DENTIST FORMERLY OF TH‘ORNHILL Announces that his office is now located at the City Limits, North Toronto, directly opposite the Tem- inal, over Liggetts’ Drug Store. Phone Office: HYland 9300 Rec.: Willowdale 755 Dr. J. P. Wilson Centre St. E‘ Richmond Hill Office Hours -â€" 1 - 4 pm. daily Daily except Wednesday 6 â€" 8 pm. Telephone 24 iNSURAN CE Alexander MacGregor K. C. Richmond Hill N. L. MATHEWS, KO: K. M. R. STIVER, B.A. (én Active Service) B. E. LYONS, B.A. JOSEPH VALE NEWMARKET OFFICES 100 Main St. 6 Bots-ford St. Phone 120 Phone 1‘26 LIFE, FIRE, ACCIDENT, SICKNESS PLATE GLASS, AUTOMOBILE BURGLARY, GUARANTEE BONDS SPECIAL RATES T0 FARMERS Office Hours: 3â€"4 daily except Sun- d'ay or by appointment. MAPLE BARRISTER SOLICITOR, NOTARY PUBLIC Richmond Hi“ Every THURSDAY AFTERNOON 93 Yonge Street Immediately North of Masonic Hall Phone 8'? â€" Richmond Hill Toronto Office â€"- 18-Tor0nto Street Phone Adelaide 5877 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public Resxdence â€"- 18 Poyntz Ave. Lansing. Ont. Willowdale 308 Room 66, 18 Toronto St., Toronto Phone AD. 5877â€"8-9 BARRIS’I‘ER & SOLICITOR NOTARY PUBLIC 0'14 Confede‘ation Life Bldg. Toronto Phone: Office EL. 5029 A. Cameron MacNaughton, K.C. BARRISTER McKinnon Building 19 Melinda Street Toronto, Ontario Barristers, Sollcxtom. etc. Wm. 000k, hi. (1. Ralph B. Gibson, K. C. J. A. Gibson Toronto Office: 912 Federal Bldg. 85 Richmond St. West. Richmond Hill, Thursday forenooa Maple. Thursday afternoon Money to loan. at Current Rate Oflice 229 DR. JAMES R. LANGSTAFF DENTIST PHONE 70 YONGE AND ARNOLD STREET RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO and by appointment Langstaff, Stop 21 Yonge Street Phone Thornhill 6 Ring 2 Office Hours: 9-11 am. daily except Sunday and 6-8 p.m. daily except Sunday and, Wednesday » THURSDAY, APRIL 29th, 1943. Drs. Langstaf f DR. ROLPH L. LANGSTAFF 9-10 am. ON ALL CARS TARIFF & NONTARIFF‘ 00’s A. G. Savage 9. Bloomfield Jordan BARRISTER, souCITOR, Etc. all you need to change losses into profits. Get on the high road to record gains and bigger profits with WATKINS MINERALIZED TONIC 100 per cent open formula Barristérs, Solicitors, Notaries Are Your Cows Hay Balers? Are Your Pigs Porkers or Fertilizing Machines? Do your hens lay when they cackle? Olily a few_cents_a month is Office Hours 9â€"10 a.m.. 12â€"2 & 6â€"8 p.m. and by appointment» Dr. M. J. Quigley Walter S. Jenkins Dr. R. A. Bigford Dr. J. F. McQuay Mathews, Stiver Lyons & Vale Dr. W. J. Mason ERNIE DURIE 84 Yonge Street Ricnmo'nd Hill OFFICE HOURS 9.30 to 12 â€" z to 5 Evenings by appointment Telephones Cook & Gibson T. C. Newman Richvale P.O. Phone Maple 641'4 OFFICE HOURS 7.30-8.30 MEDICAL Old Post Office DENTAL LEGAL Rec. M0. 2866 Residence 148 Phone 100 Phone 3 It is said that 100,000 spinning wheels and 60,000 looms are now in use in the Province of Quebec, and the government has sent trained in- structors from Quebec to inaugurate classes for women in the Prairie provinces. They have been told that a farmer who keeps 5 sheep and 1/4 acre in flax will have enough wool and linen to supply the family needs for a lifetime. Ontanio lags behind in this type of handicraft, possibly because she is a prosperous indus-, trial province. In Toronto however there is an enthusiastic group of about 22 spinners and weavers. This Licensed Auctioneer for the counties of York and Ontario Successor for Corporal Ken Prentice of C.A.S.F. and of the late J. H. Prentlce, formerly (Prentice & Prentice) Farm and Farm Stock Sales a spe- 7ej§1ty at faig_and reasonable rates: Mi‘llik'en AUCTIONE'ER MKPLE Licsnsed Auctioneer fat the County of York Sales attended to on shortest notice and atreasonable rates J. T. SAI-GEON & SON Setting up the warp, particularly if the heddles have to be threaded for an intricate pattern, is the mOSt difficult and tedious part of weav- ing. When that has been accomp- lished it is very fascinating to watch the design steadily develop as the shuttle bearing the weft thread is thrown from side to side. There are many good patterns available for amateurs but Mrs. Classey enjoys formulating some of her own. Licensed Auctioneer for the County of York Insuranceâ€"Life, Fire, Automobile, Plate Glass, Burglary, Guarantee Bonds, Accident Etc. KING CITY P.O. Phone KING 28 The construction and operation of a loom has changed so little since the days when Egyptians wove their mummy cloth, that even the cast iron, power driven, factory looms of today bear a striking resemblance to those earlier models. 25 Years Experience York County, Uxbridge and Picker, ing Townships Farm Stock and Furniture Sales a Specialty Telephone Stouffville 7309 Address: Gormley P.0. 0. E. Wal'kington AUCTIONEER INSURANCE Her modern portable loom will weave material up to 540 inches wide and 3 feet in length, and requires very little floor space when not in use. For wider widths and longer lengths the heavier models with four staunch uprights and strong crOSS beams are still necessary. Licensed Auctioneer REAL ESTATE BROKER All Auction Sales personally listed and advertised Farms and Village PrOperties bought, sold and exchanged at most reasonable commission. Kleinburg, Ontario Lately Mrs. Classey has been ex- perimenting with old silk stockings which she cut into narrow strips and spun into a soft thick thread. Using- this for weft and a matching cotton for warp, she wove a very attract- ive cushion cover on her small loom. At present her largest loom holds a partly completed suit length in grey herringbone tweed against the day her son Frank returns from ov- erseas. Although Mrs. Classey has taken up spinning and weaVrin in the last three years, she has ieen keenly interested in these ancient craftsAfor _a long time. I During the last war she frequent- ly visited the Victoria and Albert Museum in London, England, and particularly the corner devoted to rare examples of weaving, Gobelin tapestries, and the William Morris loom. Wm. Morris did much to im- prove the style of design employed in decorative textiles in England during the 1800‘s. He was also a poet, writer, designer of furniture and a socialist. ers. Classey was too busy then to think about weaving as a hobby for, when her soldier husband went to France, she took his place as pri- vate secretary to H. G. Wells, the novelist, for two years. But, even if she had had the time, the cumber- some looms then available would have made such a venture difficult. A number of you will remember the interesting demonstration in weaving given by Mrs. Owen C‘lassey of Thornhill at the Red Cross Handi- craft Show last year, and the tweed jacket and other examples of her exâ€" cellent work which were on view nearby. Since then Mrs. Classey has acquired a spinning wheel and has become adept at dying, carding and spinning her own wool. This is an important accomplishment now when all woollen blankets seem to have been bespoken by the government and the Red Cross, and when it is becoming increasingly difficult for civilians to buy skeined wool. A bona flde spinner however can still obtain raw wool to work with. FIRE â€" AUTOMOBILE â€" LIFE INTERESTING THINGS THAT PEOPLE IN OUR DISTRICT ARE DOING Telephone Woodbridge 14r12 A. S. Farmer LICENSED AU‘C’I‘IONEER AUCTION EERS Clarke Prentice J. Carl Saigeon HOBBIES Ken Love Phone V'Agincourt 52W8. Insurance Butter Coupons Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 are now good. The first five expire on April 30; Coupon N0. 6 expires May 31. Coupon No. 7 be- comes good on April 24, Coupon No. 8 on May 1 and Coupon No. 9 on May 8. These Coupons also expire May 311. district can boast of at least four (plus some novices) who hope to form a little guild of their own some day. You will be hearing- more about their work.â€"D.M.F. Who will be the preacher for the special church service of the Vellore Junior Farmers and Junior Institute to be held in Teston United Church, Sunday, May 2nd at 7 p.m. DR. ARCHER WALLACE THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO BU’I'I‘ER COUPONS Department of Finance, Ottawa, 26th April 1943. The Minister of Finance reserves the right to accept or to allot the whole or any part of the amount of this loan subscribed for either or both maturities if total subscriptions are in excess of $1,100,000,000. The proceeds of this loan will be used by the Government to ï¬nance expenditures for war purposes. Subscriptions may be made through any Victory Loan Salesman, the National War Finance Committee or any representative thereof, any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank, or any authorized Savings Bank, Trust or Loan Company, from whom may be obtained application forms and copies of the Ofï¬cial Prospectus containing complete details of the loan. The lists will open on 26th April 1943, and will close on or about 15th NIay 1943, with or without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance. 18% on 2nd August 1943; 18% on lst September I 943; 18.64% on the 3% bonds OR 18.37% on the l%% bowls, on lst (bomber 1943. The last payment on lst oetober 1913, covers the ï¬nal payment of principal, plus .64 of 1% in the case of the 3% bonds and .37 of l% in the ease of the E%% bonds representing accrued interest to the due dates cat the respective instalments. Subscriptions [or either or both maturities of the loan may be paid in full at the time of application at the issue price in each case without accrued interest. Bearer bonds with coupons will be available for prompt delivery. Subscriptions may also be made payable by instalments, plus accrued interest, as follows; I0% on appliealion; VICTORY Principal and interest payable in lawful money of Canada; the principal at any agency of the Bank of Canada and the interest semi-annually, without charge, at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. 3% Bonds Due 1513 Riay 1957 Callable in or after 1954 Interest payable lst May and November Bearer denominations, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000 Issue Price: 100% SUBSCRIBE TO-DAY The Home Paper~is worth many times the subscription price. You cannot afford. to be without it. Send in your subscription today. $1.50 for one year. 1M; DO NOT FORGET â€" SCRAP TIREIS and TUBES ARE VERY, VERY URGENTLY NEEDED. Sunday, May 2 1.51; after Easter 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 1'1: a.m.â€"1Morning Prayer and Ser- mon. The evening service is withdrawn for today only. CANADA NEEDS 10,000 TONS OF TIRES AND TUBES BY DEC. 31 The Department of National War Services states that 25,000 tons of scrap rubber were collected last year. But the amount of tires and tubes collected has not been as satisfactory as the other grades of rubber. It is estimated that during the year 1943, 10,000 tons 01 scrap tires and tubes will be required to fulfil the needs of the arm-ed forces, especially as the supply of crude rubber is diminishing. The local Salvage Committee urges strongly all those who have old tires and tubes make them available for collection. RICHMOND HILL PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. Hirtle, B.A., Minister Sunday, May 2nd 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"â€"Divine Worship. Holy Com- RICHMOND HILL Rectcr: Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th. 4 Markham St. munion. . (Note change of the tlme of the morning sevrice). Dated and bearing interest from lst May 1943, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which is optional with the subscriber, as follows: ST. MARY’S CHURCH Fourteen-year Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest, as detailed in the Ofï¬cial Prospectus, through any agency of the Bank of Canada. (Anglican) The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers for public subscription $1,100,0009000 18% on lst June 1943; ourth Remember the general meeting Monday afternoon, .May 3rd at .the home of Mrs. Bailey, Spruce Ave. The euchre and dI‘éJW M11 be held at }the school Monday evening, May 104: . Cigarettes were sent to twenty 10- cal boys on Active Serv1ce overseas recently. If there is anyone -in your family now on Active Service over- seas "including Newfoundland and Labrador would you kindly send full address to the Red Cross secretary, Mrs. Walter Baker, Richvale. l. D. Ramer & Son Phone 10 To Farmers Sparton Barley testing 55 lbs., heavy yielder, stiff straw, best variety to grow. Also Urban Oats for seed A good supply of Field Seeds â€" Timothy, Alfalfa, Red Clover, Sweet Clover and White Blossom Richvale Red Cross Car of fertilizers to arrive Stock is limitedâ€"Order early ' 10 The Elevator Richmond Hill Three and one-half year 134% Bonds Due 1st November 1946 Non-callable to maturity Interest payable lst May and November Bearer denominations, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000, $100,000 Issue Price: 100% 18% on Est July 1943; Farms and vinage property for sale and exchange Richmond Hill Phone 92-3 Adelmo M elecci From the Toronto Conservatory of Music, will accept a number of pupils in Piano, Organ and Theory. Associated as assistant with Mr. Melecci is Thirty Years Experience A Formerly with Heintzman Company Alice M ecredy Teacher of Piano _» For information phone Mrs. Mylks, 108 Yonge Street, phone Richmond Hill 58J. Leave Orders at Amtin‘s Drug Store R‘r'hmond Hill ftichmo'nd H'iH Phonesâ€"~15 and 1.42 Night Phone 15 Branch Offices at THORN HILL AND UNIONVILLE Wright & Taylor George W. Cross Piano Tuner FUNERAL DIRECTORb AMBULANCE SERVICE R. H. Kane REAL ESTATE INSURANCE BUSINESS MUSICAL PAGE THREE