a? Effective Monday, February INSURANCE LIF‘E, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS JSIPEUIAJL RATES TO FARMERS LEAVE RICHMOND HILL TO NEWMARKET X 9.16 am. a 6.11 pm. 11.06 am. X 6.51 pm. Y 2.11 pm. a 10.46 pm. Xd 3.51 pm. b 11.46 pm. (Eastern Daylight Saving Time) aâ€"daily except Sun. & H01. bâ€"Sun. & H01. only d-dai1y except Sat, Sun. & H01. Xâ€"Through to Sutton. Yâ€"«To Sutton on Saturdays THURSDAY, JANUARY 28th, 1943 ON ALL CAIR‘S TARIFF & NONTARAIFF CO’IS A. G. Savage Old Post Office Richmond Hill GROUP “B"â€"Select Two [] Maclean’s (24 issues) ...... er‘ [] Canadian Home Journal er [J Chatelaine .......................... I Yr [] National Home Monthly. er [J Family Herald 8‘ Weekly Star ...................... er. [] New World (Illustrated) er [I ‘Farmer’s Magazine ...... 2 Yrs. [] Canadian Horticulture [J Screenland [1 Flower Grower ............. [J American Girl ...... GROUP “Aâ€-Select One [1 Better Homes &Gardens I [1 True Story Magazine ...... I [J Photoplay-Movie Mirror 1 [J Woman’s Home Comp..... 1 [J Sports Afield ............ U Magazine Digest ...... [1 Fact Digest I [1 American Home ..... I [J Parent’s Magazine ............ 6 N [1 Open Road for Boy ...... I [1 The Woman .......................... l [1 Science 8. Discovery ........ I [] Liberty (Weekly) .. l‘ & Home ............................. [] Click (Picture Mthly.).... [] Canadian Poultry Rev ..... [] Rod & Gun in Canada»... [1 American Frui‘ Grower Yerex’s Electrical [] Silver Screen 26 Yonge St. ON ALL MAKES 0F RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RADIO TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY For Both Newspaper and Magazines THIS NEWSPAPER RADm SERVICE THREE GREAT MAGAZINES CHANGE OF TIME TABLE (1 YEAR) and ............... er ............. 6 Mos Phone 242 1 Yr 1 Yr I Yr I Yr. 1 Yr. l Yr. 1 Yr. I Yr, er er IYr er er I] Click (Picture Monthly) [1 American Fruit Grower.. [] Canadian Poultry Rev“... [J Rod & Gun in Canada... [] American Girl ................. t [J Maclean's (24 Issues) ...... IYr. [1 Canadian Home Journal IYr. [] Chatelaine .......................... 1 Yr. [1 National Home Monthly er. [J Family Herald 8: Weekly Star ...................... IYr. [J New World (Illustrated) er. [J *Farmer’s Magazine ...... 2 Yrs [] Canadian Horticulture 8. Home ................................ I Yr. For Both Newspaper and Magazine: ‘Farmer's Magazine sent only to farm addresses in Eastern Canada. (1 Year) and Your Choice THIS NEWSPAPER SAVE Mï¬ï¬‚fl’! Some people wouldn’t be satisfied with living in a land of milk and honey, as they would have to feed and milk the cows. Many people try to cross a bridge before they get to it, but you don’t cross your bridge partner until you play the wrong card. Erï¬oy the ï¬nest magazines while saving ï¬res and gas. Only through this nm paper can you get such big Tending bargains. Pick your favorites and mail coupon to us TODAY. SEND IN THE NEWS The Liberal welcomes news items from every section of the district. Send them by mail or telephene 9 Richmond Hill. THREE POPULAR MAGAZINES by one point. Plans were made for a St. Valentine Party on February 13th in the church school room. The monthly meeting of the Can- adian Red Cross will be held Fri- day, February 5th at 2.310 in St. George’s Parish Hall, Willowdale. Mrs. F. Langford, Mrs. A. H. Hal- bert, Mrs. A. E. Brown, MiSS Doris VanILuven and Miss Lorene Brown attended the annual meeting of To- ronto Centre Presbyterial W.M.‘S. which was held in Eglinton United Church, Toronto, last week. The Mission Band met last Saturâ€" day afternoon with a good attend- ance. .Georgina Plain presided and Joan Waltez'house acted as secretary. Wilma Adair conducted the devotion- al service. Betty Moore sang a solo and reeitations were given by Mar- ion Hamilton and Kenneth Coburn. Mrs. Halbert conducted the study period. A knowledge test on the Bible was an interesting feature with Joan Walterhouse’s group winning Pta spent 1 here. We are sorry to hear of the ill- ness of Mrs. Jones and wish for her a speedy recovery. Pte. Harold Duggan of Kingston spent last weekâ€"end at his home Mr. and Mrs. Penrose spent last weekâ€"end with relatives at Newmar- ket. Mr. Elwood McDonald of the RC. A.F. at Manning Pool, Toronto spent Sunday with friends here. N ewtonbrook STREET OR R.R. Check magazine! deslxed and enclose wlth coupon Gentlemen: I enclose S ..................... . Please send m< offer checked, with a year’s subsCription to your p POST OFFICE ......... NAME COUPON 4 u 1 Yr. 6 Mos. I Yr. 1 Yr 1 Yr. er & Home [] Canadian Poultry Review 1'] Rod & Gun in Canada ..... [] True Story Magazine ........ [] Woman’s Home Comp. [] Sports Afield ............. U Liberty (Weekly) . ..... |'] Magazine Digest ..... [] Silver Screen ................... [] Screenland ..................... [] Look [] American Home ................ [] Parent’s Magazine ............ [1 Christian Herald ................ [] Open Road for Boys [] American Girl ..... [1 Red Book .................. [] American Magazine .. [J Collier’s Weekly . [] Child Life [] Canadian Woman ............. [] Flower Grower ...... [] *Farmer’s Magazine (2 years) ...................... ‘ ...... [] Click (Picture Monthly) [1 Canadian Horticulture [1 Family Herald & [] New World (IMustrated) All Magazines Are For I Year [] Maclean’s (24 issues) ....... $2.00 [] Canadian Home journal. 2.00 f] Chatelaine ............................ 2.00 [] National Home Monthly†2.00 FILL IN AND MAIL To nus newspmn TODAY THIS NEWSPAPER ANY MAGAZINES LISTED off?" :31... Weekly Star .... Please send me the subscription to your paper. The new session of parliament has started on its way in a much more cheerful atmosphere than has been felt about parliament h.11 for some time. It is of course the same kind of subdued optimism that is discern- ible everywhere, and is based on the improved military outlook for the United Nations, which with our hope and courageous confidence in the future seemed to be symbolized in the epochal meeting of the two great democratic chieftains, Churchill and Ioosevelt at Casablanca. It is, how- ever, the stress and strain of the titanic struggle that still lies ahead that forms the background of the plogram that has been set by our government for this session. With growing- wolfpacks of U boats men- acing the sealanes, with a‘heavily fortified section of North Africa still in Axis hands, with Japan tempor- arily at least stopped but not any- where in retreat and with not a solâ€" dier of the Western allies as yet on the continent of Europe, Canada as an important even if relatively small member of the brotherhood of the United Nations has to throw all she has info the conflict. Canada has to take her full share in the “utmost sustained effort" of all the United Nations which as the Speech from the Throne stated was the only road to victory. ‘ (The Social Security Plan) Canada looks to the future as well, when the huge war machine comes to a halt and the wearied peoples of the world after resting on their arms and looking around at the havoc war has made, set about reconstruct- ing their world. No one can see through the veil but Canada is de- termined that in the new era fear of want will be banished from the confines of this country. A goal of the government is to set up a com- prehensive social insurance scheme ( 1 YEAR») and PROV H Both for Price Shown T he Ottavng Spotlight†THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO 3.00 2.25 2.50 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.25 3.50 2.50 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.25 2.25 2.25 2.50 3.50 2.50 2.50 3.50 2.25 1.75 2.00 2.00 2.00 By M. McDougaIl O W60994496900mw i INSURANCE 1942 i It is evident that Canada, will this year round out its own particular “pay as you go†system of taxation on incomes. It is a “logical†de- velopment of the collection at source plan already in operation. The hurdle L0 leap is how to transfer the system from a tax accruing on the past year to a. direct tax on the pre- sent year. It is being suggested that insteadI of cancelling the unpaid bal- ance on last year that some formula of extended payment of arrears may be worked out. The whole plan has the virtue of simplicity but it in- volves adjustments, as many incomes come from different sources and total income in many cases cannot be known until a year’s end. 2 Richmond Hill Telephone 87 ° 2 MMOOOOOMOOâ€W Dâ€"msmw adammmm SHEEN! which “will constitute a charter of social security for the whole of Can- ada". This is in line with the trend of people's thoughts everywhere aâ€" mong the democratic nations. The Bevcridge report in Britain embod- ies suggestions. and theSe will un- doubtedly be among the plans dis- cussed by the select committee which will be set up immediately by parlia- ment to study the whole question. Healt‘i insurance is one of the things to be studied and this is one scheme at le'ls't which may be put during the session into legislative form. The Canadian Medical Association have agreed in principle to the idea and while no definite plan has as yet been- formed, it is said to be gathering shape. The general social insurance plan would encompass the various plans already brought into operation by the Dominion and prov- inces alone or in cooperation, in re- lation to annuities, unemployment insurance, pensions, widows’ and mo- thei's‘ allowances, etc. There wlll be discussions and adjustments between the Dominion and the provinces on other schemes involved in the gen- eral plan; but whatever constitu- tional questions may have to be settled, the main point is that the government has adopted a nation- wide plan of social insurance as an integral part of its policy. As stat- ed in the Speech from the Throne: “Freedom from fear and from want should be the assured: possession of all. A nation-wide plan of social insurance which would provide in- surance against the inevitable con- sequences of major economic and so- cial hazards is essential if this ob- ject is to be attainedâ€. (Freedom From Fear) More deadly even than the fear of want is the fear of becoming en- slaved. That applies still to this war and to the years following, if the power to start aggressive war is not nipped at the root. The speech pointed out that the immediate ob- ject of the United Nations is the defeat of the enemy and to this end joint world war planning has been backed by intensified preparations. The United Nations aim at prevent- ing aggression in the future. This was said too in the statement issued after the meeting at Casablanca. It is admittedly not a thing that can be carried out by a single government. It will be a matter for all but on the success with which the plans to prevent aggression in the future are formed and carried out will obâ€" viously rest the future of this tor- tured and unhappy world. (War: Supplies Allocation Board) The billion dollar gift to Britain has been covered by shipments al- ready made of munitions and: food. We have no lease lend arrangement in Canada but the gift to Britain was one of the most effective means of aiding the prosecution of the war. The government is going to estab- lish a Canadian War Supplies Allo- cation Board which under powers to be granted by parliament will look after the financing and allocation of shipments to allied nations. The na- ture of the set up will soon be made known to parliament. It will be based on the need of sending sup- plies to the places where strategic necessity demands them, and of fin- ancing in accord with the conscious- ness of a mutual reliance in the face of a common peril. AAAAAAAAAAAA-- r- r Policies issued through this office COVering Farm Property â€"Private Dwellings and their contentsâ€"~Automobile â€" Plate Glassâ€"Residence Burglary, etc. CJaims Settled Promptly J. R. HERRIN GTON General Insurance Richmond Hill Telephone Don’t Pass Up the Classifieds ' You just can’t afford to miss ’em. Be- cause every week there are opportuni- ties for you. to sell something you have no use for, or to buy something you want inexpensively, or provide some service which you need. The little classified “ads†are on page four every week. Look them up, and if you have something to sell let them charge of twenty-five cents for any go to work for you. The cost is small, a “ad†up to twenty-five words. Telephone 9 57 Yonge St., phone Richmbnd Hill 147W 12 Wellington St. E., Toronto Phone AD. 4646 : EL. 31-19 DISTRICT HERBERT R. BUTT AGENT 18 Elizabeth St. RICHMOND HILL Telephone 25- TOMENSON, SAUNDERS, SMITH & GARFAT LTD. Eave Troughing, Repairs to Heavy Metal Parts on Farm Implements and Equipment INSURANCE The Home Paper of the District Since 1878 GENERAL TINSMITH WORK FINDLAY FURNACE DEALER TINSMITH THE LIBERAL PAUL DUBOIS Richmond Hill PA GE S-EV EN