it is advisalble to limit the amount of grass and scav- anger feed that the .birds consume. Auction Sale Household Goods, Etc. KING CITY SATURDAY, MAY 9th 1 Chesterfield Suite 2) Parlor Chairs, Mahogany 2 Wicker Chairs Large O'ak Buffet Organ Breakfast Room Table Solid Walnut Extension Table Sidelboard. Walnut Arm Chair Dining Room Chairs Number of Kitchen Chairs 2 Office Desks 10 Lawn Chairs 1 Brass Bed and Springs 1 Wooden Bed and Springs 2 Benches 1 Floor Lamp Number of Small Tables 1 Large Kitchen Table 1 Small Washstand 1 Commode. cane back Quantity of Pictures 1 Bookstand. lbamlboo 2 Child‘s Chairs 1 High Chair 1 BMW SIwing‘ Quantity of Books 1 Iron Pot. antique 1 Iron Frvimz' lf’an, antique anâ€"n-u-AHHH 1 Buggy, good Quantity of Pine Planks Number of Logging Chains Quantity of 2 in. Pipe 1 Lantern 1 Set Scales, 240 lbs. 1 Set Steelvards 2 4‘5-Gai. Oil Drums 4 Milk Pails. near new Numlher of Other Pails 1 DeLaval Cream Separator, near new Large Number of Articles too num- erous to mention TERMSâ€"CASH. Sale at 2 p.m. No Reserve a5 Property is sold King City P.O., phone King 42r3 IM. A. WILSON, Clerk. INSURANCE LIFE, FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY. GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES TO FARMERS ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF 00’s A. G. Savage JAMES PATTON At the Pinkerton Residence FURNITURE C. E. WALKINGTON, Auct.. HOUSEHOLD GOODS PHONE MAPLE 89 MISCELLANEOUS The Property of Old Post Office Richmond Hill THURSDAY, MAY 7th.. 1942. Federal Buildingsâ€"Province of Ont. SEALED Tenders addressed to the undersigned and endorsed “Tender for Coal," will be received until 3 RM. (E.D.S.T.), Thursday, May 7, 1942, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion buildings through- out the Province of Ontario. TENDERS FOR OOAL AND COKE Forms of tender with specifica- tions and conditions attached can be dbtained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ott- aiwa; and the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide St. East, Toronto, Grit. Tenders should be made on the forms supplied by the Department and in accordance with departmental specifications and conditions attach- ed thereto. Coal dealers’ license numbers must be given when rend- ering. _ i i .‘ I‘L The Department reserves the right to demand from any successful ten- derer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on a chartered bank in Canada, made payable to the or- der of the Honourable the Minister of Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and its constitu- ent companies unconditionally guar- anteed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque, if required to make up an odd amount. Such security will serve as a guar- antee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, April 20, 1942. BOX 467 Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynch ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR GENERAL REPAIRS PHONE 319 AURORA For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District Phone Will. 73‘8 Estimates Given SHEPPARD & GILL L U M B E R J. C. BODFISH WE'LL SELLTHE WOOD T0 BUlLD ATOWN - ‘ OR CHICKEN COOP WITHOUT A IMFBOWN (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 SHINGLING ON ALL MAKES 0F RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN- TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LO‘ANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY Yerex’s Electrical 26 Yonge St. 2518 YONGE STREET COMPANY Old and New Work Asphalt ‘and Cedar 15 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Roof Repairs 21 Specialty RADIO SERVICE 51 Petawawa Avenue Newtonbrook, Ont. Byi order, C. BRETT RICHMOND HILL 'J. M. SOMERVILLE. secretaxy. AURORA P.0. Phone 242

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