Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Oct 1942, p. 3

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24‘. S. Farmer LICENSED AUCTIONEER 25 Years Experience York County, Uxbridz'e and Picker- ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales 8 Specialtv Telephone Stouffville 7309 Address: Gormley P.0. Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of York and Ontario Successor for Cor-para] Ken Prentice of C.A.S.F. and of the late J. H Prentice, formerly (Prentice & Prentice) Farm and Farm Stock Sales a spe- cialfiy at faiLand re‘aspnabie rates. AUCTIONEER INSURANCE Licensed Auctioneer for the Country of York Insuranceâ€"Life. Fire, Automobile Plate Glass. Burglary. Guarantee Bpnda. Accident Etc. KING CITY P.O. Phone KING 28 Mfililie n AUCTIONEER MAPLE Licensed Auctiqneer f0; the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and at reasonable rates Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries N. L. MATHEWS, KO K. M. R. S’I‘IVE‘R, B.A. (On Active Service) B. E. LY‘ONS, B.A. JOSEPH VALE NEWIMARKE‘T OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. Phone 120 Phone 126 Office Hours: 3-4 daily except Sunâ€" day or by appoin’cment. Richmond Hill Dr. J. P. Wilson Centre St. E. Richmond Hill Office Hours â€"-â€" 1 - 4 p.m. daily 6 - 8 pm. daily except Wednesday Telephone 24 MAPLE Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Resmlence â€"â€" 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 Room 66, 18 Toronto St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877-8-9 immediately North of Masonic Hal) Phone 87 -â€"â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"â€" 18=Toronto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Alexander MacGregor K. C. DR. JAMES R. L‘ANGSTAFF Office Hours: 9â€"11 am. daily except Sunday and 6-8 pm. daily except Sunday and Wednesdaya FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€" LIFE Office 229 BARRISTER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 014 Confede-ation Life Bldg. Tor: Phone: Office EL. 5029 Rec. MO. 2866 A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. "J. A. Gibson Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. Ioronto Ofiiqe: 912_ _F£g‘.ex:al Bldg Drs. Langstaff DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF B. Bloomfield Jordan 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thumday afternoon Money to loan at Current Rate BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hill Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street VOL. LXIV. BARRISTER, SOLtICITQR, Etc. G. E. Walkington Dr. R. A. Bigford Walter S. Jenkins AUCTIONEERS Mathews, Stiver Lyons & Vage A Clarke Prentice '1. Carl Saigeon J. T. SAIGEON & SON OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€"- z to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephonei -10 Barristen. Solicitors, Wm. Cook. K. C. Cook & Gibson T. C. Newman Office Hours ) a.m.. 12â€"2 & 6-â€"8 p.m. and by appointment__ BARRISTER McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ontario MEDICAL $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES 5c. '84 Yimge Street Richmond Hill Phone Agincourt 5N3 LEGAL Insuraan Residence 148 Phone 100 Phone onto Among holidays not listed in the order-in-council are Victoria day, the King’s Birthday (observed in June on a date subject to annual proclamation), the Civic holiday and Remembrance day. The auction of Jersey cattle, horses, farm implements, and other farm chattels belonging to J. C. Gal- braith, Lot 24, Concession 3, North York Township, were sold recently, and totalled over $4000. Auctioneer Farmer was in charge and says that there was no scarcity of bidders. Here is a list of sale prices taken at random: Percheron team, three and four years old, $207150, sold to Jas. Slack, Stouffville; top price for Jersey cow with calf by side $150, other cows around $1100; calves as high as $20; six months old heifers, $40; Fordson tractor, $185; M.-H. Binder, $110; 140 Leghorn hens were sold to Albert Stout, Milliken at 85c. each. By order-in-eouncil, the federal government on Monday declared that only six statutory holidays should be observed by employers and emplOy- ees for the duration of the war a- part from Sundays or weekly days of rest apart from Sunday. The gov- ernment order set forth the follow- (Australia has cancelled all pub- lic holidays except\two days‘ at Christmas). ing as statutory holidays: New Year’s day, Good Friday, the first Monday in July (in lieu of July lst), Labour Day, Thanksgiying Day and Christmas day. There are some people who say they do not want to see a film' about the war, read a book about it; or do anything else that reminds them of it. They say they want to forget: about the war. They even say they are tired of reading about it in the newspapers. These are the people who are self- ish, self-centred and indulgent; who hate 1’0 be reminded of anything that disturbs their peace of mind. That is not the mentality that will win the war. We can only win it by measuring up to our responsibilities Tuesday at noon our attention was drawn to a large red truck which delivers a well known soft drink. It was parked on the crossing used by all the children of the public school. The driver and his companion were loungcll down in the front seat fast asleep, and the well known slogan painted on the door in large white letters was “refresh yourself.” It was a poor “ad” for refreshment. to the utmost of our capacity, in the interest of others as well as of ourselves.â€"-â€"‘S‘tratford Beaconâ€"Herald. The Minister of Agriculture assures the people of Canada that there is sufficient beef, pork, mutton, veal, turkeys and poultry to supply their needs. There may be a shortage from time to time, but there will be no suffering so long as other varieties are plentiful as stated. Who would not willingly abstain from the use of beef to make sure there is suffi- cient at all times for the men in the different army services. I’ve done a lot of canning, I’ve jellied and I’ve jammed. My back is sore, my feet are tired, And I can hardly stand. I’ve carried jars both large and small, My brain refuses to think, But I wouldn’t mind the strain at all If someone would tidy the sink. A reader has spotted this sign in a Houston (Teyas) shoe-shining parlor: “Pedal habiliments artistically lubricated and illuminated with am- bidextrous facility for the infinites- imal remuneration of five cents per Operator.” Sixty pupils are attending the public school at Ansnorveld in the Holland Marsh this year. Last year the attendance was 25. “Hallo, old man, I haven’t seen you for some time." “I’ve been in bed for seven weeks.” “That’s too bad. Flu?” “Yes, and crashed.”â€"Niagara Falls Review. General News & Views This is Fire Prevention Week Plan to Buy Victory Bonds. r mmm ME RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO THURSDAY, OCTOBER 8th, 1342. Amy and Aggie'Card were badly burned by the explosion of a lantern. The former died as a result of the bums. Another good way to make ah in- jury appear larger is to nurse it. James McLean won the $23 prize donated by James Armstrong of To- ronto for the best acre of mangolds grown in Vaughan Township. The Toronto City Hall Tower was struck by lightning and damage done to the amount of $1000. The following were elected officers of the Richmond' Hill Curling Club: President, William Pratt; Patron, W. H. :Pu/gsley; Vice-Presidents, G. F. All-en and F. Todd; Treasurer, G. McDonald; Secretary, A. G. Savage. It was decided! to install electric lights in the rink. Tire thieves were not new even thirty years ago. It was reported that Mr. D. Kerswill of Elgin Mills had the tires stolen from his bicycle which was left standing outside his Elgin Mills home. 30 HP. 1913 model Overland cars were advertised for $1320. FORTY YEARS AGO From our Issue of Oct. 9th, 1902 Hon. E. J. Davis, Liberal Member for North York was honored at a public demonstration in Newmarket to mark hié appointment of Minister of Crown Lands for Ontario. Mrs. James Newton sold her resi- dence at Elgin Mills to Mr. Matt Patton. Mr. Albert E. Glass returned Mon- day night from a trip to Western Canada. The special “Plowing Match" edi- tion of “The Liberal” carried a mess- age of welcome to plowm-en from Hon. John S. Martin, Ontario Min- ister of Agriculture and W. C. Gohn, Reeve of Markham Township. 5 One of the busiest men in connec- tion with arrangements for the match was James McLean of Richmond Hill, Mr. and Mrs. James Baker cele- brated their fiftieth wedding anni- versary at the home of their daugh- ter Mrs. Lewis Clement. From our Issue of Oct. 10%, 1912 A. E. Pugsley, a former warden of York County died at his home in Sutton. a Past President of the Ontario Plowmen"s Association. He was gen- eral chairman in charge of the event. From our Issue of Oct. 13th, 1927 The International Pl'owing Match was held at the Lang-staff Jail Farm. Eggs sold at 70c. per dozen at North York Market. WAY BACK IN THE LIBERAL FILES FIFTEEN YEARS AGO THIRTY YEARS AGO PHONE 10, THE ELEVATOR FOR SALE AND RECOMMENDED BY 1. D. Ramer & Son l Emni Every Handful Means Gash It’s t/oe Oatmeal that the “Pep” in Fulâ€"O-Pep FUL-O'PE EGG MASH ‘ . . assure plenty by feeding 6. What is the difference in markings between a goldfinch and a yellow warbler? 7. What is the most common woodpecker seen here (a) in winter; (b) in summer. 8. Name three birds whose names are derived from their songs. (an exampleâ€"phoebe). 9. Name a bird that (a) builds a hanging nest; (b) uses mud in building nest; (c) uses a hole in tree or post. 10. Name one bird which has as its main colour the follow- ing: 1, red; 2, blue; 3, gray; 4, black: 5. yellow; 6. white; 7, brown; 8, orange. 11. Name three birds that show white outer tail quills when flying. 12. What bird is seen in the fall, in flocks feeding on the seeds of the Manitoba Maples? Bird Quiz is open to all chil- dren fifteen years and younger. Answers must be written and delivered to “The Liberal” on or before October 20th. Prizes will be awarded as follows: First prize, $1.00 Second prize, 65c. Third prize. 35c. It is hoped that parents and adults will not assist the child- ren in this contest, but will en- courage them to find the an- swers for themselves in bird books, to any of the questions they are not able to answer from observation. The object of the contest is to stimulate interest in birds. The dawn came up like thunder, The atmosphere was wild, Our papa dear had lost his keys, His language wasn"t mild. The cat hid under the sofa, The kids behind the door, The pup came out of a slumber deep And made for the upper floor. Then suddenly there came a calm (Now who would ever have thought it) Poor papa dear had found his keys, Where he’d put themâ€"in his pocket. "TéfNéme three birds easily attracted in winter by hanging out a piece of sup-t. _ Vuv _ 3. Name three kinds of swal- lows. 4. Name two winter birds that eat mountain ash berries. 5. Name two kinds of spar- rows commonly seen: (a) close to homes; (b) along roadsides and fences. 1. What bird lays its eggs in other birds’ nests? Bird Chatter BIRD QUIZ RICHMOND HILL Recalls Early Days Church Marks Anniversary Cost of the present building was $2,400, much of the labor and ma- terial being given free. Old mem- bers recall that the laying of the cornecstone was marked by an acci- dent. Part of the congregation pre- sent, at the ~ceremony was suddenly plug erl into the basement when the fl King gave way. One of the first (Protestant con- gregations in Upper Canada, Temp- eranceville United Church Sunday observed the 45th anniversary of their present church building. Al- though early records are somewhat obscure, it is known that the church was first founded more than 130 years ago. 333111 departments of the Temper- anceville United Church have pro- gressed since the early days when itinerant “saddle-bag” preachers led the congregation in worship. The Sunday School itself is 110 years old, church officials point out, and many former members have gone into the ministry. Among them is the late Rev. Dan- iel Norman, long a missionary in Japan, whose death occurred last year. Five generations of the Bey- non family have also worshipped in the church, Mrs. Benjamin Beynon having‘ been a member for 50 years. Rev. R B. Beynon of Thornton, who died this year, was another member of’the family. Another long time member is Mrs. Walter Bovair ,with more than 45 years attendance. She was the first president of the Lad- ies’ Aid at the church. The present church building is the congregation’s third home. The first, of log construction, was known as “Love’s Meeting House.” According to Alfred Love of Aurora, 97-year- old descendant of the family, it stood for nearly half a century. The first brick structure was built in 1854 of bricks and tiles made by Robert Love on his own farm. O'ld members recall the “presenter” who led the singing with the aid of a tuning fork. About 1897, when settling foundations caused the walls to crack badly, plans were made for the present church building. Rev. Herbert Lee was then minister. DANCE AT VELLORE A euchre and dance under the aus- pices of the Sr. Institute will be held at Vellore Friday, October 9th. Rev. Stuart Ferguson of Zephyr, a native of Temperanceville, was in charge of the services. He recalled how in the early days “the word was preached and class met in John and-Mary Love’s house, lot 67, con- cession 2," STEELE AVE. EAST, PHONE WILLOWDALE 8-160 Empire Feed Co. Announces that his office is now located at the City Limits, North Toronto, directly opposite the Term- inal, over Liggetts’ Drug Store. Phone Office: HYland 9300 Rec: Willowdale 755 Gracfuate Ontario Veterinary College and McKilly’s Veterinary College, Chicago KING & MAPLE - Tel. King 2300 Tel. Maple 82 Office Kingsdale 4812 Farms and village property for sale and exchange Richmond Hill Phone 1 WANT ADS COVER AND DISCOVER A MULTITUDE OF NEEDS Thirty Years Experience Formerly with Heintzman Company Zeave Orders at Amtin's Drug Store R‘r-hmand Hill From the Toronto Conservatory of Ensic. will accept a number of pupils 11 Piano. Organ and Theory. Richmond HiHâ€"Tnesdav and Friday MRS. MYLKS Richmond H7114 Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORN HILL AND UNIONVI‘LLE YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO DENTIST FORMERLY OF TH'O‘RJNHJIIL Dr. S. W. Armitage M.D.V.V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON G. I. Roberts v.s., B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON MAPLE, ONT. Ernest W. Hunter CHA RTERED ACCOUNTANT Dr. M. J. Quigley Wright & Taylor George W. Cross Piano Tuner FUNERAL DIRECTORS AMBULANCE SERVICE Dr. W. J. Mason A delmo M elecci VETERINARY 57 Bloor St. West, Toronto, Ont. Phones: R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE INSURANCE BUSINESS MUSICAL DENTAL DENTIST PHONE 70 Willowdalo 418 Residence Hargrave 0795 No. 15. Phone 92-3

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