Phone 188 Jones Coal Co. GEO. WALWIN, Prop. Phone 42 Richmond Hi! All persons having claims against Minnie Nettie McNelly, late of the Township of Vaughan, in the County of York, Matron, who died on or about the 25th day of December, AD. 1942, are hereby notified to send to the undersigned, on or before the 14th day of May, 1943, full particu- lars of their claims. After the said date, the Administratrix will distriâ€" bute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to the claims of which she shall then have notice. THURSDAY, MAY 13th, 1943. All persons having claims against the Estate of EIDN‘A rLOUIINA BARKER, late of the Village of Richmond Hill, in the County of York, deceased, who died on or about the 6th day of April, 1943, are here- by notified to forward to the under- signed on or before the 6th day of June, 1943, full particulars of their claims against the said Estate veri- fied by affidavit. After the said date the Administratrix of the said Estate will distribute the assets of the said deceased, having regard only to claims of which she will then ‘have notice, to the exclusion of all others, and she will not be liable to any person of whose claims she shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Notice to Creditors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE OF MINNIE NETTIE MCNELLY, DECEASED. DATED at Newmarket, 0nt., this 19th day of April, ‘A.D., 1943. AJIALAN M. MILLS, Dated at Richino‘nd Hill, in the County of York, this 6th day of May, 1943. In thé Estate of EDNA LO'UINA ‘ BARKER, late of the B-illage of Richmond Hill, in the County of COMFORT BY THE SHOVELFUL! ,ï¬ . ’ “339%M0AmIIILL1/AIR J tram Magma/VJ- ï¬Keep Fit Yes . . . Famous W Reading Anthra- die is packed a full of heall It's lb: low-ssh, bud coal trade-marked with RED span! Richmond. Hill, York, deceased. Yerex’s Electrical ON ALL MAKES OF RADIOS BY CERTIFIED RAUH) TECHNICIAN TUBES TESTED FREE FREE ESTIMATES RADIO LOANED WHILE YOURS IS AWAY 26 Yonge St. Notice to Creditors RADIO SERVICE Drink plenty of Milk, and be sure of an ample supply, pure and wholesome, by having us call every day. Milk, Cream, Butter, Chocolate Milk and All Dairy Products. Milk is the best food1 you can possibly serve your family. ! gamma/2m By her Solicitor, B. Bloomfield Jordan, 84 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Newmarket, Ont., Solicitor for the Executrix Rilla Idella May Barker, Admlnistratrix. Richmond Hill Phone 242 Famous words of famous wo'nen: “Nellie. I surmist myself. I never thought I could wear it again, but the alterations I made with mv own two lilv white hands, make it look like something new. Now I’ll buy two bonds.†Famous words of the oldest inhabâ€" itant: “This here feller, Hitler. may- he aint never heard of Richmond Hill. Rut he’ll hear about it afore long. Mark me, he’ll hear about it.†Meet your friends Hill Fair. ' Famous words of famous men: “Yes. I bought some loan. but cnme to think of it. I guess I had‘ better cut down a little more on some other things and double mv buy.†It seems to me that asking for that break is just another way of asking folks hereabouts to put the Fourth Victory loan over the top. We can’t and we don’t need to buy the courage and stamina of Montâ€" gomery’s desert fighters. We have these qualities aplenty. but the men Dossessin-e‘ them can’t with their bare. hands pulverise the Hun. They need the materials of war. just enâ€" ough of them to give them a slight margin of svneriority over or even narity with the enemy, but not in- ferion'ty. It was recently disclosed that when the battle in Egvpt was one of nin and tuck, and when our El Alemein line was daily threatened, when the prospect was before us of losing Cairo and. indeed, all of Egypt. Montgomery said to the Allied load- ers in effectrâ€"J‘We can thr0w them back. clear them right out if we'are given just the slightest margin of superiority in equipment. It’s all nonsense to say the enemv can stand up to desert warfare better than our forces. We have better men, far better fighters. All we need is a break on equipment and sunplies.†Montgom‘erv got his break. and the news of this week shows his judgâ€" ment was sound. Wilthin a few months he simply pulverised Rom- mel’s famed Africa _Corps. Motion slides of war areas were shown on the screen and Flight Lieuâ€" tenant, the Rev. H. Cotton of New- market gave an enlightening talk on his experiences during the last Great War. “We cannot buy Victory,†he told the audience. “We must pay for it with blood: and it will take all the money we can get to pay for the cest of blood!) Such is the world picture, and with it goes a picture of equal signifiâ€" cance, that of successes on another front â€"â€" the new triumphs of Ru=sia in arms. It all “adds up" to giving us the right to be jubilant and to listen and speculate on the immedi- ate futureâ€"whether an invasion of Europe is now just in the offing. whether the Allies will attack from North, So’uth, East and West or where there Will be a concentrated “smash†at one or two points. But it seems to me we could scarcely feel any genuine pride in it all if we did not pause to consider that we have played and must continue to plav just as necessarv a part in the war effort as the fighting forces 0»- even as General Montgomerv himself. _ Twenty-eight scholars represented King Township schools in- the Town- shiv quiz contest held in King at McDonald & Wells’ Hall on Friday night. May 7th. The hall was fairly well filled with interested teachers, children and parents. The contest- ants, ranging over three classes, in ages from 7 to 15 years did themâ€" selves credit and conducted them- selves wlth the decorum and court- esy. Rev. H. Wilson of King acted as chairman while King teachers, Miss Dennis and Miss Patton‘regis: tered the contestants and welcomed the visitors. Pupils from Miss Pat- ton’s room rendered a three-group chorus accompanied by Miss Patton. What the magnificent old Eighth British armv in combination with the First British army, the French and. Eisenhower’s United States forces did in Tunisia. can and must be dup- licated in battles that may be known as the siege of Paris. the occunation of Rome, the storming of Berlin. “We have better men, far better fighters,†said Montgomery of the Eg‘vptian and Tunisian campaigns. “All we need is a break on equip- me_nt and supplies.†Tunisia, of course, is the biggest and the best news We have had in many days, and for news interest, the sidelights follow closely the story of the great triumpn itself There is Berlin admitting that the Axis defeat puts Italy in a highly peril- ous position from the standpoint of invasion. Himmler is on the job purging the Italian» and the most qualified German generals are try- ing to re-organize the Duce’s army, as the dispatches significantly say, for defenceâ€"mark you, no longer do they say for offensive action. Hitler is redoubling his efforts to obtain a sympathetic hearing at Ankara, but Churchill appears to have “Turkey in the bag", and no Nazi denuncia- tions of “the terrible Communists" can alter the situation. Franco, friend and satellite of Hitler, is putt- ing out more peace feelers, but ev- erywhere throughout the United Na- tions, his utterances are regarded as impertinent, leIrthertram Wilson acted as masâ€" ter of ceremonies conducting the con- test, assisted by Mr. W. P. Kelley THE Richmond Hill Tattler A column of chat with an occa- sional item of “the news behind the news†written especially for The Liberal. Victory Loan Quiz Contest at Richmond and three judges, Mrs. A. Hill of Nobleton, Mrs. G. Shoults of Schom- berg and Mrs. Walter Rolling of King. The awards of War Savings Stamps presented to the winner: by Mr. F. C. Cantilon of SCthbFl‘g‘ went to: Class A. John Prin-gle, SS. 19, Nobleton‘; Class B, Elsie Gall- agher, SS. 13, Pottageville; Class C, Nancy Howard, aged 7, 8.8. 14, Schom‘berg. An: interesting feature of the ev- ening was the “spelling down†as it were of three boys in Class Aâ€" Roy Cowan, aged 13, Oak Ridges school; John Pring-le, aged 12, Noble- ton; Jim MdDonald, aged 13, King; who stood their ground for 20 min- utes‘as questions relating to Vic- tory Loan, the war and civics were hurled at them. At one point Billie Calder of Strange volunteered a type question and as Iboy questioned boy the audience was thrilled. These boys displayed fine general knowledge and ability and each is a- credit to his school. "The County contest at Aurora on May 12th will test out King Town- ship winners. The Bismarck sea victory, in which 22 Japanese ships and 102 planes were'destroyed, cost the Allies ap- proximately $5,093.71“). Our pur- chases of Victory Bonds help to make such victories possible. Richmond Hill, MarkhaE, Vaughan, King, Whitchurch Come on people of RICHMOND HILL, VAUGHAN,MARKHAM, KING, WHITCHURCH Let’s Do More Than “ Our Share†About this matter of THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO PEOPLE OF The quota is a modest one too,â€"an amount that should be easy to meetâ€":1 quota that can be met without inconvenience to anyone if each one does what he should do. As a matter of fact, there should be no quotas in connection with the sale of Victory Bonds, the war is a matter of life and death. We haven’t won the war yet. If we give the matter proper thought each of us will buy Victory Bonds with all our available cash â€"- and as much more - on the instalment plan â€" as we can pay for in the next six months. And we will scrimp and save to do this. The sale of Victory Bonds in this community since the opening of the Fourth Victory Loan has not been encouraging. We are not buying the new Victory Bonds in anything like the way we should be buying them. A quota. was set up for this community â€" and from present indica- tions we will not meet that quota. NORTH YORK VICTORY LOAN COMMITTEE 2/ pay: ofMflfleJ/ï¬/emg / Here's the book you have been waiting for . . . the practical way to good nutrition. No need to be a student of dietetics! You simply follow the menus planned for you, conï¬dent that you are serving meals as healthful as they are appealing. This is an important part of your war effort! For proper food is vital to health, and therefor to all-out production. Yet Government surveys show that 60 per cent ofCanadians fall short of good nu- trition, even though seemingly well-fed. 80 learn the way to meals that are as healthful as they are ap- petizing! Send for your / copy of "Eat-to-W'ork- m/ to-Win"* now! 1 SEND. to"? YOUR ' lJ’uist V's'erid your nome en We’re Not Doing Our Share ‘OOOWWMMOWO Io lb. launch of nuuldoo and botth u an “d [O Vlnury. Sponsoredby ‘ THE BRBWXNG INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) Now you can be sure your family gets good nutrition. Follow the 63 varied menus in this Free booklet. "rdhb. O'llw‘. [on Mt Gnaduu ‘1Ԡcan P~190-â€"¢ PAGE SEVEN