WOW Day 139 1;: THE MILL WEIS>DAY, SIEIPT. 8â€"Auction Sale of Farm Stock, Implements, House- hold Furniture, etc., also 10'!) Acre Farm with fair builld'ings, exception- al‘ly good land, at Lot 4, Rear Con. 7, on 8th Line, Markham, the prop- erty of H. J. B‘en-edlict. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms on Ohattels, cash; Real Estate made known on day of sale. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer, Gormley. SATURDAY, SEPT. 5TH â€"Auction sale of farm property, farm stock, implements, hay, grain, roots, etc., the property of the estate of the late G. A. Brodie, lots 10 and 11, rear con. 2 Markham, on No. 7 High- way, 2 miles east of Yonge St. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. The farm consists of 105 acres of choice land and is- well equipped: with modern buildings. A. S. ‘F'armer, Auctionâ€" eer, phone Stouffville 7309. No wonder the poet praised the man with the ‘hoe. It takes a rugged individualist to work in a gagden with the heat bearing down. WIN GROCERY HAMPERS IN DRAW Clerk Russell Lynett mader the draw for the lucky tickets in the grocery draw conducted by the W0- men’s Auxiliary of Vaughan and Richmond Hill Veterans at the meetâ€" ing held in the Municipal Hall Tues- day afternoon. The winners of the well fill-ed grocery hampers were Mrs. Broom of Richmond Hill and Wesley Arming of 6110 Crawford St., Toronto. Deliveriesâ€"North Tuesdays South Wednesdays We carry Maple Leaf Flour, Poultry and Stock Feeds, also Dog Meal and Biscuits ORDER YOUR SHURâ€" GAIN FERTILIZER EARLY TO BE SURE OF FULFILMENT Baled 2nd Cut Alfalfa Hay and Straw Scotchmer’s Drug Store For Public School For High School Phone 71 SCHOOL SUPPLIES RICHMOND HILL Sale Register We have a complete line of the Authorized. Text Books. We would advise all pupils to buy the books now so We can replace any shortage be- fore school opens. ’ Wishing you all success for the coming term. PAGE FOUR we carry a complete line of School Books, Scribblers, Pencils, Pens, School Bags, Cray- ons, etc. Phones: Evenings 82w | Grade IXâ€"«Englishâ€"Can. Book of Prose and‘ Verse, Bk. 1; Historyâ€" Britain’s Story, Dent; Mathematicsâ€" lGeneral Maths. Bk. 1, Macmillan; {Scienceâ€"Gen. Sci. Bk. 1, Bowers; Language â€" Basic F12, Copp Clark; also Prester John, Buchan-Nelson. Prospective students are urged to provide themselves with (books from the above list -well in advance of the date of re-opening High School, Tuesday, September 22. Other school suppliesâ€"work books, 3 loose-1e22, note books, pencils, pen (fountain if possible), etc. will be needed at once so as to lose no further time after this late date. ORGANIZATIONS T0 CONFER ON SOLDIERS’ BOXES Reeve T. H. Trench at the re- quest of the Salvage Committee and the local veterans organization has called a meeting of representatives of local churches and organizations for Tuesday evening, September 15th to discuss the sending of boxes to beys on active service. It is hoped by the coâ€"operation of all organiza- tions to make sure every bOy from the district is remembered. Grad-e XIIIâ€"‘5 ‘Longer Poems 1942- 43, Copp Clark; Julius Caesar, Shakespeare; Vicar of Wakefield, Macmillan; Maria Chapdelaine, Macâ€" millan; Modern Europe and the World, Dents; Adv. Course in Alg., Miller & Rourke; New Analytic Geom., Durrant & Kingston; Bk. of Lat. Poetry; Bk. of bat. Prose; Sr. Lat. Comp.; Cours de Moyen de Francals; Schrehben ‘Sie Deutsch. Comm.â€"S>ng1ish, see X and XI; History, see X and X1; X1, New Course B-k.Kpg., Ry-erson. Grade XIIâ€"5 Great Tragedies. Shakespeare, Pocket Bik. Ed’n.; Tale of 2 Cities (unabridged), Dickens; Still Lighter Ess-ays, Longmans Green; World Civilization, Part 11; Modern Geom. for H. S., Macmillan; Elements of Phys., Copp Clark; Lat. Read. for H. S., Ryerson. o Grade XIâ€"Story of the Buddha, Clarkeâ€"Irwin; Learning to Write, Macmillan; Anc. & Medieval Hist, New & Phillips; New Alg. for High Schools, Macmillan; Elements of Phys., Copp Clank; Chem" A lst Course, Gage, Chem. Manual, Gage. Grade Xâ€"Strife, Galsworthy; Hist. of Can. People, ‘Copp Clark; General Maths. Bk. II, Macmillan; Gen. Sci. Bk. II, Bowers; Latin for Today, Richmond Hill High School Text Book List 1942-43 Richmond Hill Maple Villa was beautifully decorâ€" ated on Wednesday evening when Miss Marion Watson entertained for Miss Dorothy Keffer whose marâ€" riage to Mr. Harry Walker is to take place September 5th. The ev- ening was spent in the upstairs sittâ€" ing room. Dusters were hemmed and initialed and were presented to the Ibrideâ€"toâ€"be together with an in- teresting bride’s book. 'Contests were won by Mrs. C. Ball and Miss Keffer. Supper was served in the dining room at a long table attrac- tively decorated in pink with a centre of pink sweet peas and pink candles. On behalf of those present Mrs. C. Miller presented Miss Keff- er with a crystal pin-up lamp. Maple unit of the Red Cross are quilting every Monday afternoon and would be pleased to have any of the ladies join them. Mr. Lester Smith, Keith and Ken- neth Jennings spent the week-end at Crystal Beach. tMrs. Isaac Watson had the misâ€" fortune tosuffer a severe burn last week and her friends wish her a speedy recovery. A “Jamboree†will be held in Bol- ton Monday evening, September 7th. There will be a Street Carnival, Pageant, Dance etc. Lucky number prizes. Proceeds for War Work. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mcâ€" Donald ‘are sorry to learn that they are moving to Toronto but wish them the best of luck in their new home. Mrs.vHarold Wilson and family have returned to the village after spending the summer at Lake Wil- cox. Miss Tillie Snider of Toronto is visiting Mr: and Mrs. A. ‘C. Robin- son Harvest operations in the district are well under way and many farm- ers have finished. The fine weath- er of recent weeks was ideal for harvesting. Mrs. Robert Bryan of Aurora has been visiting with her daughter Mrs. Charles Dew, Stump-lands Farm, Sherwood. (Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Kinnee, Mrs. J. Manning: and Mrs. Roy Fierheller attended the Manning-Mills wedding in Hamilton on Saturday. Mrs. Henry Bailey and Mr. Ed. Currie spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Bailey. Ann Lawrie visited last week with her grandfather Mr. George Hemphill, Kleinburg. The bride was also entertained at a miscellaneous shower given her by her 'Carrville friends at the home of Mrs. Bert Middleton. Mrs. Sylvia Ball of Maple had a miscellanedus shower at her home and Miss Marâ€" ion Watson entertained at a party and presentation at Maple Villa. Mr. and Mrs. Will McDonald of Melancthon visited Mr. and Mrs. Scott McNair and Mr. and Mrs. N. McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Allen en- joyed a boat trip to Niagara Falls on Sunday. On Saturday, August 29, Mrs. G. Wilfrid Keffer entertained at a trousseau tea in honour of the ap- proaching marriage of her daugh- ter, Dorothy Agnes to Mr. J. Harry W'alker. ers. Keffer, her daughter and Mrs. Geo. S. Walker, the groom’s mother, received the guests. The dining room was beautifully decor- ated with gladioli and autumn flow- ers, while the dining table was ar- ranged with a crystal bowl of pink petunia; and tall pink candles. From this table Mrs. Rdbt. Craigie, Mrs. Sheldon Walker, Mrs. C. Clarke and Mrs. Roland Keffer poured tea. The girls assisting were Misses Marion Watson, Mary Reaman, Betty Keff- er, Marjorie Bailey, Helen B‘owes, Mary McNeil, Madeline Clarke. Helen Cousins, Margaret Fockler and Mrs Leonard Wellman. Friends of Miss Mary Nixon tend- ered her a miscellaneous shower at her home Saturday last. The bride- to~be was the recipient of many beautiful and useful gifts. Two showers for her were recently held in Toronto, at the home of her aunt Mrs. Russell Rumble and at the home of Miss Betty McLean. Mrs. George Palmer and daugh- ters Lois and Dorothy returned homQ Monday to Kingston after visiting at her home here. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Edith McQuarrie is ill in the Privat_e Patients Pavilion, Toronto Western Hospital. Her many HIGHdS wish for her a speedy recovery. A miscellaneous shower was given last Monday evening at the home of Mrs. Frank Line when about 90 friends gathered in honour of Mrs. George :Metcalfe (nee Muriel Gould). Mrs. Metcalfe received many beauti- ful and useful gifts. BOLTON JAM BOUREE HARVEST WELL ON THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MAPLE for the transaction of General BusineSs Dated at Maple this 3rd day of September, 1942, Wednesday night the district was treated to a fine fall of rain, which was welcomed by farmers of the district. Snowball Women’s Institute branch has resolved to carry tea rations to meetings where lunch is served. This applies to visits to neighbouring branches and is indeed a patriotic effort. Miss Nancy Harshaw and mother are moving from King to Lansing this week where Miss Harshaw will teach in York Township Public School. They will reside on Shep- herd Avenue. We are sorry to lose them and trust the change will be a pleasant one. Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, Sept. 6th Day of Special Prayer and Dedica- tion. 11.4'5 a.m.â€"Divfne Worship. The Little Miss Mary MacMurchy of Hillsburg is visiting her grandpar- ents at King. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Folliott. fMaster Buddy Berger of Barrie is also the small guest of his grand- parents Mr. and Mrs. A. Wellesley of King. Mrs. Robert Geilatly entertained her family at her home at King on August 26th, her birthday. Her son Roger Gellatly and family remained for a visit before returning to To- ronto. Mrs. William Baldwin, Mrs. Mc- Nair and son Peter have returned to Lindsay after Visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ross Walker of King. We are glad to report the recov- ery of Miss Kate MacMurchy from a 'serious illness. Miss K. Mac-Mur- chy of Kinghorn has also had a fall but is recovering. Miss A. Ferguson and Mrs. R. Gellatly of King have received word of the sudden death of a cousin, Edgar Eddy of Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. Foster ‘Claridge of Schomberg have removed to St. Thomas where Mr. Claridge will teach in the city public school. Mr. Hunter is the incoming principal of Schom-be’rg Public School. Mr. Ferris Cantelon, principal Schomberg Continuation School engaged in tobacco harvesting Delhi, Ontario. Miss Betty McCallum has been en- gaged as teacher of Maple junior room. minister will preach. 10.30 a.m.â€"xSunday S‘chool TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8th Miss Beth Baldon of Strange will teach in Mount Forest Collegiate Institute this year. Miss Mildred Folliott and Miss Marion Jefferson have returned from vacation at Montreal with Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Folliott. The Baptist parsonage at King is receiving a coat of paint which will improve this comfortable dwelling. Mr. and Mrs. Jack have returned from vacation at Midland. Miss E. Fisher and Mrs. E. Wells of Toronto spent vacation at Cam- eron Lake, Fenlon Falls. Miss Fishâ€" er visited at Newmarket for several days. Rev. Harry Wilson is taking a conference course at McMaster Uni- versity. Mrs. Wilson and children are spending the t‘me at Whitevale, Ontario County. Mr. Wilson will occupy his p‘ulpits in September. King City News The regular September meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall. Vellore Vaughan Council RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Next week, Monday to Saturday, September 12th, we have declared a “Holiday Week†at “Stan’sâ€, and our shop will remain closed during that period. We hope this will not too seriously inconvenience our patrons, and on Monday, September 14th we look for- ward to returning refreshed by a week’s vacation to serve you better during the corning year. STAN RANSOM Barber Yonge Street RAIN WELCOME NOTICE Walsh of King a two weeks’ of LLOYD’S CORN SALVE contains Benzocaine. The new local anaes- thetic. Puts corms to sleep immedi- ately. Get a jar to-day. Scotchmer’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. NEW MASSEY-HARRIS 101/2 inch tractor grinder; new seed drill; new Cockshutt walking plow; used one- furrow riding plow; 10-20 Inâ€" ternational tractor; binders; sling ropes;- draw rope; trip rope; sling chains; Beatty litter carrier tubs and parts; “Corn King†mineral. Harold W. Mortson, 11 Centre Street West, Richmond Hill, telephone 93. 1937 CHEVROLET COACH in good cond'ition. Apply W. Bone, 15 Centre St. E., phone 38. SIX 10-20 TRA‘C'I‘O-RIS all rebuilt and guaranteed; four 2 and; 3-furrowed tractor plows; four used drills, plain and fertilizer; two new drills, one 15 and one 13 marker; one used Massey- Harris No. 7 spreader, entirely re- built; C.I.L. fertilizer orders taken now. Floyd R. Perkins, phone 21w, Richmond Hill. USED HOT WATER FURNACE, in good repair, suitable for bungalow. Apply T. H. Trench, phone 175w. *OREAM SEPARATO‘R, McCormick- Deering, a bargain. Apply Bermor Farms, phone Richmond Hill 4416. SEED WHEAT, Dawson’s Golden Ch‘aff, 2nd generation. App-1y E. Wiillett, Stop 21 Yonge Street, long lane. Deering, 6 ft. rebuilt; 1 cream sep- arator N0. 3 rebuilt; stainless steel discs. Apply M. A. Wilson, King City. FRESH VEGETABLES carefully selected from finest gardens, always fresh, at MORALEY’S SELF SERVE GROCERY, formerly Skeele’s, Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, phone 40. DeLAVAL MILKERS, Woods Grind- ers and Coolers, Frigidaire Coolers, Electric Refrigerators, Ranges and Radios. Trade-ins accepted. TORONâ€" 1 MARVEL COO‘K STOVE for sale. Fair condition. Apply to Norman Ferguson, R.R. 3 King. SEED WHEAT, Improved Dawson Golden Chaff. J. 0. Baker, Maple RR. 2, phone Maple 631'411. WIOKER BvA‘BY CARRIAGE, brown, also strawberry plants. Apply Mrs. Marinoff, 11/; miles east Stop 23 Yonge Street. BvE-A'C‘H COMBINATION RANGE, electric, coal and wopd, used one month, like new, latest and best model. Toronto Radio &‘ Sports, 241 Yonge St., Toronto. 6 GOOD YOUNG WAGON HORSES, 3 Percheron colts, 1 good driver, 1 building 14x24 in good condition, 3 ply boards. Apply Edgar Thomp- son, Oak Ridges, phone 39r13. Yonge St., Wa. 4‘50‘1 POTATO 'D‘IGGER, McCormick- TO RADIO & SPORTS LTD., 241 COOK STOVE, super oval Findlay, nearly new. Apply at 3 Centre St. East, Richmond Hill. M‘ILKING MACHINE, double unit 10‘0 CHOICE LEGH>01RN PULLETS and yearlings, laying. Bowerbank, Stop 17A Yonge Street, Thornhill. McCormick Deering; 1 No. 9 6â€"foot mower; 2 N0. 80 tractor plows. Ap- ply M. A. Wilson, King. RATESâ€"Five lines or Icss, 25 cents for first insertion and 157 cents for each sn-bsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT each insertion. IF CHARGED? CENTS PER LINE Classified Advs. PERSONAL FOR SALE Richmond Hill THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1942. 1400 LEGHORN PULLETS ready to lay. Apply Liberal chfilce. buildings suitable fpr shipping milk. Apply to Box Number 77, The Lib- eral Office, Richmond Hill. rent in Richmond Hill or vicinity Apply Box 202, The Liberal. DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free pick-up phone RIC’H- MOND HILL 7 0R KING 2414 OR MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED. Toronto, phone AD. 3636. B‘OOKKEEIPER and store asgistant, lady. Apply Brathwaite Hardware, Richmond Hill, phone 18. PARTY WANTS to rent a farm with ELDERLY WOMAN wishes to rent two or three comfortable unfurnish- ed rooms with kitchenette, near the car line, by October 1. Apply Mrs. Eveline Camplbell, Postal Station F, Toronto, Ont. BULLS out for their keep for the winter, any breeds desired. Apply L. H. Clement, phone 176, Richmond Hill. BOY TO DRIVE CAR and learn business. Apply Richmond Tailors, Richmond Hill. FIVE OR SIX ROOM HOUSE to rooms, all modern conveniences. Ap- ply Box 66, The Liberal Office. FOR SALE OR RENT FOUR ROOM COTTAGE. Apply to Mrs. Grant Diceman, Maple. 100 ACRES, lot 34, con. 2 Vaughan. Apply Box 60 The Liberal or phone 247 Richmond Hill. HOUSE IN RICHMOND HILL, nine EIGHT ROOM BRICK HOUSE in good ‘repair in Maple, all conven- iences, good furnace and hot air heating. Apply Wilbert Cousins, Maple, Ontario. PRINTING for every occasion. If you need printing of any kind con- sult THE LIBERAL, phone 9, Rich- mond Hill. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. FIVE ROOM HOUSE with 4 acres; $18 monthly, chicken house. Re- ferences required. Apply telephone Richmond Hill 13‘71‘4. ONE GREY HORSE strayed from lot 25, con. 3 east side North York, owner W. E. Cork. SPITZ POM, female, answers to name “Fluffyâ€, black with white spot on chest. Apply 88 Mill St, Richmond Hill. ., (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1934 FORD V-8 2 TON TRUCK in good condition. 1932 FORD V-8 2 TON TRUCK Long wheelbase. Ovenâ€"hauled. Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 MISCELLANEOUS $350.00 WANTED $275.00 TO RENT LOST