Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 20 Aug 1942, p. 7

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If a man’s pocketbook never bled until it visited tms lumber yard it would never suffer much from loss of circulation. Our prices are consistent â€"â€" we charge a decent profit and we are always looking out after the interests of our patrons. SHEPPARD & GILL Lumber Co. Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lyneh ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District LOOK 'ROUND YOUR HOME 5ft WHAT VOUNEED -- THEN BUY'OF us -- Oykymca DON'T BLEED; SEW V1765 S TA 7/ @N 51 Petawawa Avenue Newtonbrook, Ont. Phone Will. 738 Estimates Given BOX 467 Reason Number 1, why you should buy Hall’s Service Station gas â€"- “Less Car- bon”. Every atom of this motor fuel delivers its full- ness of energy and power to your engine. THURSDAY, AUGUST 20th, 1942. ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR GENERAL REPAIRS PHONE 319 AURORA OPPOSITE ORANGE HOME 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 “Be Ready With Reddy Power” Harold W. Mortson 11 Centre St. W.. Richmond Hill Telephone 93 Farm Implements and Repairs Masseyâ€"Harris Rite-Way Milkers Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washers and Household Appliances C.I.L. Fertilizer Com King Mineral “Gem” Milk Coolers and Electric Fencers Viking Grain Cleaners and Graders ‘ J. C. BODFISH SHIN GLIN G Old and New Work Asphalt and Cedar 16 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Roof Repairs 3 Specialty RICHMOND HILL Massey-Harris C. BRETT AURORA P.O. A": the monthly meeting of North York Horticultural Society held on Monday evening, Mr. Percy Bone of ‘Thornhill-and Mr. Ernest Krohler of lthe George McCullough Estate spoke on “Arranging Bouquets” and gave a demonstration. The monthly show was most interesting with entries for gladioli, basket of mixed marigolds,‘ basket of mixed flowers, mantel vase arrangement, and arrangement of flowers for an invalid tray. A young life was quickly snuffed out last Sunday afternoon while cycling on Yonge Street. Miss Ann Hyverno'n, daughter of Mrs. Ann H‘yxernon of Winnipeg was killed in- stantly at Newtonbrook when the bicycle she was riding was in colli- sion with a motor car, and a girl friend, Miss Hewig Ludwickski who accompanied her on the bicycle was badly shaken up but escaped serious injury. Provincial Officer Howard Jackman of Richmond Hill stated both girls attempted to turn left on the double west lane in front of two cars riding abreast, also southbound. The motor car was driven by Mr. Clifford M. Smith of Spadina Road, Toronto. Coroner Dr. W. J. O’Hara l of Toronto investigated. Miss Hyver- Arrangements are being made itb hold the North York Horticultural annual Show on August 26 and 27 in Brown School, Willowdale. Rev. Hisey of Willowdale Baptist Church has moved to Gananoque, Ontario. > Miss Margaret Graham spent her vacation in Muskoka. Mr. Leonard MacKelvey and Miss Anderson of Orangeville were guests at the Parsonage last Sunday. The attendance at Sunday School has been over the 7-0 mark during August. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Pinder of New Toronto visited relatives here last week-end. Morning worship service at 11 o’- clock in Newtonbrook United CIhurch every Sunday. The pastor conducted the service last Sunday having. reâ€" turned from Alcona Beach for the Robertson-Ridden wedding on Satur- day and the Hammondashaw weddâ€" ing on Monday evening. Mr. John Graham attended the funâ€" eral Lf his oldest brother near Port Hope recently. Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Morris 0.” Orillia are visiting the latter’s 'par- ents Mr. and Mrs. W. Good. Mrs. Reginald ‘Crosgrey and two children are visiting this week with the farmer’s father, Mr. John Gra- ham. her a long and happy wedded life. Misses Bertha and Irene Smith spent part of their vacation in the Georgian Bay district. Mr. John Graham attended the funâ€" eral Lf his oldest brother near Port Miss Shaw, who is 0:18 of our pop« ular young ladies was given several miscellareous showers by her city and suburban friends prior to her marriage. A large number of her school pupils attended the wedding in the church. We join in wishing , Palms» and pink gladioli formed the floral background at Newton- 'brook United Church last Monday evening at 7.30 for a double ring wedding ceremony when Mary Marâ€" garet, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Shaw of Drewry Ave. became the bride of Lance Corporal James Lorrie Hammond of the Scots Fusil- iers of Canada, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. George Hammond, High- view Crescent, Toronto. The Rev. A. H. Halbert officiated, assisted by the groom's brother-in-law, Rev. W. E. Wing of Toronto. Miss Bertha | Smith played the wedding music. The bride, given in marriage by her fath- er, wore a gown of shell pink chif- fon over taffeta with insets of lace and a halo of pink rose buds and pink tulle illusion veil and carried a bouquet of red roses. Mrs. Raymond Round, matron of honor, Miss Lorâ€" etta Dean, bridesmaid, and. Miss Edith Mary Lyon, flower girl, wore Dutch gowns of taffeta with match- ing Dutch caps. Their frocks were in three graduating shades of pink and they carried bouquets of lark- spur, rubrum lilies and cornflowers. Pilot Officer Elgin Ireland was best man. Pilot Officer Douglas Snow- den‘ and Lance Corporal B. Manson were ushers. At the reception which was held at Haddon Hall in Toronto the bride’s mother received the guests wearing a romance blue crepe dress with wine accessories and corsage of gladioli petals in the wine shades.‘ The groom's mother wore a misty gray sheer dress with violet access- ories and corsage of gladiol‘i petals: For her trip the bride donned a twinkle blue wool dress with match-‘ ing hat. burgundy coat and access- ories and corsage of gladioli and cornflowers. They left on a honey- moon to Eastern Ontario. The bride and groom are graduates of Toronto Normal School. Newtonbrook District News of our pop- ven several ly her city Some of our young people who were spending the week-end at Wil- cox Lake witnessed bhe drowning of Stephen Tymchushyn, an 18 year old young man of Markham St., Toron- to. Rowing back to shore in a boat he had rented he decided to jump out and swim to shore. He was seized with cramps and sank almost immediately. non recently came to Toronto from Winnipeg and was living with a sis- ter Mrs. Harold Duck on Hadley Road, Toronto. She is survived by her mother and sister Mary who live near Winnipeg, a brother Stephen of Parliament St. Toronto and a sister Mrs. H. Duck of Hadley Rd., Toronâ€" to. Provincial Officer Maurice Sea- man of Thornhill assisted in investi- gations. Farms and village property for sale and exchange Richmond Hill Phone 1 R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE INSURANCE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO HON. COLIN GIBSON, Minister DOMINION 0P CANADAâ€"DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL REVENUE Forms TD-l may be secured from your employer, Post Offices, or local Income Tax offices. Employers and Post Offices have been requested to dis- play in a prominent place the official Table of Tax Deductions. Ph one 92-8 of National anme. The church service at Teston on August 16th was taken by members of the Y.P.U. The president, Charlie Robson, very ’ably'conducted the ser- vice. The speaker for the Occasion was Mr. Morley Kinnee of Maple, who gave a very interesting address on the theme of the service “Peace and World Friendship”. Jean Maginn was at the organ and solos were sung by Mrs. Charlie Robson, who sang “The Holy City” and the “Lord’s Prayer” was sung by Mona Maginn. Others who assisted in giving the program were Nelson Kingdom and Evelyn Hare. Mrs. E. Cooper and Eleanor Heacock assisted in plann- ing the service. Laskay Y.P.U. held their regular meeting in the church basement on August 13011. Miss Helen Hunter was in charge. Interesting papers were read by Mrs. Wm. Boys and Miss Marjory MacMurchy. If you are» not now a regular sub- scriber to The Liberal, subscribe to- day. By maill am'ywherre in. Canada, $1.50 per year. SUBSCRIBE TO THE LIBERAL Teston and District INCOME TAX DIVISION “ Unless you are single, without dependents, and not making payments of the types mentioned in paragraph 4 above, you should file Form TDâ€"l with your employer. Otherwise, you may not be allowed the credits to which you are entitled. DO NOT DELAY. File Form TD-l with your employer at once so that you may get the full allowances from the start. Starting with the first pay period in September representing Sep- tember earnings only, your employer is required by law to deduct your income tax from your wages or salary, and send it promptly to the Government. Everybody will pay his share as he goes along. Even with the highest income tax in history, 52% only of the money Canada needs will be raised by taxation. The rest Will have to be borrowed by means of \Var Savings Stamps, Certificates and Victory Bonds. In the fourth year of war, Canada will dollars. This is the equivalent of nearly $350 and Child in the country. Income Tax is Fair to All 4. The money you are paying for life insur- ance pre‘miums, annuities, principal repay- ments on your home, or into a pension fund may be deducted (up to a certain maximum) from the savings portion of your income tax. [11 many cases this may be sufficient to make payment of the savings portion of the tax unnecessary. I. You will pay as you earn, so that you will not be faced with a large lump sum payment next year. 2. The National Defence Tax already de- ducted during the first 8 months of this year has been taken into account in the Table of Tax Deductions. 3. Though the income tax rates show a sharp increase over last year, a large portion of this increase is actually savings, to be paid back to you with interest after the war. It’s going to be tough . . . but not too tough! Here are some good features: Ford Model A Rebuilt Motors, Exchange Ford Model A Rebuilt Carburetors, Exchange $4.95 Ford V'8 New Carburetors (Special) Phone 86 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY AUTO WRECKERS 65 Yonge Street Eave Troughing, Repairs to Heavy Metal Parts on Farm Implements and Equipment GENERAL TINSMITH WORK FINDLAY FURNACE DEALER TINSMITH PAUL DUBOIS Canada will need almost four billion nearly $350 from every man, woman lltoll Phone Richmond Hill 147W mam C. FRASER ELLIOTT, Comminiomr of Income Tax. CMAIY SHOWINE I042 TAX LIABILITY OFA MARRIED PERSON fllTH TWO DEPENDENTS IND COMFARISON WITH “I! 194i 7“ LIAIIIJTâ€"V m'wmasoo'woo’qsoom‘m‘wbo‘esboh AllluAl Vulll! IILWE anon: EIEIWIOIS PAGE SEVEN Richmond Hill $49.50 $11.95

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