KING CITY P.0. Phone KING 28 Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of York and Ontario Successor for Corporal Ken Prentice of C.A.S.F. and of the late J. H. Prentice, fonmerly (Prentice & Prentice) Farm and Farm Stock Sales a spe- cialty at fair_ and reasonable rates. Mflliken Phone Agincourt 52w3 C'. E. Walkington AU CTIONEER INSURANCE Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Insuranceâ€"Life. Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Guarantee Bonds. Accident Etc. AUC’I‘IONEE'R MA’PLE Licensed Auctioneer fat the County of York Isles attended0 to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates Thirty Years Experience Formerly with Heintzman Company Leave Orders at Amtins Drug Store R‘nhmnnd Hill 1 FIRE â€" AUTOMOBiLE â€" LI-FE From the Toronto Conservatory of luic, will accept a number of pupils b Piano, Organ and Theory. Richmond Hillâ€"Tuesday- and Friday; MRS. MYLKS 100 Main 84:. Phone 120 DENTIST PHONE 70 YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public ReSIdence â€" 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 Room 66, 18 Toronto St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877â€"8-9 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hal! Phone 87 â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"- 18v'l‘oronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 514 Confede ’ation Life Bldg". Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Rec. MO. 2866 Alexander MacGregor K. C. A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER i McKinaon Building ‘x 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ontario Office 229 Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate B. Bloomfield Jordan BARRISTER SOLICITQR, NOTARY PUBLIC Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST Bank of Commence Building Telephone 80 VOL. LXIV. BARRISTER. SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 ‘Yonge Street Richmond Hill AUCTIONEERS Clarke Prentice George W. Cross Piano Tuner J. Carl Saigeon J. T. SAI-G’EON & soN Walter S. Jenkins Dr. W. J. Mason Mathews, Stiver Lyons & Vale THURSDAY AFTERD'OON B. E. LYKON‘S, B.A. JOSEPH VALE NEWIMJARKET OFFICES BARRISTE'R & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC Adelmo M elecci N. L. MATHEWS, K.O K. M. R. STIVER, B.A. OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€" z to 5 Evening_s _by_ appointment Barrisbems, Solicitors, Nlorbaries Barrig’gen. Splicjgors. T. C. Newman Cook & Gibson Richmbnd Hill Every MUSICAL DENTAL THORNHILL $1.50 PER YEAR _ IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES 5c. Insurance J. A. Gibson LEGAL Teie'phoh-te; (0n Active Service) 6 Botslford St. Phone 126 Residence 148 Farms and village property for sale and exchange Richmond Hill Phone 1 Office Kingsdale 4.812 Many a man thinks he has suf- ficient education if he can sign his name and be able to read and enjoy ‘the funny papers. There was never a cottage built that was so obscure that the tax collector didn’t find it. FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Richmond H'il-l Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at 1 Mr. Chas. Sanderson and Mr. Hen- dnick, Headford and Mr. John Wel- drick, East York were among the farmers who had their barns struck with lightning duning the sevege storm over the week-end. The personnel of the Richmond Hill rink taking part in the lacrosse game at Aurora on Saturday in a downpour of rain wasâ€"Goode, Mich- ael, Harrison, Trench. Newton, Sims, McKenzie, Trench, Glover, Campbell, Clifford and Elston. Geo. Sims shone with unusual brilliaucy and put up the best game of the day. Mr. Robert Shaw of Glanford was engaged by the High School Board to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Glass, Mathemat- ical and Science Master. THORNHILL AND UNIONv-ILLE Rev. Prof. W. E. Slaght, PhD. of Baker University, Kansas, 21 Canad- ian and a distinguished graduate of Toronto University, will supply next Sunday at the Presbyterian Church in the absence of Mr. Currie, who goes to Kingston. FORTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of July 3‘lst, 1902‘ The fire department are practising speed these evenings hoping to take part in a Firemen’s Demonstration in St. Mary’s on August 7th. From the editorial sectionâ€"A ser- ious mistake was made by the Onâ€" tario Legislature when that body ‘passed a law raising the speed limit of automobiles from 15 to 2-0 miles an hour in rural districts and from 10 to 1‘5 miles in cities. Two famous bands from England will make the musical attractions at the C'.N.E. this year something long to be remembered, the Scots Guards Band from Buckingham Palace and Besses O’ The Barn. I At the Grand Lodge which met in ‘Toronbo last week, Mr. J. B. Mc- Lean of Maple was elected D.D.-G.M. for Toronto West, Dstrict N0. 11. From our Issue of July 25th, 1912 The Children's Protection Act, passed at the last session of the Provincial Legislature, has made this important enactment: No child. shall ‘loiter in any public place after nine o’clock ‘in the evening, or be in any place of public resort, unless ac- companied by parent or guardian. A beautiful and impressive ceremony was held Monday among the trees at Wilcox when the sea cadets of the League of Canada, encamped grounds of Major Snively, h ‘drum-h-ead service. A rink skipped by Gid Moodie won the W. H. Legge cup in the annual play for this trophy. Personnel of the rink: W. G. Baldock, Dr. Bell, Miss Hazel Switzer. Gid Moodie skip. Runners-up, G. Neville, Geo. Gee. Mrs. Kerswill, N. J. Glass skip. Ernest W. Hunter CHA RTERED ACCOUNTANT Forty rinks were entered in the mixed tournament held at the local green on Wednesday afternoon, Kew TBeach, Tottenham, Withrow Park, Milton, Unionville, North Toronto be- ing the prize winners. FIFTEEN YEARS AGO From our Issue of August 4, 1927 WAY BACK IN THE LIBERAL FILES Wright & Taylor 57 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ont. Phones: THIRTY YEARS AGO R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE INSURANCE BUSINESS I impressive naval lld Monday night at Wilcox Lake, iets of the Navy , encamped in the 'Snively, held a Residence Hargrave 0795 Phone 92-1! RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, JULY 30th, 1942 These restrictions will apply to newspapers and periodicals to both civilians and members of the forces in the United Kingdom and other trans-Atlantic destinations, and in Central and South America, Bermuda and the British West Indies. The restriction is intended to con- serve shipping space. Publishers have agreed to co-operate in the plan and the matters of newspapers and publications mailed to subscribers now is under consideration, he said. Complete newspapers and periodi- cals will not be accepted from indi- viduals, who will be asked instead to mail clippings, Mr. Muiock said. Mailing of newspapers overseas by individuals will be restricted, effect- ive August 10, Postmaster General W. P. Mulock said in the House of Commons last week. During the storm of last week lightning struck at the farm of Mr. Douglas Booth, Stouffville. It put all the cows in the milking line on their knees when a heavy bolt struck while one animal on which Walter Booth was in the act of attaching the milking machine was knocked over. Since that time the herd has dropped about a can of milk per day from their normal production. If anyone hasâ€" ' Died, Eloped, Married, Left town, Embezzled, Had a fire, Had- a baby, Sold 2. house, Come to town, Been arrested, Broken a limb, Bought a home, Committed a murder, Fallen from an aeroplane. That’s Newsâ€"Phone Number 9. We quite often hear the question ‘asked: What is wrong with our edu- cational system? One answer was supplied to us recently by a radio broadcaster and it is not far wrong at that. The troubie with educa- tion, he stated, is that the teachers are afraid of the principal, the prin- cipal is afraid of the inspector and the school board, tue school board is afraid of the parents, the parents are afraid of the children and the children are not afraid of anyone.â€" Carleton Place Canadian. The Boys Band won over competi- tion from Canada and the United States, with the rendition of the test piece “The American Pioneer,†by Paul Yoder. Aurora was highly honoured last week when the Aurora boys band of 315 pieces, under the leadership of Mr. Robert Moore, won the first prize of $500 in the band contest sponsored by the Lions International convention at Toronto University Stadium, Wednesday afternoon. Melvin Williams of the Markham Economist went to his garage one morning recently to find the four tires and wheels of his car missing. The wheels were found abandoned in a ditch between Markham and To- ronto but no sign of the tires. In order that 20,000 boys and girls may continue to assist in harvestâ€" ing crops on Ontario farms, Premier Hepburn has issued an order-in- council postponing the opening of secondary schools from September 8 until September 31, and if necess- ary, until October 9. Jock: “That lawyer chap you told me of is not a man of his wor .†Miac: â€Why, w’hat‘s happened?" J'ock: “Well, he told me that I could talk freely to him, and this morning he sent in his account.†The 100 odd painters in the paint- ing department of a Lanadian air- craft plant use 18,000 gallons of paint per month, or enough to coat the hull of the Queen Mary half a dozen times. “Daisy†Jr.’s first party, Wednesâ€" day, August 12. sponsored by Rich- mond Hill Lions' Club. Monday, August 3 is Civic holi-, After much thought, an Aberdeen day. couple decided to acupt an orphan -â€"â€" boy. GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS LIBERAL ADS GET RESULTS If you fhave s-omeflhiimg to sell, tell 6000 readers about, it through a. classiï¬ed “-adf’ 'in The Lï¬bemal. The oogt ‘is srmsalfl‘ and you will get re- sults. Phyllis Turner is charming, flaw- less in appearance and manages to remain cool and self-assured even "when her working day runs to 12 hours. She is the mother of two children with whom she spends a good deal of her time in spite of her war job. She was born and lived in Rpssland, BJC. and four uni- versities in four different countries have provided her With an excellent knowledge of economics and politi- cal science. Following her univers- ity career she was married in Eng- land, later losing one of her three children and her husband. In- 1933 she returned to Canada and applied ‘and got the job as economic adviser ‘to the tariff board in Ottawa. In answer to the question how she man- ages a house and family and her job at the same time she replies that she has less trouble than most wo- men because she is too busy to fuss over trifles. She spends a good deal of her time with her children be- cause she makes it a point to do so. She has a sense of humor that never fails her and never loses her temper. Her job is an important one and she has what it takes. Manu- facturers of goods requiring oil in their production get their supplies only through Phyllis Turner’s sayeo. WOOOWOOONOOONN l â€MOOOOOOOOOOOOMOM So many times we hear the say- ing, ‘It takes a woman to get things done’ and again we say it when speaking of Canada's only woman administrator on our Wartime Prices and Trade Board, Phyllis Turner, administrator of Oils and Fats, one of the key war jobs in Canada. Oil is needed in so many industries and her job is to get enough to go a- round. For eight years she was economic adviser to the Tariff Board in Ottawa so her knowledge of Can- adian industries and their needs is useful in her present, 30b. She knows exactly Canada’s income in the way of vegetable oils, vitamin oils and animal fats. Canada’s oil and fat supplies have dropped to fifty per cent of normal so an order to find enough oil and fat, for war industry Phyllis ‘Turner must see that the manufacture of non essentials which require that substance are cut down. ‘Gradually she is taking the cocoa- ‘nut oil out of shampoos and choco- ‘late bars, is limiting the number of shades in rouges and lipsticks, and in time may deprive her sex of nail polish and the frothi-er kinds of cold cream. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Barkey, Stouffville, and guests (thirteen in all) sat down to Sunday supper af- ter some deliberations as to the ad- visability of it. Shortly after the house was struck by lightning, burst- ing water pipes, and skipping through the house shattering elec- tric 'bulbs and causing shock and confusion. No one was hurt but those present will come to another conclusion when the question arises ‘Is the number 13 lucky?’ “Maybe," replied Mrs. McFie; “but, ye see, we had a guid glenâ€" gary bonnet in the house.†“I wonder, Mrs. McFie,†remark- ed a neighbour, "Lnat ye didna choose a lassie. Now you’re up in years she would have been helpful tae ye.†General Insurance Richmond Hill Telephone 87 Policies issued through this ofï¬ce covering Farm Property â€"Private Dwellings and their contentsâ€"Automobile â€" Plate Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, etc. 1924 Phyllis Turner Has Big War Job J. R. HERRINGTON Claims Settled Promptly INSURANCE 1942 Tel. Maple 82 KING & Graduate and Hollywood salaries still lead, but judging from what carpenters and plumbers charge, they are entitled at least to honorable mention. of July they migrate south and change their color to such an extent they are scarcely recognizable, a drab brown. The same day We were exploring bird life along this forsaken road through the Woods we were fortun- ate in seeing the red-eyed vireo. They are very abundant but hard to see as they keep to the topmost part of the trees. This time, however, one chose to perch in a bush long enough for us to-get a good view with the aid of our glaSSes. Their continuous, varied warble sounds as if they might be calling ‘now you see me, now you hear me, here I am’. The red-eyed vireo is a small grey bird with a whlte stripe above the eye which is a reddish brown. Have you noticed the lack of bebo- links around? Around the middTe I We have many beautifully col- ‘ored birds such as the baltimore ori- ole, the blue bird, rose breasted grossbeak, purple finch, indigo bunt- ing and numerous others, but we don’t think any of them could pre- sent such a striking and colorful picture as a pair of scarlet tanagers side by side on the branch of a. tree with the greenness of the foliage for la background. We noticed the ifemale tanager first in a cedar tree. 1The greenish yellow of her plumage ‘attracted our eye and we noticed she was carrying some food in her bill ‘so watched where she was going. We were rewarded shortly as we follow- ed in the direction she had flown. This time it was the birght red of the male tanager which caught our eye and presently the pair perched side by side on a limb for our ad- miration and delight. The male bird has a black wing and tail in strik- ing contrast to the bright red plum- age of the rest of the body. They are smaller than a robin and are found mostly in open woods. Besides berries and seeds tney eat insects, catching them on the wing in true‘ Flycatcher style. Their song re- sembles that of a robin but harsher and less varied, a sharp chip or “chip-chur’. Their nest, loosely made of twigs and small roots, is placed on lower branches of trees and the eggs, generally four, are pale bluish green spotted with brown. We didn’t even try to get close enough to see a nest we were so fascinated by one of nature’s most colorful paintings. G. I. Roberts V.S., B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON MAPLE, ONT. M.D.V.V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON Dr. S. 7W.Armitage Bird Chatter VETERINARY Ontario Veterinary Couego MicKilly’s Veterinary Coliege, Chicago MABLE - Tel. King 2300 Willowdale 418 EMPIRE FEED C0. l. D. RAMER & SON QUAKER iPlG-N-HOG mo Office Hours: 9â€"11 am. daily except Sunday and 6-8 pm. daily except Sunday and Wednesday Richmond Hill Phone 100 Centre St. E. Richmond Hill Office Hours â€" 1 - 4 pm. daily 6 - 8 p.m. daily except Wednesday Telephone 24 MAPLE " ing develop strong, healthy choice pigs with good bone, muscle, and blood. Provides pigs with balanced carbohydrates ideal for swine, as well as min- erals, vitamins, iodine and 16% protein. Helps pigsmaturewith goodweightand sound conditiom HERE’ S a famous feed for help‘ -n J-_.,.I.\_ _-_A _ A by feeding your pigs Quaker GET GOOD PROFITS ON MARKET HOGS WANT ADS COVER AND DISCOVER A MULTITUDE OF NEEDS Does weak. rundown. exhausted condition hate you ieei lagged out. old? Try Ostrex. Contains general topics. stimulants. often needed after 30 or 40. Supplies iron. calcium, phosï¬horus. vitamin 131. Help! you get normal peg. . “calla. 1n- troducmry size Ostrex Tonic abiem only 3 . !or sale at all good drug stores everywhere. Men, Women Over 40 Feel Weak,Worn, Old ? Phone 10, The Elevator Richmond Hill Phone Willowdale 8-160 STEELE AVE. EAST, Wantr Normal Pep, Vim, Vitality ? ‘5 ORDER NOW FROM Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. J. P. Wilson 10 Office Hours ) a.m., 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 p.m. and by appointment Pig-N-Hog Feed MEDICAL Phone 3 N0.