Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 5 Nov 1942, p. 5

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THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 5th, 1942. EYE SPECIALIST Dr. F. L. Lowrie, (yesight special- ist will be at Austins Drug Store next Wednesday from 7.30 to 10 p.m. Please note the change of time. PINEâ€"GROYE Miss Dickie, missionary from China and daughter of the late Mr. Dickie, associate pastor of the People's Church will be the speaker at the Congregational Churcn Sunday at 1,1. a.m. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Coates have received word that their son Mervin, overseas with the RCAF has been injured. The wire said a letter with details would follow. About the same time another son Nelson received inâ€" juries to his hand at the DeHaviland plant and was taken to the hospital. Mr. Bergen was taken to the Brampton hospital this week for an appendicitis operation and is pro- gressing favorably. Marguerite Boyle (Graduate of the Owen Smily Studio) Elocution, Public Speaking, Dramatic Art Homewood Hall, Thornhill phone 89-w Toronto Studios:â€" Bank of Commerce Bldg., 2896 Dundas St. W. 132 Farnham Avenue DANCE!!! MEMORIAL HALL VELLORE FRIDAY, NOV. 20th Under auspices of Jr. Farmers and Jr. Institute CARL BLACK’S URCHESTRA Ernie Evans, Fioor Manager ADMISSION 40c. tending the Central â€"_â€"â€"â€"_â€" THE LIBERAL. RICHMOI‘D HILL. ONTARIO SOCIAL AND PERSONAL Buy a Saturday, Novenr bcr Tih. POPPY Richmond Hill High SCllkNl Athâ€" letic Association dance will be held in the “gym” Friday night. Mr. George 7B. Ball, Arnold St. attendrd the rc-un‘ 1‘] of the 43rd Battery held at the King Edward Hotel last Satur- day. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Sims movc’i : Weeks and haS mu. SUMO. to their Roseview Avenue home on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Cook who have been living in Aurora have moved into the Sims block apart- ment. Miss E. Izzard of the Richmond Hill High School staff was elected president of the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Association of the Toronto district at the annual meet- ing held last Saturday. Miss Alexandra Palukin, Toronto, will be guest soloist at the United Church Sunday evening, November 8th. The choir will present special music at the evening services for the next three Sundays. The regular community mid-week service coming next week on Armis- tice Day, Wednesday, November 11, a special Remembrance Day service will be held. It will be in the Pres- byterian Church and Capt. Rev. G. M. Dix of York Presbyterian Church will be the guest speaker. A spe- c'al invitation is extended to Vetâ€" erans. Mrs. G. Yerex, Mrs. L. H. Cle- ment and Mrs. Jerry Smith are at- Ontario Area Women‘s Institute Annual Conven- tion held in the Ropal York Hotel today (Thursday). ness Princess Alice will be guest at the luncheon and John Collingwood Reade will be the guest speaker. Her Royal High- REXALL Richmond Hill MO”OO”OOOWQMMWW com” 2 i t O uncowmmm The Original A RARE OPPORTUNITY FOR SAFE ECONOMY - WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY OF THIS WEEK. TOP QUALITY AND UNBEATABLE PRICES. This is our only method of advertising and the benefit is all yours. OWING TO WAR CONDITIONS MANY ITEMS ARE LIMITED SO BUY EARLY AND DON’T BE DISAPPOINTED. F. G. SCOTâ€"CHMER REXALL DRUGGIST 999m” 1° Sale Phone 71 mm «a.m..ooooumuoooooooooooooooooomm. MINCEME‘AT PUFFS, doz. 5625 Yonge Street Phone Willowdale 615 WE DELIVER Here are a few of ourâ€"4 Week-end Specials TILLSON’S QUICK OATS, lge. pkg. . . . . . . . . . . 16c. PURE LARD, 1 lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . 15c. NONSUCH STOVE POLISH, bottle . . . . . . . . . . 16c. PEAS, 2 16-oz. tins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21c. P.E.I. POTATOES, 75 lb. bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.85 CHRISTMAS CAKE, cut any size, for overseas parcels Don’t forget last mailing day for boys overseas is November 10th WEDDING CAKES, BIRTHDAY CAKES, a specialty RAISIN LOAVES, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15c. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30c. FRESH AND SMOKED FILLETS DAILY KERR BROTHERS Richmond Hill Telephone 77 for seasonal needs. We Yonge and Richmond Sts. i l % Rationing of Clothing Has not yet come into practice in Canada, but many lines are difficult to procure and as time goes on some will be impossible to obtain. We do suggest that you make your normal pur- chase of clothing needs as promptly as possible stock and invite the patronage of the people of Richmond Hill and the surrounding district. R. JFCRAIGIE Men’s, Boys’ and Children’s Shoes, Rubbers and Goloshes still have an excellent Richmond Hill Mis. E. Ferguson of Lindsay ! visited th s wet}; with her Mrs. J. E. Smith. i l l l l ! l l l . Square I November let. i were ‘G. Austin; 2nd, Mrs. W. Booth; con- ,solation, Mrs. W. Cook. ‘ I‘:t(l ,(‘hristmas cards The Richmond H’ll lianch of the Cross have a fine selection of Plan cards now sale. Christmas ('ll IIO\V \'Olll‘ to buy twenty-{Gurill annual ! from the Red Cross th'.s year. Lame-Cpl. Walter Young spent the weekâ€"end at his home here. “Walt' has l)('Lll in the army six Il's bro. ther “Steve” Young is III New llinn‘» wick and Frank is at Pcterluro. Mrs. A. I,. Phipps who returned from a five months visit in British Columbia will give a talk on her impress'ons of this western province at the Institute meeting next Thursday afternoon. “Other Worlds” was the Subject of an address delivered Monday ev- ening at Royal Ontario Museum Theatre, Toronto to the Toronto Field Naturalists Club by Dr. Frank S. Hogg of Richmond Hill. Mrs. David L. Parker of St. Thomas, formerly of Richmond Hill is visiting this week with Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton, Centre St. W. Cpl. Parker who is serving with the R.C.A.F. is at present stationed in Toronto. John F. Clarke, well known Horti- cultural authority will give an illus- trated lecture in the' Municipal Hall ~Monday evening, November 9th on the subject of “Horticultural Sociâ€" eties and their Work“. Everyone is invited and admission is free. Visitors at the home of Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Wrixon on Sunday last were Mr. and Mrs. Bryan, Mrs. H. Taylor, Mr. C. Jackson, and Mrs. 1. Watson, all of Maple, Ont., and Pte. Ted Mansbridge of Camp Borden, and Mrs. Mansbridge. The engagement has been an- nounced of Hazel Marguerite Nelâ€" son, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Nelson of Markham Township to John Ernest Hall. son of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Hall, Richmond Hill. The wedding will take place in Victoria United Church Saturday, The next Euchre 'm the ‘scrics will ‘he held in the Orange Hall Thurs- ‘day, November 12th. Prize winners at the Euclire held on October 29th as follows: Ladies: lst, Miss Gentlemen: 1st. J. Destury; 2nd, Mr. Brazier; consolation. G. Irwin. Door prize, Mrs. Middleton. The Vaughan and Richmond Hill ' \Yomen's Auxiliary of Veterans want to thank all who so generously help- ed make the Gipsy Tea held recent- ly such a success. The proceeds counting donations were $60 which will be used entirely for sending comforts to boys in the armed forces. A complete report of auxiliary war activities will appear in a future issue of The Liberal. Mr. and Mrs. I. D. Ramer and Miss sister; knowledge-s llle gtnerius donutLOn of $200.00 from the Lions Club disgâ€" 1 four lnxes wire slipped last week. Thcsu Will be followed immediately by an :rlditional seven. The contents of (‘il'll box was as follows: 1 t'n ,n‘nlrul milk. 1 tin concentrated or“ :Litge juice, 1 2 lb. package cheese, I in of klim. 1 tin of cashew nuts. 1 myszery story. 1 package razor blades, 2 packages gum, :2 chocolate vbars, :2 packages of life-savers, 1 package of toffee. toilet paper, recently ‘ Marion Ramer attended the 50th an-, niversary celebration of the Bloomâ€" ington Christian Church last Sunday and assisted in the choir which was composed of fourteen original mem- bers including the choir leader Mr. J. S. Dougherty of Stouffville, who gave a very fine solo. The choir rendered two anthems and Rev. C. E. Foekler of Maple, a former Bloom- ington boy, had charge of the ser- vice and delivered a very impressive sermon. The Bloomington members and adherents are to be commended on having one of the finest country churches in miles of travel. A large crowd attended the annual bazaar and fowl supper in the Ma- sonic Hall, Richmond Hill, Tuesday evening under the auspices of St. Mary’: Catholic Church, Richmond Hill and St. Luke’s, Thornhill. The ladies served an excellent fowl sup- per which was very much: enjoyed and the supper was followed by bingo and other games and attrac- tions. Booths selling fancy work, produce, etc. did a fine business. Many attended from Toronto and outside points. Almost five hundred suppers were served. Winners of War Savings Certificates in the lucky draw were: Peter Shcehan, St. Catharines; Dr. McR/ee, Toronto; Miss Nina Bourou, Toronto. Mrs. Patterson of Toronto was the winner of the quilt and J. A. Greene had the lucky number for the Christmas cake. The doll “Baby Joan" wc_nt to Mrs. Y. I. McCullough and by a coincidence the other doll. “Sister Sue". was won by her hus- band V. I. McCullough. A fruit cake was won in a lucky draw by Wilfrid Porrill. strange l â€" RED CROSS NOTES The local branch gratefully ac< hated to he used for the Christmas boxes for the boys who are sewing ()YL‘I‘SUJ,‘ from [his community. Fortyâ€" klecncx, tooth paste. 11.; lbs. Christ- mas cake. The cost of the contents of ca<h 1on was $3.80. The cost of packing and the postage was de- frayed from the Red Cross Funds. Seven Emergency Units (one unit for each 250 persons) have been pur- chased upon the advice of headquartâ€" ers and stored in the community. These will be used in case of epiâ€" demic or emergency. Each unit is made up of 1 quilt, I blanket, 1 gal- vanized pail, 2 bed jackets, 2 bed gowns, 4 sheets, 3 pillow cases, 2‘ terry towels. 6 surgical towels, 2. wash cloths. l kidney basin, 1 cake soap. 1 thermometer, 1 tooth brush. 3 face masks. 1 bed pan. 1 hot water; bottle. 2 hot water bottle covers, I hinder, G gauze handkerchiefs, 2 bed pan covers. RICHVALE RED CROSS Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! In place of the regular euchre the Richvale Red Cross will hold a Bingo in the school on Monday evening, Novem- her 16th at 8.00 o'clock, playing to begin at 8.15. Come early. Scores were very good at this week's euchre. Mrs. Tom Cooney was the recipient of ladies’ first prize with Mrs. H. Webb 21 close second. Mr. B. Brazier proudly car- ried off the men's first prize while Mr. Cooney took home men's second. Travelling prizes were won by Mrs. Rowdon and Cecil Webb. UNITED CHURCH \V.A. The regular meeting of the United Church W.A. will be held in the school room of the church Tuesday, November 10th at 3 p.m. All ladies of the congregation are invited to attend. ‘11 l't‘ . 19y PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SERVICE SI‘NDAY AT 11 .-\.M. Richmond Hill Presbyterian church service will be hell morning at 11 o'clock. Communion Service and asked note the Sunday will be members of next It to change time. VICTORY LOAN NEARING OBJECTIVE With four days canvass remaining Canada's third Victory Loan nesday reached minimum goal of 750 million. The provinces of Manitoba, British Co- lumbia and New Brunswick have al- ready exceeded their objectives and are working towards new goals. COMING ! ! The Red Cross Society is prepar- ing to present on December 4 and 5 a thrilling mystery melodrama “Sin- istcr House". A strong cast under the direction of Edna Izzard is now rehearsing. The cast includes Mrs. Burnett, Mrs. Chamney, Mrs. Gillard, Mrs. Martin, Mrs. Paris and Misses Lola Jones, Gladys McLatchy, Lee Emerson, Doris Leno, Martha Hambâ€" and Marion Smith. Keep the date open. VVt‘d- $715,205,800 of the‘ PAGE FIVE , EXI’RI‘ISSES THANKS H. McQuarrie of Vaughan Town- ship wishes through The Liberal to express his sincere thanks and ap- preciation for the kind help of neigh- bours and friends during the past season. DIEI) ROBINSON. lIinry~At Jefferson, Yonge Street. Monday. November 2, 1042, John Henry Robinson, son of the late David and Jane Robinson. The funeral was held from his late residence (Weldon Farm) ,on Thursday. Service in St. John’s Church. Oak Ridges, at 2 o’clock and interment followed in adjoining cemetery. MATHESON. Marion Jeanâ€"At Peel Memorial Hospital, Brampton, Friâ€" day, October 30th, 1942, Marion Jean, youngest daughter of the late Thomas and Christina Matheson, sister of Mrs. Charles King, Bramp- ton; Mrs. Thomas Thomson, Tiver- ton; George W. of Maple and John A., Crossfield, Alberta. The funeral was held from the residence of her brother George W. Matheson, Maple, Ontario, on Mon- day, November 2nd. at 2.30 p.m. Interment followed in Maple Ceme< tery. Friday & Saturday, WALLACE BEERY, MARJORY MAIN in “ Jackass Mail ” November 6, 7 Monday & Tuesday, November 9, 10 TYRONE POWER, JOAN FONTAINE in “ This Above All ” Wednesday & Thursday, Leo Gorcy, Virginia Weidler, November 11, 12 Ray MacDonald in “ Born to Sing ” -â€" ALSO â€"â€" Sidney Toler, (Charlie Chan), “ Castles in the Desert ” ~;.=$. ,r, v. '-~' Arlene ~Whal'en in BLUE MOUNTAIN AUNT JEMIMA Pancake Flour .7 'headquarters, six days axeek. PEI. Potatoes - BY POPPY SAA, NO It's smart to be thrifty in these times. Here are values to be! you make every penny count. Remember, our store is Thri 75 lb. BAG . 7th £872 WESTON, CAMPBELL’S 2‘0 OZ- MAPLE LEAF BREAD £2333}? JUICE ENS 19c MINCEMEAT R. ‘LLS . Toilet Tissue 3 25c ill: PKG. 1 V DOMO-LOO . 0,. billiiciiiv MOLASSES :(lN 29c AYLMER No. 4 TOMATOES THRIFT 4 1b. PEAS 2280 25c SOAP FLAIKES CW 330 $2- 1 10 ' CASTLE . . “NS FLOOR WAX iii 29C WHITE BAG PASTRY FLOUR - 67c FANCY KETA ONTARIO GROWN N0- 1 CATELLl’S SALMON m.lgc TIN Cooking Onions TEXAS MARSH SEEDLESS GRAPEFRUIT 3 lbs. 100 ' 4 for 23¢ DINNER MACARON I 15 oz. NATIVE GROWN No. 1 6 QT. TINS 1 COW,“ Baxter Apples HS‘KT- 39C 2 C 9900A if)? 13c MAZDA LAMPS TIN' CRISP TENDER Lar e 25’40'60 Watt 24 C Buncies 1 EACH d MORLEY’S sizizl‘vFE " 'PRICES'EFFECTIVE ’ THURS, FRI.. SAT; NOVEMBER 5, 6.‘ 7 â€".--:::3,-- m

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