Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Jun 1942, p. 8

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Next Sunday Temperance Sunday will be observed in the Sunday School. Rev. H. Mackay will give a special temperance talk. :Special services will be held at Headford Church Sunday, June 28 to mark the Sunday School anni- versary and the redecoration work recently completed. There will be a special speaker at the morning and evening services and special music by a male quartette under the direc- tion of Mr. S. Staples, director of music at Jarvis St. Collegiate. PAGE EIGHT price per set ..................... Electric Fence, Senior Size .......... NATIONAL BATTERIES 13 Plate Standard, exchange 13 Plate Heavy Duty, exchange 15 Plate Standard, exchange 15 Plate Heavy Duty .......... Eveready Cieaner, pkg. ...................... Eveready “Rustone” rust preventive, per tin .. Valve Stems and Tubes Vulcanized Ford A Coach, good tires, new top & paint job . . $145 1935 Ford V-8 Panel Job (new motor) perfect con- dition . ................................. $375 Phone 86 Ford A Rebuilt Motor, exchange ..... Tire Locks, regular $4.75, per set of 4, RECONDITIONED CARS & TRUCKS PARIS AUTO SUPPLY AUTO WRECKERS H‘EADFORD Beginning July lst, no one will be permitted to buy sugar for regular domestic use without a ration coupon. Prompt cooperation on the part of the public in filling out and returning their application cards is necessary to ensure return of the ration coupon card in time to purchase sugar on or after the above date. Rememberâ€"the amount 01 sugcn allowed each indi- vidual under the new coupon rationing plan will be exactly the some as allowed at presentâ€"1i pound pet pexson per week. Application cards will be distributed to all house holders through the post offices on or before Tues- day, June 23rd. Additional cards will also be de- livered for every person resident in the household. who bears a different last name from the head of the household. If neededk extra cards may be secured from local post offices; These application cards should be filled out imme- diately and dropped in the nearest mail box or post oflice. A pamphlet giving complete instructions will be delivered with each card. As soon as your name is duly registered at headquarters, ration cards, good for a ten-week period, will be mailed to youâ€"- one ration card for each person. in your home. These will be for sugar only. Coupon Rationing for Sugar Becomes Effective July Isl Canadians will be required to register so that ration cards, good for the 10 week period. commencing Iuly lst, may be issued immedi- ately. Ht the end of that period a coupon ration book, good for six months. will be issued Residents in Urban Areas not served by Letter Carrier‘ and Residents in Rural Areas COUPON RATIONING OF SUGAR HOVV 1‘0 I! EQI‘ISTEII APPLICATEON CARDS FOR RADIATOR CLEANER will be mailed next week to every Household inâ€"Canada IN) NOT SURRENDER YOUII APPLICATIIDN CAI“) T0 ANY UNAUTIIIDRIZEII PERSON OAK RIDGES The Oak Ridges Red Cross “Tea” and draw for hooked rug and quilt will take place June 26th at the home of Mrs. R. B. Langley. Silver collection for cigarette fund'. BIRTH MATHEESO‘Nâ€"To Pte. D. F. Mathe- son and Mrs. Matheson, Victoria Square, on Friday, June 11, 19412:, at Mrs. Duke’s Nursing Home, Un- ionville, twin boys, Ibrothers for Joyce, Bobby and Dorothy. All do- ing well. Daddy overseas. Richmond Hill ..... $45.00 week-end ...... $4.00 ..... $11.95 $4.95 $6.95 $7.00 $10.95 The provision for ac‘c‘tfional sugar for preserving, etc.. will be cor. “WP Special voucher forms for this purpose are gem: supplied to all retailers. No person may have on hand more than two weeks' supply of surcr, unless resident in a remote district. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO L?- RB-l CANADA The Intermediate BOys S.S. class of which Mr. W. T. Wells is the teacher, held a very successful con: cert last Friday evening in the church school room. The artists of the evening were Miss Muriel Gibby, Xylophone soloist; Mr. John Giord- maine, magician; Miss Elsie Wells, pianist; Wilma Adair, reader; Bobby Connor, boy soloist. A very enjoy- able evening was spent by all. Next Sunday will be MiSSionary Sunday in the Sunday School. Mem- bers of the Girls’ Mission Circle will conduct the devotional worship ser- vice. Beautifully coloredJ lantern slides will be shown of “Labradof’ and the work the United Church of Canada is doing in that country un- der the leadership of the missionary, Rev. L. L. Burry, B.A. Among those who were home on leave last week-end were Mac Doug- las from Galt, Harold Copeland and Billy Duggan from Ottawa. Some of our Young People took in the Boat Cruise to Port Dalhousie last Saturday which was sponsored The Young People's Union will hold a picnic to Hanlan’s Point next Saturday, June 20th. The Young People are asked1 to meet at the Japanese Terrace Garden, Hanlan’s Point at 4.30 p.m. The president, Mr. Hicks Smith would like every member to attend. The Sunday School executive met last Thursday evening in the church school room to make plans for the summer’s work. THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE DDARD LAST NAME FIRST NAMES OF OTHER PERSONS AT SAME ADDRESS HAVING SAME CITY 0R POST OFFICE NUMBER SIGNATURE OF APPLICANT OH SPONSOR III surronr or RATION BOOK APPLICATION. I, THE UNDERSIGNED. SOLEMNLV DECLARE THAT I (AND THE FOREGOING MEMBERS OF THE SAME FAMILY) LIVE AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS. BEING ACCURATELV DESCHIBED HEREIN, AND THAT NO OTHER APPLICATION HAS BEEN MADE ON BEHALF OF ANYONE MENTIONED HEREIN NEWTONBROOK NEWS ITEWS 155.81 APPLICANT'S "I3? N‘MEIS) PRINT IN BLOCK LETTER3 NAME ONL? â€"DECLARATION-â€" §THEET (OR RURAL ROUTE "Kai II “In AND 91 LEAVE IUNK lEAVE WIS IUNK by Toronto Centre Presbytery Y.P.U At 7.30 pm. on June 28 there will be a service of music which vgill be conducted by the three choirs of Wilâ€" lowdale, Thomhill and? Newtonbroolk United churches. This will be a real musical treat. Plan to attend both these services. Man has been able to find a sub- stitute for most everything except brains. The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. will hold a special Sunday service on June 28 at 11 am. when Rev. Geo. Dorey, B.A., B.D. will be the special speaker. Mr. and Mrs. Harold; Newson spent last week-end at his summer heme near Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Clampce Pinder of New Toronto spent last week-end with relatives here. The Thornhill handicraft and hobby show is all over but the cheer- ing' but there is plenty to cheer a- bout. First of all the day was per- fect. Next there was an exception- ally large attendance, thanks to the generous recommendations of four radio broadcasters, and interesting previews given by the Homemaker of the Globe and Mail, the Toronto Daily Star and Evening Telegram, and last but by no means least our own Richmond Hill Liberal which for weeks used a lot of space in its columns to build up interest in the event. The Thornhill Branch of the Red Cross thank you Mr.. Editor, most sincerely. The handicraft table was thronged with customers all day and: the spinners, weavers and lin- oleum block artist attracted many interested onlookers. The home bak- ing and garden produce table could have sold their wares many times. The white elephant stall situated in the lovely gardens did a thriving business till nightfall and even the ‘hungry mosquitoes» did not drive away bargain hunters. Antique dealers came from Toronto as early as 10 am. and one interested cus- tomer was Miss Monica Mugan of radio fame who bought a quaint old.‘ butter dish. Mrs. Aitken followed the good advice she gave her radio audience and paid a visit to the show. Both she and Miss Mugan spent considerable time inspecting the exhibits, asking many questions and taking notes. Many men came to see Mr. Roberts’ dinghy. HANDICRAFT AND HOBBY SHOW NETS $325 FOR THE RED CROSS War time decrees that sandwiches should be made with their cruSts but the clever refreshment convenot Mrs. Jaeger, overcame this problem by drying, grinding and packing the 'rcrusts in small cartons which.were sold for Se. and her refreshments were as dainty and delicious as ever. The result of the raffles were as follows: Garden chair won by Miss Eva Findlay, table won :by Mrs. R. H. Pringle, while city visitors car- ried away pillow cases, picture and bed set. The financial results so far are $3125 with more to come. The combined choirs of Willow- dale, Newtonbrook and Thomhill United churches will hold a sacred song service in Willowdale United Church on Sunday evening, June 21. As the evening service at the local church has been withdrawn, many people will take advantage to attend this event. Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Morton, who left two weeks ago to visit their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Donald J. Davidson at Vancou- ver, B.C., returned home on MOnday. Many young people of the United Church attended the Young People’s Cruise to Queenston held on Satur- day last. Members of the United Church choir are reminded that the final practice for the song service will be held at Willowdale church on Fri- day at 8 pm. sharp. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home of Miss Alice King on Tuesday evening in honour of Mrs. Dan Morrison, (formerly Miss Hea- ther Mizen). The many beautiful gifts spoke of the popularity and affection which she enjoys among her Thorn-hill friends. MIZENâ€"GEORGE St. John’s Anglican Church, York Mills, was the setting for the mar- riage when Vera, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas George became the bride of James Henry Mizen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mizen of Thom. hill. Rev. A. C. MoCollum offici- ated against a background of white ‘VEEKLY NEWS NOTES FROM Keep Flies and Insects Out F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE Phone 18 Buy Screen Doors and Screens now Black, Galvanized and Bronze Screening. E For the man who makes his own screens we have screen moulding @ 3c. per foot 1 Ply Roofing 2 Ply Roofing 3 Ply Roofing REPAIR THAT LEAKY ROOF THURSDAY, JUNE 18th, 1942. THE THORNHILL DISTRICT iris. Mr. Cameron was at the organ throughout the service, and during the signing of the register Miss Esther Purdy sang “Oh Perfect Love". Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a gown of white, stiffened chiffon over satin. Her veil of white illusion was caught to her head with lily of the valley, and she carried a shower bouquet of deep red roses and lily of the valley. Her sister, Miss Esther George, attended her as maid of hon- our, and was frocked in blue chiffon with a small flowered hat in match- ing blue tones. The Misses Anne and Evelyn George and Ada Mizen as bridesmaids wore frocks of pink chiffon with matching juliet caps and carried nosegays of pink cama- tions and blue cornflowers. Mr. John Calhoun. attended the groom as best man. The ushers were Harold Hess, Arthur Anderson and George MaGraw. Later the bride and groom left on a short trip east, the bride going away in a powder blue ensemble. The bride and groom will make their home in Toronto. The reception was held at the home of the bride’s parents in Lans- ing. Mrs. George received, wearing a graceful gown of powder blue with matching hat and a corsage of pink carnations. Mrs. Mizen assisted. in receiving in a rose sheet with a white flowered hat and a cox-sage of pink roses. Eastern Daylight Saving Time Tickets and Information at G. I. HISLOP, Telephone 177 HALL’S Q 35/? Mm; fl STAT/ @N 9.16 am. a 11.21 a.m. 2.56 pm. a 6.51 pm. b 9. 26 p.m. aâ€"Through to North Bay bâ€"To Orillia, Fri., Sat" Sun. & H01. When nature smiles, smile right back at her. Let gs fill the tank of your car with Hall’s Service Station peppy gas and you should enjoy a drive out in the country at this time ‘9’ year. “Be Ready With Reddy Power” OPPOSITE ORAN GE HOME BUSES LEAVE $1.55 per roll $1.90 per roll $2.25 per roll Richmond Hill to Orillia We Deliver

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