WWWNOOOOMM†The Shawinigan Water and Power Company THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th, 1945. Telephone 87 MUNICIPAL HALL, RICHMOND HILL SATURDAY, JANUARY 27TH R. L. Stiver, President m Skéting Carnival ANNUAL MEETING Election of Officers - General Business First Mortgage and Collateral Trust 31/27? Sinking Fund Bonds RICHMOND HILL Agricultural Society 7.30 P.M. NOVELTIES PRIZES LUCKY NUMBERS ADMISSION 25 Cents Come One! RICHMOND HILL ARENA WEDNESD'AY, JANUARY 24th . R. HERRINGTON One! Come All! Fun! Fellowship! Frolic! Price: 100 and accrued interest Investment Securities We Recommend Due January 1, 1970 Will be held in the AT 2.30 RM. IN Richmond Hill, Ont. H. R. Butt, Secretary LUNAUâ€"In loving memory of a dear husband and father who paSSed away January 18th, 1943. Time takes away the edge of grief But memory turns back every leaf. â€"Sadly missed by wife and family. IN MEMORIAM 3 LUNAUâ€"In loving memory of our dear parents,_our father, William Archibald Lunau who passed away Jan. 19th, 1941, and our mother, Alice G. Lunau who passed away October 4th, 1942. Though absent from us, yet ever so A piano recital by pupils of Miss Alice Mecredy will take place Friday evening, January 19th at 8 p.m. in the Sunday School room of the Unit- ed Church. Those taking part will include Tommy Jackson, Gill Moffat, Donna Banks, Heather Moffat, Gloria Parisi, Maureen Fee, Hazel Little, Grace Appleton, Betty Chenery, Dorâ€" ene Holmes, Marjorie Weaver, Gwen Carter, Jacklyn Cook, Marian Weav- er, Joyce Carter, Mary Rose, Donald Leno, Wanda Smith, Fern Hughes. All are welcome. near, Unseen by the world they stand by our side And whisper “Dear ones death can- not divide.†Though our hearts may break with sorrow By the grief so hard to bear, We shall meet them some bright morning, In the upper garden there â€"Sad1y missed by Elwo Beatrice and Eva. The Young Adult Fellowship Group met in the Primary Room last Thurs- day evening. Mrs. Glen Metcalfe had charge of the worship service. Mrs. H. Hickson gave a very interâ€" esting talk on “The Robeâ€. Refresh- ments were then served by Miss M. Harbron and Mrs. Metealfe. Don’t forget the sleighing‘ party next Thursday evening, January 24th. All are meeting at the church at 7.45. After sleighing all are invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Wheeler. Several members of Richmond Lodge A.F. & A.M. accompanied W. B10. N. C. Chatterley, ruling master to Toronto Tuesday evening to at- tend the installation ceremonies at B-edford Lodge, when W. Bro. Tom Adams, a, former resident of Rich- mond Hill was installed as Worship- ful Master. The 3lst annual meeting of To- ronto Presbyterial W.M.S. will be held in St. Paul's Presbyterian Church, 910 Bathurst St. at Barton, Thursday and Friday, January 25 and 26. All wishing to attend these meetings are cordially invited. There will be fancy figure skating and many other attractions at the annual Lions Club Skating Carnival to be held at Richmond Hill arena Monday, February 5th. Watch The Liberal for further announcement next week. A meeting to organize an Auxil- iary of Servicemen’s Wives, Mothers and Sisters will be held in the Munâ€" icipal Hall (tonight) Thursday, Jan. 18th at 8 pm. All interested are requested to attend. The annual meeting of the Rich- mond Hill Presbyterian Church will be held Monday evening, January 22. Supper will be served in the baseâ€" ment of the church at 6.30 p.m. by the W.A. The Presbyterian Y.P.S. will hold a Skating Carnival at Richmond Hill arena next Wednesday evening, Jan- uary 24th commencing at 7.3-0 pm. There will be lucky number prizes, spot skates and fun for all. The annual congregational supper of the United Church will be held in the school room next Tuesday, January 23rd, commencing at 6.30 p.m. followed by the annual meeting. The W.A. of St. Mary’s Anglican Church will meet on Tuesday, Janu- ary 23rd at 2.30 pm. at the home 0f Mrs. Carter, Church St. It will be ï¬t sewing meeting. Mr. W. A. Wright returned home from the General Hospital Wednes- day and is reported to he progress- ing favorably. Mr. Harry Glover 1's in St. Mich- ael’s Hospital and is reported to be quite ill. His friends wish for him a speedy recovery. There will be a euchre held in Richvale School on Monday, January 22 under the auspices of the Rich- vale Red Cross. High School War Effort Society Dance next Thursday, January 25th. Social and Personal IN MEMORIAM THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO (Graduate of the Owen Smily Studio) ELOCUTION, PUBLIC SPEAKING, DRAMATIC ART Studios: can be ordered from agent; he can quote prices, take order. “Large eggs . . pullets 6 lbs. . . big roosters,†“Laying at 4% months . . well feathered . . well developed," so say customers. Avoid later disappointment, order now. Remember â€" it’s the early hatched chicks that earn the extra premiums on the good markets. AGENT, WESLEY CLARK, RR. N0. 2 Gormley DUG PARSNIPS FROM GROUND JANUARY 9TH Dr. R. L. Langstaff dug some par- snips from his garden on January 9th and found them excellent eating. They were covered by about two feet of snow and the Dr. reports the ground around them was dry and not frozen. Dr. Langstaff says he has been growing parsnips for a long time but no year in his experiâ€" ence did he ever before dig them from his garden in January. CARD 0F THANKS Mrs. Charles Robinson and family wish to extend their appreciation for acts of kindness, messages of sym- pathy and beautiful floral offerings received from friends and neighbors during their recent bereavement and also our sincere thanks to the pall- bearers and Rev. Mr. Hirtle and Dr. Blandin. Kitchener Big-4 Chicks The annual meeting of the Rich- mond Hill branch of the Red Cross will be held in the Red Cross work room on Friday afternoon, January 19th at 3 o’clock. Mr. Stafford Rob« erts, Commissioner of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Red Cross will be the guest speaker. The busi- ness meeting will take place from 3 to 3.30 p.m. A cordial invitation is extended to the public, especially to the gentlemen of the community who are interested in hearing Mr. Rob- erts. “Homewood Hallâ€, Thornhill / Phone 89W Bank of Commerce Building 2896 Dundas St. W., Toronto RED CROSS NOTES ONTARIO NO. 1 GRADE NEW SEASON’S CALIFORNIA SEEDLESS LARGE STALKS Corn Syrup Butter Marguerite Boyle Celery YOUR PENNIES COUNT! 2 LB. TIN BEE HIVE PASCAL FLORIDA POUND FIRST GRADE It's smart to be thrifty in these times. Here are values to he} you make every penny count. Remember, our store is Thn 1M l'Ufl'l'b'U lUl‘JBth 5} Lettuce -' 2 2505 190 Cooking ONIONS 3 10c: Navel Oranges 21c RICE - - - ZLBS-23c COOKING or EATING Snow Apples - - - 49c Fry’s Cocoa 19c 31c SARDINES - 3â€â€œ 23c ROLLEDâ€"“OATS 5m- 25c TEXAS SEEDLESS FAIRHAVEN 3:53:11“ 4 25c IMPORTED ICEBERG Tomatd 3â€â€œ 25C BE WISE â€" DRINK 1/; LB. TIN 1 DB. TIN CAMPBELL’S OR HEINZ QUICK or PLAIN ROUND GRAIN .-- v-Iv - vuu. va. A Dance and Euchre sponsored by his son, Mr. G. Wilfred Keffer, Maple Women’s Institute will be held Maple, Wednesday; Jan. 17th, 1945, on Monday evening, January 22 at'Ephi-iam Keffer, husband of the late the new Research Building of the-Fanny Cober, in his 82nd year. Ontario Department of Lands and Mneral from the above address on Forests on Dufferin Street, north of Saturday, Jan. 20. Service in Cob- Maple sideroad. Ladies please pro‘ler’s Church at 2.30 pm. Interment vide. Admission 25c. adjoining cemetery. It's smart to be thriff'y in thesVerï¬mes. Here are values to hail you make every penny count. Remember, our store is Thsii headquarters. six day: week. DANCE AND EUCH RE Thursday, Friday, Saturday, January 18, 19., 20 GEORGE FORMBY “ Bell Bottom George †Wednesday and Thursday, January 24, 25 ANN SHIRLEY, DENNIS DAY “ Music in. Manhattan †â€" â€"- â€" AND â€" â€"â€" â€" RICHARD TRAVIS, ELEANOR PARKER “ The Last Ride †Monday and Tuesday, January 22, 23 BETTE DAVIS, CLAUDE RAINS “ Mr. Skiffington †LARGE 6 QT. BSKT. DIED KEFFER, Ephriamâ€"At the home of his son, Mr. G. Wilfred Keffer, PORRIDGE TOMATOES Shortening MOTHER JACKSON’S JIFFY POUND POUND JEWEL FIRM RIPE PKG. PAGE FIVE