CUT THIS OUT This coupon is inserted as a convenience in re- newing your subscription. The address label shows you the date up to which your subscrip- tion is paid. If it is in arrears we would appre- ciate your remittance, at $1.50 per year. THE LIBERAL Enclosed find $. . . . being my subscription for . years. Piease send me a receipt. NAME ...... ... ........... . .............. P. O. ................................... Strut ad No. or 1.3. No. ......... . ........................ AAAAA‘AAAAAAAAA‘AAAALAAAAAAAAA“‘-A.. . _ A A , , , , , , , Dancing Saturdéy Evenings MIDNITE DANCE CIVIC HOLIDAY, Sunday, Aug. 2nd 241 YONGE ST. 1173 ST. 1 WA. 4501 L0. ‘ h Canada's Leading Radio Company ELECTRIC REFRIGERATORS egetable Crispers Electrosave 10 Point Control Large Storabin 56 Ice Cubes TORONTO RADIO & SPORTS CEDAR BEACH GARDENS MUSSELMAN’S LAKE Six Room House in Richmond Hill, modern. with large lot. This attractive Richmond Hill home is to be sold to close an estate and is worth investigating. Richmond Hill Home TRADE-INS ACCEPTED With GEORGE H‘OOEY AND HIS ORCHESTRA REX DOYLE IN THE VOCALS APPLY AT THE LIBERAL OFFICE Frigidaire, Westinghouse, Crosley $225.00 and up Reconditioned Refrigerators $149.00 and up PAGE FOUR JACK EVANS AND HIS ORCHESTRA 14-PIECE RADIO BAND FOR SALE TO CLOSE AN ESTATE RICHMOND HILL LIMITED H73 ST. CLAIR W. L0. 2721 EASY TERMS From now on when industry is told to reduce the variety of its proâ€" ducts â€" to cut its lines of goods from say, 2'5 to six, it will also be instructed to maintain lines at vari- ous price levels, in fact the tendency will be to cut down higher priced articles. This is being done to make sure that the six lines left to the manufacturer will not all be at high price levels. The Board is taking steps to see that at least some of the cheaper lines remain on the store shelves and that the quality of those goods is maintained so far as is possible. East York plowing match will be held as usual this fall, said William Clark, executive officer. The match is scheduled for the first Wednesday in November. The King & Vaughan plowing match, oldest match in York county, will be held this year, acâ€" cording to schedule, officers said, and it is expected the same will apply to the North York match. Headaches are chronic these days. Generals have them and so have Prime Ministers: Producers have them and so do consumers. The cause can be found in the problem of supplies â€" supplies for the armed forces, supplies for munitions plants, supplies for manufacturers. Decision to cancel this year’s match was based on a desire to co- operate with the government in its conservation program, especially gasoline, tires and man-hours, di- rectors said. “In township matches, gasoline and tires will not be used to any great extent as horses can be used for transportation," comâ€" mented J. A. Carroll, general man- ager. “As they are one~day affairs there will be no appreciable 1055 of man-hours. “We haven’t had a chance to meet to make any plans for our match because we are too busy on the farms,†said J. E. Whitelock, agri- cultural representative for Halton county. He anticipated Halton Coun- ty Plowmen’s association would hold their annual match, as usual, in No- vember. Until recently it looked as if this problem of supplies were going to give one of the nastier headaches to consumers â€" at least to those people living on low incomes. They were worried. If there were not go- ing to be enough supplies to meet everyon-e’s needs would the “little man†be the one to go with-out? But this month the Wartime Prices and Trade Board came out with an em- phatic “Noâ€. If it can do anything about it the “little man†is not going to take the rap any more than any- one else. In- fact if anyone is going to get a break, he will be the one. .Peel County Plowmen‘s association plan to hold their match in October, as scheduled, said E. A. Innes, agri- cultural representative. Plowing Match Although the international plowing match, scheduled for October, has been postponed, suburban and dis- trict matches will be held as usual, officials said today. A special meet- ing of the executive of the Ontario Plowmen's association this week an- nounced postponement of the inter- national match. At the same time they urged continuance of local matches. The lack of supplies for manufac- turers means that it will be increas- ingly difficult to produce certain types of goods, and it is likely that many may not be back on the mar- ket until the war is over. Some articles formerly could be obtained cheap because there were surplus stocks, but that is no longer We case. Many mass production factories were easily converted to war purposes and- now are making gun parts instead of kitchen utensils or filling some other civilian need. This will be the second break in the series of annual international matches which commenced in 1913 with 312 entries and grew to the 1940 record match which had over 900 en- tries and an estimated attendance of 175,000. The first postponement of the match was in 1918 when it was called off on a week’s notice during the influenza epidemic. Low Price Goods Will Stay In Production Then, too, officials point out, many cheap articles never were manufac- tured in Canada but were imported from Japan or Central Europe and these, of course, are off store shelves for the duration. A bad sport is usually a man act- ing natural. Wartime Prices and Trade Board Acts to Protect Consumers Is Called Off THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO in making munitions. The next colâ€" lection- will be on August 10. The committee would appreciate receiving all fats ready for salvage on that date. The committee have on hand a good used Hapvpy Thought range which they will exchange for $2.00 and an old stove of equal weight. There is also available a large elec- tric stove in good condition though used for some years. This would be a stove suitable for 7 summer cott- age where electric current may be secured. Since Ap] salvage hav local rooms AGRICUUI‘URAL SOCIETIES’ FAIRS 1942 Brampton .......... September ‘5, 7 Oro ................. September 9 Orono ............ September 11, ‘12 Acton .......... .September 16, 16 Alliston ......... September 17, 18 Bracebrldge ...... September 17, 18 Goldwater ....... September 16, ‘17 Lindsay ......... September ‘16-19 Orillia .......... September 18, 19 Oshawa .......... September 14-16 ‘Barrie ........... September 21-23 Beaver-ton ...... ‘ [September 25, 26 Huntsville ...... September 24, 25 Milton .......... September 26, 26 Schomberg ...... September 25, 26 Sunderland ...... September 23, 24 Beeton .............. October 1, 2 Bolton .............. October 2, 3 Cooksville ........ September 29, 30 Markham ............ October 13 Meaford .............. October 1, 2 Woodbridge ......... October 9-12 The thanks of the salvage commit- tee is tendered the Jones Coal Co. for their assistance in collecting sal- vage 'last Monday. The Dominion salvage supervisor is asking now particularly for rub- ber, fats and bones. Fats are needed or even worse may happen. If we escape detection we are liable to suffer the barbs of a guilty con- science, for it is against the law to destroy or throw away any used collapsible tube. We must carefully save them and carry them to a re- tail drug store, cigar store, general or department store where suitable receptacles are provided. These now important bits of metal will go from collecting depots to the smelters un- der the direction of the Wartime Salvage Limited. These tubes have served us once but will do so again if we let them. They will help fight our battles. Consider what one tube will do. It will supply enough tin to line the water bottles of twenty soldiers; one tube will plate twenty water can- teens; one tube will suplply vital parts for twenty shell cases. A numâ€" ber of them will do even moreâ€"60 tubes provide all the tin necessary for solder in the electrical connecâ€" tions of a Flying Fortress. A Newfoundland Customs Notice of June 30', 1942, decrees that young pigs under three months of age are now exempt from the revenue war tax of 71/2 per cent ad valorem and are also exempt. fmm ordinary Cus- toms duty on importation into New- foundland. Nearly three-quarters of a million pounds of tin went into the manu- facture of over thirty-one million tubes last year. Even if a third of these have already been destroyed there remains an estimated half million pounds which can be salv- aged. Multiply the service which can be rendered by one tube by the twenty tubes resting on milady's dressing table, on the shelves of medicine cabinets, and elsewhere in Canada, and there must surely come a realization of why these metal containers must be salvaged. Those crumpled tubes that once contained tooth paste, shaving cream or other preparation, and which we heedlessly tossed aside, now com- mand our respect. If we continue to treat them with disrespect they may be the cause of our being fined There is no tin produced in Canada, and through the loss of Malaya and the Netherlands East Indies our basic supply has been cut off. The urgent need of tin cannot be too strongly stressed. It is used_ in the making of Bren guns, tanks, bronze bearings, high pressure valves on planes, electrical equipment for air- craft, and in other ways. If wer do not salvage these col- lapsible tubes something is going to happen to us, and we will not like it. Cooksville . Markham . Meaford Woodbridge Wouldn’t it be great if you could send ‘the dishes to the laundry and the house to the cleaner? To have a straight face, a man must be a straight-shooter. ' \VHAT TOOTH PASTE TUBES \VILL D0 Silvage NoteE TAX-FREE PIGLETS April 20th over 26 tons of have been shipped frOm the . . . vSept ....... Sept :1 ........ Sep1 EASY TABLE-TOP IRONER, near- ly new, reasonable. Apply at The Liberal Office. 36 PIGS. eight weeks old. Apply Elmo Snider, lot 19, con. 5 Vaughan, phone Maple 7821. BARN, frame with steel roof, 18 by 42 feet. Apply at 7 Roseview Ave., Richmond Hill. Apply Wesley Clark, Gormley RR. 2 phone Richmond Hill 4714. YOUNG H‘O‘LSTEIN 00W, fresh A USED HOT WATER BOILER, in good repair, suitable for bungalow. Apply T. H. Trench, phone 17‘5w. DeLAVAL MILKERS. Immed‘iate: delivery on a limited number. Also. W‘o-odls Grindm‘s and Coolers, Fl‘ig-I Maire Ooolears. Toronto RJadIio & Sports, 241 Yonge St, W‘a. 4501. x HIGH QUALITY and fine service at prices that mean a saving can be had at MOR‘LEYVS, Richmond Hill's Self Serve Grocery, 6‘9 Yonge Street (formerly Skeele’s‘), phone 40. WORJK MA'RE, also a quantity of used lumber and some good used brick. 4th house south of Orange Home on Yonge Street. enamel finish, in splendid condition practically new. Apply Wm. Hord 3 Centre St. E., Richmond Hill. NEW TRACTOR manure Spreaders; binders, new and used; tractor plows, new and used; three 10-20 tractors; home made sling ropes; also hay track equipment. Floyd R. Perkins, phone 21w, Richmond Hill. FINDLAY OVAL COOK STOVE 8 ROOM BRICK RESIDENCE, south 150 ft., 5 rooms with pantry, wash- room and back kitchen extra, hard and soft water inside, hydro, cellar, furnace, garagenchicken house, gar- den with fruit trees and asparagus bed“ Apply 47 Richmond St., Rich- mond Hill. Main St, Unionville, modern con- veniences, attractive grounds, good garden, 2-car garage, well equipped hen house, approximately 1/5 acre of land. Apply Box 56 Unionville or The Liberal. KLEEREX â€" A QUICK HEALING SALVE FOR SKIN AILM‘ENTS. Sold in two strengths â€"â€" Medium and- Strong. Relieves Sunburn, Poi- son Ivy, Mosquito BI‘LCS, Burns, Cuts. Also heals Eczema, Psoriasis, Pim- ples. Impetigo, Itch. '5<0‘c.; $1.00; $2.00. Recommended andl sold by Austin’s Drug Store. 3rd of Vaughan lass week. Finder kindly advise The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. for the transaction of General Business Dated at Maple this 30th day of July, 1942. KIT O‘F TELEPHONE TOOLS on FRAME COTTAGE, lot 54 ft. by Day 139 The “Guys and Gals†Club plari to hold another dance in aid of the War Victims’ Fund at Elm Park, Woodbridge, Wednesday evening, Au- gust 12th. Dick Walker’s Orchestra. Lucky number tickets for a variety of prizes are now on sale. TWO-IN-ONE BUG POISON THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT RATESâ€"Five lines or less 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for cach subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra The regular August meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellore each insertion. -IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE Vaughan Council Classified Advs. will protect your cows 24 hours a day. 5 gal. pails $5.00 while they last prevents blight and kills bugs. Deliveriesâ€"North Tuesday South Wednesday. Phones: TUESDAY, AUGUST 4th DR. HESS FLY SPRAY THE MILL WOODBRIDGE RICHMOND HILL FOR SALE LOST Evenings 82w THURSDAY, JULY 30th, 1942‘ 3 TO 5 ACRES, house, hydro. R‘ H. Kane, Richmond Hill. YOUNG LAD wants work, a willing worker. Apply at Richvale Post Office. GIRL, good plain cook, for farm near Concord, no washing, convenJ iences. Phone Maple 63‘1‘14. TRANSPORTATION to Toronto by gentleman leaving Richmond Hill between 7 and 7.30. Apply at The Liberal Office. HO‘US‘EKEEIPER, live in or out, two adults away all day, 3: rooms. Apâ€" ply at Liberal Office or before 9 a.m. or evenings phone 253 Rich‘ mond Hill. 6 RO‘OM HOUSE, all conveniences, garage, all in first class condition. Apply 87 Yonge Street. 1‘0'0 ACRE “BONNIE BURN†farm, lot 10, con. 3, east on No. 7 high- way. Apply on farm, Wm. Brooke, Gormley RR. 2. STORE AND DWELLING at Wilcox Lake, $25.00 per month with oppor» tunity to make money. Possession Sept. 1. Apply phone Richmond Hill‘ 14112, J. Vanek. GOOD STOCK FARM, 150 acres, 20 miles northwest of Toronto. Posâ€" session March 1, 1943. Apply even- ings J. G. Malloy, 761A Euclid Ave.,‘ Toronto. LLOYD’S CORN SALVE contains Benzocaine. The new local anaes- thetic. Puts corms to sleep .immedi- ately. Get a jar to-day. Scotchmer’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. PRINTING for every occasion. If you need printing of any kind con- sult THE LIBERAL, phone 9, Rich- mond Hi1]. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering. cabinet work. wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. The Second Instalment of the current year’s taxes is due on Pay promptly and avoid the penalty which must be added after AUGUST 20th Richmond Hill, July 30, 1942. (Reconditioned and Gumntaod) Used Cars 1932 FORD V-S 2 TON TRUCK â€" Long wheelbase. Overhanled. Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 TAXES MISCELLANEOUS CARS SOLD “AS IS†FORD A TUDOR $125 ALSO 2 GRAHAMS 2 CHEVROLETS BARGAINS AUGUST lst PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT R. LYNETT, Village Treasurer. 275.00