Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1943, p. 6

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PAGE SIX =â€"__-â€"_â€"â€"__==__ AUCTION SALE of Furniture, Garden Tools, Etc. The Property 0f ROBERT MAGINNIS Bond Ave. at Lot 65- King Twp. 94 mile West of Oak Ridges ‘ SATURDAY, OCT. 2nd 1 Quebec Cook Stove 1 Sonora Radio, electric 1 Lyric Radio, electric 1 Dining Room Extension Table, quarter-cut Oak 1 Buffet, Quarter-cut Oak 6 Dining Room Chairs, Quarter-cut Oak I I 8-Day Clock 1 Sofa 1 Small Table 1 Rocking Chair 1 Brass Flower Pot Stand 3 Cane Bottom Chairs Number of Odd Chairs I Leather Seated Rocking Chair 1 Iron Bed, brass trimmings 1 Iron Bed 2 Sets Springs 2Mattresses ‘2 Oak Dressers 4 Kitchen Chairs 2 Kitchen Tables 1 3-Burner Coal Oil Stove and Oven with shelf, good 1 Bench 1 Sideboard 1 Medicine Chest 1 Dish Pan 1 5-Gallon Coal Oil Can 2 Galvanized Wash Tuibs 2 Preserving Kettles Number of Pails 1 Cupboard 1' Electric Table Lamp, two bulbs 1 Davenport Number of Quilts Number of Pillows Number of Pillow Slips Number of Cushions Number of Sheets Number of Plants Number of Bed Spreads 1 Man’s Winter Overcoat, near new 1 Linoleum Rug, 6’ x 8’ 1 Linoleum Rug, 9’ x 12’ 1 Linoleum Rug, 9’ x 10‘ 1 Linoleum Rug, 9’ x 10’ 1 Trunk 2 Coal 'Scuttles 1 [Hall Linoleum, 10’ x 2’ 8" 1 Coffee Pencolator 2 Tea Pots 1 Tea Kettle Quantity of Dishes ‘ Quantity of Silverware 2 Brass Candle Sticks :1 Small Clock 1 Aladdin Lamp Large Number of Pictures 1 Copper Wash Boiler 1 Roasting Pan 1 Griddle 2 :Potato Forks 1 Pitch Fork 1 Manure Fork 1- Hoe 1 Wheel Hoe 1 Wheelbarrow 1 Scythe 1 Pick Axe 1 Shovel 1 Nanny Goat Number of Water Barrels 1 Nanny Goat, milking 1 ‘Lawn >Mower, 16 inch 1 Tarpaulin 1 Sickle 4 Hand Saws 2 Claw Hammers Number of Wrenches Large Quantity of Kitchen Utensils Many other articles too numerous to mention TERMSâ€"CASH Sale at One o’Clock C. E. WALKINGTON, Auct., King City, 0nt., phone King 28. CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE CUT FINE FOR CIGARETTES For Poultry Master Chick Starter Master Growing Mash Red Head Egg Mash Master Breeder Mash Master Poultry Concentrate 3 and 5 Grain Scratch Master Fleshing Pellets Master C. C. Pellets Master Turkey Feeds Phone 54 Thornhill aster Feeds When in the market for any of the above feeds or grain and chops, call in or phone W. R. DEAN Public Auction Sale of} Modern Household Furniture, Near New Electric Radio, Dishes, Utensils, Garden Tools, etc. The Property of JOHN KNAPTON 76 Stewart Cres., North York Twp., off Franklin Ave., just below Lansing P.O. SATURDAY, SEPT. 25 1 Serenader Electric Radio, 7 tube. Magic Eye. with push button control, almost new 1 Miss Canada Electric Washer com- plete with wringer, just newly purchased 1 Acme Insulated Refrigerator Box, good I Gurney Kitchen Ra ige, Grey and White Enamel, good 1 \cme 4-Burner Gas Range 1 Coleman Fuel Burner Circulator Heater, complete control and pipe, near new 1 Quebec Style Coal He itcr 1 Coleman Gasoline Ii‘on‘ei‘, complete Ice 1 thesterfield Chair, newly uplnl- stered 1 Library and Dining Combination Table Smoker Stand. End Table and other small tables 1 Coffee Table Hassock 1 Studio Couch Modern 3-piece Walnut and Birch finished Bedroom Suite 1 1 1 Bedroom Upright Full Length Mirror 1 New Steel Bed with Spring and Mattress 1 Dresser 1 Hoover Kitchen Cabin-at 1 Drop-Leaf Kitchen Table 4 Matching Kitchen Chairs 1 Kitchen Linoleum, 9 x 9 ft. 1 Child’s Table and Chair Set 1 Bedroom Rug and Electric Lamp Quantity of other Household Effects such as Utensils, Odd Dishes. Jars, Sealers, Pails, etc. and other useful articles 1 Reliance Sewing Machine, good Wash Tub and Boiler 2 Child’s Tricycles Child’s Sno-Flex Sleighs Set Men's Padded Hockey Pants adn Gloves, etc., near new Pair C.C.M. Men’s Tube Skates, size 8 1 Pair C.‘C.M. Men’s Tube Skates, size 5 1 Shoemaker’s Last Child‘s Rubber Boots ' 1 Man‘s Leather Horsehide Coat, sheep skin lined, good 1 Man's Parka Large amount of Garden Tools such as Shovels, Hoes, Forks, Rakes and other numerous articles Terms-«Cash. Sale at 1.30 pan. All articles must be paid for before being removed from premises CLARKE PRENTICE, Auct.. Milliken, phone Agincourt 52w3. 2 1 1 THE MILL RICHMOND HILL ONT. GRAIN, FEED, SALT We will buy Feed Wheat Phones: Day 139 Evenings 82w For Hogs Master Pig Starter Sow and Pig Concentrate Complete Pig Feeds with damper. For Cattle Master 24": Dairy Feed Master 16'} Dairy Feed Dry and Freshening Feed Master Calf Meal We Deliver _THE LIBERAL. RICHMOND HILL. ONTARIO GERMAN PRISONERS CAPTURED AT PICHON, TUNISIA: THOI‘SANDS MORE HAVE JOINED THEM SINCE Picture Shows: A line of German prisoners captured when U.S., French and British fowces attacked early in April, 1943, on the Central Tunisian front. Briiish armoured elements captured Pichon. These men have since been joined by many thousands of their fellows who were captured or sur- iendered during the liquidation of the Axis armies in Africa as a fighting force. Report on Crop Conditions Throughout Province of Ont. Western Grain Needed To Supplement Local Crops To Meet Demands for Livestock Feeding Practically all spring grains, with the exception of buckwheat, 1n cen- tral and western Ontario have now been cut and threshing is well! under- way. In eastern Ontario harvesting is nearing completion. Yields of all grains are reported to be far below normal and quality extremely poor, although satsfactory yields are being obtained in a few scattered sections, particularly from early seedings. damage in the stook by large flocks of starlings, black birds and spar- rows. Although there was some -sprouting of fall ’wheat after cutt- ing, very little weathering interfered with or damaged the harvest this year. Supplies of grain will not be nearly sufficient to meet demands for livestock feeding. Several cars of Western grain have already been orâ€" dered and some delivered. Many more will be required to maintain produc- tion of meat, milk and eggs. Seed grain for the spring of 1944 also constitutes a problem in planning for next year’s crop. ‘ There is an abundance of hay and pasture, and second cuttings of alf- alfa were slightly better than nor- mal. Frequent rains throughout the summer have given new seedings of hay and clover an exceptionally sat- isfactory start, but some fields show poor stands due to difficulty in se- curing a good sesd b€d last spr ng Fall wheat acreage increases up to 100% are reported fiom some sec- tions, although some farmers will not seed normal acreage due to scarâ€" city of good quality seed. Considerâ€" able fall rye is being sown for fall and spring pasture or fcr turning under as a green manure cr0p to build up organ‘c matter content for such crops as potafoes. Many farm- ers requiring seed rye, are having much difficulty in locating suitable supplies. Fodder corn has made excellent growth and many fields of hybrid corn developed excellent ears despite late planting in some cases. Soy- beans are variable, but majority of fields are below normal and weedy. Flax and buckwheat have developed satisfactorily and marked increases in acreage of each crop are quite noticeable. Most turnips and man- gold fields show good stands and are making excellent growth. All classes of livestock are in good condition. Purchases of feeder cattle have been below average due to high prices of feeder and stocker cattle coupled with a light grain crop. Execllent demand for dairy cattle continues and although milk flow has been fairly well maintained, a short- age of fluid milk on some markets already is evident. Weather conditions during the growing season have been favourah‘g for the potato crop in most sections of the province. but cold, wet condi- tions at the normal time of plantâ€" ing. high cost of seed and scarcity of labour will have a definite effect 0" aggregate yields. Carleton Cour- ty. which is one of the major potato producing counties. reports that total yields for the countv will be down 10'; of normal. due to reduced acre- age and some poor stands on l'w land, it having been necessary to ,-low up many fields on low land. I-lliL'WE-‘c. in the No“tli Bay section Ontario it ;. ,.,-.,O,.,U_1 ‘7‘." '35-“ than Nui'Lliern that mid; will he possi of normal due 2» initqliy fields of ‘. disease injury. . l‘iiillly of the other counties and ilixti‘icts. potato crops crave promise of C‘XCL‘llt-llt yields dtiiiti‘: the catly part of August. but leaf hopper in- Thel‘e has been much . jury and disease have V)een taking a toll, extent of which cannot be ac- curately estimated at this time. Best commercial fields, particularly in the potato growing areas of Si'ncoe, York, Middlesex, Sudbury, Ontario and Durham counties, are showing excellent prospects. Poorly sprayed or dusted fields are showing record breaking leaf hopper damage and blight has appeared in slight to sew vere degrees. Bacterial Ring Rot disease is being located in some areas, and various diseases will ser- iously affect both yield and quality. Increased attention has been given this year to potato growing .‘by many farmers. The results of careful, ef- ficient management are evident by general appearance of some fields and increased yields of quality tub~ ers. In North Simcoe county, the yields will range from a few bags to over 200 bags rer acre. In South Simcoe area twenty-five growers in the vicinity of Alliston are in com- petition as members of a 500 bushel per acre clulb. The Sudbury area re- ports that the probable yield there will be 300 bushels per acre. AUCTION SALE Horses, Reg. Cattle, Hogs, Poultry, Implements, Hay, Grain, Etc. The undersigned has received instructions from FRED R. McVEY LOT 3. REAR CONCESSION 2, EAST GWILLIMBURY (On Sharon Highway) to sell by Public Auction on THURS, SEPT. 30TH the following valuable property: HORSES 1 Chestnut Mare, heavy draft 1 Black Horse. heavy draft PUREBRED REGISTERED AYRSHIRE CATTLE 1 Ayrshire Cow, Gladtn Hill Queenie, No. 189735, full flow 1 Ayrshire Cow, Gladen Hill Snow- drop, No. 264463. full flow ] Ayrshire Cow, Meadow Spring Susie, No. 203295, full flow 1 Ayrshire Cow, Lily .Miss Peggy. No. 198158 1 Ayrshire Cow, Pet Summer Lassey, No. 178965 - These cows are heavy producers HOGS 26 Shoats 1 White Sow and 11 Pigs 3 Young Sows, due about Oct. 15 1 White Sow, second litter, due Oct. 5 1 Fat Sow 1 Yorkshire Boar POULTRY 250 Choice White Leghorn Pullets, laying 150 New Hampshire Pullets. 4 mos. old 125 New Hampshire COL'kEI'clS, 4 mos. old 21 Geese (l Ducks HAY AND GRAIN 350 Bushels Mixed Grain 40 Tons Mixed Hay Quantity of Turiiips in Field Quantity of Mangels in Field IMPLEMENTS 1 McCormick Binder, 6 ft. 1 Deering Sulky Rake 1 lllassey-Harris Mower 1 Deering Fertilizer Drill. new 1 Cultivator, Mann 1 Massey-Harris Disc Harrow, new 1 )I'mure Spreader, )l.-H. 1 Potato Digger, good as new 1 Set Iron Harrows, 4 sections 1 Potato Sprayer. horseâ€"drawn, 2-1‘ow 1 Flcui'y Plow with wheels 1 Single Furrow Riding Plough 1 Coal Brooder. 500 capacity 1 Set Double Harness 1 Scufflci'. Flcui‘yrl ('ullars 1 \Vngon and Gravel Box 1 lliiy Rack Positiver No Reserve as Owner is Giving up Farming Termsâ€"Cash. Sale at 1 pm. F. N. SMITH. Auctioneer LES MOLNT. Clerk THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1943. F RANK’S REPAIRING We repair Electric Motors, re-winding a specialty, all kinds of Ignition re- pairs, acetylene welding, etc. PROMPT AND EFFICIENT SERVICE _ at _ ‘M -r ‘1 .‘....-u' h.‘) . l i Yongehurst Road } PUBLIC AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, NEW SILO, HAY, GRAIN, CORN and MILKING MACHINE The Property of ROY A. BREAK Lot 3, Con. 8, Vaughan Twp., 1/1 mile west of Woodbridge and 1/2 mile south of No. 7 Highway on the Little Concession WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29th HORSES 1 Black Gelding, G.P., 4 years old 1 Gray Mare, G.P., 7 years old CATTLE 1 Holstein Cow, due Dec. 10th 1 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred Au- gust lst 1 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred Au- gust 10th 1 Holstein Cow, due Dec. lst 1 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred Sep- tember 12th 1 Holstein C‘ow, ‘10th 1 \Holstein Cow, 15th 1 Holstein Cow, freshened 2 months 1 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred Au- gust 20th 1 Red Cow, full flow, bred 1 Jersey Cow, full flow, bred Au- gust 15th 1 Jersey Cow, due November 10th 1 Jersey Cow, due Decemlber llst 1 Jersey Cow, not bred The above cows are all good milkers and young PIGS 1 Yorkshire Sow, bred Sept. lst 1 Yorkshire Sow. {.red August 1st 4 Yorkshire Sows. bred Sept. 14th 5 Pigs, weight 175 lbs. each 4 Pigs, Weight 100 lbs. each 23 Chunks 1 Boar, 3 months old full flow, bred July full flow, bred July . POULTRY 100 White Leghorn Pullets, 6 months old, laying 50 Wfijite Leghorn Pullets, Pig 0 18 Plymouth Rock Pullets, 6 months mos. old, laying 50IP11vmouth Rock Pullets, 412 mos. o d HAY. GRAIN AND CORN 35 Tons of Alfalfa, Clover and Tim- othy Hay This is all first class Hay 400 Bus. Mixed Grain 30 Bus. Barley 9 Acres Standing Corn will be off- ered by the row HARNESS 1 Set Double Harness, leather tugs 1 Set Double Harness Number of Horse Collars Quantity of Other HarneSs IMPLEMENTS 1 M.-H. Binder. 6 ft. cut, good 1 McCormick Deering Mower, 5 ft. cut, good 1 Horse Rake, 10 ft., 4 years old TERMSâ€"CASH. 1 Manure Spreader. Cockshutt, large, 2 years old 1 Large Cultivator, tractor or horse hitch 1 Set Heavy Harrows, ‘5 sections, nearly new 1 Pea Harvester‘ 1 Electric FenCe, good 1 3-Furrow Disc Plow, McCormick Deering, tractor or horse hitch, new 500-Gallon Steel Drum with Valve, good as new 1 Buick Master Big 6 Wlinder En- gine, dual tires, equipped in A1 condition as tractor, water cool- ing system; this is a very pow- erful outfit Buck Rake, 91/2 ft. wide by 12 ft. long, new 1 Rubber Tired Wagon, new, all Al tires and 16 ft. Hay Rack, new, attached to same; this wagon will carry 3 tons 1 Oat Roller, Cockshutt, new 1 Steel Drum, 45 gallon 1 Light Wagon Gear 1 M.-H. Gas Engine, 1% H.P., good 1 Fairbanvk Morse Gas Engine, 1V2 H.P., good 1 Lister Gas Engine, 2 H.P., good as new 1 De Laval Milking Machine, double unit, iwth 100 feet piping inâ€" cluding 13 taps, 2 years old 12 Water Bowls, Pedlar Automatic, new, with 100 ft. piping 450 feet 1 inch piping, new Great Quantity of Taps and Valves Quantity of Electric Wire and In- sulators 2 Fanning Mills, Chatham 1 Hen Pen, 4 ft. by 8 ft. 1 Plywood Octogon Silo, 13 ft. by 32 ft., new 1 Rotary Pump, Denning, good as new 1 Rotary Pump made by Specialty Brass Co., good as new 1 Double Action Threshing Tank Pump with piping 1 Set Sloop Sleighs. platform, good 1 Spring Tooth Cultivator for Corn 1 De Laval Separator 1 Frame Well Curb, 4 ft. by 11 ft., new 1 Hay Knife, 1 Hav Fork 1 Car for Track in Barn 100 Ft. 1 Inch Rope, good Forks, Shovels, Doubletrees, yokes and other articles numerous to mention â€"~Sale at 12.15 noon Neck- too No Reserve, proprietor giving up farming J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer, NORMAN ANNIS, Clerk. Phone Maple 11. #â€" AUCTION SALE of HOLSTEIN, DURHAM & SHORTHORN CATTLE , THE PROPERTY OF DOUGLAS COSSEY W. Half Lot 16, Con. 3, North York Twp., Just north of De Haviland Airport, 11/4 miles north of Wilson Ave. on Con. 4 THURSDAY, OCTOBER 7TH Holstein Cow, calf by side Blue Cow. due time of sale Blue Cow. due time of sale Red Cow, due time of sale Jersey Cow, due time of sale I White Heifer. beef type, due timei of sale ‘ Holstein Cow, due in November Holstein Cow, due in November l Red Heifer, bred in June ‘ Holstein Heifer, bred in June Hereford Cow, bred in April I Shorthorn Cow, bred in May l Shorthorn Cow, bred in June I l l I HHHHHH ' Cow, bred in July .' Heifer, bred in July ' Heifer. bred in July Oâ€"JHbâ€"Jtâ€"‘HDâ€"‘HHHHH liOlsII-iii Cow, freshencd middle of July 1 1 Holstein Cow, bred in June i 1 led Sliorthorn Cow. ‘mwd in JuneJ 1 Holstein Cow, bred in July Termsâ€"Cash. No Reserve. 1 Holstein Cow, bred in July 1 Shorthorn Cow, bred in July 1 Holstein Heifer, bred 1 Holstein Heifer, bred 1 Reg. Holstein Bull. ready for ser- vice, sold subjecf to blood test; and T.B., may he seen at Lot 29. Con. 7. Vaughan Township, Albert Constable 1 Reg. Holstein Bull. ready for set- Vice 1 Reg. Holstein Bull. really for ser- vice 1 Reg. Holstein Bull. spring calf The above three Rcz lulls will be soil subject to blood test and TB. 8 Holstein and Shorthorn Heifer Calves weighing from 300 lbs. up lestcin and Shorthorn Bull Calves weighing from 300 lbs. up Sale at 1 pm. 10 J. CARL SAIGEON, Auctioneer, K EITH THOMAS. Cl8rk. Pi: one Maple 11.

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