F EEDERS Who Keep Records EVENTUALLY Buy MASTER F E E D S PAGE SIX EVERY YEAR our sales of Master Chick Starter and Master Growing Mash have increased â€" proof that it pays to use Master Feeds. Raise your 1942 pullets on Master Chiek Starter and Master Growing Mash and you will become another one of the many enthusiastic Master Feeders. Phone Thornhill 54 Poultry, Hog, Dairy and Dog Feeds YONGE STREET THORNHILL Ford Model A Rebuilt Motors, Exchange Ford V-S New Carburetors (Special) Phone 86 Ford Model A Rebuilt Carburetors, Exchange $4.95 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY AUTO WRECKERS 7, For sale by We have probably all heard the story of the chap who was seeking employment and saw an excited crowd on the bank of a river. He rushed over and on learning that a man had disappeared in the depths he at once dived and brought him to the surface. But it was too late; the victim was dead. Making sure of this fact and ascertaining where the deceased worked he made his way there at once and applied for the job only to be informed that the position had already been filled.. When he expressed his doubts as to the truth of this statement and announced that he was the chap who had just pulled the victim out of the drink, he was informed that the job had been grabbed off by a chap who saw him fall in. Yes, that was quick work, but no quicker apparently than the re- sults of Advertising in “The Liberalâ€. “I sold my 'things the same evening your paper was published,†tele- phoned a satisfied user last week. And she added “I had so many answers I could have sold them over and over again.†Those “ho use our advertising columns testify as to their drawing power and praise their quick results. Telephone 9 If you have something to sell, put an “ad†in next week. YORK COUNTY’S NEWSIEST HOME PAPER AND BEST ADVERTISING MEDIUM The District Clearing House For Buyer and Seller W. R. DEAN THE LIBERAL The period in a pig’s life from two weeks of age up to five weeks has often been called the critical stage. Careful attention at this time will dio much to save the pigs from stunt- ing or actual loss. By proper feed- ing of the sow and by encouiaging the young pigs to eat separately just as ea1ly as possible the chances of runts 01 of the loss is greatly re- duced. At this time the experienced pig feeder starts feeding the pigs in a creep, separate from the sow. This: is very simply done by boarding of“, one corner of the pen or padd'Ocik to which only the young pigs have access. The best of feed is none too good, A mixture -of sifted' oats, cracked wheat and midvdllings with Attention at farrowing time should not «be overlooked even in summer production. With a clean farrowing pen. with suitable guard rails around the walls of the pen, and by being on hand at farrowing in case help is needed, many a pig will (‘be saved. It seems worth repeating that every extra pig saved will help to swell Canada’s production of .bacon. cry pig :1 potential source of bacon for Britain, and‘ ,with the present good prices obtaining fox hog car- casses, it behooves every ibreedex to raise just as many pig-s as p‘OS‘SX‘ble. -0ne easy means of increasing hog production is to save every possible pig in every litter, states Edward B. Fraser, Division of Animal Hus- bandry, [Central Experimental Farm, Ottawa. There is more of a problem in raisi- ing winter litters because warm, com- fortable quarters must be provided but the production of a large litter of thrifty-pigs really starts with the proper feeding andt management of the [brood sow, both before breeding and during the pregnancy period. Good feeding before breeding is im- portant for the conception of a large litter, while the feeding during preg- nancy will influence to a consider- able degree the size and strength of the pigs as well as the number at birth, and, in order that the sow may nourish her litter properly, good‘ feeding after farrowing is; essential. Save a p Richmond Hill Proper Feeding Basis Hog increase THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO ita High temperatures make egg white tough. Toâ€"day', the best cook doesn’: boil eggs. Instead she puts the egg in cold water, brings it to a «boil, covers. and turns off the heat. The egg; should stand in the water for three minutes (soft cooked) and ‘20- 25 minutes (hard cooked). Scrambled eggs are best cooked in a dou<b!e boiler, instead: of directly over the heat. A moderate oven should be used for such dishes: as custards, souffles, and cakes. On the Vitamin chart, free on posâ€" tal card request to the Health League of Canada, 111 Avenue Road, Toronto, you can further explore the importance of eggs in your diet. Milk is one of the least expensive food-s, if you consider its food values. Milk contains: Proteins: of highest quality for growth THE ART OF 'COO‘KINIG EGGS Minerals: calcium, phosphorus, some iron Vitamins: A, Bl and 32 Fat and sugar: for energy Milk has no equal among foods as a source of calcium. Milk is easily digested, too. A cup of milk, warm or cold, slow- ly sipped before going to bed, often helps one to relax and: go to sleep more quickly. For Every Age Adults don't drink enough milk and children can scarcely have too much of it. It is the one food' we simply cannot afford to do without, it is the foundation of an adequate diet, and is nature’s aid: to health defense. Dr. J. F. McCreary, in the current issue of Health Magazine states that one cannot secure an adequate quota of Vitamin B2 with- out the habitual use of milk. Adults should form the habit of drinking milk, the energy food. A Simple Rule Professor Henry C. Sherman, dean of food chemists, says: “At least as much should be spent for milk (inâ€" eluding cream and cheese if used) as for meats, poultry and fish.†Why Milk? STYLES IN StHELlLS Sonte people like white shelled eggs while others prefer them brown. The color of the shell is related only to the kind of hen. Leghorns lay white eggs; most other hens lay .brown eggs. The color of shell has nothing to do with age, condition or flavor of eggs. Flavor depends mostly on what the hens eat. Grade for grade, white eggs and' brown eggs are the same. Y‘Ov‘LKXSâ€"LIGHT OR DARK? Once a good egg, not always a. good egg â€"â€" unless properly cared for.» Eggs, like milk, are perishable, and should be kept in a cool placeâ€" in your refrigexiator, if possible. Milkâ€"Leader of Foods Many people think the color of the oylk indicate its “freshness†â€" the orange ones being older. This is not true for color depends on the h‘en’s food and may vary from- light yellow to deep orange and the egg still be of excellent quality. CO‘O‘LNES‘S PREFERRED or any pig starter suitable for wean- ed' pigs may be used. With creep feeding, the weaker pigs get a bet- ter chance and results have shown that the pigs will be heavier and stronger at weaning than those not creep-fed. Further, under the creep- feeding system the pigs will. gradu- ally become so independent of the sow that when weaning does occur they will not suffer any serious set- back. WHATS IN AN EGG? Eggs, are rich in: Iron â€"â€" one of the minerals our bodies need Vitamins A and G Gorrl quality protein â€"â€" important for children They contain also some Vitamin D. . This morning on millions. of break- fast tables eggs helped to get fam- ilies off to a good start for the day, and in millions of other homes eggs will continue the good work at lunch and dinner. In variedi dress â€" as golden scrambled, poached on toast, hard or soft in their shells, “sunny- sid-e up†with ham, or hidden away in muffins or dessert â€" eggs are good’ for us at any (meal. one egg a da; each grown-up sometimes two A “MUST†F‘OOD Eggs are one of the “must†foods. Even when budgets are limited, at least three or four eggs 3. week are needed for each person. If possible, one egg a day for each child and each grown-up is recommended’ and Eggsâ€"White or Brown Infants: Milk, with only orange [1 Juzce diet, 4 Chicken Pens, 8 x 12, 1‘0 x 12 1 Stove and Broader Quantity of Egg Cartons, about 1000 1 Chevrolet Car, 1936 model, good tires House Trailer equipped with 2 beds Hay, about 90 loads Quantity of Oats and Barley, mixed Quantity of Mixed Grain 2 Acres of Mixed Grain in field 1 Acre Corn, Hybrid Quantity of Mangolds, Potatoes and Vegetables The farm consists of 105 acres more or less of choice farm land. It is ideally situated on paved highway and has modern buildings and an abun- dant supply of water with a spring-fed beautifully treeâ€"skirted pond. 9n the farm is a fine brick residence containing 12 rooms, QQUiPPed mm furnace, built-in electric refrigerator, etc. There is a good bank bani, pig pen, and an implement shed. Abundant water suppy at house and: barns. This is a very desirable farm property, some of Markham Town- ship’s choicest soil, attractive pond, and good, well-equipped buildings, With hydro in house and barn. Terms for Farm will be made known on day of sale. Will be sold subject to a reserve bid. Farm property will be offered for sale at 2.30 pm. Sharp. Free copies of ready reference vitamin chart, whicn explores the sources of vitamins, are available on request to the Health League of Can- ada, 111 Avenue Road, Toronto, On- tario. Another booklet which tells of pleasant ways to use milk in cool- ing summer drinks is also free for the asking. A postal card will bring you either or both. JAS. SMITH & FLOYD PERKINS, Clerks. glasse And even older folks need calcium to keep the bones strong (2 glasses daily). For Children One advantage of milk is that it comes ready to serve. But good cookedv dishes such as cereals cooked in milk, cream soups, puddings and hot breads often contain milk. glass’e plenty of calciux growing fast. Adults: Need each day either dishes, or cheese Physicians prefer milk which is not very rich in cream (or fat) for children. Children are better off with whole milk than cream in cer- eal. It is better for children to learn to drink and like just plain milk, for ‘then they enjoy it as it is comâ€" monly served. Bottled. Dried, Evaporated Milk is used mostly in these forms: Bottled: whole milk, skimmed milk, Comparative Value About the same food values will 1 quart of fluid whole milk 1 pint of undiluted evaporated milk ‘5 ounces of Canadian cheese 41/2 ounces dried whole milk 3% ounces dried skimmed milk, plus 11/2 ounces of butter. Both Food and Drink Sale at 1 pm. Holstein Cow, bred April 13 Holstein Cow, bred May 20 Holstein Cow, bred June 13 Holstein Cow, bred June 20 Holstein Cow, bred June 12 Holstein Cow, bred July 21 Holstein Cow, calf by side Holstein Cow, bred July 6 Holstein Cow, bred" June 10 Red and White Cow, bred Ju Holstein Calves Holstein Heifers Holstein Yearlings Holstein Heifers and 1 Stei Veal Calf Holstein Bull, 6 months old Bull, fat POULTRY EQUIPMENT Binder, M.-H., 6 ft. cut Mower, Frost & Wood, 5 ft. cut Rake 1 Double Plow Single Plow 1 Scuffler Wagon and Hay Racks Seed Drill. M.-H. Spring Tooth Cultivator Set Sleighs 2 Sets Harrows Wheelbarrow Number of Forks Stone Boat Quantity of Rope Electric Fence Number of Chains Root Pulper buttermilk Dried: dry whole milk, dry skimm- ed milk Evaporated: evaporated unsweet- ened milk CAR AND HOUSE TRAILER At Lots 10 and 11, rear of Com. 2, Markham, On No. 7 Highway 2 miles east of Yonge St. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5TH boys and girls: Require 4 or more daily. They need of calcium because they are AUCTION SALE of FARM PROPERTY, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN, ROOTS, CORN, FURNITURE, ETC. ATTRACTIVE FARM PROPERTY daily HAY, GRAIN, ETC. DAIRY CATTLE IMPLEMENTS M.â€"H., 6 ft. cut Frost & Wood, 75 ft: cut Cow, bred April 13 Cow, bred May 210 Cow, bred June 13 Cow, bred June 20 Cow, bred June 12 Cow, bred July 21 Cow, calf by side Cow, bred July 6 Cow, bred' June 10 White Cow, bred July 1 Calves Heifers Yearlings Heifers and 1 Steer THE PROPERTY OF THE ESTATE OF THE at bab LATE G. A. BRODIE A. s. FARMER, Auctioneqr, r1 cooked THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 3rd, 1942, > the! Township of Vaughan ' for; | Tax Sale Notice asses Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes may be had in the office of the Treasurer, J. M. McDonald, Maple, Ontario. The list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes in the Township of Vaughan was published in the Ontario Gazette on the first day of August 1942. Notice is hereby given that; unless the arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, the Treasurer will pro- ceed to sell the land 7: the day and at the place mentioned in such list published in the Ontario Gazette. The date of the sale named in the said list is the fifth day of Novem- ber 1942 at ten o’clock am. The sale will take place at the Township Office, Maple, Ontario. nut 1 Dining Room Suite, 9 pieces 1 Rocker 1 Dresser and Bed 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite 1 Bedstead 7 Odd Chairs 1 Cook Stove 4 Linoleum Rugs 1 Coal Scuttle 1 Ash Sifter Several Odd Tables Quantity of Dishes Quantity of Jars and Bottles Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond Hill dated the 18th day of July 1942 and to me directed, commanding me to proceed with the collection of ar- rears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold has been prepared, and is being pub- lished in the “Ontario Gazette†under the dates of September 5th, October 3rd and November 7th, 1942, and that, unless the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 18th day of December 1942 proceed to sell the said lands to dis- charge the said arrears of taxes and the charges thereon. 1 Stepladder Quantity of Wood 1 Set Kitchen Scales 4 Tons of Coal Quantity of Tools 1 Fire Screen and Grate Quantity of Old Iron 1 DeLaval Separator. electric 1 M.-H. Separator, electric, new 1 Woods Grind-er, electric, recondi- 1 Clydesdale Gelding, 2 years 1 Clydesdale Gelding, 3 years The above are a fine team of 1 Brown Clydesdale Gelding 1 Blind Mare, aged tioned 1 Set Scales, 2000 lbs. capacity 1 Scythe 1 Extension Ladder, good Quantity of Harness Number of Milk Pails Other Articles too numerous to men- The sale will be held 9n the above date at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. Copies of said List may be had at my office. Dated at Richmond Hill August 3, 1942. ’ Subscribe for The Liberal, $1.50 per year. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Table 1 Kitchen Cabinet Desk and Bookcase combined- Dining Room Suite, 9 pieces, Wal- Pigs 4 months old Pigs 4 months old Pigs about 4 months old Pigs nearly 4 months old- Pigs born July 1 Pigs 3 months old Pigs born July 15 Sow, due September 1 Sow, due in October Boar 3 Sows, j ti on TERMS:â€"CASH. MISCELLANEOUS FURNITURE RUSSELL LYNETT, HORSES Phone Stouffville 7309. PIGS 3 Sows, just bred Village Treasurer. Suite Odd Chairs Linoleum Rugs Ash Sifter old old colts