a mote Social Events for the Young People of the Community. The evenl; is not staged with the aim of making money, but any surplus after paying expens:s “"11 go to Club’s Welfare Fund 'Billy Hole and His Live Wire Orchestra This Dance is one of a series sponsored by the Richmond Hill Lions’ Club in its aim to pro- mote Social Events for the Young People of the CARD OF THANKS Mrs. John McKinnon and family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks and appreciation f;r the acts of kindness, messages of sympathy ani floral offerings received from their kind friends and neighbours during their recent bereavement. Our next monthly meeting will be held in the Municipal Hall on T1195- day, October 5th at 8.30 p.m. sharp. An invitation is extended to all vet- erans of the district to join us and’ we can assure them a hand of friendship. Remember next Tuesday night. We'll be seeing you at the corn roast. Sick Parade â€"â€" Comrades Bennett and White are still confined to their homes and would appreciate a visit from their comrades. Remember our corn and weine‘: roast to be held next Tuesday, Sep- tember 28th starting at 8.30 pm. at, the home of Comrade George Brum. mell, Oak Ave., Stop 22 Yonge St. An evening of entertainment will be supplied and the price of admission will be 25c. which will go to help supply Christmas overseas boxes. We ask you to keep this date open and everybody be on hand. MODERN AND OLD TIME THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1943 Richmond Hill Lions’ Club RICHMOND HILL Everyone Cordially Invited Admission 25 Cents ARENA WED., SEPT. 29th With The Veterans 3 Centre Street 15. Pupils prepared for Toronto Conservatory Exams MUSICAL KlNDERGARTEN CLASSES FOR CHILDREN 4 T0 7 YEARS OF AGE God Save Terrelwr of Piana and Theory VERA A. JACKSON the King! Telephone 117w. c.at10n on 53 at 3 p.m. ‘Ulultv * BULLET I * DEAD .1: it TVA Lawn A sale of homemade baking, fruit and vegetables will be held in the kitchen of the Richmond Hill United Church under the auspices of one of the groups of the Women’s Asso- ciation on Saturday, September 25th at 3 pm. Monday evening the local club was host to members of the Newmurket club. A pleasant evening's bowling was enjoyed after which refresh- ments were served and a social time enjoyed. Prize winners were: 15t, Lyman Rose, J. E. Smith, A1 White skip; 2nd, John Martin, Mrs. W"llis, G. Yerex skip; 3rd N. C. Chatterley, Mrs. R. Lynett, V. Rose skip. The usual mixed rink games will be played at the local greens to- night. E. T. Stephens. A. A. Eden and A. E. Glass won second for three wins at wStouffville trebles Wednesday. Russell Lynett, Morley Hall and Geo. Walwin were high for one win’. One of the most successful tour- naments in the lccal clulb‘s history was held last Saturday. It was a mixed rinks event and was labelled the “Jubilee Tournament" marking the club’s 25th anniversary. There was a full draw and a very pleasant day’s bowling was enjcycd. The win- ners were: lst, Skip Mawson; 2nd, skip Dr. Paul; 3rd, s'oip Geo. Fuller of Richmond Hill; high for 2 wins, skip E. Goodman; and high for one win, skip Grove. Skip R. Moodie of Richmond Hill won a special award. Other winners of prizes in special and novel events were Mrs. Blanch- ard and Mrs. Paul of Toronto, An- drew Murdison of Newmarket and Reeve ) A. Greene of the homi- club. NINETY-NINE DONORS AT BLOOD CLINIC Richmond Hill Red Cross fifth blood donor clinic was held at the United Church School Room this morning. Ninety-nine IblOOd donors gave donations, which is the highest number at any clinic so far. We have displayed in our win- dow a bullet-proof vest, taken from a dead Jap on Kiska Is- land. The vest was very kindly loaned us by Pte. Ray Burton, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Bur- ton. Carrville, who is now home cn leave. Pte. Burton is a memâ€" ber of the Canadian Parachute Corps, and was one of the Canâ€" adians at Kiska Island. If Japs are wearing bullet proof vests they can’t be as anxious to die as some of their propagandists would have us believe. BULLET PROOF VEST FROM DEAD JAP NOW IN * \YINDO‘V * BOWLENG NOTES BAKING SALE Richmond Hill The Literary Society and Girls’ and’ Boys’ Athletic Societies of the High School have been re-organized for the coming year 1943â€"44. At a meeting of the students and staff held on Tuesday last an executive for the Literary Society was nomin- ated. The electionwas held- Wed- nesday and the officers are as fol- lows: Hon. Pres., Mr. Stewart; Presâ€, Peter Lamb (by acclamation); Vice- Pres., Joyce Webb; Sec., Betty Smith; Treas., Bob End’ean; Pianist, Anne Walwin (by acclamation). The form representatives of the Literary So- ciety are: Grade XIII, Peggy Simser; Grade XII, Norah Orr; Grade XI, Norman Tyndall; Grade X‘, Harry Hill; Grade IXB, Doris Bowyer; Grade IX A, Bill Hallowell; Commer- cial, Shirley McMahon. The Boys’ and Girls" Athletic So- ciety meetings were held on Wad- nesday and the following officers were elected: Girlsâ€"Pres, Helen Ransom; Viceâ€"Pres, Norah Orr; Sec.-Treas., Bertie Fomster. Boys: Pres., Harold Keffer; Sec., Philip Mihorean; Treas., Howard White. The date for the Field Day was set for Wednesday, October 13th. A large crowd attended annivers- ary services at Richmond Hill Pres- lbytei‘ian Church last Sunday, morn- ing and evening. Inspiring sermonry were preached at both services by Rev. S. W. Hirtle, the minister of the church, and at the morning ser- vice the Male Choir of Knox Church, Vaughan, renglered special music which was greatly enjoyed by the large congregation. Tickets are now on sale for a lucky draw to be made at the Hall- lmve’cn Frolic of the Evening Aux- iliary of the Richmond Hill Red Cross in the arena, Friday evening, Cctober 22nd. Lucky draw prizes are: First, three course dinner for six donated by J. Allan Bales; second, Turkey, donated by Mrs. F. Barnett; third, Chicken and one dozen eggs, donated by Mrs. A. Armstrong; fourth, Chicken, donated [by W. Warner. Tickets are being sold by children of the Public School as a project in aid of their War Effort, Fund. The sale of tickets by school children is under a committee headed by Mrs. Unger. A Bazaar, Fowl Supper and Dance will be held in' Richmond Hill Arena, Wednesday evening, October 6. Sup- per will be served from 5.30 to 8.30 pm. and afterwards there will be Bingo, Games and Novel attractions The Women‘s Assoctation of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will be held on Tuesday, September 28 at 230 pm. at the home of Mrs. T. W. Lines, 83 Richmond St. This is to be a work meeting. quilting will be (arried on. Please. keep in mind the annual bazaar to be held on Novem- ber 720th. Further notice will be given later. as well as dancing on the big dance flcor. The event is under the aus- pices of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, A euchre will be held September 28th at 2 pm. at the home of Mrs. Anderson, Rumble Ave. und’er aus- pices of the Ladies’ Auxiliary Boy Scouts Association. -R=chmond Hill and St. Luke’s, Thorn. hill. . On Friday evening, October 1 at 8 pm. a euchre will be held in the Parish Hall of St. Mary’s R.C. Chucrh. Prizes will be given. Every- one welcome. On Tuesday evening last a presen- tation was made by the Unite‘l Church choir to two of its members who have recently been married, Mra'. Frank Dolan and Mr, Harold Sand- erson. They weze each preeentd with an end table Mr. Graham E'lis of the Provin- cial Police, Kitchener, Ont. and Mrs Ellis'visited in the village wiih M‘ James Ellis this week. Richmond Hill Lions’ Club wi‘l sponsor another dance in Richmond Hill 'arena next Weanesday evening. September 29th. The Rev. and Mrs. W. F. Wrixcn visited Port Credit on Saturday last for the marriage of Miss Helen Ade- laide Snor and Dr. Harold Chester Sutton. The ceremony was perform- {‘d in the Presbyterian Church by Rev. W. F. Wrixon a¢sisted by Lev Dr. Cochrane, Pastor of church. Word has been rece‘ved- by cab] that Lieut. (N. S.) Joan M credy ha arrived safely overseas. Word has beer arrival overseas McClelland. High School Notes docmi and Personal ; RED CROSS NOTES received of th: safe of Lieut. R. Bruce I‘HE LIBERAL, RICHMOND 'HILL, ONTARIO the 1 TC BO‘WE‘Sâ€"In loving memory of a dear daughter and sister, Sh‘rley Ann Bowes, whi passed away Septemlber 22nd, 1940, in her fourth year. The evening stars shine o’er the Twelve of the largest pumpkins in North York are wanted for decora- tions at the Frolic and Dance in the arena Friday, October 22nd. If you can épare some, large or small please get in touch with Clara. Mason of the decorating committee. grave 0f the one save, The call was sudden, vere To part with one we nme for Cl'ristmas, it is hoped that all'names of boys who have gone overseas from our Red Cross districu wiIl be tent in to Mrs. Osmond Wright not, later than October 2nd. Please haue name and full a-Jdress Nady for .ur committee as soon as rcssible. packing ( boys over be in the her lst-' There will be an executive meet- ing .at the home of Mrs. A. W. Bailey on Tuesday evening at 8.30 o’clock September 28th. The usual bingo will be held on Friday even. ing, Sept. 24th at Roselawn Pavil- ion for the Christmas box fund for our men on active service overseas. To part with one we loved so dear. â€"Ever remembered by members of the family. The next euchre will be held at the school Monday evening, Sept. 27. MORLEY’S GROCERIES Lemonsgé‘f 3‘5 10¢ CALIFORNIA TEA Fruits 8: Vegetables HONEY - brown _ BREAD 2215c a V . 1 a - \thte :1; CAMPBELL’S Tomato Soups“ 19C FLOWERDALE No. l WAXED WESTON 'S ONTARIO NEW WHITE CLOVER RICHVALE RED CROSS arrots urnip - are now under way for the of Christma: boxes for our was. As these boxes must anai] not later than Novem- to ensure their arrival m Cl'ristmas, it is hoped that s of 'boys who have gone from our Red Cross districu wnt in to Mrs. Osmond IN MEMORIAM loved It's smart to be thrifty in these times; Here are values to helï¬ you [nake every penny count. Remember. our store is Thri but could not the shock se- Bro wn (COUPONS) ( ’I‘W‘O ) 1 LB. CTN. NEXT WEEK A drive on behalf of the S;lva- tion Army Home Front Appzal will get under way in Richmond Hill next Monday under a local commit- tee headed by T. H. Trench. Volun- teer canvassers have been organized for a canvass cf the village. The appeal is on behalf of the work of the Salvation Army on the home front and is sure to be s‘up'ported generously. Last year Richmond Hill subscribed $355 and it is hoped to exceed last year’s givings in the pre- sent drive. DIED PRICE, Catherine Adelaideâ€"At To- ronto General Hospital, on Wednes- day, September 22nd, 1943, Catherine Adelaide Price, beloved wife of Geo. H. Price, and dear mother of Neweel and Clarence Price. Resting at her late home, 110 Rich- mond Street, Richmond Hill. Service at 2.30 o’clock Saturday, September 25th. Interment Mount Pleasant Ce- metery. LOC It's smart to be thrifty in these times; Here are values to hell you make every penny count. Remember, our store is Thril headquarters, six days axeek. Monday, Tuesiay. Wednesday, September 27 - 28 - 29 ETHEL WATERS. ROCHESTER. LOUIS ARMSTRONG in “ Cabin in the Sky †Thursday, Friday, Saturday. September 23 - 24 - 25 MICKEY ROONEY. FRANK MORGAN, MARSHA HUNT “ The Human Comedy †AL DRIVE FOR SALVATION ARMY FUNDS TO START Sc Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sept. 30 - Oct. 1 TYRONE POWER, ANNE BAXTER in “ Crash Dive †FRUITS COMING SOON “ STAGE DOOR CANTEEN †48 STARS â€" 6 BANDS Pickling Onions 2â€â€œ 25¢ Potatoes Grapes ONTARIO BLUE or GREEN SILVER SKIN §6AWLAKES 15c Tbilel Tissue 25C CEREAL - QUICKARROVV SEALS - VITA B MEMBA NAVY Miss Jean MacDougal spent the week-end visiting friends in Lindsay. the hour of service being 10 a..m. Special music will be rendered by the junior choir and the young £011: of the community are playing a big part. Everyone come and (bring a. friend. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wellman, Miss Ruth and Mr.-Me~lvin Wellman were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Barker on Sunday. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. E. Glebe on the birth of a daughter,l Mary Ann. Mrs. Evelyn Jaynes of Newcastle is spending some time visiting her daughter and son-inâ€"law Mr. and Mrs. Frank Harris. Mrs. Rayrhond Jones of Toronto spent the week-end with her parent. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lee. Rally Day will be observed on Sunday, September 26th. Sunday School and Church will be combined, Liberal “Ads†get good results. ( FOR ) (JE‘DLIES) PKG- VEGETABLES HEADFORD 3 1b. Pkg. 1 1b. Pkg. 1511). L-nUL‘ Fl YE 10c 25c