"=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=u 0:0] SATURDAY, JUNE 27thLâ€"Auction sale of 40 acre farm!v furniture. household goods, etc. the property of the'estate of the late Thes. Fenwiek, lot 12 rear- con. 5 Vaughan, 1% miles north of No. 7 highway on 6th line. Terms for furniture cash. Terms for farm made known on day of sale. C. E. Wahkington, Auctioneer. sale of furniture, household goods, etc. the property of I. L. Johnston: 4th com of Vaughan, just north of Maple. Tenm‘s cash. Sale at 2 pm. See list in this issue. C‘. E. Walk- ington, Auctioneer. sale of furniture, household goods, etc. the property of Mrs. Ivan Marks 24 Mill St., Richmond! Hill. Terms cash». Sale at 1 pm. See full list in this issue. J. C. Saigeon, Auc- tioneerr. SATURDAY, JUNE 20thâ€"Auction WEDNESDAY, JUNE 17â€"Aucti0n sale of 110 acre farm, 60 head re - Esberedl and‘ accredited Jersey catt e, horses, implements, 'etc., the prop- enty of Wm. A. Benson, rear lots 6 and 7, con. 3‘, King ’I‘wrp., 1/4 mile north of Kin-g City. Terms cash. Sale at 10.30 am1. C. E. Wahking- ton, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, JUNIE 2v0th~â€"Au~cti on A special permit to purchase sugar has‘ been granted to the Women’s In- stitute to again make jam for our, forces and the needy in Britain. Any d‘onatioms' bf fruit or contributions towards purchasing sugar will be of great help and appreciated. accepted. Congratulations to Sam Adams of Richmond1 Hill who was skipping a St. Matthew’s. rink in- the Canada Clulb tournament in Toronto last Saturday and was the Wilmer of the trophy. The regular games will be played‘ tonight (Thursday) starting at 7.30 mm. The games committee ask bowlers to note the starting time. There will be an open mvixed‘ doubles tournament Saturday after- noon starting at 2.1-5 mm. Pick your own partner and make your entry The wet weather crisis is pasâ€"â€" local bowlers got into action again- Monday might when thirty-two en~ thusiasts took .part in the regular Monday night tournament. The winâ€" ner was E. T. Stephens, and the other members- of the Winn-mg rink 'vere: President Norm Chatterley, Russell Lynett and’ F. R. Gillbert. BOWLING NOTES Men Wanted RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk. T. H. TRENCH, Reeve GOD SAVE THE KING WALKER McKAYhRICHMOND HILL, PHONE 190w PAGE FOUR FARM HELP fl VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL JAM FOR OVERSEAS In order to co-operate to the fullest possible ex- tent with the farmers of this district in solving the Help Problem, the Richmond Hill Municipal Council, asks that all men available for farm work by the month, week, day or even the odd half day, register with the Village Clerk. Additional help is needed on many farms in this district. If you can work even for the odd day and help fill this need in the important work of farm production you will be serving the coun- try’s needs. Register for Farm Work at the Municipal Office, Richmond Hill, phone 29. Farmers needing help are asked to get in touch with the Municipal Clerk re their needs for sum- mer labour. First twenty entries will be Sale Register MRS. G. YEREX, Convener. FOR BREAD SALESMEN ON TORONTO ROUTES APPLY 610 DUPONT ST., TORONTO ‘OHOI o=o==no=m Class Aâ€"Billry Hiltz 10, Donald Hope 9, Larry Sanuer-son 6. Class Class Aâ€"Hazel Maclklin and Betty Raymer 9, June Cooperthvwaite and Eva Head 8, Helen Grant and Helen Sever 14. Class Bâ€"Vyla Latimer and. Betty Norton 10, Margaret Mortson and Edna Sanderson 6, Mabel King and Joan Lanthier 1. 012155. Câ€"Donna Arsenault andx Fran- ces Baker 5, Reta Rattle and Bertha Clinfkinlboomer 9, Doreen Klinck and Edna Sanderson 6. BOYS’ SIXTY YARD DASH rClass Aâ€"Donlald Gaston 1, Billy Hiltz 10‘, Gordon Minton 10. Class Bâ€"cP'eter Albram 4, Lyle Pickering 6, Cliï¬ford Cox 5. Class Gâ€"Lyle Pebch 9, Harold Carr 1, John Mchirague 4. GIRLS’ TlHIRJELALDIâ€"TmE-NEEDLE RAGE PIO‘TA'TO RAlClE FOR GIRLS Glass Aâ€"â€"Betty Barber 7, Shirley Latimer 10, Jane Walker 1. Class Bâ€"Malble King 1, Margaret Mackâ€" lin 9, Margaret Mortson 6. Class Câ€"Donna Arsenault 5. Bertha C'linkâ€" enlboomer 2, Aullma.St€0kley '7. BOYS’ RUNNING BROAD JUMP Class Aâ€"Robert Bruce 1, Nick Procenko 8. Billy Hiltz 10. Class. B â€"»Clifford Cox 5, George Clarke 5. Lyle Pickering 6. Class C‘â€"Ray Ovm'iston 8, Lyle Fetch 9, Elson Miles 9. Boys umder 8 yearsâ€"«Larry Mayn- ard 10, Douglas Montgomery 8, Ross Baker 5. Girls under 8 yearsâ€"Jean Stephenson r5, Edith Malcolm 14, Isobel Hood 5. Boys under 10 years HDonaIdl Wilmon 8, Geo. Felgate 2, Craig Saunders 9. Girls under 10 yearsLâ€"Margaret Coats 8, Christine ROM) 14, Dorothy Hood: 5. A large crowd of pupils, together with many‘ interested adults, was present to see the many events be- ing run off at Unionrville on Friday. The winners were as follows (num- bers following names indï¬cate winâ€" ners’ school): an aid) to the war eflfort, prizes this year at, group field meets, (of which there are six rheing held this month in Mr. Lapp’s Inspectorate) are be- ing made to the schools winning the greatest numlber of points. The winâ€" ni-ng pupils receive only prize rib- bons. Money pr‘fzes won by schoois is to be donated by the school to some war charity of the winning school’s choice. The Schools of West Markham Town-ship, (N0. 1 to 1'0, and! No. 14) held their annual group field day last Friday at, Unionville Public Sch-col. The Annual Inspectorate Field Day, such as was held at Rich- mond Hill last year, has been canâ€" celled for the “durationâ€. Also, as BOYS’ HIGH RUNNING J UMP West Markham School Field Day F‘O O‘T RACES 10:; I lst, Margaret Mortston. Edna San- }d-erson, Lyle Pickering, Larry ï¬an- ‘derson, 6. 2nd, Don Steelkley, Rob- erta Farquharson, Connie Rumney, lDoug Steckley, '7. 3rd, Els‘on Miles, theta Rattle, Bob Simpson, Mar- gwaret Mauklin, 9. TRUCKLEâ€"NELLSON The marriage was solemmized in St. Mary’s Church, Richmond Hill on Saturday, June 6th, by the Rev. W. F. Wu‘ixon, orf Henbert Cecil Truckle and Edith Harriett Jessie Nelson, both of Toronto. Mrs. A. Stevens was maid of honor, and Mr. Gordon Henry Nelson, was the best man. Mr. John Truckle gave ‘the bride away. The happy young couple will live in Toromto. Get in touch with Bill Adams‘ president, phone 137128 or Fred. Sloan" secretary, phone 268 if you can make the grade and] please call. these numlbers if you have room in your car for one more. H onestâ€"B-ossâ€"“Can shorthand?†Pretty applicantâ€"“Yes sir; but it takes me longer.â€-â€"Kitchener Recond. Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynett ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District The other day following invitation Dear Comrades:â€" The officers and members of the Newmarket Veterans’ Association are parading to the Newnnarket‘ Basic Training Camp, No. 23, to take part in the Camp Church Ser- vice on Sunday, June 14th. We are endeavouring to get every Veteran in the town of Nemwarket and disâ€" trict to 'be on hand for this o-cca» sion‘ as we Wish to make an extra goody showing. B-esidres' notices in the local press, cards will be sent to each comrade in‘ town so they will have no excuse for not being present. be 0: time These are not necessarily the schools winning the prizes in above order, because prizes are given to schools with highest percentage of points gained when worked out in relation to number of pupils attend)- ing' school. This information not available at time of writing. wahools winning great-est number of points were: No. 9, Milliken; N0. 8, Hagermany; No. 1, Thomlea; No. 5, Buttonville; No. 6, Victoria Square; No. 10, Unionville. Class A-James Montgomery 8. Nick Proclemko 8. Bert Norton 10. Class Bâ€"Matthew Rae 10, Ellwyn Snowball 10, Morley Timbers 2. Class C‘â€"Billy Parkinson 10, Harry Bartâ€" lett 14. Kenneth Stephenson 5. GIRLS†SOFTBALL THROW Class Aâ€"«Hazel Macklin 9, June Collard 6, Dorotth Dvegen 3. Class Bâ€"Margaret Mortson 6, Rheta Rattle 9, Betty Miller 8. Class Câ€" Donma Arsenault 5, Bertha Clinkinâ€" boomer 9. Betty Hood1 8. Baseball game and demonstration of games by schools were two items on the day’s program which had to be omitted on account of the lack of Open to boys or girls of all classes Class A â€" Billy Hiltz 10, Larry Sand'erson 6, N'ok Procenko 8. Class Bâ€"Bo‘b Simpson 9, Douglas Walton 5, Lyle Pickering 6. Class Gâ€"Allan Leaf 8. Lyle Fetch 9, Harold Carr 1. Open to all classes 191:, Mable King, Joan Lanthiver. Phyllis Lanthier, Jane Walker, 1. 2nd, Doreen Bolton. Betty Mille_r, Erva Head), Mariod. Head, 8. 3rd, Rheta Rattle,-Norma Jewett, Mar- garet Macnklln, Mil'dq-ed Spring, 9. 6, Joan Lanthier 1. Class Câ€"-Rob- erta Farquharson 7, Donna Arsen- ault 5, Phins Lanthier 1. BOYS? 10‘0 YARD DASH Class Aâ€"Jane Walker 1, Frances Baker 5, Mildred. Thomson 10. Class Bâ€"«Mable King 1, Margaret Mortson Bâ€"Bo'b Simpson 9, Cliftford Cox 5, Douglas Walton 5. Class Câ€"â€"A1]an Leaf 8, Ray Ormistcn 8, Lyle Petch BIO‘YS" EIGHT LB. SHOT PUT (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 With The Veterans 2518 YONGE STREET GIRLS‘ SIXTY YARD DASH G-IRHJS’ RELAY RACE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO ’ OPEN RELAY Wedding we received the you write Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buchanan and Miss Mabel Sanderson attended the ’Loflkravntz-Dawson wedding-on 85t- urday. Mrs. W. Trussell, Miss Irene Beatty, Miss Marion Smith and Miss Mable] Sanderson spent Friday even- ing, yes even a portion of Saturday morning, at the home of Mrs. Marâ€" cus Jarvis planning the 1942â€"1943 J.W.I. programmes. Don’t forget the War Work quilt- ing which is being held just in the afternoons. The next meeting will be on June 17th at 1 o’clock. In the evening the WA. will meet in the Sunday School room at 8 o’clock un- der the leadership of Mrs. Ross Nichols and her group. Don’t forget the County J.F.A. & J.W.I. picnic at Musselman’s Lake on Friday afbernoon and evening, June 12th. Mrs. Clecil Nichols. is spending a few holidays in Ottawa where the graduate nursing class of 1932 aré entertaining the graduates of 1942. Mrs. Nlcholis was a member of the 19432 class. em conveniences. Apply G. Row- landx, King Village, Ont. We are glad to see M’rs. Frank Collins able to go on her own strength again after her operation; also Miss Bertie Forster is able to walk on her foot, but it is still quite tender from the sprain. Wedding bells are ringing again in our community. xMI‘. Frank Brumlwell says he got out of jail at last. It has been quite a busy time for Frank to be on- jury and then to be shut up for 3 or 4 days not able to look after things at home and only a student to look after the farm. Some of these students do exceptionally well on the farm and are to (be congratu- lated on their pluck. Week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Beatty wer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dale, Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. 'Fred Cullen and! family of St. Cath- arines; Mr. and Mrs. John Leece and daughter Isabella of Maple. On Sun»- day evening Mr. and Mrs. John Beatty and‘ family of Toronto called: At the Y.P.U. service on Sunday evening the topic was taken by Miss Mabel Sanderson. Scripture was read by Mr. Alvin Casely. A readâ€" ing by Miss Vera Boynton and a lovely 50110 was rendered by Miss Marion Boston. THREE RODMED FLAT, all modi- LLOYD’S CORN SALVE contains Benzocaine. The new local anaes- thetic. Puts coms to sleep immedi- ately. Get a jar to-day. Scotchmer’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. Dr. Mason gave a very interest- ing- and educational talk on teeth at our Tuesday evening First Aid meeting. Also did Ur. McKay on Monday night his subject being “Burnsâ€. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of soft white sheer, with bodice trimmed with Irish lace and, seedl pearls, a finger tip: veil falling from a head dress of orange blossoms, and carried pink and white carnations. Miss Peggy Clarke and Miss Martin, both of To. ronto, senior sbridesmaids, wore gowns of pink and blue sheer trimmâ€" edi with rhinestones. The junior bridesmaid, Miss Peggy Powell, wore a dress of pale pink org-and‘ie trimmb ed. with blue velvet shoulder length veil and carriedi a. bouquet of sweet peas and baby’s breath. Mr. John Nigh of Cashel was best man. Messrs. Russell Cooper and Robert Dawson, both of Toronto, were ushers. The reception was held‘ at the home of the bride’s ammt, Mrs.’ Chas. Powell, Shepherd Ave., where the bride’s mother received in‘ a gown of printed chiffon and matching ac- cessories and, corsaxge of roses and' carnations. T’he groom’s stepmoth- er also received wearing a gown of pale blue crepe and corsa-ge‘ of red roses. For the honeymoon trip the bride wore a dusky rose Suit and hat with beige accessories. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Goodlerham of Lansing were Monday guests of Mrs. Ratcliffe. We are glad, to know that Mrs. Good‘er'ham is able to be out again after a lengthy illness. At St. Hilda’s Anglican Church, Fairbank, on Saturday afternoon, June 6th, a marriage took place when Eldine Grace, naughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Dawson 01‘ Toronto became. the bride of Eric Lofkrantz, No. 1 Manning Depot, RCAF, son of Mr. and.the late Mrs. E. Lo-fkrantz of Denmark. Rev. Robert officiated while Mr. Palmer presided at the organ. VICTORIA SQUARE LO FKIRAN TZâ€"â€"D AVWSON PERSONAL TO RENT NEW 101 JUNIOR TRACTOR on! rubber, usedl 10-20 Inten'ntmti‘ontal: Tractor, 2 twoâ€"furrow plows, scuflfl llglr, ilulm‘i'gp dlril'l, mowers, rakes, bdrnlderrs; man-bime rope a'nd Gem (Metric farmers- on hand. Gem elec- tric cool-em, R‘ri‘tey-Wa'y mï¬l’keu's. Hap.» 01d W. Mormon, 11 Centre St. West; Richmond HEM, telephone 93. cutter and dyqls; 1 Quebec beaten; 1 hve‘ateur; Ibe-e hives! and) \boxqs; homey extraction: garden‘ seegder; kuitscï¬aem cabinet; 1 crulplboamd'; sewâ€"A 43mg machine; 2 kitchen tabl‘qs; 1' wardirobe; 2 mm ahadns; 1 radio; pjamo, sunlal‘l»; 1 library table}; a swarms bees; 1 wagon and. hay pack; 1 democmxt: 1 culrtivantor; 1 scuffler; Set (Diamond barrows: set double; harness»; dcytlhe; Stick of Hickory; 2 straight chairs; 2 burner electric shove; floor lamp; ice twigs; Humâ€"L ber of hens; lugging chain; 150111qu shovefls and "numeroupl other art-; ides. Ajpplty a,frte1r 6.30 pm. to Ivam: Nelson, Mlaxple. ' 1 FILEURY WALLKING PLOW; pipe DOOLEY POTATOES, for cooking, $1.25 per bag. R. Wideman, phone: Richmond Hill 45:12. John Baer, (Beefstead). Mrs. F Davis, 88 Mill St, Richmond Hill. DeLAVAL MILKERS. Immed‘iate‘ deliveu'y (m a‘ limited number. Also. Wood‘s Grinders and Coolers, Frig-l Maire Ciool-ers. Toromto Raadlio 824 Sports, 241 Yonge Stt., Wa. 4501. ,~ huardrwood downstairs, good cellar, chicken house, electric. Apply Lloyd Baker, RR. 1 Markham. No agents. 1 KI’I‘C‘HEN CLARINET, 1 electric stove in good condition, 2 Mahogany chairs, 1 Walnut parlor suite, three piece very old, 1 Wicker suite, 3 pieces, 1 Simal'l' Mahogany table and other small tables and chairs. Apply Mus. Currie, the Manse, Thvornhill. geltd‘i‘nlg 14-00 to 1700 lbs. B. R. Leeuh, 241 Yonge St, or Le'eohwoodg Farm, 21/2 miles east of Thou'nhifl'». NEW TRACTOR manure Spreaders, new mowers, new binders, one milk- ing machine new, one used tedder, 2 used‘ hay rakes, 3 used mowers, 'DOMLATO PLANTS, Bonny Best 320*0'0â€"4RI‘CHM'O ND HJI‘LL, T W 0- S’FOREY HOUSE, 6 rooms, 3 used: binders, homemade sling ropes hand spliced. Phone 21w, Floyd R. Perkins, Richmond Hill. TOMATO PLAN'DS, Bonny Best and; lMarglobe. Apply And’erson, 92 Richmond‘ Street. CHEVROLET SEDAN, actual mile- age 21,050, ne-arly new tires. Apply C. E. Wal‘kington, phone King 28. TELNNLS RACQUE‘T, Wright & Dit- KATHADIN SEED POTATOES, a- bout 80 bags pure seed'; have no help so not planting. Lewis Cle- ment, Richmond Hill, phone 4412. WORK HORSES [and colrbsv; fresh cows, Digrhams and Hal‘steins. One building suitable for garage or hen house 16 ft. x 2‘5 ft. Edgar Thormrp- son, Oak Ridges, phone King 3'91'13. QUEBEIC OO'O‘K STOVE, small, high back, excellent condition, $12. Apply Lilberalo Box 404. son, in good condition, will sell reasonable. Phone Richmond Hill 28. 1 G‘RJEY HORSE, a‘gedw 12 years heavy type. Apply John Agnew Eligin Mills west, phone Maple 491‘11 SEiEiD POTATOES, Kathadins, and some for table use. Apply E. Wil- lett, Stop 21 Yonge Street, Long Lane, La‘n‘gstaff. GHCEIRRIEIS, 80 trees bearing well, price reasonable. P‘ulrchas‘er to pick them, owner ill. Amp-I‘y J. Barlow, Brookside Road, Elgin Mius, oppo- site Orange Home. LADY’S GOLD WRIST WATCH at 8 FIGS 10 weeks old. Mrs. Howard’ S‘mith, Edgeley, phone Maple 2970. TELEPHONE TABLE and chair; a' (player piano $30; 2 pairs da-arpes, (eggâ€"shell) good value. Arpvply Mrs. Ward}, phone 30r12‘ UnionNille. TWO 6 YR. OLD GREY PERCHa ERON MARES, one 6 fr. old‘ Clyde Stop 16 Yo-ng-e St. Tuesday morn- ing. Reward. Apply at The Liberal Office. ‘ RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for each subsqugntrjnsertion. Over 5 1ine575 rcenitrs per line extra THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT each insertiqn. llF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE Classified Advs. FOR SALE LOST THURSDAY, JUNE 11th, 1942. CAPABLE HIOU‘SEKEEEPE‘R for vilâ€" lage home with all ‘conveniences, $40 per month. Apply Box 301, The Liberal. TO BUY FEATHERS and‘ fea‘txher berfls of ad‘l descrrflpmions, highest: prices pradDdL Sendl lparticru'lhrs to Queen City Fuartéherc Cu, 23 Bahdrwin St, Toronto. ' (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) H‘OUiS‘EM‘AID, for modem home, at Steele’s Avenue and Bayview, good wages, no laundry or waxing. Apply Box 406, The Liberal. W'A‘N’I‘EID T‘O RENT, 3 or more rooms: or house or cottage for Juhy and: August by a teacher working at Dunlap Observatory. Apply at The Liberal Office. "LADY wants board! and room near ihhe centre of Richmond Hlil'l for mhnyae' or four. months commencing Juflry Is't. AIpprliy Box 200 The Lib- eraAl. ' MIONTAN‘A, 13698, Enrolment num- [ber 1298, bladk: Percheron, a real syt/ock horse and sure. ’His colts have won many prizes. He is all black, no white markings. Termls to insure foal $10 from any of above horsesy, payable in Febru- any 1948. Mares must be returned regularly or they will be charged‘ for whether in foal or not. These horses will truck to your farm for a, small charge. The property of W. H. Johnson, Markham, phone Stouffâ€" vill’e 2605 or Markham 48:06. MOND HILL 7 OR KING 24414 OR MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED, Toronto, phone AD. 3636. GLASFLYN GENERAL FRANCO, Belgian Dr. 6776, enrolment number 4120, foaled in 1937. Chestnut color, and prov-en a real stock getter With colts of fine color. HE is thick and smooth, just the type of horse you will want to use. This horse was purchased from J. Wesley rPalmer of Rilchrmond Hill. DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- SOUVENTR 1604, enrolm’ent number 3098, Percheron, d‘aptpl'e grey, a good size horse about 185.0 Rbsu, a real nice horse, smooth and attractive. Used Cars ed. For free pick~u-p phone RICH- Tenders will! be r606in by the undersigned up until Monday, June 15th, for the rgdeuoora‘hing of the in- terior of the municipal oï¬ftioe. Low- est or any ten‘d’er not nece-‘ssa‘rily accepted. For full particulars apgply to: RUSS‘ELL LYNE’I'I‘, Clark. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. 1935 FORD V-8 COUPEâ€"4 1932 FORD V-8 2 TON TRUCK â€"- Long wheelbase. Overhaul‘ed. 1930 FORD MODEL “A†SEDAN Good condition. Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 FOR REDECORATION OF THE OFFICE OF RICHMOND ' HILL MUNICIPAL CLERK Good Tires. STOCK REGISTER â€" MISCELLANEOUS $375.00 $275.00 TENDERS WANTED $160.00 nice.