Davies’ Dry Goods Store MISS E. ORME â€" GEO: WALWINfï¬Op. Phone 42 Richmond Hi! Local veterans are requested to bear in mind the regular monthly meeting of the Y.C.V.R. will be held- in the Municipal Hall, Richmond Hill on Tuesday evening, October 6th at 8 p.m. Let's “keep the home fires burning till the boys come home.†Good-the and thank you. Tenders Will be received by the undersigned] for the caretaking of Hope School, 28.8. No. 5 Vaughan. Tenders to be in by October 8th. Good news reached: the home of Mr. and' Mrs. Bill Adams, Richvale, recently, Their son Sgt. William Adams, R.C.R., reported missing, is still alive though a prisoner in Ger- many. Keep Fit lvé‘sa‘ezmmï¬mum :1 tram MILKMAA/"y; Due ‘to the war it is becoming increasingly difficult to secure merchandise. Need we say anything further to impress the advisability of making purchases of your requirements while they are still available. Women’s Butcher Boy Flannelette Pyjamas, trimmed with Rick Rack Braid, size small, medium, large $1.98 Full Fashioned Mercerized Lisle Gym Hose, 34 and 35 inch length, 9W2, 10, 10%, black only, pair $1.00 Mercerized Lisle Gym Hose, seamless, reinforced heel and toe, 9V: and 10, black only, pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59c. Women’s White Flannelette Nightgowns, fancy trim, long sleeves, size 0.8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.49 Assorted Collars, Collar and Cuff Sets 25c. to 39c. Women’s Pullover Sweaters, long sleeves, fine wool, crew neck, assorted Colors, sizes 16 to 20 . . . . . . . . . . $1.98 Women’s fine wool Sweaters, buttoned to neck, long sleeves, sizes 36 to 42, colours Navy, Black, Berry, Red, Alpine, Turquoise, priced from . . . . . . $2.39 to $3.50 Women’s Sweaters, fine Botany wool, buttoned to neck, short Sleeves, Red, Turquoise, Powder, Yellow, White, sizes 14 to 20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.25 Simplicity Patterns Have those storm windows repaired now With The Veterans F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE Richmond Hill USE SHERWIN WILLIAMS PAINTS FOR PERMANENT PROTECTION OF YOUR PROPERTY Phone 18 Drink plenty of Milk, and be sure of an ample supply, pure and wholesome, by having us call every day. Milk, Cream, Butter, Chocolate Milk and All Dairy Products. Milk is the best food you can possibly serve your family. r‘ , ,r ai‘bé‘mmflmflm WARTIME IS CONSERVATION TIME J. E. HADWIN, Maple RR. 1 PAGE FOUR TENDERS Stove and Furnace Repairs promptly supplied CAULKING COMPOUND Grey or Black The stadium quarterback has changed places. He is now running the. war from the drug store. The auction sale of W. Dan Hall, 101; 10-. con. 7 Whitchurch Wednes- day afternoon was largely attended and realized $4000. A grade cow and calf sold for $160, a grade yearâ€" ling heifer brought $6(), a 5 year old tractor with steel wheels“ brought $600, and a plow ï¬lm). The binder brought 5.1.76, an open buggy $29. The auction was handled by Clark Prentice and J, Carl Saigeon, Auc- tioneers. FRED CL‘ARK'S SALE NEXT THURSDAY A large crowd is expected to at- tend the Fred A. Clark auction sale of farm stock, implements, etc. next Thursday, October 8th. Mr. Clark has been a very successful farmer and he has a fine outfit of impleâ€" ments and equipment as well as some good‘ stock. There will be no re- serve as Mr. Clark has rented his farm. DAN HALL SALE BROUGHT $4000 Veilore Jr. Farmers and Jr. Instiâ€" tute choir are preparing music for anniversaries at Hope, Edgeley and Laskay. . A special service was conducted at Teston on Sunday in the form of 2 Rally Day service. Members of the Sunday School participated. Miss Margaret Kyle presided at the organ. Pilot Officers Jim Nash and Vicâ€" tor James of Birmingham, England, were the guests of Mr. andl Mrs. A. Constable on September 23rd. A large crowd attended a corn and: weiner roast at 8.8. No, 11 (Purpleâ€"' ville) on September 22nd. Miss D.‘ Tonnsley (teacher) conducted games." BORNâ€"At Toronto General Hosâ€" pital on Tuesday, September 15th, 1942 to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Maginn‘ (nee Ruth Hambleton), of Kettleby,‘ a son (stillborn). Rev. J. H. and Mrs. Anderson en- tertained members of Laskay Y.P.U. at their home on September 17th. Teston Y.P.U. members held- a corn and weiner roast at the home of Jean Mag-inn on September 16. The program was conducted by Rev. J.‘ H. Anderson. ' Teston and District Telephone 119 . 15c., 20c., 25c. We Deliver These Black and White shows have spread very rapidly till prac- tically every county now has his Holstein Day similar to our York County show which has always had‘ such a splendid reputation. The aâ€" wards Will be made this year by Mr. Fred Hobtbs of Bloomfield in Prince Edward County, a past president of the Canadian Holstein Association. As usual there will be free cata~ ngues of the entries and exhibitors at the Black and White Show so spectators can follow the judging. There will also be the usual Show- manship Competition for boys and girls who are sons, daughters or employees of owners of pureâ€"bred Holstefns residing in the Black and! County Holstein Club will be held at Markham Fair on Friday. October 2nd when most of the exhibitors of previous years as well as some new breeders will have their herds in competition. Present indications are that there will be about one hun- dred‘ Holsteins in the show. White Show area Dated at: Maple this! lst day of October, 1942. \Vhite FURNITURE â€"â€" 4 Wooden Beds. antique: Brass Bed and springs; 2 Iron Beds and springs; 2 Toilet Sets: 4 Small Stands; 2 Large Chests of Drawers, ant‘que; 3 Dressers, with mirrors; 6 Wash Stands; 4 Tables: 4 Rocking Chairs. antique: Set of 4 Leather Seated Dining Chairs. an~ tique: Wicker Arm Chair; Large ad-' justable Upholstered Chair; Uphol- stered Se-ttee. mohair. antique; Large Sideboard; Library Table; Quantity Bedding, Blankets, etc.; 2 Electric Desk Lamps. new, never used; Large Treasure Heater, upright; Table Lamp, gas: Large Mirror; No. Pyrex Dishes and Plates; 2 large Pantry Cupboards: Drop-leaf Writing Desk; Mirror with Rack combined. antique; Roll of Linoleum; Cupboard; Mirror, ant’que: Ironing Board: Large Up- right Shelf Cloek; Electric Desk Clock, new. never used: Buffalo Robe; Fir-e Extinguisner: 2 Bamboo Picture Frame Stands; Antique Rack with mirrors: Large number Picâ€" tures and Paintings; Large quantity good cutlery; Large number dishes, out and pressed; Glass articles, modi- ern and antique: Butter Making Set: 2 Dash Chums; Bake Tray; Coal Oil Heater: Wash Stand and Wringer; Mississippi Roard. Balls and Cues; 2 Wash Boilers; Number Odd Kit~ ohen Chairs: Number 5-gallon Cans; Jars. Sealers, Crooks, and many othâ€" er art‘cles. As farm is sold. Mr. Lemon is giving up farming TERMSâ€"CASH. Sale at 1 sharp J. C. SAIGEON and C. PRENT’ICE, Black and White Show at Markham Scufflers, M.-H.; Number sections of Drag Harrows with Eveners; Flat Hay Rack; 2-Furrow Gang Plow; Wilkinson Plow. No. 1; Bain Wagon, medium height; Set low steel farm trucks; Wagon Box; Stock Rack; Set Farm ‘Sleighs; Set L‘ght Sleighs; Steel Land Roller. 3 drum, Verity; Set Platform Slcales, 2000 lbs. car}; Fanning Mill; Cyclone Seeder; Hay Fork Car; Hay Fork; 120 ft. new Draw Rope; 3 Sets Block and Tackle, different sizes: Steel Water Trough; Side Wheel Pulper; Heavy Black- smith Vice; Quantity 2" Hickory, suitable for trees. yokes‘ etc.; Grind- stone: Large and Small Iron Ket- tles; Large and Small Copper Ketâ€" tles; Chest of Tools, saws, braces, bits, planes. etc.; Number of Feed Boxes and Barrels: 2 Shot Guns. 10 and 12 Gauge; Forks, Shovels, Bags, Pails, Rakes. ft.; stc Harrows; Cbmbination Seeder, M.-H., 17 tooth; Hay Loader, M.-H.; Hay Rake. IQ ft, M.-H.; 2 HAY,.SEED. IMPLEMENTS, ETC. Part of mow mixed hay; About 3 bus. White Blossom Sweet Clover Seed; 2 bus. Alfalfa and Red Clover ‘Seed; Chevrolet coach, 1928, in good condition; Binder, Deering, 6 ft, truck and carrier; Mower, M.-H., 5 HUGSâ€"17 Feeder Hogs, over 3V2 mos. old;‘Black sow, bred Aug. 9th; White Sow, bred July 12; White sow, ygeg Sept.__2; g Geese; 1 Gander. “CATTLEâ€"2 Cows, Hol-stEin, fresh, calf by side; 2 Cows, Holstein, full flow, bred. Monday, October 5th HORSESâ€"2 grey mares, Percheron type, matched; Bay mareY Clyde tygetgial marp. the following property belonging ~’co Modern and Antique Furniture Hay, Seed, Implements, etc. BY AUCTION The underSig-ned has received in- structions to sell by Public Auction at Lot 8, Con. 7, Whitchurch At LEMONVILLE WEDNESDAY, OCT. 7 FARM STOCK The regular October meeting of the Vaughan Township Council will be held in the Township Hall, Vellone Vaughan Council Auctioneers Milliken, phone Agincourt 52W3 GORDON LEMON fourth annual Black and Show sponsored by the York Holstein Club will be held at 1111 Fair on Friday, October ten most of the exhibitors of 1 RM. for the transaction of General Business THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10â€"Cred.t auction sale of Holstein, Durham, Ayrshire, Hereford and Jersey cattle the property of Douglas ‘Cassey, W. half of lot 16, con. 3 North York Township on Keele Street, 11/2 miles north of Wilson Ave. and 31/5 miles south of No. 7 highway. Sale at 1 pm. sharp. Terms: All sums of $50 and under cash, over that amount 6 months credit on approved joint notes bearing interest at 6 per cent per annum. Keith Thomas, Clerk, J. Carl Saigeon, ‘Maple, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, OCT. 8â€"Auction sale of farm stock, tractor and equipment, implements, grain, etc. the property of Homer Elliott, w. hair or lot 31, con. 8 Vaughan Twp. 11/4 miles west of Kleinburg on highway, 21/; miles south of Nobleton. Sale at 12 o'- clock sharp. Terms cash. No re- serve as Mr. Elliott is giving up farming. /J. CarI Saigeon, Maple and C. E. Walkington, King City, Auc- tioneers. TUESDAY. OIC'I‘. 2MAuction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Grain, Hay, etc. the property of Johnson Egan, lot 10. rear con. 7, King ’Iva. 2 miles: north east of Nobleton. Sale at 1 o’ciock. Terms cash. No re- serve as farm rented. C. E. Walk- ington, Auctioneer. FRIDAY. OCT. 23â€"«Auction sale of Dairy Herd, Horses, Implements. Hav. Grain, etc. the property of William Carson. at lot 8, rear con. 3. King Twp. half mile north of King City. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. No reserve, farm sold. '0. E. Walk- xng‘ton, Auctioneer. THURSDAY, O‘C’I‘. 2‘2‘â€"â€"Aucti0n sale of 100 head of Holstein Heifers at Roselawn Farms, Yong-e Street, Richmond Hill. Sale at 12 o’clock. Lunch will be served by ladies of the Red Cross Society. L. E. Frank- lin, Auctioneer. tion sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Fowl, Antique Furniture, etc., the property of Gordon Lemon, Lot 8, Con. 7 Whitchurch, at Lemonville. No reserve. Terms cash. Clarke Prentice, Milliken, Auctioneer. tion sale of farm stock, implements, hay, grain, etc. including Interna- tional Threshing Machine and Tracâ€" tor, the property of Fred A. Clark, lot 21, con. 3, Markham. Terms cash. A. S. Farmer, Auctioneer. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 â€" Auc- THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8thâ€"Auc- The parcel you Sent with your let- ters 'dated 30th June arrived here this morning and I hasten to tell you how very grateful we are for the generous help of the ladies of the Vaughan, Victory Workers. Some of the soap tablets were broken, but otherwise everything arrived in per- fect condition. The articles will be most useful to us, but we now have a fair supply for our little people and I wouldl like to suggest that if you send again, you send garments for children of ten to fifteen years of age as we have three hundred children in all to look after and. only forty are under seven. «Such articles as socks and stockings for boys and girls, pyjamas, vests and‘ knickers, blouses to wear with gym slips, etc. Enclosed is a snapshot of some of our younger children. With all good wishes, Yours sincerely, Fred: J. Robinson. Alexandra Mission, Elmcroft, Goringâ€" onâ€"Thames, Oxon. Dear Mrs. Alexander :â€" Members are urged to turn out to the regular meeting Monday af- ternoon at 2.30 sharp to be held at the home of Mrs. Bailey. Newcomâ€" ers are cordially invited to join us. At the euchre on Monday evening first ladies’ prize went to Mrs. Don- aldson; 2nd to Mrs. Underhill. Men's first was won by Mr. B. Brazier; 2nd, Mr. 'C. Attridge. Travelling prizes were carried home by Mrs. Donaldson and Mr. Joe Taylor. Our branch would like to pack the Christmas boxes for our boys on ac- tive service who are from this dis- trict, i.e., from the Maple sideroad to Langstaff, and. from Yonge St. to Dufferin. Would those having a member of the family in the forces please make sure that his name and address have been given to the presi- dent Mrs. A. W. Bailey, so that no one may be omitted. Any donations may be sent to Mrs. Bailey at 163 Spruce Avenue. In this connect’on a special “Christmas Box†euchre will be held next Monday evening, October 5th. in Richvale School, beg‘yming at 8.30 sharp. Admission will be as usual or a gift for one of the boxes. Let’s fnake it a real “shower†for the lads.‘ Richvale Red Cross Sale Register August 10th, 1942 WORK HORSES, 4 year oldl $125, 8 year old matched team of Perch- erons 16-00 lbs. $150 each, 6 year old registered Percheron mare $176, re- placing with tractor. Leechwood Farm, 1 mile south of No. 7 High- way on 3rd con. of Markham. DeLAVAL MILKERS, Woods Grind- ers and Coolers, Frigidaire Coolers, Electric Refrigerators, Ranges and Radios. Trade-ins accepted. TORON- TO RADIO & SPORTS LTD., 241 Yonge St., Wa. 4501. BARGAINS! Bradbury piano, square; electri: range and fixtures, splendid condition; two trunks; curtain stret- chers and poles; small articles; ban- quet or picnic table. Miss Mason, 126 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. SIX 10-20 'IlRAC’I‘O’RlS all rebuilt and guaranteed; four 2 and 3-furr0wed tractor DIOWS; four used drills, plain and fertilizer; two new drills, one 15 and one 13 marker; one used Massey- Harris No. 7 spreader, entirely reâ€" built; C.I.L. fertilizer orders taken now. Floyd R. Perkins, phone 21w, Richmond Hill. NEW M.-H. DRILL, with or without fertilizer attachment; reconditioned M.-H. corn binder; 10-20 Internaâ€" tional tractor in good working or- der; 1-furrow riding plow; inthrow disc ham-ow; Beauty litter carrier tubs and Beatty parts; “Corn King†Mineral. Harold W. Mortson, 11 Centre St. West, Richmond Hill, tele- phone 93. TULIP BULBS, mixed good colors, also separate colors; Daffodils and- Narcissus, early bulbs, yellow and red, 6 dozen for $1.00. N. J. Smellie, phone Thornhill 42J. ' WHEELBAR‘ROW, large size, strong- ly made, excellent condition, $4.00. Robert Mansbx‘idge, 22 Arnold St. RichmJnd Hill. ’ YOUNG WHITE ROCK roasting USED HOT WATER FURNACE. in J. S. McNair, Elgin Mills, telephone Maple 2849. chickens. Also yearling hens. Alive or dressed. Freeman Barker, phone Richmond Hill 4713. lets, also 100 choice Leghorn pulléts and yearlings, laying. Bowenbank, Stop 17A Yonge Street, ’DhornhilI. good repair. suitable for bungalow. Apply T. H. Trench, phone 175W. tric blower and fire box; also scrap steel. Wm. Murray, 96 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. NUMBER of BIARR‘ESD ROCK P111- QUEBEC HEATER, practically new, price reasonable. Apply 912 O‘ssing- ton Ave., Toronto, phone Meh‘ose 4598. fresh; 4-year-old. cow and calf $100 BLACKSMI'PH TOOLS for sale. Elec- 1 JERSEY COW, fresh, calf by side. 75 White Beck pullets, started: to lay. Wm: Sellers, Unionville. school or village fire bell. For par- ticulars apply Lfberal Office, Rich- mond Hill. ’ and 1/2 gal. disinfectant, complete with piping, $12.50. Apply Box 7_4, Thomhill. BiAY GELDUN'G, good worker, price 050. R. E. Perkins, phone Stouff- ville 9101. SANIEN GOA’I‘S, milkers and young stock. Apply Jim Spring, Stop314A Th‘ornhill, phone 149. ABOUT 1‘00 LE’GHO‘RN PULLLETS, 41/2 months old. Apply 10 May Ave., stop 24A Yonge Street. LARGE FARIM B‘ELL, suitable for 1 PURE BRED AY‘R‘SIIHRE COW othy hay. Apply Box 74,_Thornhill QUANTITY OF NEW LUMBER Apply .to H. A. White, Gormley RR 1, phone Aurora 8022. CARROTS and AJPP'LEJS'; about 4:0 2 WORK HORJS'E‘S, cheap for quick sale. L. Clubine, 2nd of Markham, phone Richmond Hill 4‘5r15. HJORS‘E about 1600 l-bs., good- condi- tion, $20.00. Phone Maple 541'4. 2 TONS ALFALFA and 5% ton Tim- PEKINE‘SE PUPPIES. A'pply Mrs‘ Ryan, Elgin Mills Rd. near Bathurst. yearling hens. Robt. Hahbinson, 3rd con. Markham, lot 27. ALL W‘HVIT‘E C‘H‘EMIOAJL TOILET 11 P105 6 weeks old. H. Topper, Elgin Mills. RATESâ€"Five lines or 1955, 2-5 cents for first insertion and 15 centé for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT. Classified Advs. FOR SALE THURSDAY, OCTOBER lst, 1942. LLOYD’S CORN SALVE contains Benzocaine. The new local anaes- thetic. Puts corns to sleep immedi- ately. Get a jar to-day. Scotchmer’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. 100 ACRES, lot 34, con. 2 Vaughan. Apply Box 60 The Liberal or phone 247 Richmond Hill. HOUSE IN RICHMOND HILL, nine rooms, all modern conveniencés. Ap- ply Box 66, The Liberal Office. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars chargeï¬. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED, Toromo, phone AD. 3636. 3 pieces, coat, shorts and reasonable. Apply Liberal DEAD HORSES & CATTLE Want- MOND HILL 7 OR KING 24r4 OR. LIVE POULTRY WANTED. Any ki'nd', esrpecially fat hens: an‘d' roost‘ ers. Top: prices paid. Write to I. Balsky, 68-9 Shaw St, Toronto, or phone Lombard 54515. Reverse the charge. PRINTING for every occasion. If you need printing of any kind con~ sult THE LIBERAL, phone 9, Rich- mond HiII. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carvipg. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 IEJnt Avenue. GRAY TARPA‘ULIN, Wednesday, Sept. 30th, on the Elg'fn Sideroad, Richmond Hill. Apply J. Olesen, Richmond Hill. UPPER FLAT, in the 'village 01? Maple, 4 rooms, adults only. Apply Geo. Chapman, Maple, Ont. 1940 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPE- Real Value. 1932 FORD V-S 2 TON TRUCK â€" Long wheelbase. Oven-hauled. Little Brothers BJOY’S BLUE SU'IT, size G‘IRL or WOIMsAN to mind! 2-year- old child occasional afternoon and ev- ening. Apply Mrs. Ruffman, phone Richmond Hill 265Jn3. ed. For free pick-up phone RICH- MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone LIVE POULTRY WANTED 10 YOUNG HORSES, from 5 to 8 years old, good for wag-on or farm use, and good pony 5 years old, mare. Apply Edgar Thompson, Oak Ridges, phone King 391‘13. ate weeks, nine to five. Phaneï¬Rriéï¬- mond Hill 101. FILESâ€"Sufferers of bleeding and protruding Piles should know Bunk~ er’s Herbal Pills treats the cause at its source. Money back if not satis~ fied, a: Scotchmer’s and Austin’s Drug Stores. FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONE 174 'INNIS cabinet grand player piano, in good condition. Irene Rowbottomr Bay'v’ew Ave., Thomhill, phone 9712 Thornhill. , MOTORIS’I‘ .to driyg to Vcity altern 1930 MODEL “A†FORD TUDOR MISCELLANEOUS PERSONAL FOR SALE $125.00 $725.00 $275.00 WANTED TO RENT LOST 8 years, breaches, Office. '