SHEPPARD 81 GILL Lumber Co. We have no business bag of tricksâ€"it’s all straight dealing at this yard. There isn’t a shoddy piece of lumber to be found in the place. It all mea- sures up man fashion to what is expected of it. Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lynetx ORDER 3 HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any where in North Yonge St. District i I WILL LEARN REA'L GDRK- we NEVER PLAY A (as ._ Busmess TRICK A Hm OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME 51 Petawawa Avenue Newtonbrook, Ont. Phone Will. 738 Estimates Given The dependability in the quality of Hall’s‘ Service Station gas and oil explains why so many motorists of Richmond Hill are using this reliable motor fuel and lubrication. BOX 467 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 “Be Ready With Reddy Power†ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR GENERAL REPAIRS PHONE 319 AURORA THURSDAY, AUGUST 6th. 1942. Harold W. Mortson 11 Centre St. W.. Richmond Hill Telephone 93 Farm Implements and Rep airs Massey- Harris Rite- Way Milkers Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washers and Household Appliances OIL. Fertilizer Com King Mineral “Gem†Milk Coolers and Electric Fencers Viking Grain Cleaners and Graders J. C. BODFISH SHINGLING RICHMOND HILL Old and New Work Asphalt and Cedar 15 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Roof Repairs 3 Specialty Massey-Harris C. BRETT ’1 M‘xfl AURORA P.O. Visiting Mrs. Norman Etheridge at Laskay last week were her husâ€"' Mr. and Mrs. Aubrey Lloyd of Fergus visitedr under the parental roof of their Temperancevil‘le homes over the week-end. Laskay Y.P.U. will conduct the church service on August 9th. Marshall McMurchy convened an interesting Biblical and general pro- gram for Laskay Y.P.U. last week. King United Church will not hold service on Sunday evening, August 9th. St. Patrick’s Roman Catholic Church of Sch-omiberg held a very successful garden party on August lst realizing $1350. Fifty dollars in' War Savings Certificates was given as draws. having been donated by‘ parishioners. The majority of these drrawn went to distantwoints. The Archibald! MoCallum farm has been sold to Mr. Leatlherdale of Maple. - -' 1 Mr. and Mrs. Irving L. Scott of Toronto spent the week-end) with their grandmother, Mrs. Forsythe. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Lawson visited Port Elgin, Southampton, Owen? Sound, Inglis Falls and‘ Rockwood' over the holiday week-end. daughter of Maple; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bryson and daughter of Vaughan; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Glass, Aurora. l The badly burnt automobile sta- tioned in a King garage was owned by Mr. Jennings, 4th con. Vaughan. The car was literally “burned to death" in a Toronto garage which took fire. Even the “Gordon touch†coulr‘ not restore it to any semblance " ari usefulness. 1‘ ' Reeve Lorne Goodfellow and Reeve Thomas MacMurchy are busy in the harvest fields these days. “Grandmothers†will come to the ‘fore in the King City locality when the Women’s Institute will entertain them on Tuesday, August 11th at 3 pm. in SS. room, King United Church. Members please present your earliest (childhood) photo. Mrs. J. Norris will give the motto tepic; Mrs. W. Rolling. general topic; Mrs. J. Norris and Mrs. J. Rock, invita- tion conveners and Mrs. S. W. Armi- tage. lunch convener. Note the time, Councillor Cameron E. Walking- torv Albert Kelley, Aubrey (Doc) Gordon and Earl Wellesley, all of King left on Sunday morning with Queen’s York Rangers for Niagara 'Camp. We are reminded that the assortment of ages respective to these volunteers, points out the spirit of preparedness prevailing in the minds of citizens. It is a matter of concern and pride to all of us. ilies in the neighborhood. Mrs. C. E. Walking‘ton and: son Jack visited Mrs. Fisher of Cooks- town on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Patton of Winâ€" nipeg, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Walker of Kirkland Lake, Mr. Melville Pat- ton and Mrs. Charles Barnes of To- ronto were week-end visitors of Mrs. F. Willis. Mr. and Mrs. Patton came east to see their son Lieutenâ€" ant Lloyd Patton, returning to Win- nipeg on Thursday of this week, S‘hort visits and calls were made on various members of the Patton fam~ ilies in the neighborhood. Miss E. G. McClure is spending a few days in Toronto. L.A.mC. Bill Walker writes to Har- old' Folliott of King that he has seen England, Ireland and: Scotland and likes all three. Pte. Warren Mc- Bride has spent enjoyable leave in Scotland. A recent euchre at Mrs. John Thompson’s, Oak Ridges, sponsored for the Red Cross Branch, realized $18. A very successful tea held on July 30% brought in $10. King Township District News Miss Christina Campbell of B-ran- don, Manitoba is visiting- her brother Mr. Murd'ie C‘amplbell. Sunday School meets every Sunday at 10 am. A hearty welcome to all. The services next Sunday, August 9th, in the United Church will be conducted by Rev. F. A. Lawson of Toronto in the absence of the pastor. Mr. and1 Mrs. W. T. New and son Jack are spending a month’s vaca- tion at Honey Harbour. Last Thursday evening the mem- bers of the Young People’s Union met at the home of the president, Mr. Hicks Smith for a social even- ing held in honor of Misses Mar- garet Shaw and Gladys Riddell, two of its valued members. After the presentation a very enjoyable social evening was spent ‘by all. We exâ€" tend to them our very best wishes. band, Norman Etheridge, RICAF, Camp Borden, and Mr. Etheridge’s parents of Brantford. N EWTONBROOK THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY SERVICE / WZW/é/é .4 %/////,/////%y///% W 7 I? y////%/////% â€2/ w E N A AT YOUR BANK AT YOUR POST OFFICE mum! AT 3% Through the co-operation of your local Bank, Post Ofï¬ce or Trust Company. you can now buy War Savings Certiï¬cates in the most convenient way. You get delivery when you pay your money. Just state the “size†of certiï¬cate you want, and it will be registered in your name. These are guaranteed invest- ments at $4.00 for $500â€"$800 for $10.00â€"$20.00 for $25.00. (You can also exchange 16 War Savings Sta_mps for a $5.00 Certiï¬cate.) Many a man. labors more than 40 hours a week under a delusion. On Sunde Brown’s Corners con- gregation welcomed the Rev. R. W. Rumley back after an absence of several months due to illness. Our best wishes are extended to him for his continued good health. Mrs. A. Glendinning and Bert are visiting in Mount Albert. Mrs. K. Grey has arrived from Kirkland Lake to take Jimmy and Johann-e back from their month’s holiday with Mr. and. Mrs. English. The latter are holidaying during Au- gust with friends in Owen Sound. We are glad to report that Gloria Shenfield is much better and around again after having her tonsils re- moved. vou 0AM NOW BIIV WAR SAVINGS CERTIFIGATES Congratulations are due to Mr. and} Mrs. Wm. Rodick and! to Mr. and Mrs. A. Burns. A son has ar- rived in ’both houses. _ The August meeting of the But- tonville Women's Institute will be held at the home of Mrs. A. Steph- enson when the roll call will be answered by the donation of a tea towel for use in the Hall. BU TTONVILLE TAX FREE [iii V H KING CITY PHONE KING 1608 E o=o=o=o=o=o=o=o=m The Largest General Store Stock Beiween Toronto and Barrie McDONALD & WELLS’ Paints, Wallpapers â€"â€" Harness And Harness Parts Backed by our long established reputation for service, quality and fair-dealing Is at the disposal of the people of this district and we invite your patronage. Men’s and Boys’ Bootï¬nd Shoes }overnment Egg Grading Station REDEEMABLE 1roceries, Fruit and Provisions Dry Goods and Ladies’ Wear Shelf and Heavy Hardware one "13% De :1 LA Rb; 3)‘ "1' 0:10 REGISTERED PAGE SEVEN 6:01