I924 Policies Ofï¬ce cov â€"Privnte contentsâ€" Chim- J. R. Gene Richmond WW. :9" INSURANCE 1"“ Policies issued through thin Ofï¬ce covering Farm Property â€"Privnte Dwellings and their contentsâ€"Automobile â€"- Phte Ginoâ€"Residence Burglary, etc. Chim- Settled Promptly xâ€"Throuéh _to N orthuBay fl dâ€"Friday, Sat. Sun. and H01 9.16 am. 2.56 p.m. x 11.21 aJn. x 6.51 pm. d 9.26 p.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time Notice is hereby given that unless the arrears of taxes and (costs :are sooner paid, the Treasurer will pro- ceed to sell the land 5.1 the day :and at the place mentioned in such list published in the Ontario {Gazette} The date of the sale named in the} said list is the fifth day of Novem-. ber 1942 at ten o’clock a.m. The sale, will take place at the menship Office, Maple, Ontario. Copies of the list of lands for sale for arrears of taxes may be had in the office of the Treasurer, J. M. McDonald, Maple, Ontario‘ The list of lands for sale fer arrears of taxes in the Township of Vaughan was published in the Ontario Gazette on the first day of August 1942. Effective Monday, Sept. 2151 musâ€"Residence Burglary, etc. Flow Gliml Settled Pro 2 45-Gal. Gasoline Drums mpfly Set Stock Clippers, Stewart Light Wagon J. R. HERRINGTON lgutterbgloodt _h d General Insurance ' or“ “tiva 0†W†N Richmond Hill Tuephone s7 TERMSâ€"CASH N" “95 SALE AT 1 O‘CLICK mome Cl‘égKE BRENTICE' “a†Tigkets and Information at Dated at Richmond Hill August & 1942. Copies of said List my the Ehad :at my office. The sale will be held on the above date at the hour of then d’dloc'k 'in' the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond rHill. VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears of Taxes By virtue of a Warrant issued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond Hill dated the 18th day of July 1942 and to me directed, commanding me‘ to proceed with the collection of ar- rears of taxes, together with the fees and» expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to he sold has been prepared, and is beï¬ng sunb- lished in the “Ontario Gazette" under the dates of September 53th, October 3rd and November 7th, 1942, and that, unless the said arrears of taxesf and costs are sooner-paid, I shalli‘ on the 18th day of December 1942: proceed to sell the said lade to dis- ‘ charge the said arrears of taxes mid the charges thereon. ‘ Township of Vaughan Tax Sale Nnï¬sce 65 Yonge Street BUSES LEAVE RICHMOND HILL ' to ORILLIA Day 139 Mrs. I. Hisldï¬,‘ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 22nd, 1942. Eave Troughing, Repairs to Heavy Metal Parts o'n Farm Implements and Equipment Owing to our truck driver being called we cannot guar- antee deliveries. There will be courteous service at the mill. We trust our custom- ers will coâ€"operate with us owing to war conditions. BALED HAY AND STRAW Oilcake Meal â€"- Gluten Meal MIXED FEEDS FOR FARM STOCK AND POULTRY CHANGE OF TIME TABLE GENERAL TINSMITH' WORK‘ FINDLAY FURNACE DEALER THE MILL Phone 177 RICHMOND HILL RUSSELL LYNETI‘, PAUL DUBOIS Phones : Village Treasurer. Evenings 82w Phone Richmond Hill 147W only 2 crops Straightening Lever for Tractor Flat Rack, 16 ft. with standard Mower! ’5‘ ft. oil bath, M.-H., cut ' NEARLY NEW IMPLEMENTS Binder, M.-H. 7 foot, with trucks and [ carrier and‘ alemite greasings, nearly new _ Dump Rake, M.-‘H. all steel, 10 ft., nearly new Spring Tooth Cultivator, new style, 13 tooth, with 3-horse and trac- tor hitch, nearly new Drill, 10 hoe, M.-H. Set Sloop Sleighs, Adams Walking ‘Plow, Fleury 21 Set Drag Harrows, 4 sec. Farm Truck Wagon, steel wheels, ‘ FURNITURE Dining Room Extension Table Dining Room Sideboard with large oval mirror Brood ‘Sotw’ 17' Pigs, 6» and 8 weeks old 20 Figs, chunks 1r0 Pigs, 6 weeks old 3 Geese 1 ‘Gande: 7 Turkey Hens 1 Young Set Breeching‘ Harness, brass mounted [ years I :Grey Percheron Geldlng, 3 years Bay Mare, 7 years Clyde Mare, supposed to be in f‘ Female Goat, 1 year POULTRY AND SWINE Part Jersey Heifer, yearling 2 Jersey Heifers, yearling Guernsey Heifer, 10 months Holstein Heifer, 8 months 10 Steers and Heifers, yearlings ‘Clyde type Filly, 3 years Dappled Grey Percheron Mare, 4 THURSDAY, OCT. 29 Farm Stock and Nearly New Implements ‘The threshing of spring grains is still proceeding in mOSt counties and has ‘been slow due to the wet wea- ther in .September and the shortage of labor. Spring grain that was seeded and threshed early is gener- ally of excellent quality but in some of the later seeded fields and fields where the grain was left standing for stock threshing the sample is discoloured and somewhat poorer. Markham Twp. Just South-East of Stouffville, on Milliken, phone Agigcyoï¬lâ€"‘Evgéwi’y ‘ Frost on September 6th caused the ‘ loss of “an estimated 6,000,000 pounds of flue-cured tobacco, and heavy kill- ing frosts which were general throughout the province on Sept. 28 affected in 'varying degree such crops as huékWheat, soybeans, tomatoes, jcorn, yotatoes and other tender gar- den crops. Tomatoes and some late fields of "buckwheat suffered 'heavy1 damage and late varieties of soybeans were injured to an as yet undeter- mined degree. Wet weather which was general throughout Ontario during the great- er part of September proved helpful for the growth of pastures, turnips and mangolds but delayed the ma- turing of other late crops, interfered with the seeding of fall wheat and retarded the harvesting of dry beans, soybeans, com for silo, potatoes and buckwheat. At-the first of October pastures were reported in excellent condition in practically all sections ’of Old Ontario and were in much better condition in Eastern Ontario than a month earlier when drought effects were quite apparent. ’I‘urnips land» particularly mangolds grew well during the month and- most fields promise good yields notwithstanding the lateness of planting and slow early growth this season. The yield of potatoes has been reduced severe- ly by leaf hopper damage, frost in- jury and late blight. Lot 34, Rear C011. 9, Sugar beets have developed well EDW. WILLIAMS Ij_E_AVY LOSS IN POTATO CROP DUE TO LATE BLIGHT Average Yield of Late Crop Will Not Exceed 50 Per Cent Normal â€" Fall Pastures Good â€" General Report on Crop Conditions Throughout Ontario AUCTION SALE HORSES AND CATTLE The Property of HARN ESS 1 Gander - 1 Young Gobbler to be in foal N o Reservg “Oh, I’m so sorry,†exclaimed the other man apologetically. “I thought it belonged to the boat.†“Pavdon me, but that's 'my tooth- brush you’re using,†he said. A ship’s passenger discovered he’d 1eft his toothbrush in the washroom and hastened back to recover it, only to find another man using it. Our next meeting of the Red Cross Work Group will take place on qu. 10th and our annual election of off- icers and report of the past year’s business will be given. On Monday night, October 26th. a Community Party in the Hall for the puruose of raising funds for Oy- ersfas boxes will be held. On October 28th the W.M.S. are having a quilting bee in the church basement. During the meeting Mrs. Dickson and Miss Martin entertained» with music. Miss D. Stephenson moved the vote of thanks to those who had entertained. Mrs. Maynard was the guest speaker. Her topic was one of great interest to all at the present time “War Time Prices and Trade Boar â€. She pointed out to the gmup the necessity of seeing to it that we do not pay more for an article than We_ did in October 1941. Buttonville Institute held its 0c- tober meeting at the home of Mrs. McGimpsey on the 15th of the month. After the usual opening of the “Ode†and the Lord’s Prayer Mrs. Walton, the leader for the project for the year, “Clothing Renovation", gave her report on the lectures she at- tended and announced that her first class in the Hall would be held on Thursday, October 22nd at 2 pm. Non-members of the Institute are welcome. Those who wish to take this very useful project are request- ed to come to the Hall bringing with them two four inch squares of check gingham and also a piece of woollen goods which will fray. V . Corners church Sn‘ Mondéyr rafitérr'r'lgér; of this week. Interment was in the chErch cemetery. We are sorry to report the death of Mr. Louis Kelly of Brows’s Corn- ers in his 69th year._ The funeral services were from erght and Tay- lor’s undertaking parlors to Brown’s On Sunday, October 18th, Brown’s Corners United Church had a very successful one hundredth anniversary service. Dr. Bates, returned mis- sionary from Japan was unable to attend “but sent in his place Dr. Rus- sel], a returned missionary from India to take charge of the services. For the evening the joint choirs of Unionvifle and Brown's Corners furnished the music. Mrs. A. Steph- enson, Mrs. 'R. Rae and1 Mr. E. Bruce were soloists. Signa’ller Murray Walton, station- ed at Sussex, N.B. is home for a :few days on regimental leave. Pte. J. Hood, stationed at Brantford was also home for the week-end. There are substantial supplies of Certified Katahdins and Chippewas in Ontario and growers requiring good seed should make purchases immedi- a‘tely, otherwise much of this stock will be sold for table stock. There is little doubt that there will be a strong demand for certified seed next spring and-supplies will be lim- ited at that time. l The early crop, which was above average in yield and of good quality, was quickly absorbed as there was no carryover of old» potatoes from the 1941 crop. The demand for the intermediate crop was also heavy and a ready market at fair prices pre- vailed. Waste should be avoided in preparing potatoes for the table in order that present stock may serve until the 1943 crop comes to market. Prices to growers are 25 to 30 per cent higher than at October 1, 1941. The average yield of late potatoes will not exceed 50 per cent of 3. nor- mal crop but a high percentage of the crop is of good quality. In the southern counties of south- eastern Ontario Where heavy rains occurred and plants were not well protected with Bordeaux heavy losses resulted from late blight. In the 1central and northern districts com- ‘ paratively dry weather prevailed dur- ing- the growing period and little late blight developed. Some heavy yields are reported in this section where leaf hopper and Night have caused heavy damage and yields are below normal. Frosts in September killed many fields throughout the Province and in many cases the late planted fields had not developed normal sizedl tubers. Potatoesâ€"(Late Crop): Harvesting of the late crop in Ontario is well under way. The yields and quality vary in different districts. 0n light- er types of soil planting generally was done early and some districts have good yields with quality good. while on heavier types of soil plant- ing was delayed on account of wet weather and such areas have poor crops. this season and the average yield is now placed at 10.5 tons per acre. BUTTONVILLE THE LJBERM RIGL/IOND HILL, ONTARIO Quantity of Hardwood Quantity of Cut ‘Slab Wood 1 Tool Chest Quantity of Wire 1 18% Tire Chains 1 Egg Grader 1 Man Saw. new Quantity of Kitch Lquinment 1 Logging Chain, 6% ft. long 1 ’Herd Lock 1 Metal Feed Box Number of Chicken Coops Lawn Mower, Imperial, good Quantity of Garden Tools 1 Pair Hip Rubber Boots, ladies, good Many other articles too numerous to mention good 1 Camp Chair 1 Bathroom Chair Number of Window Screens 1 Electric Hoover Vacuum Cleaner 1 Buck Saw- 1 Ironing Board 1 Electric Iron, Hotpoint 1 House {Step Ladder Great Quantity of Kitchen Utensils Quantity of Aluminumware Grass ‘Shears 1 Hand Saw. good a Watering Can 1 Washboard 1 Iron Kettle, antique 1 Iron Skillet 1 Ash Can Number of Galvanized Pails Rubber Lawn Hose Number of Egg Crates 1 Very Old Rocking Chair 1 I5-Gal. Crock and other size crooks Number of Bushel Baskets Great Quantity of Quart and Pint Jars 1 Dustless Ash Sifter 1 Metal Pail Number of Barrels 1 Axe Quantitv of Coal Quantity of Cut Kindling Wood J 1 Fernery Number of Shovels Coca .MatsA V » Quantity of Tools ] 11 Centre St. W.. Richmond Hill Teleï¬hone 93 Harold W. Mortson Farm Implements and Repairs Masseyâ€"Harris Rite-Way Milkers Beatty Stable Equipment and Repairs Beatty Washers and Household Appliances C.I.L. Fertilizer Corn‘ King Mineral “Gem†Milk Coolers and Electric Fencers Viking Grain Cleaners and Graders Mattress, good 1 Vanity Dresser 1 Car Ice Box "Quantity of Bedding Number of Pillows Number of Bedroom Curtains 1 Fishing Outfit, complete 1 Floor Polisher 1 Carpet Sweeper 1 Singer Sewing Machine, drop-head, Sale starts at 12.15 noon As this is a large sale it will commence on time. J. CARL SAIGEON. Auctioneer. Maple, phone 11. bottom Number of Scatter Ru 5 Number of Hand Made ooked Rugs 1 4â€"?pster Walnug Bed, Spring and good as new 1 Dining Room Suite, 9 pieces, solid Walnut, Baetz manufacture of Kitchener 1 Hand Croquet Table, cloth 1 3-Yard Linen Table Cloth, new Large Number of Dishes Quantity of Silverware '1 Hand Carved Serving Tray 1 Simmons Bed, Spring and Mattress .1 Bedroom R119.r 1 Walnut Dresser 1 Windsor Rocking Chair with Rutan good 1 Kitchen Table, porcelain top 1 8-Day Clock, good 1 Telephone Stand and Seat 1 Hall Tree 1 Occasional Chair 1 Living Room Rug, 9x12, Gullistan seamless, DeLuxe, with 2 smaller rugs to match, exceptionally good Number of Pictures, hand painted 1 Wicker 34Piece Sune, good as new 1 Gerard-Heintzman Piano and Stool, 2 Large Bookcases, sectional Oak 1 Encyclopaedia, Winston’s, 10 vol- umes Great Number of Other Books 1 Bedroom Chair :2 Kitchen Chairs 1 Radio, Brunswick, Cabinet, 8 tubes, 1935 Plymouth Sedan, '5 tires, 4 tires new, in A1 condition 1 Office Roll Top Desk, good 1 Swivel Office Chair, good 1 Red Cherry Desk 1 Large Webster Dictionary ,& Stand 1 Typewriter, «Smith Premier, and Typewriter Stand 1 Camp Mattress 1 Paper Fastener Great Number of Curtains, all good 1 End Table 1 Rubber Hammer 1 Pencil Sharpener Quantity of Desk Equipment 1 Filing JCabinet, steel, _good At Lutheran Parsonage, 2 miles south of Maple on 4th Concession, Vaughan Township AUCTION SALE Household Goods, Car, Piano, Wood, Coal, Garden Tools The Court will sit in the Council Chamber on the above date at 7.30 o’clock p.m., and all whom it may concern are requested to govern themselves accordingly. RUSSELL LYNETT, Clerk. Richmond Hill, October 15th, 1942. The Court of Revision for the Vil- lage of Richmond Hill will hold its First Sitting for the current year on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1942, for the purpose of hearing com- p‘aints and appeals against the as- sessment of the said village. SATURDAY, OCT. 31 COURT OF REVISION VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Rev. E. Huenergard Massey-Harris TERMS :â€"â€"CASH The ‘Rroperty of PUBLIC NOTICE new 1 Maple Syrup Evaporator Number of Sap Pails About 3 Dozen Grain Bags 1 Wheelbarrow 2 Logging Chains 1 Set Sleighs 3 Cutters FOWLâ€"4 Geese; 30 Yearling Hens SHEEPâ€"25 Breeding- Ewes . Sept. 16 1 Roan Heifer, full flow, 3 yrs., due last of January 1 Blue Cow,‘ full flow, 8 yrs., due last of January 1 Jersey Cow, full flow, 5 yrs., bred 1 Rg‘an.-CQx{/, full flow, 4 yrs., bred beams, with wheels Gang Plow 1 Fanning- Mill Set old time Spring Tooth Harrows Set Scales, 2000 lbs. capacity Cream Separator, Mellotte, near 1â€"1940 Mercury Sedan, with heaters, good tires, in A1 shape ' 1â€"1940 Nash (Sedan, model 4010, good tires, small mileage, good con- dition, also mounted on good rub- ebr. 1â€"1940 Ford Tudor in first class condition. 1â€"1935 V8 Ford Coupe, good work- ing condition, good tlres. _ 11â€"1938 Fargo 2-ton cap. Truck, good tires, 32x6â€"to ply, dual rears; this has been re-painted, and is in ex- ceptionally good condition. u 1â€"1937 V8 Ford, % ton cap. panel truck, completely overhauled, and on good rubber. 1â€"1933 Chev. 1 ton cap. Truck; 6x9 ft. Platform and Racks, on good rubber. 1 McCormick-Deering 2~furrow ad- justable Gang Plow, with rolling colters, good condition. near new Roller, 3 drum, near new Drill, 13 hoe, M.-H. Cultivator, sp'ring tooth, good Scuffler 1 Set Harrows Set Harrows, 3 sections Ri‘bbing Plows, antique, wooden IMPLEMENTS Binder, 6 ft., MmH. Mower, 5 ft., McCormick new, Oil Bath, cut onï¬ Rake, 10 ft., McCormick CLARKE PRENTICE, Auctioneer SALE AT 2 RM. SHARP Milliken, phone Agincourt 52W3. TERMS:â€"â€"CASH. ‘ Sale at 1 o’clock C. E. WALKINGTON, Auctioneer ,IWV, .. -v.__ beamvs Single Ploy,‘ 1.)ng Wilkinson, Late Model Cars, Trucks and Farm Implements Bay Mare MASTER FED BIRDS Phone Thornhill 54 â€"P6ultry, Hog, Dairy and Dog Feeds YONGE STREET THORNHILL Your profits depend on the number of eggs your flock produces. You can make more money from higher egg production by feeding one of the Master Laying Mashes. Start now â€" Let Master rations help boost your production. For sale by LAY More EGGS AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, HAY, GRAIN, FURNITURE, Etc. THE PROPERTY OF THE LATE JOHN GILLIES At Lot 8, Concession 6, King Township FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30th Master Laying Mash 20% Protein Red Head Egg Mash 171/27?) Protein Master Breeder Mash There Will be offered for sale by Public Auction on Production Reports from a number of Poultry Farms feeding MASTER Rations show an. average annual record of L201 EGGS PER HEN CAMPBELL MOTORS SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th Main Street, Markham CATTLE HORSES 79% Higher than the 1941 Canadian Average Bay Mare AUCTION SALE of W. R. DEAN Deering, 25 agres Deerlng, The Property of HARNESS 1 Set Backhand and Breeching Harâ€" ness 1 String of Bells 1 Set Single Harness 1 Pair New Single Lines, never used Number of Horse Collars About About About About About V..- ., -- -â€" long ' 2 Scythes 2 Sets Doubletrees 1 Cradle 1 Clover Buncher 1 Cyclone Grass Seeder 2 Neckyokes 1 Wagon Jack 1 Pick 1 Wagon Gear 1 Hay Rack, 16 ft. 1 Crosscut Saw 2 Buck Saws 108 ft. 3/4 in. Galvanized Pipe 6 Oak Barrels 4 Sling Ropes 1 Wagon Box 100 ft. Draw Rope 3 Dozen Cotton Grain Bags Number of Forks, Hoes, Rakes and other articles too numerous to mention In case of rain sale will be hell in the Markham Rink. 1 Oliver Single furrow Riding Plow with No. 21 bottom, good condition 1 Case 4-furrow Tractor Plow convertible to a 3-furrow Size, goal shape. 1 M.-H. 6t ft. Out-throw Disc Harrow 1 2-wheel Car Trailer with Oak stake Rack; also Ball and Socket hitch. 1 McCormick-Deering 17"x22 Stand- ard size Hay Baler, complete with blocks and platform. Terms â€" On Implements, Cash. Cars and Trucks, Cash, or if p111- chasers require, vendor is willing to accept 50% Cash, time of sale. Ba}- ance on approved Joint Bank Notes, bearing interest at 6% per annum or on the Automobile Finance Plan. Full particulars will :be given day of sale, or by applying to the Proprietor. reservoir Iron Beds 1 Extension Table Dresser \ 1 Coal Oil Heater Set Bedroom Dishes Living Room Rug, 14’ x 14’, Wardrobe Quantity of Jars Cook Stqve, warming closet and Rubber 'I‘ired Buggy Pine Plank: 18 in. wide by 14 R. ut 8 Tons of Hay at 300 Bus. Oats ut 200 Bus. Wheat at 200 Bus. Mixed Grain ut 100 Bus. Peas, American: Beauty HAY AND GRAIN PAGE SEVEN FURNITURE