Markham Township Ratepayers will please take notice that a car- load of Calcium: Clhfloride is expect- ed» to arrive at Unionville station the early part of June. Any tax- payer wishing to buy some for the road in front of their property may order it from any member of the council! or Charlies Hoover, cloerk, Unionvil‘lie, or W. G. Maxwell, Road Supt, Markham, at the rate of 750. per 100 lb. bag. Terms cash. The Mission Band came in at the closing part, with a' very pleasing exercise and the Rev. Mr. McLean closed! this: successful‘ and instructâ€" ive- meeting with! the b-ened‘ctvicn. Am invitation was given by New- market t?) r'lilold‘ the" 1943 4 Sectional (meeting in their church and‘ .this» Wtasl gladll‘y accepted, also the Misâ€" siom Band‘ rally is to be held in Newmarket this: flall. Notice To Markham Township Citizens The Rev. J. H. Koffend‘ of New- mm‘ket addressed the gathering tak- ing «for his; text “What Price Peace" and' reminded us that women never had such an opportunity as stands at her door "ood'ay. The Rev. W. Fesermko of the Ukrainian church, Tloronto, interest- ed: the audï¬ence with the s<b0ry of the first Ukrainian church service up b0 the present flime, andl gave the Women’s Missionary- Society the orediit of having a great part in. the [beginning- of thisI work among the Ukrainian peouplie. Miss Jean Paï¬terson‘ of Aurora gave a most! interesting report of he: ten dkay stay at Gl-en Mawr Camp in 194.1 and“ thanked the Sec- 'tion for giving her this opportunity. ‘Regï¬re-tls were expressed} by the gathering of 1119 death, since our 194:1 meeting, of Miss Helen Pat- terson of Awrora, young Deaconess from the Birtl‘e Indian School,Mani- tubal; also the passing ‘of Mrs. Geo. Cooper of Wililowdale, in whose hon- or the Anna Cooper Auxiliary was named in 1932. In ‘the ‘afbs'erice of Mrs. W. M. Hall, President of 'Do'ron'tlo Presbyâ€" teri-at, M‘rs‘. D. Hendry, Vice-Presi- d‘enm, brought greetings and words of encouragement. Miss AJgnes Mcâ€" Lean conducted‘ the literature perâ€" iodl. MYs'. James Boa cf Wyohwood‘ Breslbyftlerian Church favoured us with two delightful scllbs. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs. C. Cohen, IMrs. Fan-en of Strange looked after the secretarial duties. On behalf of the members of the Anna Ccoprer Auxiliary of Will‘owdlale, the pastor, Rev. A. Mc- Lean, gave a warm and friendly welkvo'me {to the delegftes who had gathered flrcm the different groups from Su'tmn West down to.Willowâ€" dale. Also to the large number of members and’ officers of the Toronto Presbyterial who added greatly to the interest of the meeting. RE DUST LAYER 'Dhe 27th annual meeting of Sec- tion IV‘ of thevTorontp szeglbyterial WM.S. was, held’ in Westminster Presbyterian Church, Willowdale on May 20th with the Vice-Presidents, Mrs. J, H. Koffendé of Newmarket and! Mars. Andrew McClure of King in change. Davies’ Dry Goods Store THURSDAY, MAY 28th, 1942. Specializing in Fly Spray Dust for Garden Pest Control Richvale P.O. Phone Maple 64r4 PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S. 27TH ANNUAL MEETING 1942 WATKINS PRODUCTS Ladies’ and Misses’ Wash Silk Dresses size 14 to 44, price . .. $2.49 to $2.98 Ladies’ Cotton Crepe Nightgowns and Pyjamas, small, medium and large ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 to $198 Ladies’ Full Fashioned Bemberg Hose, sheer chiffon weight, Blush Blond, sizes 9 to 101/2, price . . . . . . . . . . 89c. ERNIE DURIE MISS E. ORME Richmond Hill Tel‘ Richmond Hill‘ old boys who were Whack hrme for Fair Day incl‘uded Jim McOonaghy, John Tiffen, Engâ€" land“ “Inky†Mason, and Walter Benâ€" son all of Toronto. They were enâ€" joying renewing old‘v acquaintances. Mrs. L. McGee of Arthur, Ont, and Mr. and' Mrs. R. Green, Mrs. M. Hewitt and. daughter Miss Mar- garet of Toronto were holiday vis- itors with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. M‘yT's. Mr.‘ and Mrs. T. R. Kerr and son Edward ,and Mr. Daniel Anderson were guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Anderson at Richmond Hill A'gricul- tural Fair on Monday. The andies’ Auxiliary of REP. 96 of which Mrs. W. Sayers is President held a, euchre andv draw lasrt Saturday and| realized‘ the sum of $56.35 for the British War Vic- tixms" Fund. This makes their sixth donation. The winner of the table \lamp was Mr. W. Stringer, 2 He‘l- end‘ale Road, Toronto. Mrs. Sayers Wis-hes to thank those who had tickets on the draw. Marley’s new grocery in Richmond Hill is proving a popular shopping Mace. Morley Hall'., the proprietor, is receiving many compliments on the fine modern store which is quickly developing into one of the busiest business places in town. Some attractive special-s for this weeik-end are advertised in this issue Mrs. William MicAndrerw returned to her home at Renfrew Wednesday after spending two weeks with her mother Mrs. R. Murphy, Church St. Morgan Baker, M.P.P., accompan- ied by his son Allan, an officer with the Royal Canadian Navy was an interested visitor at; the Fair Mon,- day. , f The next business meeting of Lthe iRed Cross wilfl be held‘ Wednesday, [June 24th at 3‘ pm. Walliace Graham of the R'CiAF who has been stationed at Calgary is enjoying a 'two weeks’ furlough at his home here. Miss) Joan Me-credy who was re- cently accepted as a Nursing Sister with the RIC-AJ.M.'C. left this week for Camp Niagara. Mrs. G. Y‘erex. Mms. L. H. Clement, ers. K. Blanchard’, and†Mrs. J. Beresrford‘ attended the Women’s In- stitute district annual‘ convention at Buttonville Tuesday. ‘ Reeve James Rennie of Markham and Deputyâ€"Reeve Bownton Weldrick of Vaughan, Coun't‘y Co'mnniss'ioners, were in Ottawa .this week attend- ing the Mayors†Convention. Miss' Irene Gallagher is visiting for the summer with her sister Mrs. Richard Edmunds, Centre Stree't West. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Jackson of E'lhnrira, New York, visited‘ this week with Mr. andv Mrs. J. E. Smith. Alex Patterson of the Royal Can- adian Navy is home on leave and: looks as if sea life agreesl with him. Miss A. E. Akromlbrac visited over the holiday weekâ€"end“ in Southwold and Lond‘on. ‘er‘s. (Rev) C. W. Folletnt and' Miss Evelyn of Toronto were holiâ€" day visitors in Richmond Hill. Miss Ed'ith Jones spent the holi- d'ay week-end at, her hmme~in South- wold. Miss thiLaren of Branï¬ord has been the guest of Miss Jean Wal'win this week. Bert Caldwell of Barrie, formerly of Richmond Hill, was a visitor at the Fair Monday. Telephone 119 SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Late Mrs. Hilliard! resting: a't Wright and Taylor’s Funeral Home, Richmond Him, service Saturday the 30th inst. at 2 o’clock. Intermen't Heise Hill Cemetery, Gormley. at Mrs. HKealey’s Nursing Home, E:l‘- gin Mills, to Mr. and' Mrs. Leslie ‘Reardonv Rï¬whrm'ond‘ Hill, a son (Michael Wayne), premature. .. , DIED HHILIJARDâ€"«A't the residence of her son MI. Johcn Carlisle, 40 Arnold Street, Richmond‘ Hill, Wedmesday, May 27th, 1942, Efl'l‘eanor Ash, widow of the late John Hililiard', in her 88th year. late of Schomibeng'. ' BIRTH RE_A_1RDIQNâ€"_~On M‘ondlay, Mrvy 2‘5ch The annual meeting of the local branch of the York County Veterans association will ‘be h:':d at the Mun- icirpal‘ Hall, Richmond Hill on Tuesâ€" d'ay, June 2nd< at 8 pm. A full at- tendance is requested as officers will: be elected for the coming year and- other important matters conâ€" sidered. Please bring annual fees if conv'enient. The men of the United Church jchoir entertained the ladies on Tues- lday last, after the final choir prac- tice of the season. The refresh- ‘ments, prepared entirely by the men, were so alppertizlng and served so charmingly that it was suspected- ei‘ther there had been ladies conâ€" cealed behind the locked doors of the kitchen. or that the men pos- s-essed capabilities which had never Ibeen suspected ‘but which certainly should be utilized. Mr. Wes. Middle- ton was chairman of an. entertain- ment which preceded this. The choice of Mr. Middleton was perhaps an unfortunate one, {because he was so overwhelmingly popular with the ladies that at least nine-tenths of his! remarks were drowned in storms of applause and demands for a speech. The program consisted of a. story told thrillinigly by Mr. Rand Phipps (which was discontinued, most regrettably, at the moment of utmost suspence), a poem of Rom- ance recitedl with feeling by Mr. Salter, a male chorus of doubtful harmony, followed by a song by Mr. Middleton, accompanied here and there .by Mr. Melecci in a differ- ent key. The ladies expressed their appreciation of the whole evening, and were especially enthusiastic a- bout Mr. Eden’s chocolate cake, the recipe of which however he has so far refused to divulge. Although inclement weather and‘ other conditions beyond control of the local executive interfered with the size of the parade on Victoria Day the service at the church was very impressive. The C.W.AS.F. with Company Commander Mrs. K. M. Thompson in charge turned out at almost full strength re-gardleSSv of the rain. Veterans with their wives and families attended service in the morning at the Anglican Church where a scroll} was unveiled by Reeve Trench containing the names of those of the church who are now serving with the armed forces. The congregation which completely filiedl the church enjoyed‘ an appropriate service in charge of Rev. W. F. Wrixon who [preached] on the subject of “Christian Patriotism", choosing for his text, “Render unrto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s and un- to God the things that are God’s.†Announcement was 'made this we’ek that Rev. Edtwardl Keane of St. Mary’s RC. Church here has been transferred 'to Welsrton. Rev. ’Keane has been in Richmond Hill for over ten years and' his parish ‘incl’ud‘ed in addition to St. Mary’s Church here, St. Luke’s at Thorn- rhlill and St. Edtward"s at Lansing; ‘He will] take up his n'ew duties at Wiestom June let. Rev. Keane made many warm friends in this commun- ity who regret his departure from this field. , 'T’h-e Explorers are hroBd'ing a sale of homemade candy and! handwopk next Saturday afternoon, May 30th from 3 to 5 at the home of Mrs. W. Sayers, 17 Cenrtre St. W. Tea and' doughnuts will be served at a small- ,charge. Proceeds to go to the Evening Telegram British War Vic- tims" Fund‘. Parents and! interested friend‘s welbome. Mr. Fred Read, B.A., for the past year in charge of the Commercial Department in the local High School has accepted a similbr position in his former location at an augmented salary with a schedule of annual in- creases. Congratulations to Reeve James Rennie of Markham Township who celebrated; his seventie’th- birthdbry Tuesday, May 26th. .Mr. R. Edmunds spent a few days last week at the Seignovry Club, Quebec. The bowling season opens at the l'ocallugrgens‘ twilight ~(Thursday) at 7.30 o’clock. ' " ' With The Veterans THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The reception was held at the home of Mr. and‘ Mrs. Albert Rice of Richmond Hill. The house was beautifully decorated) with lilacs, tulips and lily of the valley. Mrs. Albert Rice received in a light candle blue chiffon with black picture hat and! wore a. oorsagev o-f Talisman roses. The groom’s mother wore a navy crepe dress and‘ hat and a corsage of pink sweetheart roses. The happy oourple left armid‘ s’how- ervs ocf (.omfertti for a honeymoon to the Caledon mountains, the bride ‘iIravelling in a dress of rose crepe with coat of wool in ‘bei-ge' with hat to match and» brown accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses. On their return they will reside in T0â€" Tonto. Lang-staff Baptist Church was beautifully decorated with rodenâ€" drrums, azelias and! baskets of lilacs and carnations for the wedding of Violet May, youngest daughter of 'Mr. A. Rice of Toronto and the hate .Mrs. Rice, to Robert Alick Marritt, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John M‘arritt of Oak Ridlges. The cere- mcIny was performed by Rev. L. R. Copeland of Nelwimark-et, assisted by Dr. M. H. Blandin of Toronto. The wedding music was played by Mrs. Kenneth Boothlby, sister of the groom. During the signing of the register Mr. Donald! Marritt, broth- er of the groom sang “Becauseâ€. Given in marriage by her brother Mr. Allbert Rice the bride wore a gown off white chirï¬fonv‘over taffeta, her veil of embroidered net fell from a, head dress of pearls forming a halo. She carried a cascade bouquet of American Beauty roses, gypso- phalia andl ferns with streamers of white satin and| bouvardia. The bridesmaid, Miss Kay Dunn of Toâ€" ronto, was gowmed in a turquoise blue chiffon over satin with Shirred bodice and carried a bouquet of car- nations and gylpsophal'ia. Little Bar- bara Jones, niece of the bride, was flower girl and! Booked! sweet in (a floor length gown of pink muslin and carried a n-osegay of white car- nations and blue oomfllowers. Mr. Vernon Rye of Keswick was best man and the ushers. were Mr. Leon- ardl Rice, brother of the bride and Mr. Kenneth Boothlby, brother-inâ€" law‘ of the groom. SWEET JUICY SUNKIST CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS, CARROTS, RADISHES, LEAF LE’I'I'UCE, GREEN CABBAGE, BEANS, STRAWBERRIES, Etc., AT BEST MARKET PRICES AYLMER TOMATOES 2%ng BUTTER - 370 Special Week-End Values KELLOGG’S CORN FLAKES IT’S SMART To SHOP MILD CANADIAN UAL'l'UN'S . OZ. Peanut Butter ZJOAR 23C PEACHES AYLMER CATSUP GLASS CO’S LYNN VALLEY vWE DELIVER, PHONE 40 DALTON’S MARRI’I'Tâ€"RICE Wedding APPETIZING FRUITS AND VEGETABLES COMPLETE" LINE OF COOKED MEATS CHEESE - 290 Marmalade Gï¬z‘iï¬â€˜Ã©ï¬ï¬ffié‘ 25c: ORANGES GRAPEFRUIT - 5 for 15 oz 12 oz LGIE. PKG. 26 oz. BTL TIN I IN MEMORIAM ISOHUR‘MAlNâ€"Memory’s loving tri- ‘bute to our dear “Papa†D‘irk Schm- 3hum who died May ‘28'ah‘, 1934. {0 Happy “hours we once enjo'ye’d‘ 12 oz How sweet their memory still, \But death has» left a loneliness The world can never fill. Days of sadness still dome o’er us, Tears in silence often: fliow, For memory keeps you ever near us Though you died) long, long ago. â€"Lovingly rememlbered' and! sadly missed‘ by Jacques, Violet and' fam- ily. On Sunday evening the Richmond Hill P.Y.‘P.S. will holldi Itheir annual, Y.P. church service at 7 pam‘.‘ The speaker will be Mr. Ken Burgess of the Toronto Presbytery Execu- tive. This will be folflowedr by a fireside at 8.15 pm. which. will be addressed by Mr. Jas. Walker, Prest- bytery Personal Evangeh‘ srmlconven- or. 'Dhe program w‘il’l' include reci- tations, vocal music and' instrumenâ€" tals by the Tyndall trio. Soloists are Misses Jean Walrw’in; andl Dor- olthy Hirtle. All young people of the distribt are cordially invited. CHESTER MORRIS, JEAN PARKER in “ No Hands on the Clock †â€" â€"â€" â€" AND â€" â€" â€"â€" Nat Pendleton, Sterling Holloway, Marjory Reynolds in 2/21 at MORLEY’S 2/25 2/25 RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN Y.P.S. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, June 1, 2, 5 Walter Pidgeon, Maureen O’Hara, Donald €risp “ HOW GREEN WAS MY VALLEY 12c snows START AT 7.30 PM. AND 9.30 P31. 033. Thursday, Friday, Saturday, June Bob Hope, Victor Moore, Irene Bordino in “ Louisiana Purchase †“ Top Sergeant Mulligan †Friday and Saturday, May 29, 30 THURSDAY, FRIDAY. SATURDAY, ROYAL YORK Baklng Powder J AVEL WATER MAPLE LEAF Chase & Sanborn 5;: Golden Glow Coffee SUNTONE 20 OZ Grapefrmt J unce TIN BANQUET OZ. TOMATO JUICE 21% 3/25 Formerly Skeele’s, Established 1856: Medium Size DOZ. May 28,29, 30 The regular monthly meeting of the Afternoon Auxiliary of the W- M.S. will be held in \lhe primary réomi bf the“ United" Church Thurs- day, June 4th: at 3 o’clock. An in,- teresting program is, being arranged in which Mrs. Hume will review the chapter of the study book, “Serving w'lth the Sons of Shuhf". On “tibia dlay the bale will» be packed, and laddes of the comg'rega'tio'n are re? quested ‘ho bring or send articles for the bale consisting of new or used clothing in goodr repair, also lkniflted’ goods, with a special re- quest for hand anti tea towels. Come andl make this 12591: meeting fberfo're the holiday season a great success. Primary Room'7 United Church, June 4th IN MEMORIAM DWENBYâ€"In- sad‘ and; loving memm'y of Charles Ernest De'nlby wh‘o (ï¬eci May 30th; 1940. The midnight smrs tare sfhining Upon your silent grave; Beneath it sweeps the one we love, The one we coul‘d not save. Erver remembered! by his wife 11nd family. UNITED CHURCH WM.S. Fresthly GroundE 16 oz. 26 oz. 39c PAGE FIVE 2/21 25c 21c 17c â€