Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Oct 1942, p. 5

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A Bird Quiz for Boys“ and Girls See Next Week’s Liberal Bird Chatter is preparing a Bird Quiz for boys and girls, fifteen years and y0ung'er."It will be printed in “The Liberal” of Octcber 8th. Three cash prizes will be given for the three best set of answers. First prize $1.00, second prize 65¢, third prize 35c. Watch for particulars about the contest and: the quiz ques- tions in next week’s issue of “The This last day of September has been an interesting one in the gar- den. Five kinds of sparrOWS are here: English, song, white throated, white crowned! and tree sparrows. They seem to be attracted by seeds and berries and are in and out from lawn to shrubbery and back to bird bath. The hermit thrush too likes the lawn and shrubs. He is the last thrush to migrate south, and is also the smallest of the thrushes, and his reddish tail is his characteristic fea- ture. The myrtle warblers are still here in great numbers and an occaâ€" sional Nashville wanbler. Both kingâ€" lets â€"â€" rubyvcrowned and goldenâ€" crowned, tiny green grey birds with bright head markings are flitting a- bout in the leaves and capturing many insects and larvae. The gold- finches are stripping seeds from cosmos and keeping up their conâ€" tinuous canary-like notes both when feeding and in flight. The downy woodpeckers are sampling pieces of suet, both old' pieces from last win- ter and new ones just hung out. A friend of ours greeted us this morning with ‘We have an educa'ted downy woodpecker at our place' and when; we doubted the veracity of his statement he asked, ‘Well how do the d'ownys know where to find the corn borers?’ He continued with the information that a downy wood- pecker is going through his corn field: along the ground, choosing a corn stalk, flying up about two feet from the ground, taps the stalk with his bill and produces a borer for his breakfast. We thought this bit of news was interesting from several stand-points. It’s rather unusual to see a downy going along on the ground and how does he know just where in the corn stalk the borers are? Also how does he know the borers make their way towards the root of the stalk at this time of year. So many questions might aâ€" rise out of this interesting bit of in.- formation and I suppose we’ll just have to sum them up by the much used answer, ‘It’s just nature!’ This is another good reason for further protection of the downy woodpecker. prize $1 prize 3% about t‘n tions in Liberal” A sparrow hawk was on a fence post by the roadside. While we watched him he flew down into the field thvee times, each time bring- ing back What seemed to be a grass- hopper which he quickly devoured. Many of our summer bird' friends are falj away now, but there are still a great many to enjoy. THURSDAY, OCTOBER lst, 1942. BIRD CHATTER We had quite a close-up view ox this, the smallest and mOst beau- tiful of our ha-wks. He is a little larger than a robin and is the only small Canadian hawk with much red- colouring. The tail and back are a‘ dull brick red and the face has a conspicuous white patch on each side. This little bird. should not be called sparrow hawk. Ornithologists regret that he was given this name for he will not take birds except when extremely hungry. His food is mostly grasshoppers, spiders, crickâ€" ets and> other. insects also mice and small leptiles. We often see him over meadows stopping and hovering for a moment on quickly beating wings before dropping down» for his prey. Being such a beneficial bird he should be protectted. We also sawâ€"a few white throated sparrows, many cedl‘ar waxwing‘s‘, some chickad-ees and‘ flickers. ‘ Inmdentally this is the time for puff balls arid they seem plentiful. We saw evidence of the value of the black billed cuckoo the other day. A pair were noticed quite fre- quently having a meal! on the large catenpxllars which are stripping the Walnut trees nearby of its leaves. 7 p.m.â€"~Evenin\g worship. Rev. Jas. D. Endicott will preach and illus- trate his addlresrs with motion pic- tures. All are welcome. Sunday, Oct. 4th Trinity 18 Children’s Day and Youth Sunday 10 a.m.-â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"H01y Communion. Five RICHMOND HILL . UNITED CHURCH Rev. C. B. Brehhen, B.A., Minister Sunday, Oct 4th 10 aJnrâ€"Sunday SchooL 11 a.m.â€"â€"World wide Communion Sunday. Sacrament of the LordPs Supper. Another way to popularize victory gardens is to figure out some me- 'thod whereby a man could work in it and remain in the shade. minute instruction for children. 7 p.n1.â€"Evening' Prayer and' Bible Studyâ€"The Message of Job. All our children and young peeple urged to attend one or both of the services. On Thanksgiving Sunday, October ‘11th, we hope to have our Har- vest Thanksgiving Services. The guest speaker for the day will be the Rev. B. S. Greene, recently reâ€" turned from Fort George, in the Diocese of the Arctic. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister 10.30 a.‘m.â€"JSunday School. 11.46 a.m.â€"â€"Divine Worship. ST. MARY’S CHURCH RICHMOND HILL (Anglican) Rector? Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th ' 4 Markham Rd. close-up View of The second of a series of euchres will be held in St. Mary”s RJC. par- ish hall on Friday evening, October 9th. Special prizes. All are cordial- ly invited to attend. District Governor Emmon Craw- ford of Bowmanvi‘lle and Deputy District Governor Bill Morgan of Toâ€" ronto will be visitors at Richmond Hill Lions’ Club meeting tonight at 6.30 o’clock. The engagement has been an- nounced of Miriam Isabelle Taylor of Tormto to Mr. Edmund J. Brown of Richmond Hill, the marriage to take place in Toronto October 4th. Mr. A. A. Skinner of Stratford, of the Dominion Life Assurance Comâ€" pany, visited with his friends the Moodie family. The ladies of the Presbyter'an WA. wish to thank all those who in any way helped to make the anni~ versary supper a success. ‘Sub-Lieut. Herbert Nott, R.C.N. V.R., and Mrs. Nott (nee Ruth Angle) left Richmond. Hill on Sun- day last for Ottawa, from where they leave early this Week for Vic- toria, B.C. Where Mr. Nott will be stationed. ' Mr. W. D. Moyle of Victoria, B.C. visited for a short time this week with his brother Mr. Harry Moyle and-Miss Moyle, Yonge Street. A successful euchre was: held Friâ€" day evening last in St. Mary’s Roman Catholic Parish Hall, Mrs. Russell Fox being the convenor. Prize winâ€" ners were Mrs. W. Middleton, Mrs. Russell, Mrs. B. Lavln, Ben Brazier, Rev. F. MoGinn and J. Lanthier. The W.A. of the Anglican Church will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, October 6th at 2.30 pm. at the home of Mrs. Wrixon, Mark- ham Rd. The ladies are requested to bring warm clothing to pack a bale to send out west. The cent-a-_ meal boxes will be received by Mrs; F. W. Hall. ‘Bird Chatter’ calls the attention of the parents to the Bird Quiz for children fifteen years and younger which will appear in next week’s issue of The Liberal. Three prizes: will be given for the best answers, $1.00, 65c. and 35c. Encourage your girl or boy to take an active in- terest in this contest. The engagement is announced‘ of Rita Bernice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Paxton, Richmond Hill to Joseph Franklin Piercey, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. Piercey, Swift Cur- rent. Saskatchewan, the marriage to take place quietly early in October. Lieut. Aubrey and Mrs. Teal vis- ited over the week-end in Richmond Hill and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Lynett. Lieut. Teal, formerly of the High School staff, is now stationed at Camp Borden, and Mrs. Teal is living in Barrie. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Dick of Nash- ville have announced the engagement of their daughter Sara Viola to Mr. Kenneth Irwin Devins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Omar Devins of Nashville, the marriage to take place at Nashville Presbyterian Church Saturday, Oc- tober 10111. College, the Canadian naval officers training centre at Halifax recently was Sub-Lieutenant K. C. Ruffman, Richmond \Hill. The Ruffman’s just recently moved here and are living at 5 Yonge Street. Among a large number of officers to qualify in their courses at King’s Mrs. Jerry Smith and Miss Pa- tricia Smith attended the ‘Gift Show’ sponsored |by the wholesale companies held at the Royal York Hotel last Thursday. Despite the difficulty to obtain some manufactured articles there were many useful and! lovely gifts on display and Mrs. smith has a number of these gifts on order for her formal opening later on. Pilot Officer Douglas Sanders, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Sanders, Rich- mond Street, Richmond» Hill had three eventful days last week. Thurs-{lay he received his wings at Stratford, Friday he received his commission as1 Pilot Officer, and“ on Saturday he was married, “The Lib- eral” joins with “Doug’s” many friends in extending congratula- tions. He will leave shortly for western Canada where he will be stationed for a time as an instruc- tor The Bridge Tournament organized by the Red Cross has met with a very satisfactory response, twenty- one tables having been arranged al- together. The ladies will play on Tuesday evening: of each week and the mixed couples on Thursday ev- ening. The onening' games are to be played on Tuesday, October 6th and Thursday, October 8th respect- ively. Will the hostess of the even- ing please collect the scores and fees from each player and give them to a member of the committee. Cards showing the arrangement of games according to the draw will be given to the players shortly. Social and Personal THE LIBERAL, RICHMOI‘D HILL, ONTARIO Once aga'n we must, apologize for many mterest‘ng items which. are omitted from thfs issue due to lack of space‘ As many as, possible will be included next week. Please re- member to get copy in co us as early in the week as pessible. BIRTH HARDINGâ€"Leading Air Craftsman and Mrs. Charles Harding are happy to announce the safe arrival of their third daughter, Phyllis Ann, at their home, 32 Wright Street, Richmond Hill, Ont, on Saturday, Segtember 26th, 1942. CARD OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. Russell Brillinger wish to thank the many friends and neighbours for their timely assistâ€" ance at their fire this! Week, and. to express the'r appreciation for the fine work oféhe Richmond Hill Fire Brigade. A Plunket Dinner will be given by some of Canada’s foremost food manufacturers in Zion Lutheran Church, Marple, Friday, October 9th. Dinner at 6.30 pm. Admission 35c. IN MEMORIAM TRUSSELLâ€"In loving memory of a dear wife and mother who passed away October 3rd, 1939. Three years have passed since that sad day, The one we loved was, called away; God took her home, it was His will, But in our hearts she liveth‘ still. â€"Ever remembered; husband and family. 1N MEMORIAM CIRCUSâ€"In loving memory of Jas Ernest Circus, beloved son of Mrs Since our great sorrow fell, The shock we all received that day, We still remember well. Though tears in our eyes do not glisten, And our faces are not always sad, There is never a night or morning That we ’do not think of our Jimmy. He bid no one his last fareweliâ€" He said good-bye to none; The heavenly gates were open wide; A loving voice said come. â€"Loving'ly remembered! by his mother, sisters and son-in-law BiIl. A. Circus and the late Ernest Circus, who died September 28, 1939. Three sad lonely years have passed DINNER AT ZION LUTHERAN ONTARIO BLUE TOKAY SNO‘V “'HITE Cauliflower -' RED APPLES TISSUE N0. 1 McINTQ-tH CRISP GREEN GREEN or WHITE Celery Stalks WHITE SWAN SPINACH KRAFT DINNER CROSSE & BLACKWELL 16 oz. MARMALADE JAR FIVE ROSES SOUP MIX PETER PAN GRAPES iAUNT DIN AH Puffed Wheat WESTON ’S BREAD BUTTER - - - ITEM S OMITTED PRICES EFFECTIVE THURS, FRL. SAT, OCTOBER 1, 2, 3 MORLEY’S FLOUR oncord Grapes BROWN or WHITE LARGE ‘S’I‘ALK POUND 2 HIS 15c 4 lbs 25c ROLLS The regular monthly business meeting will be held on Wednesday next. October 7th at .. PKG. Please bear in mina for your Christmas card purchasesâ€" Your local Red Cross will have a supply ample to meet your needs. They will call on you shortly. 12 oz. PtKG‘S RED CROSS NOTES MOTION PICTURES OF for two years a member of the staff of the Chinese Generalissimo and Madame Chiang Kai-Shek will preach in will be shown. At the Morning Service â€" Worldâ€"wide Communion Sunday will be observed with the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper. 25c 25c 15c 17c 15c Friday & Saturday, October 2, 3 RICHARD DIX, FRANCES GIFFORD in “ Tombstone ” ANN RUTHERFORD, ROBERT STERIZING im “ This Time For Keeps ” Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, October 5, 6, 7 ANN SHERIDAN, RONALD REAGEN, ROBERT CUMMINGS, BEITY FIELD in Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 8, 9, 10 JOHN PAYNE, MAUREEN O’HARA, : RANDOLPH SCOTT in “ To The Shores of Tripoli ” ; The Japanese Invasion of China Richmond Hill United Church Sunday, October 4th at 7 p.m. REV. JAS. D. ENDICOTT ROLLED OATS DOMESTIC or JEWEL TILLSON’S QUICK CAMPBELL’S TINS TOMATO SOUP 3 250 CARN \TION TALL MILK c PEAS PORK & BEANS SHORTENING MAGIC Baking Powder SURE GOOD AYLMER Tomato Catsup FITTED BENSON'S Ghoice TOMATOES Quality ROYAL YORK No. 3 DATES SOAP P & G or PEARL ALL 24 1b. PURPOSE BAG w “ King’s R0 6 QT. BSKT. SELF SERVE 3 LB. CARTON POUND 1 LB. CARTO] 39c. 22%; 23c BARS 16 oz TIN 16 oz. TINS 20 oz. 12 oz. RAGE 850 28c 25c 25c 10c 19c: 14c

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