Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 22 Oct 1942, p. 4

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From a circular published by the American Government the following is taken: “Britain’s armies have fought ten campaigns and garrisonâ€" ed strategic bases such as Iceland, Malta, _‘Gibra1tar, India and the Middle East. Britain’s fighting forces have suffered 183,500 casual- ties, 71 per cent of all the Empire’s dead and wounded. Britain's navy, PAGE FOUR SELF DENIAL VICTORY! VICTORYBONDS WILL HELP TO PAVE THE PATH T0 * The defeat of Axis plans for a “new order” calls for a new order in the manner of living of every Canadian. Rigid self~denial on our part will mean more and better equipment and greater fighting power for our troops, and fewer lives lost in battle. It will also mean a greater measure of protection for those of us who remain on the home from. Let us meet this greatest of all National Emergencies with true Canadian courage. Let us, for a while, give up all luxuries, all needless spending. Let us work harder, save more and put every dollar We can into Victory Bonds, to train and equip more and more soldiers, sailors airmen to shorten the war. Let us practise real selfâ€"denial â€" always remembering that the most we can do is far less than they at the battle front must give. In everything we plan and do, let us be guided by the knowledge that, “Nothing matters now but Victory!” MUNICIPALITY OF TOWNSHIP OF MARKHAM JAMES RENNIE, Reeve CHARLES HOOVER, Clerk Councillors: \V. L. CLARK, HARRY BARBER, ALBERT REESOR BUY the NEW with never less than 600 ships at sea, has sunk 5,520,000 tons of enemy merchant shipping, and conveyed 100,000 United Nations’ ships with loss of only one-half of one per cent of those convoys. Britain’s air force fought and won the greatest air battle in history; its coastal com- mand has flown more than 50,000,â€" 000 miles.” CHARLES HOOPER, Deputy-Reeve MASQUERAEE DANCE AT MAPLE FRIDAY, OCT. 30TH A masquerade dance will be held in Maple Concert Hall Friday even- ing, October 30th. C-arl Black’s 0r- chestra will provide the music and Ernie Evans will be floor manager. Admission 35 cents. Under the aus- pices of the Concert Hall Executive. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The October meeting of the Unâ€"} ionville branch of the Women’s Inâ€"r; stitute was held at the home of; Mrs. F. Atkinson. Attendance, 191 members and one visitor present. The business session was conducted by the president. A copy of the resolutions to be passed on to the Area Convention was received by the secretary and read item by item and voted on by the members. Mrs. A. Hood was appointed delegate to at- tend convention in Toronto the first week in November. A committee was appointed to look after the ditty bags and have them ready by the appointed time, Mrs. A. Hood, Mrs. C. H. S-tiver, and Mrs. H. Stephen- son in charge. A post card shower was sent to Mrs. G. Bl‘aithwaite who is ill in Brierbush hospital, Stouff- ville. The euchre, which was held on September 17th was a splendid success, a cake donated by Mrs. F. Atkinson, proceeds of which amount- ed to 64.17, admission to euchre and donations, $18.95. total $23.12. The members of the W1. wish to thank all \vno helped in any way to make the evening a pleasant one. The next meeting will be held on Nov. 4thâ€"a day earlier in order all that possibly can will attend the Con- vention. A very splendid address was given by Mrs. Russell Brown on Citizenship and was presented in her usual capable manner. A dis- cussion followed which proved very helpful. The meeting closed with the National Anthem. HosteSSesâ€"Mrs. ‘Sabiston, Mrs. R. Duffield and Mrs. Lounds. .!____â€"_________â€"__- At great risk the valiant knight had rescued the fair maiden and, now, he was holding her in his arms. “Listen, big boy!” she said; “You‘re not holding me for ransom, are you?” “Not me!" replied the knight. “Let Ransom get his own women.” FRIDAY, OCT. 23â€"Auction sale of Dairy Herd, Horses, Implements, Hay, Grain, etc. the property of William Carson, at lot 8, rear con. 3, King Twp. half mile north of King City. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. No reserve, farm sold. '0. E. Walk- ing-ton, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, OCT. 24â€"Auction sale of late model cars and trucks of different makes and styles, also plows and a quantity of farm ma- chinery, the property of Campbell Motors, Ford Dealers, Markham Vill- age. See bills for items. Terms cash. Sale at 1.30 p.m. Cash or terms arranged. Clark Prentice, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, OCT. 24â€"Auction sale of HO'JSehold Furniture the property of Mrs. James Walker, Lot 16, con. 4 Markham Twp. Terms cash. Sale starts at 1.30 pm. A. S. Farmer, Gormiey, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, OCT. 24â€"Auction sale of dairy cattle, horses, pigs, hay, etc. the property of Carl Vernon, lot 35, con. 3 Whitchurch, 11/2 miles east of Newmarket. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. F. N. Smith, Auction- eer. SATURDAY, OCT. 24â€"Aucti0n sale of Farm Property, lots 18 and 19, con. 3 Markham Twp.'at Headford, property of the estate of the late Thos. Thomson. The farm consists of 145 acres more or less, with com- plete set of buildings, and a fine stream. For terms and conditions or full particulars see bills or apply to David T. Rumble, Richmond Hill, Executur. or J. Carl Saigeon, Maple, Auctioneer. TUESDAY, OCT. 27thâ€"Auction sale of Tractor, Farm Implements, Lum- ber, Brick, Race Horses, High Class Modern and Imported Antique Furn- iture, Electric Refrigerator, etc. the preperty of A. 1. Davies, Lot 1, con. ‘5 Markham Twp. 11/4 miles west of Milliken. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Clarke Prentice, Milliken, Auc- tioneer. WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28 â€"- Auction sale of farm stock, implements, furn- iture, etc. the property of Edward Williams, lot 34, rear con. 9 Mark- ham Township, about 1/4 mile south of Stouffville. Terms cash. Sale at 1 p.m. Clark Prentice, Auctioneer. FRIDAY, OCT. 30thâ€"â€"-Auction sale of Farm Stock, Implements, Hay, Grain, Furniture, etc. the property of the estate of the ‘late John Gillies, at lot 8, con. 6 King Twp. Sale at 1 p.m. Terms cash. C. E. Walking- ton, King, Auctioneer. SATURDAY, OCT. 31â€"Auction sale of household goods, piano, car, gar- den tools, etc., the property of Rev. E. Huenergard, at Lutheran Parson- age, 2 miles south of Maple on 4th con. of Vaughan. Terms cash. Sale at 12.15 noon. J. Carl Saigeon, Maple, Auctioneer. (SATURDAY, OCT. 31-Auction sale of 6 room brick house and lot, first class household furniture, dishes, bedding; garden tools, etc. the prop- erty of the estate of the late Mrs. Archie Lunau, Main St., Unionville. Sale a: 12.30 o’clock. Property off- ered at 3 11.111. See bills for terms and conditions. Clarke Prentice, Auctioneer. UNIONVILLE Sale Register the the the and SEVEN-iPIGS, 8 weeks old. Walter!| PAJRTY wants to buy small heatgr. Reaman, phone Maple 28r1‘1. jApply Phone Richmond Hill 49J. 2 MILKING GOATS. Apply Green- field, Garden Ave., Langstaff. ED COUCH in good condition. Ap- ply phone Richmond Hill 276w. , 7 TON MIXED HAY." Apply mm; 'LtéTf’iz'iEhmbnd Hill; bhbne 3:7 DAIRY HORSES. Apply Stewart Stevens, Roselawn Farms, Richmond Hill BIILLY GOAT, Saanen, 5 months old, $3.00. John Neil, phone Thornhill 112. TEAMiOF HORSES, mares; also 10 tons of hay and straw. Mr. D. Kozak, Richmond Hill. 1937 V8 DeLUXE SEDAN, $400.00 cash. Apply 120 Yonge St., Rich; mond Hill. SANEN GOATS, milkers‘ and young stock. Apply Jim Spring, Stop 14A Thornhill, phone 149. SHETLAND PONY, broken to ride or drive, 4 years old. J. Roffey, Maple Ave., Jefferson. 1 IRON BED and springs; 1 cook stove, nearly new, latest model. for coal and wood; 4 chairs; 1 kitchen table. Apply 10 Roseview Ave. EXTENSION L'AD‘D'ER; lumber,- wood siding. Mrs. W. Marsh, Stop 23B, Mill Road, Richvale. ONE REGISTERED _ ham smfi1vé§fi~§6§£§£m fight. Apply R. H. Brlllinger, lot 22, con. 6 Mark- HOUSE, immediate possession, five roomed, hardwood, fireplace, modern. Phone Mr. Freeman, Gladstone 2315 evenings after 6 o’clock. IiSHERER DISPLAY COUNTER, good; 1 show case, good; 1 account register; 1 dining rogmflfclgble, etc. QUEBEC HEATER, Circulator; large size, in good condition; also 7 hot air registers. Mrs. Curzon, 6 Wright St. Phone Richmond Hill 197. SWEET SPANISH ONIONS, bushel or bag; winter cabbage and carrots. Joe Jobst, 1/2 mile south of No. 7 Highway, 3rd con. of Markham. QUEBEC COOK STOVE, 812, white enamel back, warming oven, good‘ condifion. G. Goad-y, Elgin sideroad, 2nd farm west of Bathul‘st. NUMBER OF BARRE‘D ROCK Pul- lets. 21350 100 choice Leghorn pullets and yearlings, laying. Bowerbank, Stop 117A Yonge Street, Thornhill. DeLAVAL MILKERS, Woods Grind- ers and Coolers, Frigidaire Coolers, Electric Refrigerators, Ranges and Radios. Trade-ins accepted. TORON- TO RADIO & SPORTS LTD., 241 4 EXTRA GOOD WORK __H_ORSES Z to 8 years oldifof immediate sale, replacing vyjth Tpgctor. Leechwood ,- \v n 11': _.1_ mile south of No. way, 3rd Con. of Markham THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT. RATESâ€"Five lines_or 1e55, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for beach subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Yonge St., Wa. 4501 26 STOOKER‘S, 800 to 900 pounds, in good shape; 3â€"furrow 12 in. bot- tom Case tractor plow, practically new, $126; four 3 in. wagon wheels and skeins complete. Apply J. Brud- er, Yonge St., just south of Aurora, SETS FACTORY TRUCK WII'I‘E‘EIJS, roll top desk, round water heater, blacksmithfis champion forge, fire basket for grate, Oster thread-cutt- ing machine 21/2 to 4 inches, 2 S-gal. milk cans. John H. Young, Steele’s at ‘B‘ayview. Classified Advs. phone Aurora 66 ONE REBUILT 10-2-0 TRACTOR; 1 M.-H. 2-furrow tractor plow; 1 2-fur- row John Deere riding plow; 1-Mc- Cormick Deering milking machine for gas engine or electric, 2 single units, 150 lbs. stainless steel pails, used four months; 2 McCormick Deering milk coolers, 6 can, new; 1 Cockshutt spreader, 2 years old. Flovd R. Perkins. phone 211w Rich- 1 Cockshutt spreader, 2 Floyd R. Perkins, phone mond Hill. “McPherson's a cheat, and Ah'm no playin’ golf wi’ him again.” “How’s that?” ' “Weel, hoo could he fin’ his lest ‘oa’ a yard frae the green when it wis in ma poeket Under the auspices of Victoria L.O._L and Empire L.O.B.A. The first Euchre in the 1942-43 sea- son will be held in the Lodge Room, MASONIC HALL. RICHMOND HILL THURS, OCT. 29, 1942 8.15 P.M. Admission 25 Cents A cordial invitation is extended to 2311 's’im's, Richumond Hill FOR SALE EUCHRE 9n THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1942. Highâ€" MOTORIST to share driving to city, nine to five. Phone Richmond Hill SHOT GUN, party wants to buy good shot gun. Apply at The Lib- eral Office. 101 LANGSTAFF-LEASIDE “transporta- tion or passengers, 8.30-6 shift. Box 18, Langstaff. GIRL for general housework, no ev- ening work. Mrs. A. W. Bailey, 163 Spruce Ave., :Richvale. BY ELDERLY WIDOW, 2 unfurn- ished rooms in or near Richmond: Hill. Apply Box 24 The Liberal. Purchaser will remove from premises. Write Box 72 Thornhill or phone Thomhill 2. SMALL BARN about 2‘5 x 20 ft. WOULD LIKE TRANSPORTATION to and from city, working hours 8 to 5, west end of city. F. Warwick, c/o Ralph Baker, Oxford St, Elgin Mills. LIVE POULTRY \VANTED. Any kind, especially fat hens and roost- ers. Top prices paid. Write to I. Balsky, 689 Shaw St, Toronto, or phone Lombard 541‘5. Reverse the charge. LARGE BRICK HOUSE, 10 rooms, electric and bath, woodshed, garage and garden, 1 mile south of Victoria Square. Apply L. Nichols, telephone l 4004 Stouffville. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. HAWAIIAN GUITAR rented to be- ginners, $1.00 including lessons. Ap- ply Mrs. Minghella, phone Zone 8218. 10‘0 ACRES, lot 34, con. 2 Vaughan. Apply Box 60 The Liberal or phone 247 Richmond Hill. FURNISHED ROOM or rooms on Yonge Street, all convenlences. Write Box 235, Richmond Hill. 3 ROOMED HOUSE with 4 acres of land, barn, hen house, garage, good well. and root house on Oxford S_t.L Elgin Mills. Apply Herb Jones, Maple RR. 2. LLOYD'S CORN SALVE contains Benzocaine. The new local anaes~ thetic. Puts corns to sleep immedi- ately. Get a jar to-day. Scotchmer’s Drug Store, Richmond Hill. HOUND, black and tan, strayed on to the prOperty of Norman H. Bowes, Concord. Owner may have same by proving property and paying ex- penses. (Reconditioned and Guaranteed) Used Cars 1940 FORD V-8 DeLUXE COUPEâ€" Real Value. 1932 FORD V-8 2 TON TRUCK â€" Long wheelbase. Overhaufed. MISCELLANEOUS Little Brothers FORD AND MERCURY SALES AND SERVICE RICHMOND HILL PHONZ 1930 MODEL “A” FORD TUDOR WANTED PERSONAL TO RENT $725.00 $12500 FOUND 275.00 PHONE 174

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