HORSES I Gray Mare, 12 years 1 Gray Mare, .13 .years Above are matched team I BIack Mare 1' Bay Gelding CA'I'I‘LE 1 Holstein Cow, due Dec. 3rd 1 Durham Cow, due in Feb. 6 Steers and 2 Heifers, beef cattle 1 Roan Bull, 1% years 2 Durham Bulls, 11/2 years 2 Holstein Bul‘ls, 11/2 years PIGS Number of _Fat Hogs if not sold be- CHCHCHHHï¬mncHHIIILumD H _. _. a H rtttlm.“ mmLMMmmmLM&&&R& 7.12 IIIIIIIPIIII inson 1 N0. 21 Fleury Plow with wheels I Gang Plow, Dick 2 Scufflers ‘ 1 Preston Fert‘lator for M.-H. 13 hoe or disc drill 1 M.â€"H. Spring Tooth Cultivator 1 Set Disc Harrows, inthrow, M.â€"H. I Sleigh Box 3 Heavy Wagons Reg. Holsteins, Jerseys & CragleiCo‘ws ’â€"Helena Artis Ragr Annie, No. 4454529. fresh. nof bred ’Yâ€"Artis Jacqueline Evergreen, No. 431028. fresh. not bred 3â€"«Marie Antoinette DeKol. No. I 416784. due time of sale 4‘â€"Bfrier1};ank Pal Burke, No. 358358. res 5â€"S-eg‘is Blossom Kevcs, No. 416786, _ due time of sale 6~Prinoe=s Booker Fayre. No. 293025, fresh. bred Sept. 1 7â€"tPrincess Bonker Pabst. No. 431022. milking well. bred May 8â€"Daisv Bonheur Mercena, No. "1744156. m‘lkino' wellA not bred Hortia Lyon‘s Korndvke. No. 209720. milking well, not bred IOâ€"Lady Favne Racr Apple Prissy, No. 454528. bred June 17 11â€"Dai5v Mercede: DeKol Keyes, No. 502727. he‘fpr. not bred 12â€"Daisv Bnn‘heur Mervedeg. NO. 15107963. heifer. not bred 1'3â€"aMarie Kevm Mercedes. No. 1507964. he‘fer. nn’r bred 14â€"June Brierbank Keyes, No. 3 month old~ca1f 15â€"â€"(Herd Sire) nvmecn Mercedes Keyes. No. 132871. 3 years Horses, Pigs, Sheep, Grain, Poul try and Equipment, Implements, Tractor and Equipment, Furniture and Potatoes THE PROPERTY OF HOMER ELLIOTT West Half Lot 31, Con. 8 Vaughan Twp. 1%‘miles north of Kleinburg ' on Highway, 21/2 miles south of Nobleton THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8TH Iâ€"Dukes Lady, No. 51689, fresh, ‘ not bred -2â€"Stavndard Goh‘len Daisy, No. 103789, milking well, not bred 1â€" Holstein Cow, fresh, calf bv side 2-â€"vShorth01fn Cow, due Oct. 28th. 3â€"Shortbom Cow. due Nov. 3rd 4â€"Roan Cow, milking well, bred v May 8th 5â€"Holstein and Jersey Heifer, yearling (idâ€"Holstein Heifer, yearling 7â€"Holstein and Jersey Heifer Calf, 3 months old 10 Pigs 3 months old 18 Figs 2 months old 1 Sow, due time of sale 1 Fat Sow AUCTION SALE 01" FARM STOCK AND IMPLEMENTS INCLUDING TRACTOR & THRESHING MACHINE, HAY, GRAIN & FURNITURE in good condition I.H.C. Tractor, 10-210, good ‘ I.H.C. Binder, 7 ft. I.H.C. Mower, 5 ft, good M.â€"H. Mower, «5 fl. M.-H. Drill, 13 dist.- I.H.C. Manure Spreader Tractor Plow, 2-furrow, Fleury I.Hfl. Tractor Cultivator I.H.C. Hay Tedder M.-H. Rake, 10 ft. SetrDiamond Harrows, 4 secti Set Diamond Harrows, 3 s‘ecti :Set Harrows ., Roller Single Plows, I.X.L., No. 3 W TERMSâ€"CASH. Lot 21, IMPLEMENTS I.HJC. Threshing Machine, 22x38, Clyde Gelding, 5 yrs. old, weight 1400 lbs. Clyde Mare, 4 yrs. old, weight 1400 lbs. Clyde Gelding. 2 yrs. old. broken, Weight 1450 Ibsf Clyde Mare. 2 yrs. old Percheron Colt, 1 year old TERMS:â€"CASH. Sale at 11.30 sharp As this is a large sale it must start on time No Reserve as Farm is Rented A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer, PAGE SIX fore sale REGISTERED HOIJSTEINS 22nd REGISTERFD F R E D A . C L A R K 51, Concession 3, Markham Township THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8TH Maple. Phone 11 Lorne Goodfelhw, Harold Pringle, Clerks. GRADE (‘0\VS HORSES HOGS CARL SAIGEON and C. E. ‘WALKINGTON, Auctioneers JFRSEYS 51689, fresh No Reserve as Mr. Elliott is giving up farming. Sale starts 12 noon sharp The Property ‘of 3 Wilk- sections s‘ectlons EXTENSIVE AUCTION SALE Gormley P.‘O., phone Stouff. 7309. Set Bench Sleighs . Cutter 1 Light Wagon Buggy ‘ 1 Pole and Shaft Gravel Box 1 Road Wagon Hay Racks, 14 and 16 ft. ~ Stock Rack Set Scales, 800 lbs. M.-H. Root Pulper, good Gas Engine, 3 HP. Woods Electric Grinder, good Melotte Separator Copper Kettle, 2‘0 gals. Cutting Box Number of Barrels- Feed Box Sacks 1‘. Drive Belt, Goodyear, 100 ft. 1 Short Drive Belt 1 Stone Boat and Road: Drag HHHHHHHHMHHpâ€"IH HARNESS 1 Set Double Harness, Breeching 1 Set Backhand HarneSS 1 Set Single Harness GRAIN About 125 Bus. Barley About 250 Bus. Wheat . About 100 Bus. Oats 16 Rows Mangels, 3I5 rods HAY 210 Tons.Alfa1fa and Mixed Hay 1 Grain Cleaner 1 Farming Mill 1 Turnip Drill 1 Drill Plow 1 Organ, Dominion 1 Bed and Springs 2 Spinning Wheels, complete 1 Table 1 Washstand 1 Stove 1 Cyclone Seeder 1 Hay Fork, 2 tined, 117 years old Forks, Hoes and other articles too numerous to mention About 175 Hybride About 125 1â€"year-ol an‘a Rock Hens A Number of Chicken Coops 1 Jamesway Oil Bl‘ooder Stove, good 5010 Bus. Oats 100 Quantity of Potatoes LUMBER Quantity of First Class Lumber on approved jotn‘t note bearing in- terest at 6% p"e1' annum. 1 2-Fur1‘ow International Plough, 1 Frost & Wood Cultivator, tractor IMPLEMENTS 1 International Tractor, W 310, 4 yrs. old, in A1 condition TERMS 0N TRACTORâ€"1V2 cash on day of sale and balance in 6 mont_hs nâ€"nâ€"a )4me HHHDâ€"Hâ€"i al, good Potato Sprayer, 4 rows, good 11/; HP. Lister Gas Engine on trucks, good AID-Foot Extension Ladder Power Emery Stone on stand Circular Saw on frame Circular Saw, portable Chatham Fanning- Mill and Bagger, power pulley, all complete, good 1 New Hickory Neckyokes Sets New Doubletrees New Runner for Sleep Sleigh Alsike Buncher bâ€"Hâ€"‘HHHHHWIâ€"l 3 l 1 Ram Lambv 9 Breeding Ewes Ewe Spring Liambs , POULTRY AND ghearliï¬g Lambs HARNESS - Set Brass Mounted Breeching Harness, new Set Brass Mounted Breeching Harness. nearly new Set Plough Harness, chain traces hitch. good International Tandem Disc, 14 plate, nearly new Binder, M.-H., 7 ft. cut, good Manure Spreader. Cockshutt, tmc‘ tor or horse hitch, good M.-H. 13 Disc Drill, good M.-H. 18 Tooth Cultivator Sections Heavy Harrows Sections Light Seed Harrows N0. 3 Wilkinson I.X.L. Wheel Plough No. 3 Wilkinson with long beam No. 21VFleury Wheel Plough Set Sloon Sleighs Potato Planter, Aspinwall, good Potato Digger, I.H.C. Internation- as new FURNITURE SHEEP GRAIN :les Pullets . old New Hampshlre EQUIPMENT Bus. Barley King P.O*., Phone King 28 King Township Distriét News Rev! S. Ferguson and; wife of Zephyr, Mr. and Mrs. M. Fenguson of Aurora visited Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Payne on Sunday when Rev. Fer- guson was guest preacher at Temp- eran-cevifie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Archibald of Toronto and Miss Ettzabeth McClure visited Mr. and Mrs. W. Huckle at B'race'oridge from Friday till Sun- d'ay laot. Flight-Sergt. George Armitage of Manning Pool visited his parents Dr. S.‘W. and Mrs. Armitage of King on holiday leave. He will spend some time in Winnipeg andI other points. :- Mrs. Ruby Hogarth and baby of Exeter visited Mrs. Armitage last week. Elaine was a prize baby at Schomberg Fair. and wife of Fort William, Mr. Roger Gellatly and Mrs. Clara Smith, and Mr. Allan Gellatly of Toronto, join- Under the maternal goof of their mother Mrs. R. Gell‘aftly for the week-end were Dr. Harvey Gellatly edby Mr 9.16 am. 2.56 pm. x 11.21 am. x 6.51 pm. (1' 9.26 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time xâ€"Through to North Bay dâ€"Friday, Sat. Sun. and H01. Effective Monday, Sept. let 1 Colonv House, 10 ft. by 12 ft. 2 Rolls Snow Fence, about 130 ft 2 Heavy Logging Chains 1 Light Logging Chain 1 Root Pulper, power attachment, Noxon 1 Feed Box Number of Steel Barrels. 40 gal. 1 Oak Barrel 1 Hay Fork 6 Sets Sling Ropes 1 New Beattv Car 2 SID-Gallon Sicaldine‘ Kettles Large Quantity of Tools 25 ft. 11/2 inch Galvanized Pipe 70 ft. 1 inch Galvanized Pipe 5 Fire Extinguishers 1 Milk Cart 3 Crowbars 1 Post Hole Digger 1 Post Hole Sinoon 2 IO-Gal. Gasoline Cans Number of 5-Gallon Cans 1 Gas Barrel. 5‘0‘ Gallons 2 Gas Barrels, 40 gallons 1 2-Wheel Trailer with spare tire I Alemnite Large Grease Gun 1 Worm Gear Pump Jack 1 Int. Cycle Grinder Number of Wooden Pulleys Quantity of Belting Number of Large Pulleys, wooden and iron 1 Set Electric Clippers, New Clip Master, just new 1 Set Platform Scales, Renfrew, 2000 lbs. capacity 1 Portable Loading Chute 176 Ft. Draw Rope, new Tickets and Information at Mrs. G. I. Hislop, BUSES LEAVE RICHMOND HILL t0 ORILLIA International 3 Drum Roller International 10 ft. Rake Ideal Mower, 5 ft. cut Wagon and Rack. 16 ft. Set Wooden Trucks Adams Wa-gon, 3/4 height, good Pig Crate 1 Grave] Box Flat Rack, 14 ft. Democrat Wagon Scuffler 1 Scuffl‘er, new D‘ck Gang Plough. 2 furrbw Wheelbarrow, good 7 THE‘LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO FURNITURE Happy Thought Range Box Stove, good 9-Foot Extension Table Kitchen Cupboard Chests of Drawers Washstand 1 Morris Chair Parlor Suite 1 Kitchen Stool Metal ‘Bath Tub - Iron Bed and Springs Set Butter Scales General Electric Radio Kitchen Table 6 Kitchen Chairs I.H.C. Cream‘Separator; 500 lbs capacity, good Milk Pails 2 Milk Sfrainers Grab Hooks 1 Lawn Mower Large Log Tongs CHANGE OF TIME TABLE and| Mis. Ernest Gellatly, Phone 177 Mr. and Mrs.,..Walter GelTa’cTy of King and Mis's JeSSie atvhome.‘ At Schomberg Fair on" Saturday was Angus West, editor of the form- er Express-H'eraldé, and looking very fit in the King’s uniform. He spent the weekend af'Newmal-ket. Would you"'1i-ke a recipe for a palatable cup of “coffeeâ€? One tea- spoon of coffee, two teaspoons coffee sub and one'teaspoon of ins-taut pos- tum and dash of salt; add cream. It prolongs the coffee ration and assuages the age old coffee thirst. By the way this is not an advertise- ment, just a means 'to an end‘, and makes two good' cups or more of the beverage. Mr. Bob Norr?s. R.C.A.F., visited his parents at King, Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Norris. Friends in Presbyterian circles of both West and East King regret to know rf the sudden: death of Georg: Ridldell of Westminster Township, husband of Gwendol'ne Bond, form’ erly of Aurora. As Mrs. Bond, she was a former vice-president of Pres- byterian W.M.S. Section 4 and had visited local societies in the circuit. One of the towns‘hip’s most es- teemed residents passed away on Mondav, September let at her resi- dence at Kinghorn, Mrs. John Burns, in her 86th year. The public funeral service was held from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Strange on September 24th. The Rev. C. H. Bowman of Maple officiated, assistâ€" ed' by Mr. Roy Boak of Toronto. Inâ€" terment was made in. King Ceme- tery. Deceased, as Elizabeth McMurchy, was the daughter of one of the pion- eer residents of fifth concession line, Archibald McMurchy. She was one of twelve children and only one re- mains, h-er sister Miss Kate MoMurâ€" chy of Kinghorn. Mrs. Burns was a. member of Strange Presbyterian Church for almost 60 years. She was a woman of strong character. a beloved friend and neighbor, and always a good companion wherever she was found. Her interest was found in her home, in church work and her neighborhood. Having lived here all her life she witnessed the passing of time with its veritable changes on the locality. Mrs. Burns attend‘ed 8.5. No. 23‘ school and at the time of the Re- union in 1937 was one of the oldest ex-pupils including Johnny Dutcher, James E. Burns, and Miss Selina Robinson of Maple, and James L. Johnston of Ottawa (deceased). Mrs. Burns was a pupil of Miss E. Tin- line when the latter, at an early age took the overflow into the log buildâ€" ing from the big school. That is a long time ago, ind'eedr. “11 g a. numb .....- ,C |Surviv3ng are three sons, Ralph of Codette, Saskatchewan; James E. of Beeton and‘ Wilbert at home; one daughter, Mrs. Jean Winger of Saskatchewan; five grandchildren and we sister, Kate McMurchy. Sympathy goes out to the family. “Hmtnver plse the over night man- Whatever else the over night man- oeuvres did- for the Queen’s York Rangers on Saturday and Sunday, they received a proper drenching from heavy rains. We understand the per- formance centred in Whitchurch Twp. about Aurora, the headquart- ers of “C†Company. Local munici- palities are well represented in “C†Company. The Recruitlng Depot at Schomberg Fair brought in some “signersâ€. Temperanceville United‘ annivers- ary was well attended on Sunday last. Laskay United W.M.S. Anniversary on October 4th at 2.30 p.m. and 7.30 p.m. Rev. Dr. Thos. Mitchell of Markham. Junior F‘armers’ choir in afternoon. Laskay choir in evening. ’St. Mary’s Magdalene, Schomlberg, October 4th, 11 am. and 7 pm. Rev. H. G. Blake of Bradford at 11 am. Rev. F. V. Afbbott, rector, in the evening. ,5. St. John’s, Oak Ridges, October 4th, Harvest Thanksgiving 11.15 am. and 7.30 p.m. Social hour in Parish Hall at close of evening service. October 11th â€"â€" Harvest Thanks- and 7.30' P-m giving at Subscribe yer year. BOX 467 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR GENERAL REPAIRS PHONE 319 AURORA . C. BODFISH Kettleby Baptist, 11 am “C†well represented in The Recruit‘ng Depot at Fair brought in some for The Liberal, $1.50 AURORA P.0. Explains Farmers’ Posttien on Beef “The farmer has done as good a war job as any producer in Canada since- the war started, and- has had less vfinanciat consideration than any other,â€.stated Hon. J. G. Gardiner, Dominion Minister of Agriculture re- cently, with reference to the public d’scussions, on beef which is doing injury to Canada’s war effort. “What are the facts? Instead of there being a general shortage of beef in Canada, the commercial mar- keting; of cattle prove that they have been gradually increased during the war years," continued Mr. Gard»- iner. “In 1939, the marketings were 1026000 head; in 1940, 1,013,000 head: and in 1941, 1,690,000. There had been no long-time or widespread shortage of beef in 1942, and the ex- ports to the United States had been less in 1940 and 1941 than in 1939. Neither had the American quota been filled, as had been suggested. It would require another 310,080 head to be shipped to the United States before the third) quota for 1942 could be filled. There was, however, a spring shortage in certain restricted city areas and there is a shortage at present in the same restricted ‘areas, which may continue for some time. “The emphasis being placed on this limited shortage is not fair to farmers, nor is it helpful in meet- ing the necessity of Britain for in- creased' pork supplies. "What the farmer is doing is conâ€" sistent with the best interests of the nation's war effort and is according to a pre-arranged plan, deliberately advocated to prevent a repetition in the spring of 1943 of the experi- ences of the spring of 1942. The farmer is holding and' buying cattle to supply a higher market demand' in the spring of 194.13, because he has an abundance of feed. By following this plan, there will be less beef for the time being and more in- the spring of 1943. “The fact is that, if more beef is required in. Canada any time in the next tw0 years, it can be secured' only by feeding cattle until they are six months or a year older. If that: is done, two or three hundred pOunds' can be added‘ to every two-year old' animal, and people must be prepared! to eat a little less beef during the‘ six months’ period of adjustment!“ Johnny heard in class one morn- ing an explanation of the dogmas of Communism, Fascism and Nazi- ism, and seemed imerested. “Now, Johnny,†said the teacher, when his exposition had ended, “what would you do with all these isms?" “I’d make them into \vaSIms," was his prompt and wise reply. 24 Yonge St. Yerex Electric Store Have you a pile of old records around the house collect- ing dust? There’s "gold" in that pile of dust. Collect your old records and bring them in today. We will pay cash fOr them. Offer Good for a Limited Time Onlyâ€"ACT QUICKLY! EACH 10-INCH RECORD - 5;! EACH 12-INCH RECORD _ 3¢ (Except Laminated Records) THURSDAY, OCTOBER lst, 1942. Day 139 Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes may be had- in the office of the Treasurer, J. M. McDonald, Maple, Ontario. The list of lands for sale fer arrears of taxes in the Township of Vaughan was published in the Ontario Gazette on the first day of August 1942. Notice is hereby given that unless the arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, the Treasurer will pro- ceed to sell the land In the day and at the place mentioned in such list published in the Ontario Gazette. The date of the sale named in the said list is the fifth day of Novem- ber 1942 at ten o'clock am. The sale will take place at the Township Office, Maple, Ontario. ORDER YOUR SHUR- GAIN FERTILIZER EARLY TO BE SURE OF “ FULFILMENT We carry Maple Leaf Flour, Poultry and Stock Feeds, also Dog Meal and Biscuits Township of Vaughan Tax Sale Notice Deliveriesâ€"North Tuesdays South Wednesdays- VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond- Hill dated the 18th day of July 1942 and to me directed, commanding me to proceed with the collection of ar- rears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold has been prepared, and is being pub- lished in the “Ontario Gazette†under the dates of September 5th, October 3rd and November 7th, 1942, and that, unless the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 18th day of December 1942 proceed to sell the said lands to dis- charge the said arrears of taxes and the charges thereon. The sale will be held on the above date at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. ‘Copies of said List may be had- at my office. Dated at Richmond Hill August 3-, 1942. BaIed 2nd Cut Alfalfa Hay and Straw THE MILL RICHMOND HILL Phones : RUSSELL LY‘N'ETT, Village Treasurer. Evenings 82w Phone 242