Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 17 Sep 1942, p. 5

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lead hail, Sleep on_! “You Heroes of Dieppe”, such comrades cannot fail B. M. Macbeod, Richmond Hill'. For nine long hours the battle raged, then “evacuate” came the command, The objective was accomplished magnificent and grand; Back came the men fzom the jaws of death through an inferno of hot Ere dusk gave way to daybreak, and moon to rising sun Boom! like a. bolt from the blue, the battle had begun; The sky o’erhead was filled with planes, battling- in mad foray, Our naval guns spat deadly fire from inshore where they lay. Our men they stormed the beaches and tanks through barbed wire tore, They met a solid sheet of fire, but onward, onward they bore; Every man was a soldier brave, if he fell, he was facing the foe With courage stamped on his manly brow warmed by the sunrise glow. They covered the beach, then scaled the wall, gaining objective step by step; “Die we may, but do we shall,” was the motto of Dieppe. Through the streets went men and tanks silencing guns by the way, Sacrifice, devotion, courage and valor was the order of the day. While Britain slept strange barges went quickly out to sea Destined for that unhappy land where Frenchmen once were free; Ten thousand men, the pick of the brave annoured with tank and Stood eagerâ€"resolute every man for a reckoning with the Hun. in the sky was a wisp of a harvest moon, and twinkling stars made play As through mine-infested waters they safely ploughed their way, A tranquil peace and quiet prevailed befitting to the morrow, That glorious, immortal, unborn day, imprinted deep with sorrow. a reception was held. Later the cou- ple left by motor and by boat for Tisdale, ‘Sask. where they will reside. T-o travel the bride wore a navy blue tailored suit, small hat and veil, ac- cessories ‘to match, and mink furs. HARRISONâ€"BALL Amid a setting of glaLIioli, asters and dahlias a quiet wedding was solemnized at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Graham. Ellsworth Ave, Toronto, when their s'ster, Minnie Ball, daughte1 of the late M1. and ers. Ball, formerly of Richmond H 11, became the bride of Dr. F. W Ha1ri- son of Tisdale, Sask., only son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Harrison, Richmond Hill, Ont. Rev. C. A. Mus- ‘tard officiated. The bride. given in marriage by her uncle, Mr. Walter Woods’of Aurora, wore a powder blue frock with torso-length bodice and full skirt. ‘Her headdress was a matching toque and veil and she carried a shower .bouquet of red roses and bouvardia. The bride was unattended. Miss Lorine Graham, niece of the bride played the wedd- ing music. Following the ceremony We don’t know when the premiere will be, but write a five star rating down for this film right now and don’t miss it when it’s at your neigh- bourhood theatre. The Farm Commando movie which promises to outshine Mrs. Minever will be known as “Bringing in the Sheaves” and the caste besides Reeve Trench and Clerk Russell Lynett includes such stars as Boris Karloff Taylor, Wallace Beery Schissler and Edward Arnold Moodie. These “stars” supplied the glamour and some seven other seasoned- “commandos” did the work. Those who participated in the making of the pictures got some idea of the care, skill and patience required in making a film. The only trouble experienced. in the filming was when Boris Karloff Taylor who was cast in the role of water boy, walked off the set demanding more of a he- man role. Cecille B. DeMille Cockâ€" burn, director, finally offered to let him ring the dinner bell but he still felt slighted and with an exhibition of “bad temper” tore up his con- tract. Director Cockburn’s only‘ comment was “Boris always was temperamental in the fall.” Movie camera men have been'in town for two days getting the story of local commando help for farmers for the films. The Ontario Farm Service Board wanted to show movie audiences across Canada just what could be accomplished in solving the farm help problem if everyone went at it in the right spirit. The Rich- mond Hill group was selected to do the job, not because of their beauty but because of the extent of the help they were able to render to farmers of the district. A movie has been made showing Farm Commandos leaving their places of business in Richmond Hill, loading up and going to the farms, and in action stook- ing, drawing in and threshing. Richmond Hill “Farm Commandos" have received widespread publicity for their efforts in helping farmers of the district harvest the season’s crops. In addition to many stories in the press about local commando raids on neighbouring farms, radio commentators have broadcast over the air waves about their activities and this week they broke into the movies. Farm Commandos_ Now In Mowes THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 17th, 1942. WEDDING The Heroes of Dieppe BARGAINS There’s important news in the classified section on page four. Don’t miss the many articles listed for sale. CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Edith McQuarrie express their sincere thanks‘ and appreciation to the friends, neighbours and relatives for acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and beautiful floral tributes extended during the recent loss of a beloved mother. i Prospective students are urged to provide themselves with {books from the above list well in advance of the date of re-opening High School, Tuesday, September 22. Other school suppliesâ€"work books, 3 loose- leafi note :bcoks, pencils, pen (fountain if poss bk), etc. will be needed at once so as to lose no further time after this late date rComm.â€"Sng1ish, see X and XI History, see X and XI; XI, Nev Course Bk.Kpg., Ryerson. l Grad-e XIIIâ€"45 Longer Poems 1942- 413, Copp Clark; Julius Caesar, Shakespeare; Vicar of Wakefield, Macmillan; Maria Chapdelaine, Mac- millan; Modern Europe and the World, Dents; Adv. Course in Alg., Miller & Rourke; New Analytic Geom., Dun-ant & Kingston; Bk. of Lat. Poetry; Bk. of Lab. Prose; Sr. Lat. Comp.; Cours de Moyen c-e Francais; Schreilben Sle Deutsch. Grade XIIâ€"5 Great Tragedies, :IShakespeare, Pocket Blk. Ed’n.; Tale ‘of 2 Cities (unabridged), Dickens; Still Lighter Essays, Longmans Green; World Civilization, Part II; Modern Geom. for H. S., Macmillan; Elements of Phys, Copp Clark; Lat. Read. for H. S., Ryerson. Grade XIâ€"Story of the Buddha, Clarkeâ€"Irwin; Learning to Write, Macmillan; Anc. & Medieval Hist.Y New & Phillips; New Alg. for High Schools, Macmillan; Elements of P'hys., Copp Clank; Clhem.‘ A lst Course, Gage, Chem. Manual, Gage. Grade Xâ€"Strife, Galsworthy; Hist. of Cam'PeopIe, ‘Copp Ciark; General Maths. B‘k. II, Maleflan; Gen. .Sci. Bk. II, Bowers; Latin for Today, Grade IXâ€"LEnglishâ€"Can. Book of Prose and’ Verse, Bk. 1; Historyâ€" Britain’s Story, Dent; Mathematicsâ€" Generai Maths. Bk. 1, Macmillan; Scienceâ€"Gen. Sci. Bk. 1, Bowers; Language â€" Basic F12, Copp Clark; also Prester John, Buchan-Nelson. Wit-h B Co. Royal Canadian Engin- eers, son of Mrs. Jame-s Gourlie and the late James Gourlie of Richvale, who on August 26th celebrated his 215i. birthday. This was his second birthday overseas and his many friends in this district send greet- ings and best wishes. Richmond Hill High School Text Book List 1942-43 SPR. D. J. GOURLIE gun TO ORGANIZE FOR SALVATION ARMY APPEAL Reeve T. H. Trench has called a meeting of Richmond Hill citizens tonight (Thursday) in the Munici- pal Hall to organize for a local cam- paign to raise funds for the Salva- tion Army Home Front Appeal. The meeting tonight is at 8 pm. and all interested in helping are urged to attend. The opening meeting: of St. Mary’s Anglican W. A was held at the home of Mrs. Nicholls and was a great success. The Rector spoke words of encouragement and offered sugges- tions for the future programs. Plans were made for war work and‘ other business transacted. It was decided to coâ€"operate with the Government in the matter of tea and sugar raâ€" tioning by asking the members to bring their own tea and sugar when refreshments are served. In the ab- sence of Mrs. Frisby the President, who has been ill, the chair was taken by ers. N. Chatterley. The local Red Cross committee has received a large number of enâ€" tries for the Fall Bridge tourna- ment which gets under way early in 'October. Last year the plan of rais- ‘ing funds for the Red Crass proved very successful and this‘ year it is expected many more will be taking pane bridge clubs already have decided to suspend meetings for the duration and it is likely many more will follow suit, so that mem- bers will be free to hqlp‘ the war work of the Red Cross. Mrs. R. F. Mitchell who has been visiting for the past month with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Moore, returned last week to her home in Miami, and was accompanied by her sister Mrs. George Stephenson who will visit with her for a few weeks. The first in a series of euchres will be held ,at 'St. Mary’s RC. Church hall Friday- evening, Sep- tember 25th at 8.30 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to attend. Flight Mechanic Tully has return- ed to Saskatchewan where he is stationed, after a pleasant visit with his uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Hom'me, Rumble Ave., Richmond The W.A. of the Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church are serving a Hot Chicken Dinner in the school room of the church next Monday evening, Sept. 211st from 5.30 pm. Hill Mrs; M. F. Fenner of Richvale is in the Wellesl‘ey Hospital and is proâ€" gressing favorably. Her many friends wish for her a speedy reâ€" covery. The Mother's Auxiliary of the Boy Scouts Association will hold a euchre at the home of Mrs. Christopher, May Avenue, on Tuesday, Septem- ber 22nd at 2 p.m. Miss Ruth Tyndall left on T day of this week to register a student nurse at the Toronto V tern Hospital School for Nurses Mr. Edgar Wall‘ of Toronto, form- erly of Richmond Hill, will be the speaker at the regular meeting of Richmond Hill‘ Lions Club tonight at 6.30. R. H. Kane, Real Estate Agent, reports the sale of Mrs. M. E. Bu]- man’s property on Bayview Ave. to Mr. W. Wyer -of Toronto. The Rev. W. F. Wrixon attended meetings during the week in connec- tion with the Alumni of VVycIiffe College, Toronto. Drs. Rolph and :Lillian Langstaff have returned to the village after a pleasant vacation at their summer home in Muskoka. Mr. (Dr.) Laverne Wright and daughter Joan have returned to their home in Parry Sound after visiting with Mrs. O. L. Wright, Wright ST. Leonard W. Harris of the RAF is visiting at the home of his parents Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Harris, Arnold St. You'll enjoy shopping at Morley’s where many attractive specials. await thrifty shoppers this week-end. Mrs. M. P. Maltby is visiting her daughter Mrs. D. Temple in Huamil- ton this week. Gunner Reg. Watkins of the RCA Petawawa, spent the weekâ€"end at hi home here. Mrs. Frances AtkinSOn is visiting in Ottawa. Social and Personal THE LIBERAL, RICHMOI‘D HILL, ONTARIO left on Tuesâ€" register as a Toronto Wes- Mr. and Mis. William T. Watson, Maple, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Marion Ervelyn Myrtle, to Mr. Frank Edwin Robson, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. James H. Robson of Woodbridge. The marriage will take place Sep- tember 26th. The following articles of sewing were shipped from the work room this week: 30 pairs boys’ pyjamas, 60 girls’ nightgowns, 18 crib comâ€" forters, 8 quilts. Minister of Richmond Hill Presby- terian Church, which will hold spe- cial services Sunday and Monday, September 20th and 2lst to mark the 125th anniversary of the founding of the congregation. RED CROSS NOTES WESTON’S BLACK PEPPER CLUBHOUSE FLOOR WAX 1 1b. TIN 8 oz. REV. S. \V. HIRTLE, B.A. CASTLE CAMPBELL’S JEWEL Shortening ‘1 1b. PRINT SWIFT’S TOMATO JUICE ROYAL YORK THRIFT We Deliver 29c. 20 oz. TINIS ENGAGEMENT 25c Soap F Eakes amuw ' ‘ ‘ HEADS Caulifigxer 2 2 50 PEPPERS SWEET RED or GREEN ‘ FOR SNOW‘WHITE SEED‘LESS No. l TOMATOES 6 QT. BSKT. CRiSP GREEN GRAPEFRUIT CALIFORNIA ORAN GES CABBAGE AMMONIA UUU lVlUl‘l‘lqu 16 OZ. E’IARMALADE m 23c SNO W'F‘LA K E GOOD MORNING CROSSE & BLACKWELL kl\UDDD o: Dh;\Ll\ n nLL 'l‘lN'S Date & Nut Breadz 29C i‘a‘fiEFED RICE st' l9c (LDARK’ S QUAKER CHILI SAUCE CA'TELLI 5 Ready Cllt 2g; Macaroni omato Soup - Presbyterian Church, Richmond Hill H6? EHECKEN DENNER RICHMOND HILL Wednesday and Thursday, September 23, 24 SHIRLEY TEMPLE, HERBERT MARSHALL in “ Kathleen ” Monday and Tuesday, September 21, 22 JEANETTE MACDONALD, NELSON EDDY in “ I Married An Angel ” â€"- â€"- .â€" AND â€" â€"â€"-. â€" “ Canadlans at Dleppe ” Marking the 125th Anniversary of the Congregation the Women’s Association Friday and Saturday, September 18, 19 BRUCE CABOT, CONSTANCE BENNETT in “ Wild Bill Hickok Rides Again ” Monday, Sept. let MEDIUM SIZE MICHAEL AMES, JUDY BISHOP in “ I Was Framed ” LYNN BAR], ALLAN CURTIS in “ We Go Fast ” in the School Room of the from 5.30 to 7.550 p.m. Per Plate, 50 cents All Are Cordially Invited LARGE HEAD FOR 110' oz PKGS PKG TING PKG‘S â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€"â€" â€"-â€"â€"ANDâ€"â€" 15c 150 will serve 15¢ 190 4 lb. CTN. SELF SERVE TINS SALAD DRESSING RITZ CHRISTIE’S VANILLA MIRACLE WHIP ARTIFICIAL 11% oz. BTL. TODDY A CHOCOLATE DRINK 1 1b. OZ. 430. Sc. 33c PAGE FIVE Phone 40

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