Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Sep 1942, p. 7

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EFARMERS : 8=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0=0 Our business house is in order and we’re prepared to serve you with your lumber needs. Is your house in order? Will a Iiife lumber put it in good shape again? Your Wife will be pleas- ed to see you put on the over- alls. SHEPPARD & GILL Lumber Co“ THERE NEVER WAS A FIRM ON EARTH --THAT BETTER >PROVED THEIR HONEST wom‘ The Largest General Store Stock Between Toronto and Barrie Groceries. Dry Goods. Boots and Shoes, Hardware Government Egg Grading Station KING CITY PHONE KING 1908 McDONALD & WELLS’ SE V1765 $77577 (ODN We are stocked and equipped to supply your every need. Join hundreds of other householders in this district who get the utmost in value and satisfaction by dealing “at the store with the stock”. Helen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lyneu ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLO‘VERS For All Occasions Phone orders Jelivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 With Hall’s Service Station gas in the tank of your motor you can start the car with quick confidence and be off with a zâ€"zip! Use it regularly. BOX 467 THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8rd. 1942 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR GENERAL REPAIRS PHONE 319 A URORA “Be Ready With Reddy Power" J. C. BODFISH RICHMOND HILL wour Attention Please AURORA P.O. :0 men who go down to the sea in ships, We think of you at night, As you take your course through the mine-strewn 131‘s, Upheld by Britain’s might! O sturdy men of the bulldog strainâ€" Minesweepers, cruisers, all Merchantmen, submarines, fisherfolk- You hold our hearts in thrall! We think of you, and we pray for you, In the watches of the night, Brave men who go down to the sea in ships, Upheld by God and right! Laura A. Ridley. Newtonbrook United Church par- sonage was the scene of a quiet but pretty wedding last Saturday evenâ€" ing, August 29, when Margaret Helen, daughter of Mrs. J. Ander- son and the late John Anderson of Camilla became the bride of Leonard S. McKelvey, son of Mrs. W. Mcâ€" Kelvey and the late William McKelâ€" vey of Glen Cross. Rev. Alexander H. Halbert performed the ceremony. The bride wore a becoming costume of powder blue with wine accessor- ies and corsage of gladioli petals and fern. The bridesmaid was Miss I1ene McKelvey of To1onto,siste1 of the groom who wore a colsage Ilof gladioli and fern. The groom \Ivas supported by Mr. Wilmer Stin- son of the R.-C.A..F. at Manning Depot, Toronto. Following the cereâ€" mony Mr. and Mrs. McKelvey left by motor on a wedding trip to the Muskoka Lakes and Northern On- tario. On their return they will re- side at the. .McKelvey Homestead lnear Orangeville. A Tempe1ance program “ill be presented next Sunday, Septembei 6 at 10 a. m. in the United Church Sun- daV School under the di1ection of the Tempelance Secretary Mr. W. T. New. At an executive meeting of [the .S'mday School it was decided to! hold the Rally on Sunday, Septem-Jl _be1 27th which is the daV appoint-J .ed by the OR.E. Council. Thele has been an ave1age attendance at 1 ,Sunday School of 75 duling the! month of August. Now that the]: holiday season is over it is hoped that all will get bac‘k to Sunday School again. ( MEN WHO GO DOWN TO THE SEA IN SHIPS We extend sincere sympathy to Mrs. A. H. Douglas in the loss of a sister. The funeral took place last Monday. In obedience to His Majesty’s ap- pointment there will -be a special service of Rededication and Remem- brance held in Newtonbrook United Church next Sunday, September 6th at 11 am. A special invitation is extended to all those in the com- munity who have relatives in the army and especially those whose re- latives took part in the raid at Dieppe. Bruce Summers has returned home after spending the summer on a farm near Sarnia. Mrs. Allard and daughter Isabel left this week to make their home in Tqronto. We are sorry to lose them from our midst. \Ve extend deepest syTnpathy to parents and ffiends whho have been bereaved due to the recent raid at Dieppe. Approximately ten families have had sons or husbands who took part. Newtonbrook Richmond Hill Jones Coal C LIBERAL ADS GET RESULTS If you have something to sell, tev'll 6-000 readers about it through a. classified “ad” in The Libvema]. The suLts. ’ The ideal weather has allowed the farmers in this Vicinity to be with the exception of a few through with the harvest. All report an excellent crop. Visitors to our community on Sun- day last were Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Oultrum and family of London, -On- tario, also Mr. James Taylor from London on Wednesday last. Mr. Taylor gave a Bible reading- at the Wednesday evening prayer meeting. [ On Labor Day, September 7, the Faith Mission of Toronto will hold their annual Fall Conference in Pine Grove. This is the seventh year they have been here and everyone is looking forward to a good day. The pilgrims will be present from many parts of the province ‘and give re- ports of their work. The Rev. D. N. Cameron of Toronto will bring two messages, one in the afternoon at 1.30 and the other in the evening at 7.30. Services Will be in charge of Rev, J. Allan Wallace, the Supt. for Canada. Special services will rbe held next Sunday in the Congregational church when the pastor will be assisted by Mr. Fred May, Evangelist of Toron~ to. MY May plays several musical instruments and will bring them a- long With him, such as the theremin. the solovox and the accordeon. One of these instruments he plays With- out touching it and we believe it is the only one in Canada. Mr. May is a good preacher as well and folks are in for a rare treat. Three ser- vices will be held at 11 a.m.. 3.30 pm. and 7.10 pm. 11 Centre St. VV.. Richmond Hill Telephone 93 Harold W. Mortson Farm Implements and Repairs Massey-Harris Rite-Way Milkers Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washers and Household Appliances C.I.L. Fertilizer Com King Mineral “Gem” Milk Coolers and Electric Fencers Viking Grain Cleaners and Graders a missionary who had gone out from Mr. Dudgeon’s work in London for this Mission and' had lost her life in the raid on Hong Kong. It was impossible to get particulars and it was that they all believed she had suffered by the hands of the Japanâ€" ese. On Thursday last Mr. R. R. Walker went to New York to meet ’some returning missionaries and one of them was Miss Western who had been very close to Miss Wilson in her work in and around Hong Kong. She had the good news that “she was still alive in Hong Kong” but could get no word to us. ‘It is now hoped that some way may be opened that she will be able to return to Ontario again. She certainly will have a story to tell. Yes, we have the low ash red-marked hard coal Rev. J. H. Dudgeon received a comâ€" munication on Saturday morning that gladdened h's heart and many others not only around here but in London and Western Ontario. Last March word had come to the Mis- sion rooms of the South ‘China Boat Mission that Miss Henretta Wilson, Mrs. Kickebelt received a letter ‘from her son Sergt. John whose ex- citing experience on the English Channel near France, we reported a few weeks ago and he was well en- joying an eight day leave, after his rescue. He confirmed the report as was in the paper and it must have {been an exciting few minutes for John but he tells his mother he is ready to go back in a few days and settle some of these things with a few more of the Huns. A typical Canadian soldier. Wk” in! \DL mum (#M PINE GROVE Massey-Harris THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Phone 188 WEDDING STATIONERY The popular Bridal Rose Wedding stationery, printed in correct and at- tractive style, is obtainable at The Liberal Office, Richmond Hill. See us before placing your order. The regular monthly meeting held in the Municipal Hall last night was adjourned early out of respect to our bereaved comrades. Our Chaplain, Rev. W. F. Wrixon, is calling a memorial service at the Church of England on Sunday after- noon at 3 o’clock, in honor of Geo. Adams, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Adams, Richvale, and all the other ‘boys in the district who gave their lives for democracy in the recent raid on Dieppre, France. It is ex- pected a large congregation will as- semble to honor these young men who died that we might live aceord- ing to the dictates of our conscience. Cards are being sent to all veterans in the district who are asked to be in front of the church by 2.45 p.m. wearing berets, arm bands and med- als. This service is not for veterans only but, for all loyal citizens in the community who are able to attend. With The Veterans God Save the King! * EMPLOYEES * EMPLOYERS * THE REGULATIONS * THQSE AFFECTED *‘ EFFECTIVE: SEPTEMBER 1, 1942 ELLIOTT M. LITTLE, Director National Selective Service ONE GROUP of regulations (A) applies to all workers, male and female, and their employers, except any persons employed:â€" As female domestic servants in homes where there is not more than one servant employed; By a provincial government; As ministers, priests or clergymen; As professional engineers or science workers under the Wartime Bureau of Technical Personnel; In part-time subsidiary employment which is not a regular occupation; In agriculture, hunting, fishing, trapping; As teachers; As nurses and proba- tioners; In casual labour; As students at work after school or on holidavs other than 1mm enmmnr vanann As students at work after school or on holidays other than long summer vacation. The other Group (B) applies to all workers. NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE . A National Selective Service officer has the power: (a) to order any person to report for an interview at the (b) to order @py person who has been unemploved seve Read the orders-in-council setting up the regulations and the Workers’ Handbook which can be obtained from Selective Service offices or offices of trade unions. Read the orders-in-council setting up the regulations and the Explanation of National Selective Service Regulations which can be obtained from Selective Service offices. If a worker at the request of the National elective Service officer changes from less to more essential work, he may c aim re-instatement in his former job when the more essential work is finished. Any employer, employee or other person who violates any provision of the regulations or any order made under them is liable to a fine not exceeding $500 or a jail term of not more than 12 months or both. Nataâ€"Agricultural workers may take seasonal or temporary employment outside agriculture with the consent of Selective Service Officers when such work will not interfere with farm production and by taking such work they will not lose their right to postponement of military service. When a worker has to travel to a distant job, the National Selective Service officer may pay the cost of transportation and certain other special allow- ances. No person ordered by a National Selective Ser quit such job without permission of the officer No worker may quit his job without giving his em in writing. No employer may lay-off or discharge any we: notice in writing. No employer may interview or engage any worker permit to seek employment. Permits to seek employment may be obtained Service officers in Selective Service offices, forme Unemployment Insurance Commission. (C) to order work. suitablé VA-IOI'k; and any partially employed person to take any suitable full-time U rnone 43.] " Richmond Hill [I a=o=o=o=o=o=ouo=o=5 °=0=O=O =0=0=0=0=0=U Phone 49J Telephone and our driver will call you may take advantage of our attl tive Cash and Carry Prices. Expert workmanship and prompt de- pendable service. Let us take care of your cleaning and pressing requirements and be assured of the best. You may send your finest clothes to us with the utmost confi- dence. RICHMOND TAILORS GROUP (3) GROUP (A) discharge any worker without seven days' CANADA J. A. GREENE HAND TAILORED CLOTHING for an interview at the local oflice; been unemployed seven days to take obtained from National Selective :es, formerly the local offices of the Service officer to take a job may HUMPHREY MITCHELL. Minister of Labour unless such worker has a PAGE SEVEN call, or attrac- SS43

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