THURSDAY, AUGUST 9th, 1945. ‘ King City District News TIRE-WISE PREFER T0 TIRE VAlUE ! If you are ell- gible for new ever to get the beef . . . Goodyears, the ï¬rst choice of motorists everywhere. SEE YOIIII 0000 } AL. WHITE ' Yonge St. Phone 153 SYSTEMS TANKS CLEANED Farmers TODAY - AS ALWAYS THE MAKER’S NAME IS THE BEST GUIDE ER DEALEI Richmond Hill SEPTIC TANK k. SANITARY CONTRACTORS OUT OF TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE 29 Elmhurst Ave., Lansing Willodeale, Zone 8-288 (Toronto Subscribers Dial “Operatorâ€~â€"Message Charge) MASSEY-HARRIS l 5 Farm Implements and Repair- Masse-y-Harris Rite-Way Milxets . Beatty Stable Equipment and . Repairs l Beatty Washers Shur-Gain Fertilizer Corn King Mineral “Gem†Milk Coolers and Electric Fencere Harold W. Mortson r Yonge St. Richmond Hill Telephone 93 Watkins Fly Spray Kills and Repells. Guaranteed AA rating, highest quality. Also full line of Hog & Stock Minerals. Delivered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all timeS. For delivery call Richvale P.O. Phone Maple 64r4 US. community. Yonge Street ERNIE DURIE , You’ve Tried the Rest, NOW "‘ try the Best. Expert, depen‘elable service, backed up by our many years in business in this RICHMOND TAILORS J. A. Greene Mrs. John Cairns cclcbratt-d her 87th birthday recently and rcccivul congratulations from her friends who are glad to wish her best. of health and the enjoyment of hcr compan- ions. )Irs. Cairns has a worthy rc- cord for the large number of socks she has knit in the past six years for overseas men. She has had speâ€" cial intcrcst in the war service of the husband of her granddaughter, Verna (‘airns Hunter. The nunth of quilts that Mrs. (‘airns has pieced and quilted could scarcely be countâ€" ed. the mOst of them for her church work. , King \Vomcn's Institutc has a creditable war work of total i'ccciptS, 31.46454. which included 31.01998 trom 1944 street dance, salvage don- ations, etc. Expenditurcs were SWEET and balance was $44927. Supplies for 111 overseas boxes cost $493.77 and postage on boxes $129.48. 112 cartons of cigarettes cost-$ll2. Wool purchased cost $31.50. gum "3‘. central fund 810. Red Shield Home Front 310. There were 27 ditty bags sent out and 123 pairs socks knit. This ended the W.I. year in the spring of 1945. Capt. E. W. G. Worrall Writes From time to time interesting let- ters reach King W.I. from Captain (Rev.) E. W. G. Worrall, overseas in No. 24 Hospital Unit, England. Writing a short time ago he tells Miss E. G. McClure to thank the members of the W.I. for an excellent parcel. “It has already disappearâ€" ed,†he states. “I found a group 0f fed-up patients, that is. fed-up ment- ally, so I decided to put on a sort of drawing-room evening for them in my office. Two nursing sisters help- ed out by doing the work of arrang- ing the plates. By scrounging around I managed to make quite a little feed. We got lettuce, radishes, bread and butter, soup and chicken stew. plus the apple juice, etc. I was very glad that the idea struck me as I was able to get rid of some surplus stock as well. In view of possible quick moves I am not keeping any sort of a supply on hand. I get rid of things as they arrive. This is a bigger hospital than No. 18 (his previous post). You may be interested to know that my assistant is a Presbyterian padre. Last night we had an amusing few minutes. One of our patients whose knee was smashed has been trying to get married for the past 6 months. Now he is on the repatriation list for home. His girl is a Scotch laSS from Glasgow. Permission to marry had not even been sent in. I got the Registrar interested. We re- ceived the Wasserman for both Of them, also medical fitneSS forms and character references for the girl. A MD. gave the man inspection. I wrote out. my approval and permis- sion. Now it is merely a matter of waiting for the Brigadier’s signa- ture. When it comes through the girl has to come down at once. I will go with her to get licenses, etc. The man will be conveyed by ambu- lance to the church and carried in on a stretcher. And so, we hope, may begin a happily married life. An entirely different bushess is that of a young farm labourer never earning more than $11.00 per week out in Saskatchewan. He wants to marry a girl used to the luxury of a good home in Bournemouth. I won’t be very sure about this so am visiting the parents of the girl. I doubt if the girl would be happy on a farm. So you have a view of some of my wor .†It is no small wonder the clergy were inspired to go rorward into the theatres of war. Their advice and Cleaning and Pressing We offer to the people of the district an unexcelled Cleaning and Pressing ser- vice. i Make your garments look smart, just like new, by having them dry-cleaned by Richmond Hill MOOOO“OOOOâ€O“OONW THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO L’mnl common sense has played a most important part in carrying fol“ ward the best intcrcsts of young men. How they rolled on the {spif- itual help and advicc of thc l‘atlI‘O s cxprcsscd in the comment of the ant-mgr scrviceman. Wc know that Mr. Wort-all has iicvcr passed up an opportunity to promote health and happiness of all who come undcr his supervision. Housewives Here Urged To Make The Most Of Meat “The time has conic. thc walrus said. to think ot‘ our food fashions. Of milk and eggs and fish per chance and soon to count meat rations." With mcat rationing around the corner and meat economy right herc, Richmond Hill housewives are urged to make the most of meat... ...B_v Proper Storing “Why of course!†Ah, but do you always remember to cool cooked meat uncovered, then cover tightly before storing in a cold place; to use promptly any stews, meat soups cooked with potatoes or thickened with flour; to use ground meat whe- ther raw or cooked as quickly as possible. ...By Proper Cooking “1 always brown my roasts in a hot oven then drop the temperature a little,†The experts say you‘ll have less shrinkage and more meat per pound if you keep the oven at a steady heat of 325°F to 350°F dur- ing the entire cooking. ...By Clever Extending “I use“ eggs or fish for meatless Tuesdays and Fridays.†Good alter- natives, but for extending meat use bread and whole grain cereals in meat loaf and meat roll. Use fore- quarter cuts of beef for Spanish steak with stewed tomatoes making plenty of sauce. With all meals be for bread and gravy. DDT Experiments By Air And Lab. Recently the synthetic insecticide DDT (dichloro-diphenyl-tri chloroe- thane) has become available for exâ€" perimental purposes in somewhat larger quantities than was the case a year ago, and, as a result there has been an increasing demand for information regarding its use by in- vestigators carrying out practical ex- periments and demonstrations against insects. To meet this demand, a me- morandum has been prepared by Dr. C. R. Twinn, Division of Entomology, Science Service, Dominion Depart- ment of Agriculture. The memor- andum is comprehensive, outlining as it does formulations and methods of application of DDT that have been used, especially in the field of houseâ€" hold, medical, and veterinary en- tomology. Information is given with regard to a practical demonstration of DDT in oil solutions, emulsions, restdual sprays, oil sprays for household use, and for barns, stables, and piggeries, the application Of the sprays and evaluation of the results frOm resi- dual sprays used in practical demon- strations. Because of the difficulty of grinding and mixing DDT with diluent materials, it is not practical to prepare satisfactory dust mixtures without special equipment and tech- nique, says Dr. Twinn. However, dusts containing various proportions of DDT ground with a diluent such as talc or pyrophyllite will become available for use against insects in- cluding household and industrial pasts and certain parasites of men and animals when DDT is released for civilian purposes. I Concerning DDT spraying experi- ments through the use of aeroplanes to control spruce budworm, the third number of the Bi-monthly Progress Report of Forest Insect Investigaâ€" tions by the Dominion Department of Agriculture, just issued, contains an interesting report of the various operations being carried out by the Division of Entomology. The actual spraying operations have been com- pleted in Algonquin Park. In the Kabonga and Nipigon areas they are still in progress. Any categorical statement on the results of these 0P- erations, says the Bi-monthly Pro- gress Report, would be premature at this time. It will require weeks, per- haps months. to finish the work or! checking and the evaluation of the relative effectiveness Of the various dosages. As soon as it is pOssibIe to present a relfable estimate of the value of this year’s spraying Opera- tions, it will be made public. Late Spring Blamed For Poor Crop Early spring weather. which “'8 remember was wet and cool was blamed this week for a crop of peas which was only fair. )Ir. Scales. owner of the local factory. which h ~ been a hive of activ1tv for the pa~‘ week. rt-portcd the Grip as of oil: fair quality. Mr, Sures was loud in his praise of the work and help given by the Farm Commandos. “This is asset tia‘. work and :f it is not attended to the farmer and the public will suffer." PAGE SEVEN Slll‘S'l‘ER .\Nl) WAYNE I’ouitcen years ago Sct'gt-ants Frank Sinister and Johnny Wayne (shown above in that order) began reversing positions as talker and typist for a complete collaboration in writing comedy, lyrcs and tuncs. They began early in high schOOI, pursued it through college where they picked up B.A.‘s, no little fame, and a radio contract. They went overseas as army writers and comedians in 1942, are home and at it again for “The Johnny Home Show". The new serial goes on the CBC Trans-Canada network, Fridays at 9.30 p.m. EDT. Our skilled lire experts know all the Goodyear ways of keeping tires "in ser- vice". Our Goodyear approved conserva- tion services will see you through. LET US BE WORTHY We are a part of all that we have met, As truly as our framework is of bone, Our deeds are deeply carved into our lives As any sculptor carves the face of stone. Remember then, each day exacts a task, A kindness to ,a child. a willing hand To help a wanderer back unto the path, - Welcome a hero to his native land. ooonï¬EAn TIRE SERVICE cm $-ï¬i. The heart of Rachael weeps across the world, I ' 7 W' J' Across the world she sobs in every clime, 4882 YONGE STREET, LANSING All her brave sons who died that we might live Have made imprints upon the steps of time. So knowing with what courage they have fought THERE Is _How hard they tried to hold the line that we NO OTHER Might live unfettered ’neath the Union Jack, TOBACCO That future generations might be free. - A Let. us take up the torch, and hold it high And look to Him who Wore the crown of thorn, That light of Understanding Love and Faith May shine for many millions yet unborn. So live each day that we might worthy be 0f blood and sweat and tears so freely shed, Take up His cross and Their’s and follow on To join the Great White Army of the Dead. 50; mpg on Downsview. Ont. Mary Mulholland Sanders. ROE-LING YOUR OWN MAKE OUR ELEVATOR Your HEADQUARTERS sure to make ample gravy and let the family indulge its secret You’re always welcome at our ele- vator. Drop in when you’re in You’ll ‘find a complete line of Purina Chewsâ€"also a complete stock of farm supplies and equip- ment. town. A SUPPLY OF BINDER TWINE. It's a sure bet that birds that won't eat won't lay! Step up the appetite of birds “oil teed†with CHEK-R-TON, mixed right in the mash. Also helpful in killing large roundworms, reducing intestinal inllamation, returning bowel action to normal. KING BUG KILLER COW CHOW FOR DAIRY COWS Hog Chow Supplement for finishing your fat hogs. I. D. RAMER & SON Phone 10, The Elevator Richmond Hill