In most journals, and particularly the weeklies, these offi- cial messages have been accorded accompanying editorials and news stories emphasizing their national importance and implqrâ€" ixg people to study them with care. That has been, in our opinion, co-operation of the most effective kind and at the same time freely given as to space. It is becoming more and more borne in upon us that we can have but a single purpose and that is, winning this war. Local, or weekly newspapers have carried on a splendid tradition in thus clasely contacting that most important element within the nation, the people of rural Canada. Which is a prime reason why every family should be a regular subscriber to a local paper and thus asso- In this issue will be found three departments of governâ€" ment speaking through advertising, directly to the people. The Finance Department tells of the necessity for War Savings Stamps; the Department of Labor tells of the Registration of, the Unemployed and finally the Wartime Prices and Trade Board emphasizes the need for restrictions in the use of tea: coffee and sugar. All of this, you will see, is both educative and admonitory. And so have been previous releases dealing With the Victory Loan, Income Tax, Unemployment Insurance, Recruiting and Agricultural Production. Illustrated and word- ed by experts, these advertisements have formed, really, the People’s Encyclopaedia of Canada’s War effort, 3‘: tr themselves directly with the govermheht’s aim to inform and build by way of national and educative appeals toward an all-out effortâ€"Bowmanville Statesman. In the absence of official and regular broadcasts emanat- ing directly to the people from the head of our government coupled with the decline in production in consumer goods and the stepped up production of munitions of war, it has been found expedient and highly necessary to keep the public mind inform- ed and stimulated in regard to just what we are doing as a nation and how fast we are doing it to the end that victory be achieved. Government sponsored advertising has been weightily effective in mobilizing the minds of Canadians for many months. This is a means of building and invigorating national morale. All reputable publications have carried these messages and the weekly press has Shared to a considerable degree in the releases. Every retail store has information to communicate which the dwellers in our community want to have. The hardware dealer, the coal dealer, the dry goods store, the bookseller, the grocer, the druggist, the electrical dealer. the dealer in shoes, in men’s and women’s and children’s clothing â€" all have some- thing to say which would interest large numbers of people resi- dent in our community. The public goes to those stores which give it information. The public’s big ears and big eyes are ever wanting news â€" from our local retailers. The public genuinely likes the news communicated to it by storekeepers. This sort of news is related to the money in their purse; therefore it is a kind of news to which it gives very special attention. The advertisements published by retailers in their local newspaper are scanned by most readers, and those advertise- ments which give them the kind of information which will help them. buy satisfactorily get a focussed attention. The public’s appetite for news is insatiable. It wants news about local happenings, about national. happenings, about world happenings; but most people are most attentive to local news. The public is always listening to and looking for news cal- culated to inform and entertain it. The public does not like silence. It wants to be spoken to. It likes companionable people. ' Established 1878 $dvertising Rates on Application. DINNER LUNCHEON BANQUETS RECEPTIONS FAMILY GATHERINGS SPECIAL PARTIES MAPLE, ONTARIO AN INDEPENDENT WEEKLY PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AT RICHMOND HILL THE LIBERAL PRINTING 00., LTD. J. Eachern Smith, Manage Memlber Canadian Weekly Newspaper Covering Canada's~ Best Suburban Subscription $1.50 per year â€" To the U1 GENERAL PUBLIC HAS BIG EARS AND EYES A New Home For Better Meals PAGE TWO EFFECTIVE WA>RTIME ADVERTISING MAPLE VILLA THURSDAY, JULY “THE LIBERA L†PHONE MAPLE 89 nd, 1942 6 United States District TELEPHONE ciation an appreciation of color and texture, and: a desire to create something dis- tinctive and lasting will find in weav- ing a most fascinating hobby, and also a stimulant (for jaded‘ nerves. Since the demonstration by the Th-ornhill spinners and weavers at the Red Cross Handcraft Show elic- ited man-y favourable comments; you might 'be interested to hear a little more about their work. At the recent Red Cross Handâ€" craft Show in Thornhill, a beautiful counterpane woven by early Penn- sylvania Dutch settlers, and now in the possession of Mrs. E. J. Jack- son, was exhibited. Spreads such as this, which in the early days were the requisite of prosperous farm homes, have now become collectors’ prizes. Swifter methods of machine manu- facture proved disparaging to the art, patience and- time involved in setting up and' weaving the intricate patterns by hand, and so the old‘ wide looms had to give up their floor space and retire to attic or barn. Without doubt a few must remain in this district but We do not hear of them 'being used. In the past few years, however, there has' been a definite revival of, interest in the ancient craft. This is due partly to the appearance of Thackeray looms â€" srmall, easy to operate, and- convenient to carry, and partly to the war which has brought to women. a ‘keener appreciation of ithe useful homely arts. Miss Marjorie Nazer received in- structions in spinning several sum- mers ago from an eightyâ€"year-old- woman in Quebec who was) a good and exacting teacher though she could not understand' a word of Eng- lish, and [Miss Nazer’s French left much to the imagination. Incident- ally the province of Quebec endeav- ours to foster this art among the habitants both for its usefulness and because it has a distinct appeal to tourists. The Department of Agriâ€" culture there has issued and distriâ€" buted a very complete, illustrated book of instructions for spinning and weaving. The Thackeray loom was invented by an English coupleâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Thackerayâ€"the former a cousin of the famous author of that name. They inherited a loom and becoming interested in weaving, began to ex- plore the possibilities of building something smaller and more easy to handle which would appeal to the average person. They made experi- ments which were continued: by Mrs. Thackeray after her husband’s death. The Guild of All Arts at Scarbor- ough heard of the work and co-op- erated' in obtaining patents and putt- ing- Thackeray looms on the Canad- ian market._ .Since then they have been shipped to all parts of the world. Luncheon sets, bags, purses, .belts, towels, scarves and a great variety of articles may be woven on small looms. Larger ones operated by treadles require permanent floor space and are more difficult to warp, but once that is accomplished a num- ber of yards of material may be woven at one time. Anyone with Mrs. Owen Class‘ey has been weav- ing- for only about a year and' a half On her home made loom Mrs. Mc- Laren has woven coverings for her chairs and sofas, rag carpets, a deep pile stair runner and many other things. The large and effective hooked‘ rug so much admired at the show was designed by her and she also spun, and dyed the W001 which she used. in its making. Cross has always had a hobby of some kind. Before the war she made luxurious mules of rabbit fur which were soldI in exclusive gift shops throughout Canada. ‘She also has mastered the art of dying, carding and spinning wool. When she de- cided to get a large loom she took the measurements of one belonging to a friend“, and making ingenious use of odds and ends, had one con- structed :by a handyman. The only major part which had to 'be bought was the comb or reed, but it is poss- ible to manufacture even these frOm bicycle spokes, cut in lengths. It is said that when Mrs. Thackeray was experimenting with small looms, she used a strong steel hair comb. Miss «Nazer cah now wash, dye, card and spin wool and! has imadle Many attractive articles on both large and small looms, as well as some lovely hooked wo-ol rugs. The beautiful blocked fa'brics hanging .be- hind her spinning wheel at the show were designed and! printed by her from linol-eum'bloc-k cuts. She also paints and does lovely lettering. Mrs. George lM‘cLaren, president of the Thornhill branch of the Red The Spinners and Weavers of Thornhill Definite Revival in Interest in the Ancient Craftâ€"Demmnstration at Thornhill Red Cross Show Attracted Widespread Interest THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Spreads such as early days were prosperous farm. become collectors’ Miss Hahn who so kindly demon- strated the making of colored lino- prints at the show is a sister of Mrs. Hal. Hook, 3 ï¬alented artist resvidbnt in Thornhill. She is also an artist and excels in pottery and metal work too. Linoleum block cutting is an in- teresting hobby which can be in- dulged! in at very little expense. A piece- of linoleum, a few simple tools (fashioned at a pinch from sharpâ€" ened umbrella spokes), an old letter press or vise, some printers ink, a photographer’s roller and a piece of glass and some paper .will suffice a beginner. Though not many could hope to attain to the same perfec- tion as Miss Hahn, they w0uldl have fun making simple Christmas cards, tally cards, signs, etc. Simile: As busy as a junk-dealer in an old dump pile. Inevitably, learning to weave breeds a dlesire to spin as, well. It is: cheaper for one thing, the wool is more interesting in. texture than the .bought variety and if you dye your own you have a wider range of colors to choose from. And so ers. Classey has now begun to do some wishful thinking about a spinn- in-g‘ wheel. WW“OOW O but has. already produced beautiful sports coat lengths (a finished one which she had tailored herself was on exhibit), ‘baby blankets and lunch- eon sets as well as many other art- icles, all of which are noted' for their good design and workmanship. A small loom, the gift of her daughter‘- in-law started her off upon this en- grossing hobby. Soon she purchased an extension for it which allowed the making of greater lengths. At Christmas time her husband‘ surprisâ€" ed‘ her with a “‘Guild of All Arts†loom which will weave material up to thirty inches wide and (with an extension) three yards in length. There are no treadles on this loom. The four hedd’les are automatically raised and lowered .by pressing a button, and for its size this model requires very little floor space. buomomwooouomm Policiw issued through this oriï¬ce covering Farm Property â€"-Private Dwellings and their contentsâ€"Automobile â€" Plate Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, etc. I924 General Insurance Richmond Hill Telephone 87 Claims Settled PI emptiy J. R. HERRINGTON INSURANCE Cartoonâ€"Courtesy Knight, Windsor Star 1942 The Chief Constable for York County has issued a very interest- ing and complete. report of York County police activities- for the year 1941. The York County police force numbers fourbee-n and the cost for1 the year including salaries, expenses' and office expense amounted to $33,- 759.58. A summary of cases shows. 1145 for breach of the Highway; Traffic Act, 277 criminal cases, 48' under the Liquor Control Act am! 77 which are listed as general. General News & Views As it comes to all men: Of course few people believe in signs but a Hartford (-Conn.) hearse has a 1iâ€" censle plate bearing the designation FROST STEEL & WIRE PRODUCTS Tires and Gasoline [ta/Juce/aaagecomiewp 29 Yonge Street Farm and Poultry Fence, Chain Link and Farm Gates, Steel and Cedar Posts, Brace Wires, soft wire for fencing and electric fence, Bright Galvanized Staples. Telephone 2812 â€",ATâ€" Cities Service Garage A SET OF WHEEL LOCKS __ AND â€"-â€" GASOLINE TANK LOCK We Will Gladly Quote Prices WALTER BONE BY PURCHASING SAVE YOUR THURSDAY, JULY 2nd, 1942 HALL’ SERVl© STATI© 2% (a nléllb You should depend upon Hall’s Service Station gas for a peppy pickup and power showing. Hall’s gas vapvorizes fast and gives a fullness of energy and power to your engine and helps “knock out†many an engine knock. “Be Ready With Reddy Power†OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME Richmond Hill Maple, Ont.