Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 May 1943, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR Phone 18 F. Y. W. BRATHWAITE Consulf your local Sherwin- Williams Dealer RICHMOND HILL Plant Your Victory Garden Naw! ICE THIRTEEN DAYS LATER THAN LAST YEAR Ice disappeared from Lake Couchâ€" ichinvg Fmday, April 30th just thir- teen days later than last year, re- ports the Orillia News Letter. ‘here have been later seasons, for instance 1904 when the ice didn‘t go out until May 4th. The earliest on record was in 1921 when the ice disappeared March 3lst. Phone 18 Bulk & Package Seeds of All Kinds Fertilizers and Garden Tools F .Y. W. Brathwaite Success in gardening depends on many things, but good seed and plants . . . and a square meal for your garden are most im- portant. Your garden soil must supply an abundance of the many plant food elements necessary {or finest plant growth, if the yield and quality or vegetables from your garden are to be high. Be certain your vegetables are supplied with all of the elements they need from the soil for finest growth and full flavor and are rich in the vitamins and minerals you need for robust health. Give them a square meal... If is a complete plant food made by Swilt Canadian Co.,supplying all of the elemen rs vege- tables require [tom the soil. It is clean. odorless and economical to use. Order your needs today. "(5 FUN... AND WORTHWl-IILE A PRODUCT 0F SWIFT THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO We Deliver Richmond Hill We Deliver PLANT FOOD Morley’s, Richmond Hill’s popular self-serve grocery .is this week cele- brating the first anniversary of its establishment here. It is just one year ago that Mr. and Mrs. Morley Hall returned to Richmond Hill to take over the old established Skeele grocery. The store was modernized and the popular self serve system in- augurated. During the one year since its establishment Morley"s has become a most popular shopping centre for the people of Richmond Hill and surrounding district, and this week Mr. and Mrs. Hall are reâ€" ceiving congratulations and best wishes on the occasion of their first anniversary. PRIZE LISTS OUT Prize lists for Richmond Hill Fair to be held Monday, May 24th are now available, and may be secured £10m the Secretary, F. R. Perkins, Richmond Hill. RADIAL REVENUE STILL GOING UP Report on the operation of the North Yonge Radials for the first quarter of 1943 show an operating profit of $5,545.62 compared with an operating- profit of $4,452.24 in the same period last year. Revenue for the three months was $40,304.77, an increase of $13899 over the first three months of last year, a gain of 52.64 per cent. Operating expenses jumped more than $13,000 compared to last year owing the report says to increased mileage operated, cost of snow removal and wage adjust- ments. Richmond Hill’s share of the first quarter's profits was $1,- 275.49. .Markham and Vaughan Township each received $610.02. At the last meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Lions Club members pledged their all out support to the fourth Victory Loan, and showed their practical co-operation- by buying a $200 bond. The response to the continued ap- peal for Volunteer Blood Donors in Richmond Hill and surrounding dis- trict has not been all that might be expected. It is hoped citizens generally will appreciate the vital importance of this work in our war effort and will volunteer without de- lay. Everyone who is enjoying the comfort and security of a Canadian home should be willing to make this simple sacrifice for those in the front line. The blood of five donors is needed for the average treatment of one wounded soldier. Webb Hall in Toronto can serve meals to 7,000 soldiers three times a day. A $100 Victory Bond will feed one soldier for more than 2 months. Lady (with newspaper in hand\â€" “It says here that a woman in Omaha has just cremated her third hus- band.” TOWMSHIP 0F MARKHAM Old Maidâ€"“Isn’t that always the way? Some of us can’t even get one, and others ‘have husbands L0 burn.” COUNTY OF YORK PUBLiIC N'O’THC‘E is hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the Township of Markham will be held in 'l‘owrship Hall, Unionville, on MONDAY, MAY 31, 1915 at 2 o’clock pm. to hear and adjudicate upon all com- plants against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Township of Markham for the said year 1943. All parties interested are requested to take notice and govern themselves COURT OF REVISION accordingly. ASSESSMENT ROLL COURT OF REVISION Unionville, May 10, 1943. MORLEY’S CELEBRATES FIRST ANNIVERSARY Municipality of Vaughan COUNTY OF YORK PUBLIC NOTICE it. hereby given that a Court of Revision of the As- sessment Roll for the Tovmship of Vaughan will be held in the Coun- cil Chambers, at the Township Off- ice, Maple, Ont., on SATURDAY, MAY 15th. 1943 at 2 o’clock p.111. l).S.T. to hear and adjudicate upon any complaints against the Assessment Roll of the Municipality of the Town- ship of Baughan for the said year 1943. All parties interested are re- quested to take nfifce and govern themselves accordingly. J. M. MCDONALD, Clerk of the said Municipality. lMaple, May 10th, 1943. At 8.30 p.m. And Each Saturday during the Season SQUARE DANCE BLOOD DONORS NEEDED ADMISSION 25 CENTS Roller Skating Monday Through Friday 10 Cents Per Hour Including Skates WILCOX LAKE SAT., MAY 15th ° "CHARLES HOOVER, Clerk of the said Municipality. and His Orchestra of Toronto LIONS BUY BONDS WILLOW BEACH PAVILION AL MORRIS Municipality of the EWO HOLsrrEth BUDLS, service. able age. J. A Baker, Maple RR. 2 DURHAM 00w due _t9 fre;h9n.IAp- ply Cha,r1e§'\Shrops}iire, telepllofie Maple 701-4. 4 GOATS, 2 mil-king, 1‘ freshenin-g, 1 baby goat, $16 for the lot. Apply 5th house on north side of Brook- fiia-Y PRAM, navy blue. App'y phone Richmond Hill 149R. QUANTITY OF MANGOLDS. 152. per bus. Raecroft Farms, Corner Carrville and Durf‘ferin, phone Maple 641'23. FERTILIZER, pure chicken manure. Delivered in truck-load lots. Apply David Askew, Burwood Fazm, phone Maple 39J. 2 HOLSTEIN COWS, one due May 12th. Apply Melvin Baker, lot ‘29, con. 2 Markham, 1 mile north of Elgin Mills sideroad. side Road QUEBEC COOK STOVE, child‘s play pen with flooring, 2 toilet chairs, baby’s enamel bath, 1 baby carriage. Apply phone Maple 18r14. 1000 MAKRY WASHINGTON Aspar- agus roots; 20 bus. sugar beets; 20 bus. Swede turnips. Apply 74 Ridh- mond St, Richmond Hill. 200 G‘LA‘DFIOILU‘S BULBIS 3c. each or 2c. each and take the lot, good variâ€" ety; also 1 brass bedstead & Springs, good. N. J. Smellie, phone Thorn- hill 4.2J. SMiAlIJL WOOD LATHE with jig- saw attachment; milk can; butcher's meat saw; hot water radiators $1.00 per coil; knapsack sprayer. John Young, Steele’s at Bayview Ave. KITCHEN CABlLNE-T, cream, $2.00; Singer hand sewing machine in good order, $5.00; extension table, $2.00; ice box, $2.00. Apply 52 Centre St. W., phone Richmond Hill 217W. GOIO‘SE FEATHER and duWn pillows and cushion forms made to order. Best quality feather orooi ticking. Your own choice of c010 '3. Mrs. F. J: Barker, phone Richmond Hill 4713. shrubs, etc. Buy our seeds for your Victory Garden, you get more for your money. BAXTER'IS, 3369 Yonge St., between Golfdale and Snowden Ave., North Toronto. MILK COOLERS and GRINDE‘RS; Frigidaire and Woods Coolers and Grinders. Combination Fuel & Elec- tric Ranges. Moffatt ElectrOpail heat- ers. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St’., Wa. 4501. GOV. TESTED SEEDS, rplants, DIEoLAVAL MILKING MACHINES. New Magnetic 2 separate single units, No. 25 Pump $305.00, 1/2 h.p. motor $55.00, belt and pulley $4.00, solution rack $6.50, installation for 12 cows $21.00. Total price $391.50. Subject to Gov. permit. Toronto Radio & Sports Ltd., 241 Yonge St., Wa. 4501. THRESHING S‘EFPARATOR, Sawyer Massey, all steel, manufactured for Masseyâ€"Harris Co., 24 inch cylinder and 44 inch body with adjustable sieve, all in good. shape, for $800; also 15â€"30 tractor in good condition, $600. Apply William Leuschener, phone Richmond Hill 47r14, lot 19, 3rd con. of Markham. DE LAVAL MLLKING MACHINE, Woods and Gilson milk coolers now available; also limited number of Woods and Beatty electric grain grinders. Full line of Beatty equip- ment, electric pumping outfit, all equipment installed and serviced. E. J. Steckley, Victoria Square, phone Stouffville 7613. COMPLETELY REBIUlILT IMPLE- MIENTS â€" 1 11-run M.-H. D'rill; 1 3x-section Spring Tooth Harrows, g00d as new; 1 Turnip Drill; Hay Rakes; 2 M.-H. Tedders, nearly new; 3 Mowers, 1 Oilâ€"Bath M.-H. Mower, nearly new; M.-H. Binders; 1 Farm- er’s Friend one-furrow Riding Plow; Also the following used implements â€"1 13-run Frost & Wood Drill; 1 13-tooth M.â€"H. Cultivator; 1 Cock- shutt Binder; 1 International Hay Loader. NEW IMPLEMENVDS FOR SPEINGâ€"Outâ€"throw Disc Harrow; 13-tooth Cultivator; 6‘” Electric Grain Grinder; Cream Separators; Scufflers; Fertilizer Attachment. Inâ€" quiries regarding other new imple- ments are invited. ELECTRIC FENCERJS, WARTLME R 0 P E, SLING ROPEIS, HAY FORKS, HAY CARS and TRACKING ON HAND. Harold W. Mortson, 11 Centre Street West, Richmond Hill, telephone 93. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISINGâ€"MAKE THE MOST OF IT. RATESâ€"Five lines or less, 25 cents for first insertion and 15 cents for caph subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per line extra each insertion 1F CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. Advertiser wishes to rent half acre to acre of land suitable for garden, close to Yonge St. and south of Richmond Hill. Prefer land which was worked last yearâ€"not sodâ€"also which is close enough to owner’s buildings for protection of crop against trespassers, etc. Write W. R. Orr & Co. 1317 Metropolitan Building, Toronto, or telephone Waverley 0306 daytime. GARDEN LAND - WANTED TD RENT FOR SALE THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1943. ELECTRIC S'TOVE, 3 burner, Hot- point. Apply phone Richmond Hill 461‘14. GREY PERCH‘EIRON MARE, $60.00: SEED OATS. Erban. Apply Art Steckley,. Bethesda, phone Stouffville 8516. J. W. Stephenson, phone Richmond Hill 4502. BUILDING 30’ her. Apply R Thornhill, Stop 13 PIGS 6 weeks old. Also 1, Jersey cow due May 1'5, suitable for family. Walter Reaman, phone Maple 281'12- PIGS, a number of chunks. Apply Clarke Johnston, UnionVIIIe, phone Stoulffville 2602. CHESTERFIELD SUITE, 3 piece, in good condition. Mrs. T. Reid, Downsâ€" view, phone Maple 961. LARGE TYPE White Leghorn Cock: eru‘s, $1.50 per 100. Wilson’s Hatch- ery, Milliken, phone Agincourt 46j2. 1 SMALL MoCLARY 000K STOVE; 2 enamel stationary wash tubs. J. S. Lawson, Markham Road. Richmomi Hill 5 YOUNG sows due about June I? 15 suckers 6 and m weeks old. A. Hanson, Bathurst St, half mile gouth of Wilson Ave., phone Hyland 5970. CLYDESD‘ATJE MARE 6 years old; 1 M.â€"H. 11 disc seed, drill; 1 MHH. reaper. Apply D. F. Jarvis, Elmira, lot 3‘11, con. 5 Markham, telephone Stouffville 605. GARDEN TOOLS; beehives, supers and supplies; carpenter’s tools in chest, fifty dollars; milk can; doors; steel cable. John Young, Steele’s at Bayview. ONE INOUBA’DOR, 150 egg- size; 1 dining room set of 8 pieces; 1‘ bedroom set of 4 pieces; 1 China‘ cabinet; 1 violin, a good one; 11 kit? clien table, porcelain top; some pitchers. Mrs. Geo. Walker, Rumble Ave., Richmond Hill, end of street near bush. WE WILL BUY ‘a quantity of Alf-' alfa Hay. Apply Roselawr Farms, Richmond Hill. GRADE BULL, Holstein or Short- hom, around 1 year old. Apply phone Maple 281'12. MOND HILL 7 0R 'KI’NG 24r4 OR MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- WILL PAY HIGHEST PRICE for live horses or cattle, old or injured. Roselawn Fox Ranch, Richmond Hill, phone 54. DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ED, Toronto, phone AD. 3636 ed. For free pick-up phone RIGH- ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs, upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke, 33 Hunt Avenue. WILL BUY some new or used fea- thers, or exchange for spring- matâ€" tresses. We also remake mattresses and comforters. Apply Box 777 The Liberal, Richmond Hill or Robinson’s Beddlng, 282 Brock Ave., Toronto. WHEN DISABLED, our monthly cheques will come to you as regu- lar as the mail. Insure today. To- morrow may be toU late. Mutual Benefit Health and Accident Asso- ciation, R. H. Kane, Richmond Hill, Insurance Agent. TWO ROOMS on Yonge S‘t., furn- ished or unfurnished. Apply Liberal Office. LAND for Victory Garden, well fer- tilized, 3 miles north of Richmond Hill. Apply Miss Mortson, Jeffer- son. 72 ACRES LAND adjoining Union- ville, 35 acres arable land and 37 acres excellent pasture with creek. Use of barn and stable. Terms rea- sonable. Apply Mrs. William Coul- son, Unionville. ‘ LLOYD’S CORN SALVE contains Benzocaine. The new local anaes~ thetic. Puts corns to sleep immedi- ately. Get a jar to-day. Seutchmer'l Drug Store, Richmond Hill /" MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT x 22’, all good lum- J. Tutt, phone 166 1 7A

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