Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Mar 1943, p. 3

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Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries N. L. MATHEWS, KG K. M. R. S’I‘IVER, B.A. (On Active Service) B. E. LYONS, B.A. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Botsford St. Phone 120 Phone 126 Barrisfpr. Solicitor. “Marv Public Residence â€" 18 Poyntz Ave. Iaansmg. Unt. Wlllowdale 308 Room 66, 18 Toronto St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877-8-9 BARRISTE‘R & SOLIClTOR NOTARY PUBLIC .14 Confede'ation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 Rec. MO. 2866 Kle’xénder MacGregor K. C. . vugv v... Immediatelv North of Masonic Hall Hume R7 â€" Rh'hmrmd Hill Toronto Office w 19 Torrmfo Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Office 229 Barristers, Solicitors. etc. Wm. Cook, K. 0. Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. J. A. Gibson Mnto Office: 912 Federal Bldg 85 Richmund St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenoon Maple, Thursday afternoon Money to loan. at Current Rate ZCameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER McK-innon Building 19 Melinda Str’eet Toronto, Ontario 713. Bloomfield Jordan VOL. LXIV. BARRISTER SOLICITOR. NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hi“ Fvorv THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yomze Street BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Etc. 84 Yonge Street Ricnmcmd Hill OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€" 4 to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephone; Walter S. Jenkins Mathews, Stiver Lyons & Vale ‘ Cook & Gibson T. C. Newman $1.50 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE SINGLE COPIES 5c. DEPARTMENT OF NATIONAL WAIT SERVICES NATIONAL SALVAGE DIVISION sssss LEGAL 619 efiébfiahed price per ound {of lyoiu‘fak dripping and your scrap at. You can keep this money (01’ yourself orâ€" ‘ 3 You cm noun-u: your ms and Bones In your local Voluntary Salvage Committee in any place where they collect them, 01'â€" The Meat Dealefi of Canada as a patriotic eHofl, are coâ€"operafing with the Government in {his allâ€"imponant wax work by contribuh'nq their collection facilities. Now you can dispose of your Fats and Bones in any one 01 the {allowing ways: HERE IS HOW TO DISPOSE OP FATS AND BONES mm: .mm nmms .w m m J/ateld, Rmâ€" @044 W Wendy needed! THIS CAMPAIGN IS FOR THE DURATION OF THE WAR Residence 148 which (his 5}: “A otdfipp'lDQI 6" ‘7 Ems make 9“” me Ms pm“ , 1-. Every spoonful of dripping, every piece of fat and every bone, cooked, un< cooked, or dry, must be saved. It’s a day-today job. Your contribution may seem small and unimportant, but even one ounce of (a! dripping per person per week wfll give us 36,000,000 pounds of Fat each year {or qucerine. Bones produce iaL “If you eat another piece of cake, You’ll surely burst,” said mother. “Then pass the cake and clear the Graduate Ontario Veterinary College and McKilIy’rs Veterinary Golfege, Chicago way," Responded little brother Dr. M. J. Quigley DENTIST FORMERLY OF TH‘ORNHILL Announces that his office is now located at the City Limits, North Toronto, directly opposite the Term- inal, over Liggetts’ Drug Store. Phone Office: HYland 9300 Rec.: Willowdale 755 Tel. Maple 82 KING & Jentre St. E. Richmond Hill Office Hours -- 1 - 4 pm. daily Daily except Wednesday 6 - 8 pm- Telephone 24 Dvrs. Langstaf f DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF‘ Office Hours: 3-4 daily except Sun- day or by appointment. Richmond Hill MPIJS DR. JAMES R. LANGSTAFF and by appointment Langstaff, Stop 21 Yonge Street Phone 'I'hornhill 6 Ring 2 Office Hours: 9â€"11 a.m. daily except Sunday Ind 6-8 p.m. daily except Sunday and Wednesdayfl DENTIST PHONE 70 YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO 9-10 am G. I. Roberts V.S., B.V.Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON MAPLE, ONT. Dr. S. W. Armitage M.D.V.V.S. VETERINARY SURGEON 9â€"10 a.m Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. J. F. McQuay OFFICE HOURS Dr. J. P. Wilson Dr. W. J. Mason VETERINARY Office Hours ) a.m.. 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 and 5v appointment_ of Fats. MEDICAL MAPLE - Tel. King 2300 DENTAL Z You can TURN THE rnocnnns over to you: local Voluntary Salvage Committee and/or to a xeqistered local Wax Charity. q YOU CAN CONTINUE to place out you: fats and bones for collection by you: Street Cleaning Department where such a system is in existence. Willowdale 418 7.30-8.30 p.m Phone 100 Phone 3 \ms _$0N5§ 2 ‘ RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO VTHUL‘.CA V .1', MARCH 11th, 1943. ’F/irs'zao/gts', In You? was” I ‘09 33316! The Town of Aurora has purchas- ed the former Bank of Commerce building for $6,700 and will use it for municipal offices. fiiends and neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Fraser met last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Champ- ion and presented them with an elec- tric tea. kettle. Mr. and Mrs. Fraser have sold their 5th concession farm and are moving to Concord. The presentation was made on behalf of the neighbours by R. L. Stiver. Aonfher genuine antique is the cookbook which starts off briskly with “take a quart of thick cream, 12 eggs and a pound of butterâ€"3’ The County Seed Fair will be held at Aurora Friday, March 12th. Keep the flag of mercy flyingâ€" give to the Red Cross. M Sham GENERAL NEWS AND VIEWS One Bright Spot in the World E MEWML The wbrkman had placed a ladder against the clock-tower in the public square, and was about to clean the clock face. ‘Hon. John Bracken seemed to be getting along nicely as the new lead- er of the Conservative party, ‘then along comes Mitch who says he’s go- ing to support him. Arthur Meighen can tell Mr. Bracken how well that support worked out in South York. Markham Township council has adopted the plan of two meetings per month this fear. The idea was opâ€" posed at the last meeting by coun- cillor Albert Reesor but all other members were in favor of giving the plan a try for the year. Our neighbouring town of Stouff- ville has an objective in the Red Cross drive of $3,700. Ten citizens started off the list with subscrip- tions of $100 each. Those who head- ed the list with the $100 donations were Mrs. Jas. McCullough, E. A. Button, Hugh Bannerman, Jos. Bor- insky, Isaac Barkey, J. H. Ratcliffe, Dr. Freel, J. W. Ratcliffe, F. L. But- ton, KC. and The Bethesda and Stouffville Telephone Co. “Ah,” said the old lady, “are you going to do something to the clock?" “No, mum,” replied the man. “I’m a bit_shortâ€"sighted, that’s all!” “Josh” Harrison, a lifelong resi- dent of North York Twp. died Feb. 25th in his 77th year. He leaves to mourn his passing two sisters, Mrs. E. Gooderham of Lansing and Mrs. W. Miller of Toronto. The funeral service was conducted by Rev. A. C. Callum of St. John’s Anglican church of which the late Mr. Harrison was a lifelong member. Interment fol- lowed in St. John's cemetery. Snow plowing in Markham Town- ship ccst $4957 for the months of January and February. This was a.- bout double last year’s expense for the same two months. ‘Snow plowing in Pickering Np. has cost over $4000 so far this win- ter. If is estimated costs for the winter will be three times as large as last season. A man had to gallop his horse and sleigh all the way from the moun- tains to Lethbridge one winter. A Chinook wind was behind him, and his front runners were on snow while the rear runners were in mud. This advertisement appeared in a Portsmcubh, England, newspaper, “We have secured a. large delivery of laundered Flour Bags. These vary ih weight, but are still tip-top qual- ity. They are suitable for aprons, tea towels, laundry bags, small cur- tain-s and hundreds of household pur- poses. Price Each 3/6. No coupons required.” .4 delmo M elecci From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. Associated as assistant with Mr. Melecci is Alice M ecredy Teacher of Piano For information phone Mrs. Mylks, 108 Yonge Street, phone Richmond Hill 58J. Thirty Y‘ara Experience Formerly with Heintzman Company Leave Orders at Aufitin's Drug Store R‘v‘hmnnd Hi1] Farms and viflago property for sale and exchange Richmond Hill Phone 1 Richmond H'iH Phonesâ€"15 and 142 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORN HILL AND UNIONVILLE Wright & Taylor George W. Cross Piano Tuner FUNERAL DIRECTO R5 AMBULANCE SERVICE Wow, he’s well again BUSINESS R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE INSURANCE MUSICAL By banking during morning hours you can help the war effort, facilitate your own business, and lighten the wartime burden on the men and women in your branch bank. More than one- third of our experienced men have gone to war. cial needs of Canadians.- money on personal security . . . on the good cham ing in the shipyard. The loan was paid back in full. Because of bank accommodation he is now getting financially on his feet againâ€"and aiding Canada’s war effort. illustrates how Canada’s Chartered Banks, day in and day out, serve the human as well as the finan. just worry. He left his job in the shipyard to go into logging. But his health suffered and the doctor says he’s got to take a complete rest. But we haven’t any ready money. How can he rest?”- Wifeâ€"both sound citizens. The bank advanced the acter of two honest, hard-working people. sympathetically. He knew the husband, knew the This true storyâ€"only the name is changedâ€" The bank manager listened to her troubles In a few weeks, Fred was well again and work- and doing a war job. HUSBAND’S had a nervous breakdown â€" Phone 92-} WANT ADS COVER AND DISCOVER A MULTITUDE OF NEEDS Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of York and Ontario Successor for Corporal Ken Prentice )f C.A.S.F. and of the late J. H. Prenttce, formerly (Prentice & Prentice) "‘arm and Farm Stock Sales a spe- cialty at fair and reasonable rates. umik'en KING CITY P.o. Phone KING 28 Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York fnsuranceâ€"Life. Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary. Guarantee Bonds, Accident Etc. C. E. Wal'kington AUCTIONEER INSURANCE 25 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and Picker- ing Townships Farm Stock and Furni'ture Sales 21 Specialty Telephone Stouffvflle 7309 Address: Gormley P.0. 'sfibscribe forfiThe liberal. $1.50 per year. AUC’I‘IONE’ER MAPLE [censed Auctiunerr f0! the County of York ales attended to on shortest notico and at reasonable rates J. T. SAI-GEON & SON Insurance FIRE â€" AUTOMOBiLE â€"- LIFE Fully Experienced Sales Anywhere in York County Kleinburg, Ontario Telephone Woodbridge 14:12 A. S. Farmer LICENSED AUC’I‘IONEER AUCTION EERS Clarke Prentice .1. Carl Saigeon Ken Love AUCTI‘O‘NIEER Phone Agincourt 52w3. No. 37.

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