Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Jun 1942, p. 8

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Township of Markham PAGE ElGfi‘x ALL ABOARD FOR THE NORTH TORONTO LIONS’ CLUB Tuesday, Wednesday, June 9, 10 MONSTER AMATEUR CONTEST â€"â€" INTER-SCHOOL SPORTS MEET HIGH CLASS ENTERTAINMENT â€"â€" MERRY-GO-ROUND FERRIS WHEEL, Etc. FUN A-PLENTY Charity kept cut throughout the entire year or the Town- ship Will destroy them as often as necessary to prevent their growth. OWNERS should make certain that ten-ants de- stroy their weeds in 'order to avoid these charges against the property. SpeCiaJ attention is requested to 2â€"â€" Owners and Occupants of property in the Town- ship of Markham take warning that if any Nox- ious Weeds are found growing on lands within the Township after JUNE 10th, the Township will destroy the same without further notice and will charge the cost of such work against the prop- erty in taxes. ' TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that Weeds must be 2 Sets of Rogers Silverware, 50 pieces, and Victor Radio PLUS WEEDS 70 other Valuable Prizes Given Away F R E E POISON IVY. FEARS PARK EGLINTON AVENUE AND EDITH DRIVE RAG ,WEED and J. W. WARRINER, WEED INSPECTOR. NO ADMISSION CHARGE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Among the artiiems Vw‘h‘ase work‘ wlIlI be on Cris-play are, Mr. Fred Hlajni‘es, Pa‘esid'ernrt of the Royal Can- ald'ian Alcademy, Mfilslsl Yvon'nre Mc- Clague wlhiose cam/asses have been exhibited in all ilmlptmitnanlfi centres on iihr’s c‘ortfinemit as well as in Eu- rope, Mr. F‘ranikld‘n Anbuckle and his‘ equally talented wiitfe who is a dumgihrter of Fran's 'JCIthSIon, Mrrs. (harks Hlii‘l vdhose flower s-tudiels‘ Were greatly adlmired' art the C.N.E. last year, Mir. 'Ilh‘orea. M‘acD‘cmuald‘ w-h-o illustraiteltli the newest: edition of "Marie Chmdeelalinie", and a pic- tur'e by My faililer the llalte J. E. H. MlachomaldV will allslo he» leaned. Lamy Wind-lo and her vans‘aitile niece M‘amjori‘e Nlaz|or [will Show some of.- tlhiedr paintings, lartdl Ruth Col- lins, Mtsu Ralph Roberts, Mr. Will- iam Hicwandi, M‘rs. HlarvolId! Hook and last but by no mean? heard: Mr.‘ Angus MacDonald will lend plainlb- inlg amld- SJk‘etK'I‘IEISr. Mr. John Greer who as a men-her of the “Travomto Mammy” Won) the Dominion award in the Drama Competition for two succmsvive yearly will“ lend‘ paintingw.‘ Don’t let ms, list of celebritiesl immiunlidlaibe you. All oa'nnlod; 'paint on dh‘azw beautiful piotruresr but many.‘ can sew, knlit, c‘wahe‘t, carve, spin weave ebc. aml since variety is the spice of life you will add! much to the interest and! success of the show by Bringing along an exhibit of your handiwork whatever it may be. 'G'reartest came Will be taken of all exhibits. Children will be admitted only if accompanied= by aidulrbs. If you have Erasm'e‘flhrlhlg to exhibit please contact Mrs. John Greer, lpzlrom'e Tlhorm’ht‘l'l 147, if you have Sidm'e'ti'ncing you can donate to blue White Elephant Stall phone Mrs. Willis or Mlns‘. R. H. Neill, amid ers, Slchaelfer will be glad you can conâ€" tribute Slu.g1ar‘.:e'ss {voollaer'y or garden produce for her dlepvarhmaemt. Mns'. C. E. Jaegve'r lIS im (lltoangex of the Tea Rclcrm and Lady Wimdile will. Julcfix'e the silvd; collection art the: door. I Rev. J. C. Ross of Bolton occu- pied tflne phlqpfit ccf Uhe ~PrresstbyrbeTflarL Church heme liasrt Sundlay. Rev. S. W. Hirile was preaching ammiversâ€" ary services at Bdlmon. We exitemdL to Miss Marguerite Boyle our most .si‘nlcerx‘e emgratula-h [lions upon the s‘pienIdM perform- ance of her talented pupils in 'flhe reocirtal‘ given on Friday night in Forestersv’ Ham. There is prcbably no village can box»: as many outstanding artists as rersfiti'znfis, as Thormhil'l. 'All are co-Cmerertb’mlg by exhibiting pictures at 4919 Arts an:le Craftry Show which is spouts-cred by the Thm'mhill branch of the Red» Cross and will be held at the hfme c-f Mists Agmes Boyle, Centre Site-em, Samrdlaw, Jun-e 13, from 10 am. unrbil 10 lme. Thornhill Arts and Crafts Show For Red Cross Featured By Outstanding Arts Display ka of Some of Canada’s Most Talented Artists Will Be Shown â€" Show To Be Held At Home of Miss Agnes Boyle, Saturday, June 13th Th-e en'tire community was shock- ed to learn on Thursday of the: svuld~ flan! passing of Ftratrlk Kincaid! of hot 9, com 5, Markham. Mr. Kim- mild) ‘sufcfeu'mdl a stroke seizure im: the early mcamfimg and} died a. few tours Later. "1111!: son of Mr. and Mms. W. F, Kéncz)‘ d1, he was 'borm m M'x'adhc, and had! ns'irdedt at his have residencei for the 1:54; 21 3032's. He! was a! mem-, her of the Markham Masonic Lc‘dge and' Central Unitedl Clhurch, Uni-on- It was just a. short time ago when: a woman wouldn’t think of wearing a pair of hose which had a run in: one of the stockings. Om Sumilay, Mnay 311m: the open- ing of the Jadke-s: Memorial ong‘an‘ tIo-ok pfllac‘e at) 'I‘cl’imifty Anglican Clhrurdh. ’Dhel organ is a bequest firmm Ith-e‘ will cf rthe llalte Mrs. Jlackes n memo'ry o.f her husband arudt Vh‘ens‘eltf. The choir remua‘ierenfl special music :flor this occasion. There- mas‘ a. Large at‘mmdlan'ce with many visitors from ’Dca‘omI‘Jo, Rich'- m-omd’ Him and other points. ‘Conugn-amhamoms are extended to Reeve Rm‘srt. W. Scott om hri's alpâ€" ‘por'mtlmert to rt‘he Nuabicmcal War Seava'aevs- ‘Bovalrd. (Mm. ard‘ M175. Henry Jasmtiers'on of Lemon were Shmdlay guesfis of Mr. and Mrs. A. Jiamiesom, 'Uhcnrmlh'ill. Tlhe W.A. of the United Uh'unch m'l-l 'holvd> Ilhevirr re'gTufllar [mee'rtding at the bomb of Mrs. ‘Cur're‘y‘ om Wed]- m‘sdlay, June 10th at 3 pm. Every- VIFIu‘Je. Many friends offer sincere: st'rrmpailhy to the bereaved) fami’l’y' ‘anld' mbum the; 11055? of a' good! neigh- ‘rbor and trus‘twwtfivyv acquaintance]. :Sumdiay, J1me ’nth Trinity 1 10 a.m.~Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"â€"Ho.1’y Communion. 7 (p.:m.â€"Evening Prayer and‘ Ser- mon. “0 worship the Lord‘ in the [beauty of Iholiness”. RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brehhen, B.A.. Minister Sunday, June 7th 10 a.m.â€"â€"‘Sund‘ay School. 11 a.m.â€"Mornimg Worship conduct- ed by Rev. C. E. Fockvler of Maple, Ontario. 7L Ime.â€"Evening Worship conduct- ed by the minister. ‘ All are welcome. F‘uweir’all services were held Sat; urd'ay from his late Ileusid'arnlce, Rev: A. E. Owen ofifi‘pfiiafl'nig. Brrobher Mbasons/ cond'udbed the grave obse-G quie's-. ne‘sdlay, J1me cme we’LcoIme s x Surviving are his' wlidlo'w and mo smnaJI clh'i’leH'erm, Kiefltlh and~ Jane E111 lem‘, 3.1150 his paire'nits‘ Mr. and: Mrs. W. F. Kincaid and) a‘ sdsrtef Mrs» Freda Humphreys' of Toromt‘o. (Anglican) RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. L.Th. 4 Markham Road JUNIOR FARMERS' MEETING LATE FRANK KINCAID ST. MARY’S CHURCH UNIONVILLE One mrild| morning some Weeks ago i when the Robins had first come back and when it was still dark at 5 am. our whole neighlbm’hoo-d was set in an uproar by the simple turn- ing of a switch. The fanmer inno- Mmfly turned on the yard light on ‘hviis way to the barn and a robin who was roosting on a Spruce tree a few feet from the high powered electric hulrb burst Into startled song. This woke «very robin in the neigl'iboflii-ood and they all loud- ly apolc-g’k-Cd for having over-slept. The big dog next door was spend- ing his first night out doors and, (being son'ptrwhiat nervous, was wak- ened by the unexpected music and barked loudly and long to show his dJ'isapyproval. This, of course, start- ed all the dogs in the: neighborhood, and also woke tfh-e owner of the big dog who leaned out of the win- dew and told him in no uncertain terms- just what he thought of him. This in turn woke the baby, who in ‘his turn cried and‘ woke the rest of the farm'ky. But perhaps the (story doesn’t .emd h-ere â€" when a bird sings or a dog barks at that mystic hour when night and’ day are just teetering in the balance the sound spreads as surely as do the rimles when a stone is dropped in a quiet pond. So perhaps for hun- dreds of miles across our peaceful Ontario countryside robins‘ sang- â€" and dogs barked: â€"â€" and] men swore ‘â€" and babies cried â€"- and mothers and children woke â€"â€" just: because the farmer turned a switch. tho kmows! The 'Whivp-ploor-wil‘l whidh we sometimes hear in the evening, but seldom see, did not shy himsehf from two birddsfis the other even- ing. Jusrt at dusk when returning home from a aide «in the country, the call] of the Whip-qpoorr-will was repeatedly heard with unusual dis- tinctness. The urge to locate the bird seized us and so making our way through the dual}: we' were able .‘0 come within mwel've feet of it. It was pl‘ainly sleern perched on a bare branch of tree and! calling Whip-(pooruwill to its heart’s con- tent. The shining eyes of another Whip-pvoor-w‘ill met us face to face on fih-e road coming home. Did you know that rbhe Baltimore O‘xriole is named for Lord Baltimore wlilo was the foulnd‘er of Maryland? In 1632 he visited Virginia and- the color of his livery was the brilliant colvorvings of the o‘riolei. The early NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS and TENANTS Township of Vaughan Weeds Weeds THE EARLY BIRD Public notice is hereby given in accordance with the WEED CONTROL ACT that unless weeds which may be growing on lands within are cut the Township may enter upon the said lands and have weeds cut. charging the cost of same to the owners concerned in their taxes. TOWNSHIP OF VAUGHAN BIRD CHA TTER G. DEFERRARI, SAM IRELAND, THURSDAY, JUNE 4th, 1942. settlers named rbhis orang< bladk colored! {bird Baltimore We hear flh-e mmsdcal warble of th-e1 Baltimore Oriole everywhere these days. The rich reddish or- ange and Mack 'of its plumage makes' us t‘hink of the tropical birdls and we wonder, How falE-s it, 'Oriol‘e, that thou~ hast Vaughan Weed Inspectors. come to 'fly In tropic splendor through our northern sky? At some glad moment, was it na- ture's choice To drawer a scrap of sunset with a voice? The Baltimore Oriole breeds in Eastern North America and win- ters in Central America. Ibs nest is most interesting, made of grasses, plant fibres, hair, strings and bark firmly interwoven. It is in the form of a bag and is hung {between two twigs near rthe end' of a limb 20 to 40 feet high The nest is- so knitted: and fitted: together that though tossed through winter and summer storms; it remains in place fcr several years. This bird is: one of the greatest ‘dvestmoyers of hairy caterpillars May beetles, grasshop- pers, ebc., eating cultivated fruit occasionally as a relish. The good the bird [can do is great and the harm slight. We were sorry to hear the other day that some thoughtless boys had (been a'tt-ermrptdmg to dlestroy a tree swallow's nest. ’I‘hvexse swallows have been building in the same place for several years and we hope the boy‘s wilfl: think seriously of what they are doing and cause .no more harm, to these birds. A pair of screech owls amf five 'baby owlls are causing a great deal of interest down Mr. I. D. Ramer’g way on Roserview Ave. Re'v. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, June 7th ' 10.30 a.m.â€"Sumd'ay School. 11.45 a.m.-#D1iv:2ne Worship. The mimister wm preamh. DIED ' FRENTICE, Mary H. Hendlensomâ€" At the resfi‘dJemoe of Mir. Stanley Ransom of'C-em’cre Street east, Rich~ mo‘nxi HiLl, Sunday. May 31%, 1942, Mary H. H‘emdenson, widow of flh-e late James Prentice, in her 6051: year. ‘The funeral was held: from the above address Wedln'esdvay, Jume 3rd; art 2 o’clock and embomibmemt Ifohâ€" bowed! at Forest Lawn Mlau's'o’leuum. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RICHMOND HIILL whis orange and

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