PAGE EIGH'1 www.coooowmmowowmm and his VARIETY DANCE BAND RUS CREIGHTON Draw for “DAISY†the Patriotic Holstein All Proceeds for Lions’ British Child War Victims’ Fund WWWWWONOMOOOOOOOOOM IN LUCKY NUMBER ADMISSION TICKET PRIZES TICKETS NOW ON SALE â€" BUY ONE TO-DAY Help the Lions Help Others RICHMOND HILL LIONS’ CLUB P. E. ANGLE, Pros. F. HOOVER, Treas. H. R. BUT RICHARD EDMUNDS, Chairman of Activities Committee Festival of Fun and Frolic BINGO, and other Midway Attractions for Old and Young All Proceeds are for Community Welfare and War Work Featuring Radio’s Personality Girl Vocalist SALLY MILLER $65.00 AND H. R. BUTT, Sec. THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO PLEDGE THEMSELVES TO KEEP STREETS CLEAR OF GLASS, ETC. T0 PRESERVE TIRES In an effort to promote the con- servation of rubber, Lions in con- vention in Toronto resolved last week to constitute themselves a selfâ€" appointed committee to inspect the streets and highways in the vicin- ity of their residenccs and remove litter, trash, broken glass and other substances injurious to tires and tubes. It was further resolved at the meeting of the resolutions commit- tee to approach all governmental bodies to exert every effort to main- tain the highways in a condition favorable to the conservation of tires. Another resolution which met with overwhelming support of the deleâ€" gates vms one which "decried the treachery and savagery of the Axis powers and which promised all out support of all Lions to the United Nations’ war effort. The resolution stressed the para- mount issue in the war as being whether the privileges and sacred rights of democracy are to endure, or whether they are to fall. beneath the heel of the aggressor. “The ‘New Order‘ which the Axis nations seek to impose upon the other nations and peoples of the earth is one in which conscience, religion. good faith between men and between nations, freedom, self-gov- ernment, culture, m1 many of the nobler instincts of mankind would be suppressed, mocked, stifled1 and de- stroyed. and under It all free peo- ple will be subjected to a thralldom which would render life barren and UHGHdUIable and would nullify cenâ€" turies of human it re- solved therefore that all Lions re- affirm their loyalty and devotion to the principles of libertyï¬democracy and humanity...and dedicate every resource and effort at their com- mand to the successful conduct of the war," read the resolution which was greeted and passed with great enthusiasm. Here is a list of rubber items which, if no long-er in use, must be salvaged from every home, every garage. every store room, every warehouse, every place of business and every farm in Canada. Rubbers, rubber bathing shoes, heel cushions, sponges for cleaning shoes, hard rubber buckles, heels, soles for sport shoes, metatarsal pads, shoes with crepe soles, rubber boots, splash-ers, footwear, over- shoes, sheeting, cushions, gloves, hot water bottles, bath sprays, atomizer bulbs, bathing caps, bottle stoppers, ice bags, fountain syringes, ear and nose syringes, tubing, sponges, door stopsâ€"wedge style; Mallets, weather stripping, lawn mower tires, garden hose, flat belt, electric wire, castors, castor cups, tap washers, basin plugs, plungers, faucet water strainers, binding for matting, dog toys, bladders for foot- balls, basketballs, punch balls, 1a- crosse balls, hand balls, squash balls, wiper blades, hose adaptors, boiler plugs, hose washers, pedal pads, rim bands, tire bands, defrosting fans, heel protector pads, pump hose, tire chains, accelerator pedals, fender flaps, tire pump, tires, tubes, bottle stoppers, teapot spouts; Mats, bathing suits, coats, ashtray tires, capes, shampoo capes, shower hats, mak-e -up capes, hair curlers, shampoo shades, house-hold aprons, teething rings, folding baths, stair treads, belts, underlay cushions, bands for carpet swaepers, tires and tubes for bicycles, skate guards; Hockey pucks, recoil pads, ear plugs and- nose clips for swimming, hunting and fishing boots, balloons, beach balls, sponge rubber bath toys, dolls and animals, printing sets, tennis and golf balls, waders, air mattresses, mucilage tops, erasers, trays, chair pads. No item should be salvaged, how- ever, if it has to be replaced by a new article. SEE YOUR LOCAL SALVAGE ‘ COMMITTEE Rubber Salvage At a, charivari party in Vellore Hall on Friday, July 11th Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Fierheller were present- ed with a beautiful studio couch from the charivari boys. The fol- lowing address was read by Mr. Ar- thur Foster: Dear Kathleen and Eldon: It is with much pleasure that we, the. charivari boys and friends have gathered here this evening in honor of your recent marriage and to Wish you prosperity and happiness on the voyage of matrimony. Eldon, we congratulate you upon the important step you‘ have taken and your choice of a‘help mate. We are pleased t a: yOu are not leaving the community and we ask you, Kathleen and Eldon, to accept this studio couch as a token of af- fectionate regard w1th our best wishes for a pleasant, happy, mar- ried life. boys This was followed by all singing “For They are Jolly Good Fellows†and by giving the happy young cou- ple three lusty cheers. 4 Make Check On Vegetable Garden In midsummer there are spots in the vegetable garden that have lost the freshness they had a few weeks before. It is a gooa plan at this time of the year to make a check up. Early crops such as radish and spinach that may be passing to the seed stage should be removed, not only to prevent an unnecessary drain on the plant foods in the soil, butl to eliminate‘an ideal breeding ground for cutworms and other insect pests, says Alan G. Dustan, in charge of] Insect Investigations, Dominion De-" partment of Agriculture. Cabbage‘ plants should be dusted to control imported cabbage worm larvae. Dusting with arsenate of lead at the rate of two teaspoons to one pound of hydrated lime or low grade wheat flour is recommended. A handy duster can be made by pinching a few holes in the lid of a tin conâ€" tainer. Paris green is also suitable to use for dusting. It should. be used in the proportion of one tea- spoon to one pound of hydrated lims or flour. Cauliflowers can be given the same treatment as cabbage. Af- ter the heads form in the cauliflow- ers it is better to use pyrethrum powder at the rate of one part to four of flour. It is advisable to pull rhubarb in the late summer so as to enable the plant to store a reserve of plant food within the root for next year. FISHERVILLE Service will be held next Sunday evening at Fisherville United Church at 7.3-0 with Mr. J. W. Wilkinson of the Fred Victor Mission as the preacher. Signed on behalf of the chariva‘ri 9=°=l0=0=0=0=0=0=°=0 II TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GAREAT LTD. [I 0:0] FIRE VELLORE 12 Wellington St. E., Toronto Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25-R fl =o=o=o=o=o=o=o=c DISTRICT HERBERT R. BUTT AGENT Printing Telephone 9 If it’s printing we do it. You will find the Quality, Ser- vice and Price Right. PLATE LONDON ACCIDENT BURGLARY GLASS LIFE SICKNESS THEFT THE LIBERAL THURSDAY, JULY 30th, 1942 RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH Rev C. B. Brehhen, B.A.. Minister Sunday, Aug. 2 and Sunday, Aug. 9 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. . 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. The R-ev.'Selby Jefferson of Toronto will conduct the morning services on the first two Sundays in Au- gust. Evening services will be resumed in September. You are welcome at our services. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, August 2nd 10.30 a.m.â€"â€"Sund'ay School. 11.45 a.m'.â€"-Divine Worship. RICHMOND HILL Rector: Rev. W. F. Wrixon. I..Th. 4 Markham Road Services July and August 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. Holy Communionâ€" 1st Sunday at 11 am. 3rd Sunday at 8 a.m. No evening services during these months. The Rector will be away for July during which time the parish will be in charge of the Rev. R. S. Mason. Wifeâ€"“I was ouuspoken at my club.†Husbandâ€"“Who outspoke you?†Phone 42 5 Keep Fit E - ’EWEWMONDUELUAIR i1 t'Yoz/R MILKWJ‘I Drink plenty of Milk, and be sure of an ample supply, pure and wholesome, by having us call every day. __ Milk, Cream, Butter, Chocolate Milk and All Dairy Products. Milk is the best food you can possibly serve your family. " U-â€"\vo _ .‘â€" “â€"â€" ".â€" ST. MARY’S CHURCH (Anglican) Richmond Hill GEO. WALWIN, Prop. Richmond Hill AUTO