Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 28 May 1942, p. 3

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Centre St. E. Richmond Hill Office Hours -â€" 1 - 4 pm. daily 6 - 8 pm. daily except Wednesday Telephone 24 Richmond Hill MAPLE I Thirty Years Expellence Formerly with Heintzman Company Leave Orders at Amtin's Drug Store R‘r'hr-wnd Hi‘d From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond HiHâ€"â€"Tuesdav and Friday MRS. MYLliS Office Hours: 10 to 12 a.m. DR. JAMES R. LANGSTAFF 100 Main St. Phone 120 Office Hours': 9â€"11 am. daily except Sunday and 6-8 pm. daily except Sunday 2331"; Wednesday__ Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Publip Resxdence â€" 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 Room 66, 1-8 Toronto St.. Toronto Phone AD. 5877-8-9 DENTIST ‘ PHONE 70 YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Drs. Langstaff DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"v 18 Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Alexanier MacGregor KgC. 814 Confede'ation Life Bldg. Tel-unto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Rec. MO. 2866 Office 229 A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ontario Barristers, Solicitors. etc. Wm. Cook, K. C. J. A. Gibson Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office; 912 Federal Bldg 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate B. Bloomfield Jordan BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, Em. Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m.. 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 and by appointment BARRISTER SOLICITQR, NOTARY PUBLIC VOL. LX111. Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST Bank of Commerce Building Telephone 80 Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. J. P. Wilson George W. Cross Piano Tuner Walter S. Jenkins Dr. W. J. Mason THURSDAY A FTERD'OON Mathews, Stiver Lyons & Vale BARRISTE‘R & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC B. E. LYONS, 13A. JvOJSErPH VALE NEWIMARKE‘T OFFICES Adelmo Melecci N. L. MATHEWS, K,c K. M. R. ST'IVER OFFICE HOURS 9.30t012 â€" zto5 Evenings by appointment Telephoneg. Barristers; Solicitors, Nlodiariesl Cook & Gibson T. C. Newman Richmbnd Hi" Every MEDICAL DENTAL MUSICAL $1.50 PER VEAR IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES 5c. THORNHILL 84 Yonge Street Ricnmond Hill LEGAL (011 Active Service) 6 Bots-ford St Phone 126 Residence 148 Phone 100 Phone 3 Insuranceâ€"Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Guarantee Bonds, Accident Etc. KING CITY P.0. Phone KING 28 Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of York and Ontario Successor for Corporal Ken Prentice of C.A.S.F. and of the late J. H. Prentxce, fonmerly (Prentice & Prentice) Farm and Farm Stock Sales a spe- cialty at fair and reasonable rates. Mi'lliken Phone Agincourt 52w3. C. E. Walkington AUCTIONEER INSURANCE Licensed Auctioneer for the (‘_op_nty of York AUCTIONEETE. MA'PLE Licensed Auctioneer fax the County ‘ of York fiales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates J. T. SAIvG’EON & SON Insurance FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€"â€" LIFE Tel. Maple 82 Graduate and KING & Farms and village property for sale and exchange Richmond Hill Phone 1 Office Kingsdale 4812 As usual the prizes for the day will be pa‘esentedl at the banquet which will be held' in the evening at the United Church in Richmond Hill. Two new special prizes in the form of pure-lbred‘ Yorkslhires are being given this year by the Shur Gain Farm which is also providing noon lunch for the (boys taking part in the competition. One of these York- shires will be given to the champion contestant and the other to the coach of the high scoring junior team. In order to encourage a good’ turn out of junior jud’ges oral rea- sons will only be given on five classes of stock instead‘ of ten. as was done in former years. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE iichmond H'iH Phones 15 and 142 Night Plaone 15 Branch Offices at We undersbaml from W. .M. Cock- fburn, Agricultural Representative, that the plans will be completed be- fore next week so that announce- ment can be made as to where reg- isltration might be made without having to drive to Richmond Hill. This will cut down on the amount of driving necessary for the con- testants. The York County Junior Farmers are just completing plans for their annual Live Stodk Judging Competi- tion and the Achievement Day 'pro- gram for the girls who have been carrying on Home Economics pro- jects during the past year. Head- quarters for the day will again be Richmond Hill with the girls ar- ranging the'r display in the Sunday School room of the United Church while the boys will register at the Municipal Hall at 8.30 D.S.‘T. As most of the live 51:00:: Will be judged on farms in the southern part of the county, it is suggested that the boys might arrange to register at the first farm to be visited. I'HORN HILL AND UNIONV-ILLE Junior Farmers Plan For Judging Contest G. I. Roberts V.S., B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON MAPLE, ONT. Dr. S. W. Armitage M.D.V.V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Ernest W. Hunter CHA RTERED ACCOUNTANT AU CTION EERS Clarke Prentice Wright & Taylor J. Carl Saigeon VETERINARY 57 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ont. Phones: R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE INSURANCE Ontario Veterinary Callege McKilly’s Veterinary College, Chicago MAPLE - Tel. King 2300 BUSINESS Willowdale 418 Residence Hargrave 0795 Phone 92-8 fifli RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1942. The following are the officers of the Kleinburg @nd‘ Nashrville Wk:â€" me-n’s Institute 1101‘ the current year: Hon. Pres, Mrs. D. McDonald; Pres.,, Mrs. H. Ward'law; Vice-Pres” Mrs. E. Miller; Sec.-Treas., Mrs. R. Cardi; Director-s, Miss L. Cherry, Mrs. J. Coward; Program Com., Mrs. D. Mc- Donald, Irenve Devinlsw, Mrs. J. fl‘hcmpson, Mrs. W. Burnrfield. Mrs. G. Tayl'or; Auditors, Mrs. A. Agar, Mrs. E. Miller; Pianist, Mrs. H. Farr; Press Reporter, Mrs. R. Card); Flower Com., Mir-s. u. D-evinsv, Miss M. Hamlbly; Rem-ting Hall, Mrs. J. Kellam; Conveners of Standing Com., Mrs. A. Blenlsltead, .Mrs. H. Farr. Alflen Ba‘ker, R.‘C.N., son of Mr. Morgan Baker, M.‘P.P., is home on his first leave since going to sea with the Canadian Navy last year. Alfie'n reports 'se‘e'ing' considerable acti‘rn in' his ltrav‘els abclardv a. Can- adian cruiser which took him up and down both sides of this} continent. Deer in‘ King Township, espe-cialiy in the marsh district are a common sight, but two rbush wolves seen- l‘ast week were the first reported in a l‘ontg time. Three lambs were kilbed by a woltf on Altf. Lewis’ farm; in King bcmnship early Tash week. A neigh- bour saw the beast among the sheep Fbut th-en helrp arrived] the animal hadl depart-ed. “Man experienced, 'sin‘gle, wan-ts enmloyme'nt where no skim milk is used at meal times,“ read an “ad.” in The Globe & Mail l'as‘t Friday. Harry P. GilI‘mIan, wszl‘l known in- surance agent of NcwnSarke-t, died Monday. The late Mr. ‘ was an‘ ardent bowler and} was a familiar figure for many years on York County greens. We extend conigmatullation‘s‘ to the officers, directors and memlbers of the Richmond Hill Agricultural So- ciety on the success of 'the 1942 Flaiir. Successful even'fls such as 119de last Monday don’t just happen; There’s a lot of real hard work “beâ€" h'indi it and much credit is due the officers who put it over so succe'sls- ful’lry this year. Reeve J. E. Coomlb-s of Bradford who died Las’t week was born at Cauvil-De. For thirty-five years he held‘ public office in- Brrad’ford. Thé Fair is over and: it was one of the: hes-1: in history. General News & Views PHONE 10, THE ELEVATOR I. D. Ramer & Son Some have asked why a commercial feed manufacturer advocates a plan of restricted feeding. The answer is simple. By advocating this basic principle in the Ful-O- Pep Rearing Plan, substantial economies are possible to alert poultrymen, and at the same time he can raise stronger, healthier birds than by unlimited feedina. With Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter and Growing Mashâ€"so exceptionally rich in nutritive values and Vitaminsâ€"as a foundation of the Ful-Oâ€"Pep Plan, poultrymen may com- plete the growing ration with greater quantities of whole oats and scratch grains . . . thus saving considerable amounts of money. We believe this to be an important contribution to the practical poultryman’s method of operation. Isn’t there some way that you can use the savings of 30% to 50% you can make on feed cost feeding new pullets the Ful-O-Pep Way! RIDING P0115 73' HIE flit-0- PfP W4? Sfl (’59 ME film/Glifi 70 BUY :4 NE W BROODER.’ 5mm WANT ADS COVER AND DISCOVER A MULTITUDE OF NEEDS There will be a Eu‘chnre at Richâ€" vale school on» Monday evening, June ls't. Good' prizes. Everyone welcome. Registrations for the first class in the First Aid Course may be made! with Mrs. Bailey,- 163 Spruce Avenue, or Mrs. Allfison‘, Stbp 212 Yonge Street. ' goose gtoosve Next regular meeting will be held at the] home of Mrs. Baliley, Spruce Avenue on June ls‘t at 2.310 p.m. Prizes for the event were (fonIa-te'd by Mr. W. Rledievmeie'r of Don Head Farms, and Canad'ian Coio-pve'ra’tive Wool Growers Ajss'c‘ciation. James A. Telfler, Paris, Ont.y sen- ior fieldman with the Dominic-n De- partment Agriculture, the judge of "the comtprebitdon, introduced? ‘by Gammon McTaxgwgart complimented the Ri-dhmcnd Hi1] Fair Board on spcmosoring the c'onlhest. Mr. Mc-, Tag‘gart in‘t'ma‘bed: tihart tlhe ervvem would be an annual1 one and sitated‘ that next year the Society hoped' to have more combes'tiants. 1195951? The initial process of the great ‘wcolhen industry and! the per- formance of tube c‘onters'hanhs' received rounds of applause. "Il‘me oonte's'flémms uvs'ed- power clip- pers) and all showed? ‘sJkill‘ in the art of sheep she'ar‘ng whidh was a reve- lation to “be supvect'axt'crs. For many it was the first time they ever wit- The sheep shearing contest, a new feature at Richmondl Hill Fair, proved a popular one, attradbed‘ a large crowd of spodbators and cre- ated! a great deal of interest. Bill Chuannon of Sumdkerlaxndi was» crowned “Champion” in; this unique contest Which: was one of the first ever held in Ontario. The Champion did the complete shearing job in seven min- utes and‘ twelve seconds and scored- a total cf 86 marks out of a4 poss- itbfie one hundred. Allex Carmichael of D-cn Haedr Farms, Richmond Hill, placed a close second' with a time reoorrdf of nine minutes, two and a half seconds, and‘ 80 marks. Other prize winner-s were Wiltfre-d' Bowes of Maple third and AM Milne of Richmond Hill fourth. Sheep Shearing Popular Feature 0n Fair Program IJv’sI Richvale Red Cross FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY beginnim-g‘ to Lock like the step wilIL s‘oo-n. fbe a cooked“ RICHMOND HILL STEELE AVE. EAST, PHONE WILLOWDALE 8-160 Balini, Alexander, tailor; Balmler, George, bookkeeper; Bearmran', Gem, mechanic; Blain, Sibew‘art, black- smith; Darby, Georgie, manager, Goodlenhlam and Wortsl; Davidson, Rev. John, Church of England; Dwy- er, Chas, prop. original Pine Grave H'otiel; Fergus'onl, Hugh, laborer; Fitzgerald, Michlae'l, cooper; Goodler- hlam, Altfred’ Lee, (G-oodierhvam & Worts) plostmasitler; Good'er’h-am and Worts, general merchants and mill- ers‘; Hill, William, cooper; Laverty, Mrs."'(widow Samuel); Long, Aliex- andler, carpenter; Long, Nielsen, liab- orer; MucClin'chy, J‘ames, laborer; McClure, James, Hamilton manufiacâ€" turer of sadldlies, harness, 'trunks &c.; Mas'on, Johrn, brick maker; Mayn- ardi, John, proprietor Pine Grove Hostel; O’Neill, Jo‘hm, teamster; Sloan, Will‘am, teamsrt‘er; Watt, Charles, boot and s’hoemaker. _ Advertising in The Liberal brings results. is one dhurch in! the village, viz, Congregational of brick, Rev. Rob- ert Hays, pastor, one common school, Mr. Burgess, teacher. Daily mlaxil. Population 170. A p‘osfi‘, village in the township of Vaughan, Oounw of York, 18 miles from Toronto, s‘i‘tuta-ted on the river Humiber, was first slerbtledr about the year 1830, Mr. Sammie'le‘mlith being tone of the finst settlers. The post office was firs't e's'talbl‘isherd about the year 1840, Geo. Sltiegwgimtan' being 'apgproin‘bed p’O‘S’thS‘tK-fl‘. The village contains onle fl‘ourinig‘ mill, Messrs. Goodlerlnam & W‘orts, proprietors, containing 3 rum 'of stone, worked by water power and' capable of turn- inlg' out 120 barrels of flour per day, the brands of which are justly celebrated in the eastern markets, there is a saw .mliltl afitached, doing a considerable avmounlt of business during the spring and‘ fall. There Some Historical Facts Gleaned From “York Directory” Of 1866 PINE GROVE DINNER LUNCHEON BANQUETS RECEPTIONS FAMILY GATHERINGS SPECIAL PARTIES MAPLE, ONTARIO Empire Feed Co. New Home For Better Meals MAPLE VILLA OHAR‘LELS HOOVER, Clerk of the said‘ Municipality Unionville, May 11, 194.2. PUBLDC N‘OTI‘CTE is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the Township of Markham will be held in Township Hall, Unionvil-le, on MONDAY, JUNE lst, 1942 at 3 o’clock p.111. to hear and addud‘ioate upon all com- plaints against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham for the said1 year 1942. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves accordingly. TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM COURT OF REVISION Yerex’s Electrical 26 Yonge St. ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN ' TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY Harold W. Mortson 11 Centre St. W.. Richmond Hill Telephone 93 Farm Implements and Repairs Massey-Harris Rite-Way Milkers Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washers and Household Appliances C.I.L. Fertilizer Corn King Mineral “Gem” Milk Coolers and Electric Fencers Viking Grain Cleaners and Graders RADIO SERVICE PHONE MAPLE 89 Massey-Harris COUNTY OF YORK Municipalin of the Phone 242 No. 48.

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