Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 23 Sep 1943, p. 8

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The Women’s Association met at the home of Mrs. W. Atkinson last Thursday evening. After the necess- ary business was dispensed with a large quilt was quilted. Miss Gladys Smith of Bradford was home with her mother Mrs. Smith for the week-end. The sympathy of the communit} is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Bagg and Son in the loss by fire of their farm buildings on the 4th cor- cession on 'I‘uesday' night, All live- stock was saved fortunately. The loss was estimated at about $6,000. We are pleased to report the im- provement in the health of Mr. Menno Smith who has just returned from St. Michael’s Hospital aftec spending several weeks there. Min and Mrs. Heflbert Sander of Richmond Hill and Mr. and 1Gordon Mortson of Victmia Squ were Sunday guests of Mr. and lC. S. Stong. The ladies of the Women's ASSL" ciation entertained the Thistlefown ladies and Rev. Mr. Halbert to dirmr on ‘Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Atkinson. lMiss Evelyn Stong with a f.)end‘ Miss Marie Quarrington of Toronto was home for the week-end. 'Miss Rumble and hcl‘ pupils would like to express their appreciation to 'the families of this community who contributed so generously when the call came from the Government for scrap iron in aid of the war effort. They not only contributed, but in cases where necessary helped the pupils. to wreck and load the heavy pieces. For their efforts the school realized $40.00 and came highest in the district. This will be contributt‘d 10 some organization of the war ef- fort. Those in charge of last Sunday’s anniver‘sary services here are very grateful to the one; who attended and helped in any way to make i: the success it. really was. Rev. Mr. Hglbert of Newtonbrook gave us a splendid sermon in' the morning as did Dr. Wallace in the evening. In the (morning- the Thistletnwn ladies contributed the music, Maple choir in the evening. Both contributions were enjoyed very much. l] INSURANCE GEO] Telephone 87 ‘=o=m POLICY”. It covers at any location. Your personal property and effects are automatically covered at your home, at the summer cottage, at hotels, while trav- elling, at the cleaners, in check rooms, or anywhere else. For rates and further information telephone or write: through the “PERSONAL PROPERTY FLOATER REAL PROTECTION for your household contents and personal belongings of your family against ALL RISKS such as fire, burglary, theft, hold-up, mysteri- ous disappearance and practically all losses or damage from accidental causes. This coverage is available I‘AGE EIGHT njoyed very EDGELEY TO THE PEGPLE 0F GNTARIO Friday, Sept. 24th 8.30 pm. over tbe Onlm‘io chl‘amz/ Network 0/ the Canadian B roar/121511)] g C orpwatiou and A fli/ialed Stations J. R. HERRINGTON PREMIER GEORGE DREW GEO] General Insurance will 'ma/ee a report CBL&CBY TORONTO and Mrs. ia Square and Mrs son 10=O 0:0! Mr. Ernest Krohler, gardener at the Geo. McCullough estate on Bay- view Ave. was the guest speaker at the September meeting of the North York Horticultural Society. He gave a very fine demonstration on “Floral Arrangements,” stating all flowers used were common garden varieties, which any amateur can grow. The usual mon‘thly show was held. There were many entries and the quality and arrangement excellent. Plans were made to raise funds to send" W. Neal will preach at the evening service. The Kinsmen Quartet will‘ give special numbers and assist the: choir. Keep this date open. A cor-I dial invitation is extended to all forâ€"l mer members and adherents of the' church to attend these services. I be held on October 19th. The Golden Rule Mission B-and w'll meet next Saturday at 2.30 p.m. in the United Church school room. All the boys and girls are invited _to C011]? Newtonbrook United Church will celebrate its 1031‘d anniversary on Sunday, October 17 with special serâ€" vices. Professor John D-ow of To- ronto will be the guest speaker at the morning; service and Rev. Dr. T. a responsive service of Dedication. Mrs. Situart Saver sang a solo, “Jesus Calls Us”. A preview of the new study book, “For All of Life", was given by Mrs. Frank Lnng'fm‘d. Cur- rent Events and Gleanings from the recent Missionary Monthly were pre- sented by Mrs. Halbert. The Thank-Offering meeting will The Auxiliary of the W.M.S. held its opening meeting last Tuesday af- ternoon at the Parsonage with a good attendance. Mrs. A. H. Halbel‘t, the president, opened the meeting with a call to worship, a hymn and prayer followed by the business period. She then handed the meeting over to Mrs. A. W. Stephenson who led in A baptismal strvice will be held in Ne‘wtonbrook United Church next Sunday, September 26th at 11 a.m Any parents wishing to have their children baptised may get in touch with Rev. A. H. Halbert this week A meeting of the Official Board of -Newtonbrook United Church will be held this evening (Thursday) S_p- tember 23rd at the Parsonage at 8 Richmond Hill, Ont. =o=o=¢ NEWTONBROOK NEWS ITEMS CEO] Dug 1|)een close behind 0:0 neth Foreman, R.C.A.F., upon re- ceiving his wings and winning-a Com. mission at St. Hubert, Quebec. re- cently. Kenneth intends to take an Instructor‘s Course and expects to be staticncd a't Trenton, Ont. Ncwtcnhrook United Church Sun- r'ay School held their Fall Ra'ly last Sunday morning with a good a‘tend- ance. Rev. C. E. Fockler of Maple was the guest spmker and spoke from the text St. Luke 16:10, “He ' that is faithful in that which is least, is faithful also in much.” Robert Conner read the scripture lesson, lExodus 35: 21-29 and Wilma Adair recited a “Prayer Hytrn". Miss Reta Hurd read the story of “The Little Old Lady and Her Apple Tree” by ‘ Florence Hoatson. The theme of the and 27th. We congratulate Pilot Officer Ken- I 'u l | l the moon welcome The Buttonville 'Womm’s Institute is holding a euchre In Buttcm'ille H-all Wednesday afternoch Septem- Ler 20th at 2.30 urn Pnrceeds are in aid of duty bag“ Eve‘sybody Cpl. Garnet Justice spent last weekâ€"end with his parents a: 252 Finch Ave. Garnet has been taking a clerical course at the Military Ad- ministration School at Kemptville. He has been successful in his exam- inations and has received his Sar- geant‘s :stripes. Congratulations. Two Earl Haig Collegiate students have won scholarships in the recent Upper School departmental examin- ations at a combined value of $1375. Jay Finnan captured the Henry Cody scholarship with the highest standing in nine papers which was for $150 cash and four years free tuition. Robert Colhoun took the James Har- ris scholarship in Latin and French valued at $625.00 of which $125.00 is in cash and four years tuition. Results of the Middle and' Upper Schools will not be announced until those pupils who are working on farms have completed their necess- ary thirteen weeks labour. When the car m which he was a passenger went out of comtual and struck a hydro pole on Yfinge St. opposite Willowdale post office Jahn B. Ciceri of Cummer Ave.. Newton- brook suffered severe head injuries and a. possible fractured j? A’. He was taken to l‘oromo General Hos- pital. The driver of the cm: was Anthony Scarsone of 285 Ellerslie Ave., Willowdale. The injured man was treated by Dr. J. Irwin of Old Orchard Dr., Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. New and son. Jack spent last Sunday with friends at Kitchener. 'Brown also overseas, and tuo sis- ters, Mrs. J. Jewel of Windsor and Mrs. J. Setter of Winnipeg. We ex- tend to the family our sincere sym- pathy. J. Treasure of Sudbury and Mrs. F. McDng of Toronto were guest.» :It the arsonage last Friday. Rally Service was “Giving- our best.“ Rev. A. H. H‘albert premhed a: Edgeley United Church last Sunday morning on the occasion of their anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Pipber of Newmar- ket visited their daughter Mrs. F Penrose last week. Mrs. McKenzie Wa‘ker of Van- couver, B.C. is a guest this week of Mrs. B. Alexander‘ Pilot Officer Kenneth Foreman Miss Getty Ball of Montreal. Mrs Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Moore and Miss Eileen Moore of Toronto called on friends here last Sunday afternoon. Mrs. A. H. halbert's Sunday School class of young ladies is plann- ing :0 hold a Corn Roast nexf Wed- nesday evening, September 29th Mu‘garet Walurhouse entertained a number of her friends last Satur- day on the 0001:“!1 of her 11*.“ Mr. and Mrs. Donald Brown of Lansing have received word that their son Pte. George Donald Brown has been killed in the battle of §icily. Pte. Brown enlisted in Win- nipeg at the outbreak of the war. He has a brother, Sergt. Major J. C. of the cheque was for $142.50. Alder- nan Innis of Toronto accepted the cheque on behalf of “the folks in Bxitain“, hoping tl‘is would le the Ipst year that the money would haw: to be used for this purpose. The money was raised ‘at the annual Flower Show held on August 26th money was ralsed Flower Show held and 27th. Dil‘i il‘iay. .9 the Royal Horticultural S Jondon, England 10 LG distrf ccietics all over Britain. lighlight of the e'vening ‘ )z'csentatlon of the society hcque to the Evening Teleg ish War Victims' Fund by t 'rnt. Mr. J. S. Hall. The '1 ME LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO BUTTONVILLE to Brit loyal I-I the cow that jumped over , but the pig must have The 3142.50 base will go ~31 Society of iistributcd t1 in. Anoihet' 1g was the ciety’s third ram Bxi- he presi- amount Miss Lorraine Dnvidson's Sunday SchoolAclass gat‘heied at the ho'ne of Audrey Oke on Monday evening to celebrate one of their member's birthday, that of Hazel Tutt. The evening took the form of J \veiner roast. Miss Erla Currey, sister of Hon. Capt. and Chaplain E. A. Curr-ea, the former minister of Thornhill Unitad‘Church, was ordained to the ministry of the United Church of Canada on Sunday last in Westmin- ster Central United Church, Toron- lo. Several young people from Thornhill were present at this ser- The Trustees of thn. vil quest that all people when up their gardens b.11'y or rubbish and not deposit san: village streets. The annual harvest home sewice will be held in Trinity Church on Thursday, September 30 at 8 o'clock. The guest preacher will be Rev. L. Pink, Associate Editor of the Can~ adian Churchman and well known to all in Thornhill who attended the inspiring Lenten Mission held in the three Thornhill churches at Easter. On Sunday, Octoher 30 harvest serâ€" vices will be continued at 11 am. The preacher will be the Rev. R. l. Kirkland and at 7 pm. the Rev. Mc- Cal‘um of York Mills. \Special mus’c will be rendered by the choir. Ar cor- dial welcome is extended to attend all of these services in Trinitv Church. The Crusaders Club held a jolly corn roast at; the home of the vice- president, Ralph Hicks. on Saturday night. After group games the mem- bers gathered round a splendid bon fire Where a sing song was enjoyed. Arr interesting talk on “What I have learned in the Army" was given by 2nd Lieut. Helen Burlton. A bounti- ful supply of corn on the cob, Wein- ers, rolls and cocoa brought a hapr-v evening to a satisfying close. Mr. Jim Russe from his summer thern Ontario m Carrville Anniversary Services have been fixed for October 1-05h with ReV. J. Lave“ Smith of the “Church of All Nations”, Toronto, as the after- noon speaker. ‘ vice Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Sinclair spent the week-end in Owen Sound. The Thornhill 'Horti :d the pleasure of Jcille Dean to the ram offices to presen :eque for fifty dollar: \. , their auction zetables. Dr. Archer Wallace, 'noted author “"0000.”WWOQOOOWOOMONOWWOMO W Old Time Dance in Arena Saturday Nite RACES :â€" mwnmoommnmoowuomuommmomm “99m... HARVEST SERVICES SEPT. 30 and OCT. lst, 2nd MARKHAM FAIR R. H. CROSBY, Secretary Thornhill District News Under aupices of Toronto District Ayrshire Breeders Club JUDGING â€"â€" Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Pigs, Poultry, Goats MARKHAM AND E. YORK AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY ADMISSION, 35c. â€" CARS, 35c. â€"â€" CHILDREN, FREE SPECIAL CLASS JUDGING BY JUNIOR FARMERS RACES :- Auspices York County Holstein Breeders Association MARKHAM CITIZENS BAND BLACK AND WHITE SHOW RED AND WHITE SHOW t he ame fruits an cleaning burn all rctul‘ne on the HORSE SHOEING CONTEST HORSE SHOEING CONTEST Nor SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 1 Mrs. C. Anderson who is living with Mrs. Stewart Wiley, recently received word that her son Major Basil J. Anderson of the Toronto Scottish was made a member of the Order of the British Empire. He was decorated by His Majesty the King at Buckingham Palace. Major Anderson has been overseas since December 1939. and lecturer, will he the morning speaker at the Thornhill United Church Anniversary on October 1.'. The United Church Young Peoples Union held its first, meeting since the vacation on Monday evening. Murray Stoutenbsrg gave an inter- esting talk on the law of God. The following officers for 1943-44 were chosen: President, G. Wesley; Vice- Pres.. J. Hicks; Secretary, Jessie IIook; Treasurer, M. Halfyard; Pian- ist, R. Hicks; Fellowship, L. David- son; Missions, A. Mizen; Citizenship, R. Hicks; Culture, B. Bone; Recrea- tion, J. Hicks; Re'reshments, E. S. Eaton and Howard Walker. 88TH ANNUAL OPTICAL REPAIRS R. S. WARD, Treasurer JOHN SCOTT, President FORD MODEL A REBUILT MOTORS exchange $59.50 FORD V-S REBUILT MOTORS exchange $89.50 JOS. I’ARXSI Assorted Steel Bolts, Nuts and Washers 10 lbs. for $1.00 We have in stock several new obsolete Size Tires and Tubes, Size 18, 20, 21 inch and 30 x 31/2 PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Prescriptions-i for Glasses Filled For Appointment Phone Richmond Hill 33 Horse Racesâ€"2.24 & 2.16 Pony Races FL. LOWRIE, R.0 AUTO WRECKERS THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 23rd, 1943. Eyes Examined, Glasses Fitted WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 29th 1.30 T0 5 RM. WILL BE AT AUSTIN’S DRUG STORE EYESIGHT SPECIALIST BROKEN LENSES REPLACED Richmond Hill BIRTH CJLEBEâ€"Mr. and Mrs. E. M. GIEbe (nee Joyce 0. Collins, R.N.) an- nounce the birth of a daughter at the Private Patients Pavilion, Toron- to General Hospital, on September 17th. TEETZELâ€"At York Cvourxty Hos- pital on Monday, September 20, 1943 to Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Teetzel, a son. delen Simpson Lynett J. F. Lyneti ORDER HELEN SIMPSON FLOWERS For All Occasions Phone orders delivered any- where in North Yonge St. District 2518 YONGE STREET (At St. Clements) Telephone MAyfair 1145-6 RUMBLEâ€"Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Rumble (nee Jean Middleton) are happy to announce'the birth of a son, on Thursday, September 16, 1943 at Heeley’s Nursing Home. RICHMOND HILL vw'vl‘,

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