Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 May 1942, p. 7

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Liberal classified “ads” pay good lvid-ends. HALL’S 2 351/? ‘W@ 5 77A 777 © 2% The thankful “purr” of satisfaction that you will hear from your motor, when it climbs any hill, will make you glad that you are using Hall’s Ser- vice Station gas. Get this thrill of power. OPPOSITE ORANGE HQME Take butter, for instance. No mat- ter where one eats, the allowance is the same, two ounces a week. That allows a slice about the size and thickness of a quarter for each meal. It will not butter half a roll. On Sunday morning, I snowed the fam- ily the butter allowance for one meal. I used six of them, or two days” ration, on one slice of hot toast. “Be Ready With Reddy Power” Food: allowances of all rationed staple foods are alike for rich and poor. No amount of influence can get any more. The British people are dbviously not starving, but I do not think they really get enough to eat. At least, a Canadian feels the sudden change in diet. Phone 42 Richmond Hill Dependable Milk & Dairy Produce This question can be answered Without hesitation. I do not see how rationing restrictions could be more fairly applied. There are a. few loopholes, but they are not importâ€" ant. An honest effort is made to see that everyone gets equal privi.’ leges. Having completed the first dozen stories in this series, perhaps I should take time this week to anâ€" srwer the questions mOSt often asked me since I came Iback to Canada. I shall not attempt to answer them all, of courSe, but only some of those which seem the most important and which are most frequently asked. IS RATIONING OF FOOD AND CLOTHING FAIR TO ALL? And Be Assured of a Safe, Wholesome Supply by Securing it frem MILK Builds Muscles. MILK is Energy Food. MILK Supplies Essential Elements. It is hard to find anything for Is a Perfect Food for Fath- er, Mother and especially the Children. Answering Questions Most Often Asked About Conditions in Britain G. S. WALWIN, Prop. THURSDAY, MAY 7th, 1942. This is another of a series of 18 articles on conditions in Great Britain in wartime, writ- ten exclusively for the weekly newspapers of Canada by Hugh Templin, of the Fergus News- Record. Richmond Hill Dairy USE MORE MILK If you are sending to a lady, put in a few hairpins, bobby pins or safety pins. They are unbelievany scarce in Britain. And it is- said that younger ladies might like a lip-stick. Foods generally mentioned, be- sides butter, were: canned meats; particularly ham products, fruit conâ€" centrates in tins, cheese, peanut butâ€" ter, vitamin B1 tablets. ians eith Tea is supposed Not more than two pounds of any one substance may be sent in a five. pound parcel. Do not send clothing. The person who receives it will be forced to give up clothing coupons, and possibly have to pay duty as well. Don’t send cigarettes to civil- ians either, since the duty is high. Tea is not so scarce as‘generally l I asked many civilians what they would like most, if parcels were sent them from Canada. Invariably but- ter headed the list. It can be bought in cans. I heard of one old1 lady who received a two-pound tin of butter from Canada. She called the neighbors in to see it. The local paper heard the story and printed it. Two months later, she'still had her .butter unopened, a treasure be- yond price. Civilians in Britain appreciate the parcels sent them even more than the boys in the Armed .Services. They are more in need of the extra food. A pound of butter received from Canada, for instance, doubles the ration for one person for two months. There is a definite rule that no person in Britain may write to ask that food be sent, but you can ‘be sure it Will be welcomed. Parcels for civilians in Britain must be chosen carefully. The weight limit is five pounds, including the wrapping and package. There are some restrictions about the number of packages which may be sent and ‘the contents. If the parcel does not comply with the restrictions, ’it will not be delivered. The person to whom it is consigned will be notie fied, but the contents will be turned over to some organization. That is worse than not sending a parcel at all. What is sent to Canadian soldiers in Britain is largely a matter of in- dividual preference. The weight al- lowance is liberal and there are few restrictions. An officer at Canadian Army Headquarters in London sug- gests butter, sugar, marmalade, fruit juice (all in cans); razor blades, garters and braces. Another suggests candy, particularly choco- late. I asked many soldiers what they would like and got few other suggestions. They seemed to be well supplied with cigarettes, though. there were many complaints about cigarettes going astray. I imagine that it is not so much what is in parcels for soldiers that c0unts, so much as the fact that they are sent regularly. They like to know that1 the people back home have not for- gotten them. i WHAT TO SEND IN PARCELS OF FOOD T0 BRITAIN Bread and vegetables were not rationed. With so many growing ‘their own vegetables last: year, and with a favorable season, there was no scarcity of vegetables. I saw oranges for sale once. They were for children only. Stores were busy but I never saw a queue lined up to buy food, although there were lineâ€"ups in the early mornings where cigarettes were sold three to a cus- tomer. Meat is severely rationed. The 81- lowance is limited by the price paid, one shilling, tuppence, a week per person. That would mean a roast on Sunday and shepherd’s pie once or twice on following days. There are two exceptions. Game and offal are not rationed. At the hotels one ‘ate unrationed meatâ€"venison, rab- bit pie, grouse, chicken, guinea fowl â€"â€"or such things as tripe, sweet- breads and headcheese. They look like sausages but taste like nothing on earth. I tried them twice, the second time to see if they could' possibly be as bad1 as I thought they were the first time. There was no improvement. ' ‘brealcfast in Britain. I never ate an egg while I was there. (The ra- tion is two eggs a muum per per- son in the London district.) In fact, I saw only one person eating an egg in almost a month. There are no packaged cereals. They came from Canada and are too bul-‘ky to ship. Oatmeal could be obtained oc- casionally when one could get milk with it. The sugar ration is one- third the new Canadian ration. Fried tomatoes seemed» to be the staple breakfast food: last fall, sometimes with one slice of fat bacon. Mrs. E. Pa Mr. and Mrs last. Teston W.A. will meet on May 20 at the home of Mrs. P. McQuarrie. Laskay Choir gave special music at the evening service of King Anni- versary on May 3rd. Rev. A. Car- men Hie of Earlscourt Univted church was the speaker. Mrs. E. Patton of Toronto visited Mr. and Mrs. J. Watson on Friday The Sunday School pupils will give special music on Sunday, May 10, as it is Mother’s Day. The program at Laskay Y.P.U.. meeting on Thursday night was un- der the direction of the Culture Con- venor, Jimmy Mar'wood. The tOpic was given by Isolbel Stephens. Teston Y.P.U. met in the church 'basement on Wednesday evening. The program was in charge of the Citizenship Convener. I The Red‘ Cross needs money to keep these precious parcels of food flowing to British prisoners of war. Starting May 11th, an intensive drive for funds is to be launched. It is the first appeal to the public in nearly two years. The objective of the Ontario Division is $4,500,000. Don't fail the Red Cross. It has! never failed you. A postcard is enclosed in each of the fboxes for the war prisoners. Over 165,000 of these cards have been returned lby British prisoners [of war, evidence that the parcels are {reaching their proper destination. Robert Alldrick’s letter is further proof that your relatives and friends ‘who are prisoners of war are being cared for by the Canadian Red ,Cross. Parcels, loaded. with nour- ‘ishing food, are being packed in To- ironto at the rate or 2,000 an h0u_r. lWomen volunteer workers are giv- ing most generously of their time to this work. They operate as effici- ently and painstakingly as men on an assembly jdb. In fact, it is on the assemlbly line principle that pri- soner of war parcels are packed, with an endless chain of rollers carrying the boxes from one grOup of women to another. Into each box goes: 1 lb. whole milk powder, 1 17b. Ibutter, 4 oz. cheese, 2 oz. corned beef, 10 oz. pork luncheon meat, 8‘ oz. salmon, 4 oz. sardines or kippers, 8 oz. raisins, 8 oz. dried prunes, 8 oz. sugar, 1 Ilb. jam, 1 1b. pilot (bis- cuits, 8 oz. eating chocolate, 1 oz. salt and pepper, 4 oz. tea, 2‘ oz. soap. “Medical supplies have also been sent and are in charge of two R.A‘ M.C. orderlies in our camp. These things all depend on transportation, ‘and, of course, the proper organ- ization of the Red Cross. On such a large scale, it is impossible to ex- pect favorable results in all cases and to keep track of all shipments, besides the uusal receipt forms. A Red ‘Cross representative periodically visits all camps checking conditions.” “The International Red Cress in Geneva," the letter continues, “have sent large consignments of clothes for needy prisoners. Warm woollens and‘ blankets have made a severe winter more bearable. This supply has .been supplemented 'by the con- stantly arriving parcels from relaâ€" tives. Another welcome comfort are the cigarettes. The Red Cross try to provide 50 cigarettes weekly to each man, but sometimes the proâ€" gram is upset. They also endeavor to supply literature of all classes for our needs. Although we had no books at all on our arrival, we now have many classics and light novels. We have not neglected our relig'on and use a number of. prayer books and Bilbles for our Sunday evening services conducted by a prisoner of war.” Teston and District “This letter,” Alldnck wrote, “may give you some idea of how much we P.O.W.’s rely on the Red Cross So- ciety. Without a doubt the most important benefit we receive are the weekly food parcels. They add food value otherwise lacking. In our camp we have tasted English, U.-S. and Canadian food, and in spite of the tasty variety of the English, the Canadian parcels are by far the most prized. It was written by Alldrick from “Camp No. 43‘, Lager Bezeichnung, Deutschland.” “I’m ashamed to confess that at one time when the Red Cross asked for donations, I doubted the purpose of my ‘two bits.’ Now thousands of prisoners of war, including myself, say, ‘Thank God for the Red Ctross’.” So declares Sgt. Robert Alldrick, RJC.A.F. in a letter to a Grimsby friend who turned it over to the Ontario Division of the Red Cross. “Thank God For Red Cross” Writes Ont. War Prisoner THE EBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 9.16 a.m. a 11.21 am. 2.56 p.m. a 6.51 pm. b 9.26 pm. aâ€"Through to North Bay bâ€"To Orillia, Fri., Sat, Sun. & H01. Eastern Daylight Saving Time Tickets and Information at G. I. HISLOP, Telephone 177 AndI I have known a dog to bear Starvation’s’ pangs fTom day to day With him who had been1 glad' to share Hi‘s bread and! meat along the way. No dlog, however mean or rude, Is guilrty of ingratitude. But I have known! a dog to fight With all: hig strength to shield; a friend, And whether wrong or whether right, To stick with him until the end. And: I have known a dog to lick The hands of him itnat men would‘ kick. I’ve never known- a. dog to fake Alflfection for a present gain, A false display of love to make Some Wattle favour to attain. I’ve never known a. Prince or Spot That seemed! to be what he was not. F've never known- a dog to show Hahfway devotion to his friend, To seek a kinder man to know Or richer, but to we end The hu'nrlb’lest dlcg I ever knew Was to the man who loved him true. I‘ve never known a dog to wag His tail in glee he did not feel, Nor quit his old-time friend .to tag At some more influential heel; The yelllcwest cm- I ever knew Was, to the boy who owned: hlim BUSES LEAVE Richmond Hill to Orillia The Dog â€"Anony1mous. Guaranteed Workmanship Phone 5w Thornhill N ewtonbrook P.O. 6=0=0=0=10=0=0=0=0=0 To Farmers :- We specialize in re-roofing, Cedar or Asphalt, and we invite your enquiries. Estimates will be cheerfully given without obligation. A LTERATION S and INSULATING Phone 86 PHONE 10, THE ELEVATOR RICHMOND HILL A GOOD SUPPLY OF GOOSE WHEAT SUITABLE FOR SEED ALSO ERBAN, VICTORY AND VANGUARD OATS O.A.C. No. 21 AND VELVET BARLEY FIELD SEEDS ALFALFA, RED CLOVER, TIMOTHY AND SWEET CLOVER CERESAN FOR TREATING YOUR GRAIN ALSO BONUS ON YOUR FERTILIZERS ORDER EARLY AT THE ELEVATOR PARIS AUTO SUPPLY AUTO WRECKERS Complete Stock of NEW AND USED PARTS AND ACCESSORIES FOR ALL MAKES OF CARS AND TRUCKS RECONDITIONED CARS AND TRUCKS I. D. Ramer & Son . RIDDELL CARS WANTED FOR WRECKINé PAGE SEVEN Richmond Hill

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