9.16 a.m. 2.56 pm. x 11.21 am. x 6.51 pm. (1 9.26 pm. Eastern Daylight Saving Time xâ€"Through to North Bay dâ€"â€"-Friday, Sat. Sun. and H01. DANCE AT MAPLE A dance will] be held in Maple Concert Hall Friday, September 18 under the auspices of the North York Unit of the ‘C.WJS.F. All proceeds for sending boxes to boys on active service. Happy Walker’s 01d Tyme Orchestra. Ernie Evans, floor man- ager. Zion Evangelical Lutheran Church, Sherwood Sunday, Seprt. 20th 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Moming Service. Sermon, Rev. S. Cooper, pastor. 7.30 p.m.â€"Evening service. Sermon, Rev. A. G. Jacobi, Kitchener, Ont. You are cordially invited. Effective Monday, Sept. let Repair That Leaky Roof Life Insurance Always Attractive Particularly Now Tickets and Information at BUSES LEAVE RICHMOND HILL to ORILLIA Sherwin Paints for inside or outside use Mrs. G. I. Hislop, Phone 177 F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE We have a good stock of Window glass on hand Repair those broken windows now. 12 Wellington St. E., Toronto Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 3119 'POMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT LTD. Phone 18 Caulking Compoundâ€"Grey or Black DISTRICT HERBERT R. BUTT AGENT 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25-}: CHANGE OF TIME TABLE HARVEST FESTIVAL Protect your property with quality products PAGE FOUR ASPHALT SHINGLES 4 IN 1 ROOF COATING 79c. Gal. Mackie, Richmond Hill. Richmond Hill's rink of veterans scored a notable victory at Bowman- ville last Friday when they outseor- ed a rink of veteran players from Warkrvmrth 19-!9. Richmond Hill rink was: George W. Ball, Harry Thompson, Walker Hall and Gid Moodie. The Warkworth players were friends of Mr. Hall who ar- ranged the game. The locals scored on ten of the fifteen ends. M. Scrixiener and Mrs. R. W. Hall. Winners in the mixed doubles here last Saturday afternoon were: lst, Skip S. Lawther of Lawrence Park; 2nd, Mr. and Mrs. James Grainge!‘ of Richmond Hill; high for 2 Wins, Skip Goodman of Oshawa; high for 1 win, R. Moodie anl Miss Stella Last Friday evening seventeen 10- cal members paid a friendly visit to Mimico club and enjoyed a pleasant evening. Skip D. M. Chamney pilot- ed the winning four. Monday night there were forty playing in the mixed games when the prizes went to Skip Eden supâ€" ported by Mrs. A. J. McLatchy, Miss M. Scrivener and Mrs. R. W. Hall. Saturday, Sept. 26th there will be mixed doubles with fowl as prizes. Wednesday, September 30 is the date of the annual fall tournament, men’s rinks, and fowl will be given as prizes. Tonight there will be a local mix- ed tournament for the J. A. Greene Trophy. Games start sharp at 7.30 BOWLING NOTES We Deliver BULLS out for their? keep for the winter, any breed-s desired. Apply L. H. Clement, phone 176, Richmond HOUSE IN RICHMOND HIDL, nine rooms, all modern conveniences. Ap- ply Box 66, The Liberal Office. Hill. HOUSE in Maple, 7 rooms, all con- veniences. Apply Thos. Reid, Downs- view P.O. phone Maple 961. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson and boys John and Bruce of Toronto spent Sunday with Mrs. Geo. Bailey. 100 ACRES, lot 34, con. 2 Vaughan. Apply Box 60 The Liberal or phone 247 Richmond Hill. FAJRJM, L50 acres, good farming dis- trict, 20 miles northwest of Toronto; possession March 1, 1943. Apply ev- enings, J. G. M'alloy, 761A Euclid Ave., Toronto. A number of ladies of ‘51:. An- drew’s Presbyterian congregation are attendinv Fall Rally at Glenview church this eek. Mrs. Horace Jacques is attending York County Fall Fairs in the in- terest of the Association for Preven- tion of Cancer. Miss Agnes Couper spent last week-end with her parents Mr. and Mrs. David Couper. Miss Grace Park spent the weekâ€" end at her home here. The monthly meeting of St. Ste- phen’s W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. H. Foden on Thursday, Sep- tember 10th, 1942. A draw was made for the hand knit doll, pro- ceeds for the B.W.V.F. and was won by Marlene Lloyd of King, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Rumble of Toronto and Mi5s Lillie Bell and Mr. Gordon Bell of Woodbridge spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Mratheson. 2 LARGE ROOMS for light house- keeping, unfurnished, on Yonge St. Apply 1 Wright St, phone 78. O‘N Y‘ONGE ST, insulated uprpecr 4 room apartment and bath, modern conveniences, fireplace, garage, gar- den, pasture, stable and hen house, references exchanged. Phone King 4314 or apply 2ndr house north of Summit Golf Club. Annual evening service of St. An- dreW’s (Missionary Society will be held Sunday evening, Sept. 20 at 7.3-0. Miss Louise Reith of W.M.S. Publi- cations will be guest speaker. ers. Switzer of Toronto has cently been appointed as musical structor in Maple public school. Mlfl and Mrs. Ross Healey and daughter Marion visited on Satur- day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Jackson. ‘Miss Louise Gale of Toronto spent Sunday'with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Art Gale, Sherwood. er5. Jesse Keffer spent several days last week with her son Reynold in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Henry McDonald, Mr. and ers, Neil McDonald and Doreen spent the week-end in Maple. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Monk have taken up residence in Toronto on Dovercourt Road. INSURANCE LIFE. FIRE. ACCIDENT. SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS The regular monthly meeting of St. Stephen’s W.A. was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Foden last Thursday evening. The lucky ticket on doll was won by Marlene Lloyd. rProceeds from sale of tickets yielded $25 for British War Victims. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Forrest mot- ored on Monday to Lindsay to visit Mr. Forrest’s father who is very ill. The Women’s Missionary Society of St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. McGiII- vray. Excellent papers were giveg by Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Fred Con- stable. Miss Morrison and nephew niece Mr. and Mrs. R. Howard ored on Saturday to visit Miss rison’s sister at Markdale. Mrs. Griff.th and daughter Mrs. Trussler of North Bay, Mr. and Mrs. Levi Weddel of Sharon visited at Mrs. I. Watson’s last week. Harvest Thanksgiving services will be held in St. Stephen's Anglican Church on Sunday, {September 2‘0th. Holy Communion at 9 a.m. Evensong at 7 p.m. Mr. Mitcheltree (the blind organist) of Toronto will ren- der special music. ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF 00's A. G. Savage Old Post Office Richmond Hill TO RENT THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO MAPLE and mot- Mor- Auction sale of 9’7 acre farm, regisâ€" tered and grade Jerseys, horses, im- plements. pigs, fowl, the property of lJ' C. Galbraith, lot 24, concession 3‘, lNorth York Township, 21/2 miles east and 14 mile south of Steele's Corn- lers at 1 p.m. Terms on chattels, 'cash. A. S. Farmer, auctioneer, lphone Stouffville 7309. THURSDAY, OCT. 8â€"â€"Auction sale of farm stock, .tractor and equipment, implements, grain, etc. the property of Homer Elliott, w. half 01 lot 31, con. 8 Vaughan Twp. 1%, miles west of Kleinburg on highway, 21/2 miles south of Nobleton. Sale at 12’ o'- clock sharp. Terms cash. No re- serve as Mr. Elliott is giving up farming. /J. Carl Saigeon, Maple and 'C. E. Walkington, King City, Auc- tioneers. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10â€"Cred.t VVEDNE‘SDAY, SEPT. 30thâ€"Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Tractor and equipment, hay, grain, etc. the property of Dan W. Hall, Lot 10, Con. 7 Whitchurch. Sale at 1 pm. Terms cash. Clarke Prent- ice, Milliken, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 â€"â€" Auc- tion sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Fowl, Antique Furniture, etc., the property of Gordon Lemon, Lot 8, Con. 7 Whitchurch, at Lemonville. No reserve. Terms cash. Clarke Prentice, Milliken, Auctioneer. auction sale of Holstein, Durham, Ayrshire, Hereford and Jersey cattle the property of Douglas 'Cassey, W. half of lot 16, con. 3‘ North York Township on Keele Street, 1% miles north of Wilson Ave. and 3% miles south of No. 7 highway. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms: All sums of $50 and under cash, over that amount 6 months credit on approved joint notes bearing interest at 6 per cent per annum. Keith Thomas, Clerk, J. Carl Saigeon, 'Maple, Auctioneer. sale of Household G00ds, Garden Tools, Antique and Other Furniture, etc. at the home of Mrs. Gordon Wilcox, William St., Woodbridge. Sale at 1.30 o’clock. Terms cash. Ken Love, auctioneer, phone Woodâ€" .bridge 141'12. SATURDAY, SEPT. 26‘thâ€"Aucti0n SATURDAY, SEPT. 26th â€"â€" Auction sale of Hotel and Restaurant equip- ment, household furniture, etc. the property of D. S. Ross, at the Frank- ]in Inn, Markham. Terms cash. No reserve as owner has joined the CA. S.F. Sale at 12.30 o’clock. Clarke Prentice, IMilIiken, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, SEPT. 25 â€" Auction sale of valuable farm, farm stock, imple- ments, hay, grain, furniture, etc., the property of Anson D. McCluskie, Lot 3, Con. 10 King Township. The farm consists of 165 acres more or less and will be sold subject to a reserve bid. 0n the farm is 25 acres Maple and Cedar bush. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms for chattels cash. C. E. Walkington, King, phone 28, Auc- tioneer. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8thâ€"Auc- tion sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. including Interna- tional Threshing Machine and Trac- tor, the property of Fred A. Clark. lot 21, con. 3, Markham. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. The average man has more bul'l than he has pull. Ho, hum! With so many looking for hand-outs why shouldn’t the hu- man hand be getting larger? LLOYD’S CORN SALVE contains Benzocaine. The new local anaes- thetic. Puts corns to sleep immedi- ately. Get a jar to-day. Scotohmer’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th -â€"â€" WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 231'dâ€"Cross- land Farm Guernsey Sale at Lot 33, Con. 7, Pickering, 1% miles north of Green River, off No. 7 highway, and 5 miles east of Markham. Choice selection of Registered Pure-bred Guernsey Cows, Heifers, Calves, al- so several Horses and a few Imple- ments nearly new. Sale at 1.30. Terms cash. Ted Jackson, Auct. SA,TURDAY SEPT. 19 â€" Auctionl sale of antique furniture belonging: to Hulse Estate Aurora Included are an antique rosewood melodeon, Seth Thomas wall clock, one extra large Walnut sofa, two other sofas, 4 brass kettles, quantity of glass- ware, silverware, brass and tools. Terms of sale cash. Sale at 2 p.m. rear of residence north side of Well- ington Street. .C. E. Walkington, auctioneer. Sale Register PERSONAL WEALTHY APPLES ready now; McIntosh, Snows, Spies, Greenings, Baldwins later. Wm. Vanderbent, con. 3 Markham, 1/2 mile south No. 7 Highway, phone Thornhill 18r21. circulator, Dominion; 1 extension table; 2 store counters; 1 Toledo scales; 3 show cases; 1 account reg-- ister, etc. Apply F. E. Sims, 5"? Yonge ‘St., Richmond Hill. PARTS FOR '29 CHEM; regr end axles and generators; 3 breeding geese. Apply A. C. Hannah, Mark- ham Rd. books. Apply Alma Marinoff, phone Richmond Hill 260. TULIP BULB'S, mixed good colors, also separate colors; Daffodils and Narcissus, early bulbs yellow and: red. N. J. Smellle, telephone 42J Thornhill. LATHEâ€"Three-foot precision bench lathe, with double clutch counter- shaft, scroll chuck, centre rest; Jacob‘s’ drill chuck, and many other useful accessories. Bench and 1/4 HP. motor included, $125. R. Mans- bridge, 30 Yonge St, Richmond Hill. Holstein cow. D. Goulding Elgin Mills, phone Richmond Hill 1021‘4. exchange for anything useful. Mrs F. Horton, Yongehurst Rd., Stop 24 F'OR SAILE OR EXCHANGE 1ST FORM BOOKS for 2nd form BE A'OH COMBINATION RANGE, DeLAVAL MILKER’S. Woods Grind- ers and Coolers, Frigidaire Coolers, Electric Refrigerators, Ranges and Radios. Trade-ins accepted. TORON- REFRIGERATOR, Viking, in good condition, reasonable. Apply James Hallawell, “Drumkeenâ€, Concord. 1981 CHEVROLET COUPE, sell or 3 ACRES heavy crop standing corn. Apply Wm. Brooke, Gormley RR. 2. phone Agincourt 598, lot 10, con. 4, Markham Township. DINING ROOM SUITE, Oak, round table, buffet and six chairs. Apply Wrigglesworth, No. 7 Highway, east of Langstaff, phone Thornhill 72r14. TO RADIO & SPORTS LTD., 241 Yonge St, Wa. 4'50'1. in North Toronto. Apply for in- formation to phone 31 Thornhill. good repair, suitable for bungalow Apply T. H. Trench, phone 17‘5w. ‘1 FlRtESH AYRSIHIRE 00W; lfresh trade for work horse; also 2 dress- ers. Apply F. Warriner, Milne’s west farm, Langstaff. electric, coal and wood, used one month, like new, latest and best model. Toronto Radio &‘ Sports, 241 Yonge St., Toronto. 1 KITCHEN RANGE, good; 1 heater SKIX 10â€"20 'DRAC’DORAS all rebuilt and guaranteed; four 2 and 3-furrowed- tractor plows; four used dlrills, plain and fertilizer; two new du'ills, one 15 and one 13 marker; one used Massey- H‘arris No. 7 spreader, entirely re- built; C.IL. fertilizer orders taken now. Floyd R. Perkins, phone 21w, Richmond Hill. ‘BUN‘GAJLOW, 5 roomed, solid brick, USED HOT WATER FURNACE, in 100 CHOICE LE‘GHtOIRN PULLETVS REN-FREW SEPARATOR, cheap or 'I‘EIN‘OR BANJO $40, or will trade for poultry or pigs. Apply A. C. H‘annah, Markham Road. ‘GIRiL’S BICYCLE, in perfect condiâ€" tion. Apply phone Richmond Hill 123. RAM LAMBIS, any breed. Apply F. Bennett, Gormley. Phone Stouff- ville 6306. and yearlings, laying. Bowerbank, Stop 17A Yonge Street, Thornhill. PleAlM, English style, practically new, $8. Thomhil] z511'11'. NEW M.-H. DRILL, with or without fertilizer attachment; reconditioned MmH. corn binder; 10-20 Interna- tional tractor in good working or- der; 1-furrow riding plow; inthrow disc harrow; Beabty litter carrier tubs and Beatty parts; “Corn King†Mineral. Harold W. Mortson, 11 Centre St. West, Richmond Hill, tele- phone 93. An old-timer is the one who can recall when a man didn’t have to be wealthy to serve meat for ddnner. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST F.ATESâ€"FiVe lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 1 for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per lin each inserticn. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PE-R LINE. Classified Advs. FOR SALE THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1942 [PRINTING for every occasion. If Yyou need printing of any kind con- sult THE LIBERAL, phone 9; Rich- mond Hill. WANTED TO RENTâ€"House, 6 or more rooms, all available land poss- ible. Responsible p-arty, references. Box 93, The Liberal. YOUNG ILADY BOARD‘ER, prefer- ably a school teacher, in a good com- fortable home in the village. Apply Box 51, the Liberal Office. PUPPIES, any breed. Highest prices paid. Box No. 7'2, The Liberal, Rich- mond Hill. ‘P'AJR’I'Y WANTS to buy a sewing machine, Singer preferred. Apply 0. J. Johnston, R.R. 1 Richmond Hill, Bayview and Markham Rd. LARGE SIZE QUE-BEIC HE‘A‘TER. Mrs. MacKenzie, Richmond Hill Ho- tel. B‘O‘Y‘S to caddy at Uplands Golf Club, Thornhill. Report at Pro’s Shop; experience not necessary. TRANSPORTATION from Toronto to Elgin Mills daily at about 5.30 p.m. Apply phone Richmond Hill 1-0‘21‘13. W'OMAN or GtIRL to take charge of home while mother works. Apply in evenings, Mrs. D-cClute, Stop 22 Yonge St., phone Richmond Hill 1P4. charges. GORDON YOUNG LLMIT- ED, Toronto, phone AD. 3636. 921/2 ACRE FARM, 4th concession of Markham. Apply Mrs. James Walker, Buttonville, phone Agin-a court 21W4. DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free pick- -up phone RICH- MOND HILL" OR KING 24r4 0R ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. T'WO TRUNK'S. Apply Box 85 Lib- eral Office M‘AN 0R WO'MAN to do a day's scrubbing, 40 cents an hour. Mrs. MacKenzie, Richmond Hill Hotel. MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone FOR SALE OR RENT Used Cars (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) 1932 FORD V-8 2 TON TRUCK Long whee1base. Overhankd. 1940 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPEâ€" Real Value. Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 for first insertion and 15 cents 5 lines 5 cents per line extra MISCELLANEOUS High Quality Spices, Extracts and full line of Household Necessities. Also 100% open formula mineralized stock, hog and poultry tonics. Insecticides, fly spray; Sold under my per- sonal g-ualantee. Help me and yourself to save gas by phon- ing or writing to Watkins Products ERNIE DURIE Richvale P.O. Phone Maple 641'4 $725.00 WANTED 275.00 OF IT.