Thornhill Merchants t0 Saw; ICE fellow, Georgeâ€"one of the lads from the ofï¬ce. Remember, you had him out for dinner one night. He made a great fuss over your kidsâ€"and your wife was very pleased. And then, all ofa sudden, he slipped away and joined up. Left his good job, his girl and his future. And he was at Dieppe, slogging up the beach into a murderous rain of steelâ€"ï¬ghting for you and your wife and those kids of yours he played‘wi‘th. And that same night you slept well, didn’t To the Citizens of Thornhill and Vicinity I you . . . in‘a soft bed. You had an egg forâ€" breakfast too. But George didn’t. And you’ve still got a good job and you wear good clothes. And being conscientious, you worry about these things a bit. But you just haven’t been able to push yourself into doing much more you PAGE Emu; ou . . . in‘a soft bed. You had an egg for breakfast too. But George Just keep thinking about George and what be gave up. And idn’t. And you’ve still got a good job and you wear good clothes. remember, those Victory Bonds you buy aren’t givingâ€"they’re And being conscientious, you worry about these things a bit. But lending your country money to help protect you. That money will on just haven’t been able to push yourself into doing much more come back to you with interest. MRJ’.’ WMKâ€" :4 H AND a ma ; 65 Yon ge Street Eave Troughing. Repairs to Heavy Metal Parts on Farm Implements and Equipment F. Charltonâ€"Leader Store B. Edwardsâ€"Thornhill Meat Market A. C. Jamieson~Th0rnhill Hardware Ted Dobsonâ€"Dobson’s Meat Store Geo. Russellâ€"Red & White Store To assist the Government in the conservation of Electrical Power. the undersigned merchants of Thornhill Village have agreed to close their stores at 7 o’clock daily, excepting Saturday of each week, the only exceptions being on evenings which precede a holiday, and Christmas Shopping Week. The co-operation of the citizens of the district is anticipated. ’ GENERAL TINSMITH WORK FINDLAY FURNACE DEALER TINSMITH PAUL DUBOIS BUT Phone Richmond Hill 147W In answer to th government for the Electric power Thc have agreed to an e dule for the durafo the stores will c1 ......,q ..- __ A. C. Jami-eson, Ted Donbson and George Russell. We trust the buy ing' public will co-operate with these menchnnts in their effort to give assistance in this time of National emergency. Plan To Send Boxes To Boys In The Armed Forces A meeting was held on Monday of renresentatives of the Women’s Institute, Rcd Cross and the com- munity of Thomhill to arrange for Christmas parcels to be sent to the boys overseas and a small remem- brance to those of the armed forces still in Canada from this district, which includes that portion of Lanz- srtaff south of No. "I Highway and as- far south as. Steele’s- Corners. To raise funds for this purpose it was decided to hold a euchre at the Lawrence Memorial Hall on Wed- nesdav evening, October 14th at 8 o’clock. Following are the names of the different committees appointed:â€" Mrs. Bone and Mrs. Ball represent the community; Mrs. NightingaYe and Mrs. Reynolds the Institute: Mrs. Johns and Mrs. Mc‘Laren the Red Cross. Mrs. .S‘chaffer will have charge of the euchre with Mrs. Johnsu Mr. Bone, Mr. Heslon and Mr. Nightin- gale as assistants. Mrs, T. Findlav and Mrs. Francis are in charge of getting the names and addresses of the boys to send payce‘s. ' lllvunllnuu n uuunp u-unnu; lbLo, ‘u‘, uw-c .-“â€"v, -r~,_, ,7 u r Mrs. Bone with the assistance of ‘ Mrs. Nightingale. Mrs. Revnolds FICTION Weed, BUCk- will take the resnons:bility of look- Graeme Allen Murder Case, Vanl CLASSICAL in? aftfrï¬he refreShmfents and Mrs- Dine; Stab'on Wagon. Set, Bal‘dlwinfl The Last Time I Saw Paris, E11- W' B“ Is IOOkmE a ter the draw Capptlaln D-an’s Daughter, Lincoln; liovtt; Family Album, Rohhery; Life 1" h If t 1 d h l f . £31.31 on coa an amp†0' Beloved Buff, Houvck; Saturday’s of Rfc'lard Halliburton, Hallxburton; Stores Have Early Closing THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Thornhill District News than pay your taxes. Well, those taxes aren’t enough. Think of what George gave up, and then sit down with your wife and ask yourselves, “What else can we do?†Sure, you’ve given up a few little luxuries. But there are lots of things yet that you can cut down on. Do it gladly. Because you’ll really get a kick out of investing the money you save in Victory Bonds, and in knowing you’re not letting George do it all. Hotel, Thornhill. On Friday evening last the mem- bers of Thornhiil United Church choir and the teac‘ne s and officers of the Sunday School gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Davies to present a gift to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Smellie. The gift was 1a Bible and hymnary. After a very lenjoyable evening light refreshments Iwere served. The committee are asking for donations of socks tv oe enclosed in the parcels, which can be left with any member of the committee, also any person wishing to make a cash donation, same may be left at the Bank of Commerm or Finvdlay’s Miss Emma Hord is spending sev- eral days at the home of Miss _E. Egan near Bolton. The Sunday evemixv; hymn sing and discussion group has again been re-orgsmized for Sunday evenings af- ter church. Come and bring a friend. On Sunday evening last Thornhill Y.P.U. presented Mr. and Mrs. Don; ald Smellie with a table lamp and small writing case. The "Toroiito Centre Presbytery Suburban Area Fall Rally will be held in Thornh‘ll United Church on Monday, October 5th at: 8 pm. The speakers will include Jack Wallens, national council past president. There will be organized games and sing songs. All friends of the Young Peonle invited. The Thornhill United Church Wo- men’s Missionary Auxiliary Will hold their tliankoffering meeting in the church school room Tuesday, October 6th at 3.30 pm. The topic will be “Christian Homes', a subject-of vital importawe to every homemaker. A cordial invitation ‘1: extended to friends in this community. LJST (F NE‘V BOOKS AT THCRNHILL PUBLIC LIBRARY F‘ICT‘ION NATIONAL WAR FINANCE COMMITTEE Electric Power Child, Norris; Penthouse Mystery, Ellery Queen; The Search, Hill; The City of Gold, Young; My Friendl Flica, O’Hara; Mrs. Miniver, Struth- ers; The Long Alert, Gibbs; Dragon» Seed, Buck. at 8 p.m. sharp Refreshments â€" Lucky Draw Prizes â€"â€" Door Prizes ADMISSION 35 Cents a Cash donations may be left at the Bank of Commerce or Findlay Hotel EUCHRE PARTY TO RAISE FUNDS FOR Christmas Boxes For Boys Overseas FROM THORNHILL AND DISTRICT Lawrence Memorial Hall, Thornhill WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 14th L REPAIRS BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Prescriptions for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 F. L. LOWRIE, R.O. WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE Richmond Hill VEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 7 1.30 TO 5 P.M. Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted EYESIGHT SPECIALIST THURSDAY, OCTOBER Call to Adventure, Baker; Dawn Watch in China, Homer. JUVENILE _ Four Little Bressoms, Hawl-ey; The Head Versus School, Harvey; The S. P. Mystery, Grove; Camp Fire Girl’s Chum, Stewart; Camp Fire Girl’s First Council, Stewart; The Mystery of Lake Retreat, Wy‘ckoff; The Seven Sleuth's Club, Norton; By the Light of the Study Lamp, Keene; Patty and Agalea, WelIS; Patty and Howe, Wells; The Young- Lion Hunter, Grey; Son of Robin Hood, Castlebon; Submarine Trial Trip, Durham; A Dog of Flanders; ‘Oneda; Five Little Peppers, Sidney; Just Mary, Cram nan; Silver Clhief to the Rescue, O’Brien; Val‘ant, O’Brien; Miss'ie Lee, Ransom; My Friend the Dog, Terhune; Buff, a Collie, Terh‘une. Calf Club Contest At Markham Fair The members of the Markham Calf Club met in the Unvionville district on Saturday, Septenï¬ber 26 for their annual examination and judging com- petition which was held on the farms of VVHHanl'Young and Jack Fraser where classes of Holsteins and Guernsey's were provided for the boys. The Achievement Day will be at Markde Fair on Friday, October 2. Prize money Wili be given to every boy exhibiting his calf. The follow- ing bovs will be in the competition: George and Jack Rumney, Gorm- ley; John MoCague, Gormley; Neil Hunter, Scarboro Jet; Lloyd Penny, Markham; Trevor Watson, George and James McGowan, Milliken; John E. Kennedy, Agincourt; Bruce Bagg, Union'rille; Harold- A. Lapp, Mark~ ham; Fred Noblbs, Markham; Earl Wood, Agincourt; Perry Winch, Kes~ wick; Melvin Tapscott, Milliken; Maurice and Howard Tapscott, Mill- iken; Douglas and William Winch, Agincouljt. ' NELSONâ€"SNIDER At the home of the bride’s par- ents, East Lawn Farm, Downsview, September 19th, a wedding of inter-K; est was solemnized, when Bernice? Alma Snider, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willbur C. Snider, became the bride of Rodney John Nelson, son of Mrs. W. J. Nelson, Lansing, and the late Mr. Nelson. Given- in marriage by her father, the bride was attired in full-length gown of white chiffon over taffeta, with lace :bodice and! floor-length veil caught with a. cor- onet of orange blossoms. Her at- tendants were Mrs. James Harrop, Toronto, as matron of hon-or, and her youngest sister, Muriel Irene :Snidl- er, as bridesmaid. The attendants were dreSsed alike in shell pink sheer with small net flowered hats. The wedding music was played! by Mrs. Ivan Nelson, Lansing, the cere- mony being conducted by Rev. Geo. Burry and Rev. Garnet W. Lynd. Receiving with her daughter, Mrs-.‘ Snider was gowned in a full-length dress of fuchsia sheer. Mrs. Nelson, mother of the groom, wore a drressy of black tweed with hat to match. Donning a dress of tweed effect wool with brown accessories, thel bride left with her husband for a‘ motor trip to eastern points, after which they will reside on Melrose Ave., Toronto:' ' I WEDDING lst, 1942.