I'Aizli blurb I â€"-.a ’â€" â€"â€"._â€". =_..â€"â€",-â€"â€"- W†~____________â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€" You won't have any TIRES a few months from now unless they get expert regular service. Sign up today fer the . . . (7W TIRE llFE EXTENSION PLAN YOUNG’S SERVICE STATION YONGE ST., RICHMOND HILL ,â€" ’ YONGEHL'RST RESIDENTS ASK (‘OL'NCIL TO FIX ROAD Residents of Yongehurit Road. Vaughan tlr'.\’ilf~‘liik‘., prescn‘cd :1 i largely signed petit'on to tho Munâ€" icipal Council last Monday pl'Oft‘Stâ€", in;r against the present condition of ‘the street. The petition stated thatl the roadway now is “unfit to drive or walk and pointed out that last year the understanding was that the road was to he scarit‘icd. How- cvrr it wasn't done anl the petition asked not the work or i‘t-paii‘ing‘ he tnis year. The petition was signed by S. McPherson. \Y. Mor- rick. \V. J. Adams, IIarrirtt Adams. 'Fred Rose. R. Johnszon, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Green. \V. Sackfield, W. G. Smith. F. Philpot, E. MacKay. i 1 | u i‘ ll done Geo. Lawson. Mr. Lanson, F. Horâ€" ton. P. Lowery, J. Moore. W. 0. White. Mrs. A. McElwain, M. Pacâ€" quettc. Mrs. Harvey, Gertrude Hous- ton, Mrs. H. Mercer, Mrs. G. Mont- gomcry. __________.__-â€"â€"-â€" NOW More than ever before you should keep your home in good repair. Save expensive repairs to woodwork etc., by using SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS for interior and exterior FLITE, the new Casein Paint Pure Turpentine, Linseed Oil Shellac, Etc. F Y. W. BRATHWAITE Phone 18 We Deliver THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO iii. A. Observes Tenth Anniversary of the Downsâ€" Elia The Asst'.'iation El 3 I'nitwl the \'il\\‘ ('liill'ic (lisorvt-d its tenth anni- Woman's ('hurch on \ersnry on April 29th in the church. The iil't‘~’ltltlli, Mrs. prisidr-il for the askiru‘ llcv. Garnet \V. I.ynd to wel- cl me the \‘is.toi'~ from Toronto \Vcst James Buchanan, opening chrcScs. ‘Prcsbytt-ry \V'..\.. l)\.\\'n<\'ic\\‘. l‘ltilt-I‘)‘ and A sumo «f the work done by tho “1A. FI.~'i’.e‘.villo .»\s~i~c':itions. rc- iluring the ten ytzirs was incn by the seretary. Mrs. Paul Snider. Mrs. Paul. President. of the T0- ronto West Presbytery \\'..-\. brought greetings from the Association and gave us a very clear message in her talk o-i “Lighting ('andlcs". icy. Ernest (T Moddie of Toronto. the Associat'on was minister when organizul. and Mrs. W. .I. Dickin of. Downsvicw. told how the Associa- tion came into being, and how pleased they were at the way it had carried on. Mrs. Lloyd Thompson favoured with two delightfully rendered violin solos. Mrs. Percy accom« panist. A short play directed by Miss Irene Jackson and Mrs. Percy Snidâ€" er was well enacted by Misses Anne Snider as Jackson. Marion Snider and Muriel Snider In the Sunday School room, de- corated with spr'ng flowers, tea was served. Mrs. Fred Jackson. the oldâ€" est member present, and Mrs. James Buchanan lighted the candles on the birthday cake. The first officers of the Association, Mrs. Geo. Jackson, Mrs. Elmo Keffer. Mrs. Arthur â€"â€" THI‘RSDAY. MAY 7th. 1942. WAY BACK IN THE ' LIBERAL FILES F'IFTEEN YEARS AGO From our Issue of May 5th. 1937 The Fair will be orl‘icially opened by Hon. Goo. S. Henry, Minister of Highways for the of On- Province tarlo. Ilarold Kirby. well known in this district. and now Ontario's Minister of llcalth. was called to the bar and enrolled as a Solicitor. THIRTY YEARS AGO From Issue of May Eith. 11'12 ('itiz'ns to say ‘Hcllo' to the Village t‘lcrk may do so now. xur who wish as a Bill phone has lit'i‘ll placed in h's office within the past week. A wire i.~ strung: along the poles through the village and northward to he in readiness for the electric light whch we hope to have within the next few months. At the last meeting of the Agri- cultural Society it was suggested by one of the members that. two con-> stables in uniform he on hand on the evening of the Fair to keep order amongr the young people. The whistling. shricking and other nonâ€" Stllrlv‘dl outcrics make it difficult to hear the performers. copper being FORTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of May 8th. 1902 At meeting of the Board of Education it was decided to have the Pease Furnace Co. place two heaters in the Public School similar to that already in the 2nd Department. Posters are out announcing the annual Spring Exhibition to be held in the Driving Park, on Victoria Day. a Jackson and Mrs- “Hubert SnldC‘F;1The Governor-General's Body Guard and MK“ J~ H- Clandlnanv an Hon- Band will be :present at the Fair in orary President, assisted at the tea‘ table. : LUCKY \VINNERS AT EUCHRE, The Women's Auxiliary Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans wish to thank all who contributed to the success of their evening euchrc last week. Prize winners, Mrs. Russell. Mrs. Patton, Mrs. J. Pollard. Mr. Ellis, Mr. Burgess, Mr. Brazier. Lucky draw, Mr. Cox. the rfternoon and evening. Our citizens and those in sur- rourtiing neighborhoods will be pleased to learn that Richmond Hill is to have a photographer, Mr. E. Cutler of Toronto, who comes high- ly recommended. “You hammer nails like lightning.†“You mean I'm a fast worker?" “No, you never strike twice in the same place.†i l THORN HILL The Thornhill Horticultural Society holding their annual and tulip nrc option Int-etinu' show Wednesday evening. May 13 in the Thornhill :I‘uhlie School. All flowers for thO show must he in place by 7.30. The Thornhill Branch of the Rul t‘ross are sponsoran their second handciaft and hobby show. It will’ he held on Saturday, June 13 from ’10 a.ni. to lo pm. at the home of Miss Aw‘nes Boyle. t‘entre St.. who vrry :cncri‘uusly ofi'crcd her lovely lnine for this purpose. Mrs. \Ym. Fitzgerald is convening the affair and her committic -s as follows: Ira i'trilli. in charge of Mrs. C. E. .Iizcger and Mrs. lrucc thil'ilkll: lit me cooking (,‘(itlllitl‘ to he managed by Mrs. Schiller; white elephant tablo will ho in charge of Mrs. R. ll. Neill and Mrs. J. E. \Villis. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Roberts will arrange the exhibit. All kuqu of needle- .vork, spinning. weaving. carving. painting, otc., done by the people (f Thornhill and district. will be acâ€" cepted for display. There will be demonstrations cf spinning. \vcav'ng, wood carving and linoleum blocks' cutting. In order to Comply with the wishes of the War Time Prices and Trade Board only sugarless cooking will be offered for sale and anyone wishing to donate same should communicate with Mrs. Schafâ€" er. A donation for the white ele- phant stall will be gladly accepted by Mrs. R. H. Neill. Further news of the exhibit will be given each kvcck and anyone wishing instrucâ€" tions regarding the entry of handâ€" craft: should telephone Mrs. Wm. Fitzgerald. telephone 79 or Mrs. J. Greer 157. Several donations have been received including a picture don- ated by a local prominent artist to We raffled. Mrs.R. H. Pringle will 'c in charge of raffle tickets. The marriage of Miss Mary Ruth, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Cooper of Schomlberg, to Mr. Miller Gordon Wray, son of Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Wray, also of Schomiberg, was an interesting event of Thursday af- ternoon in Trinity Church. The bride wore a beige suit with hat and ac- cessories to match. They were un- attended. The ceremony was per- formed by Rev. J. H. Colclough. The happy couple left on their honey- moon for Ottawa and Montreal, and on their return will reside on the groom's farm near Schomlberg. The Women's Association of the United Church will hold their meetâ€"i ing at the home of Mrs. Lee on Wednesday. May 13. Everybody wel- come. How about that salvage? Are you doing your bit? Salvage is to be taken to Mr. Edwards' garage. When deposit'ng your salvage please try to keep paper tied in bundles. Loose paper, bottle caps. should be put in separate boxes and securely tied. Ir's housecleaning time, so he on the lookout for salvage. On Sunday. May 10th clock s.arp :1 “Parents vice will be held in Church Sunday School rags. at 10 0'- Day" the United room. invited to attend. On Monday evening last Thorng hill Young People's Union had as‘ their guests the Fairlawn and Newâ€" tonibrool; Young People. The members of the Thornhill W I. are reminded that they are to be the guests of the “.1. of Richmond Hill on Thursday. May 14th. T'iis pleasant, event has been anticipated for some time and a good turnout is expected. VICTORIA SQUARE Mrs. T. Cuyler Young will speak on her work in Iran at the W.lM.S. special services 3 p.m. and 8 pm. Sunday. May 17th. Withi Thgï¬téans At the monthly meeting last night one of the comrades brought an in- vitation from the stewards of the United Church. Ricnmond Hill, to the Veterans, to attend the regular service on Sunday evening. May 24. It is hoped to make this a big get- together such as attended such ser- vices in the past. All veterans organizations in the district will be invited as well as women's auxiliaries and men and women in uniform. An effort will also be made to have a contingent from the Newmarket Training Depot and the Commanding Officer is being written to with that intent. It is hoped that local citizens will co-operate in making this an out- standing patriotic religious service. Further details will be announced in later issues of The Liberal. That democracy not dead was evidenced at the meeting when the little band present upheld during a discussion the right of a minority as well as majority to speak and vote according to their convictions. is ser-‘ All , parents of the children are cordially1 VICTORIA SQUARE On Tuesday evening about thirty ,ot‘ the ladies of the community gath- ered at the Parsonage to bid fare- well to Mrs. Hamilton, who left on ' Thursday for her home in Nova ‘Scotia. Taken completely by sur- ‘prise Mrs. Hamilton sp0k0 a few very fitting words to the friends she had made during her stay amongst us in reply to the address read by iMrs. Stanley Boynton while Miss Dorothy Oliver prtscntcd her with an ‘cnvclore of donations received by those present (Siifill). 1 Mrs. Ilamilton will be greatly 1missed l-y those who knew her, while not in very good health she always had some very cute and cunning re- mark to make, that one's visit with her was always an enjoyable one. On Wt-rlmsday' evening the hers of this winter's singing school (both of Headt‘ord Victoria Square congregations) gathered at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Perkins, the occasion being to show in some small way our appreciation to both Mr. and Mrs. English of .Brown's Corners for their untiring interests and help given to us at our singing class. Rev. McKay acting as chairman called upon Miss Mabel Sanderson to read the address while Miss Ruth Wellman presented iMrs. English with a b0uquet_of flowers and Mr. Cummer Lee presented Mr. English with a Parken pen and pen- cil set. After a grateful reply was given by both of them a program quite suitable for any evening's pro- gram was given by Mr. and Mrs. English, starting as leaders of com- munity singing, readings by Mrs. English, who also sang us one of Harry Lauder°s pieces as a solo. Mr. Herb Smith and daughter Gwen sang a duet and Miss Coral Perkins play- ed a piano 5010. At, the close re- freshments were served and an en- joyable evening was brought to a close. Miss Mae Sanderson of Richmond iHill had dinner on Saturday with :Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanderson. l Mr. and Mrs. Wes. Helmkay of ‘Creemore spent Sunday with Mr. and iMrs. L. L. Nichols. l Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Perkins, Mrs. H. M. Perkins and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins all motored to Niagara on Sunday. Messrs. John and Isaac William»- son, Misses Viola and Ruby Avison were all home over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton and Vera had a surprise party for Mrs. ,Lizzie Boynton on her 76th birthday last Friday evening when they had invited to their home Mrs. Boynton and her two sisters, Mrs. H. Sum- merfeldt of the 6th line, Miss Nellie Bond of Unionville, and three broth- ers, Messrs. Joseph and George Bond of Unianville and Mr. and Mrs. John Bond of Gormley, Miss Mabel and Mr. Nelson Boynton. During the evening a bouquet of flowers and several potted plants were present- ed to Mrs. Boynton. A happy even- ing was spent together by all pre- sent. It. ha: been decided that owing to .special services being; held now in the church to hold Parents' Sunday on May 24th instead of May 10th. A very worthwhile service was conducted by the first of our student Evangelistic group on Sunday even- ing. There were quite a good num- ber our to hear Mr. Crysdale and we hope more from the surround- ing community will continue to come. Remember the dates. May 6, 7, 8 and 9 at 8 o'clock and May 10 at 3 o’clock in the afternoon and the c105ing meeting at 8.30 o’clock on Sunday evening. Don't miss them. Mr. Crysdale brought us a splendid message on the first evening, and no doubt the other students will do equally as well when they arrive. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Constable and Kenneth spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. A. Valliere. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sanderson and Mabel spent Sunday in Toronto with Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Wilson and family, Messrs. Sanderson and Wil- son having birthdays both falling on that date. We are sorry to hear that word has been received that Mr. Meryl lMorris has been hurt overseas. No definite word has been received whe- ther in battle or just a civilian acci- dent. Mr. Morris is the son-in-law of Mr. and Mrs. E. Caseley. The First Aid met at the usual hour on Monday evening with 31 present. The J.W.I. will meet on Tuesday evening. May 12th in the First Aid Corp room. There will be a dieti- tian present to speak to the group. Don’t forget your exhibit from other lands. Roll call, a favorite musical selection or instrument. The J.F.A. will mtet the same evening in the hall with \V. R. Dean, Thornhill, as guest speaker. Plan now to attend one of these meetings. DIED]â€" and