0:0] Yonge Street 0:0! The Shel-WOod-Concord Farm Radio Forum met on Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Keffer for the last monthly meeting for the summer. The next meeting will be held on October 29th and‘ will begin the fall and winter weekly rograms to be held at the home of r. and Mrs. Roy Keffer. This meeting will take the form of a1 [Hallowe’en party after listening to the broadcast “The Farmer Feeds the‘ World†and the discussion. The fol- lowing officers were elected for the year 1945-56: President, Rev. S. Cooper; secretary, Mrs. Bert Witty. ,The discussion centred around the promotion of Farm Forum work and the organization of new Forums. < YEREX ELECTRIC TurkeySupper Make aDate with Glamour Prompt Specialized Radio & Electrical Service THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th, Wed., Oct. 3rd RICHMOND HILL BEAUTY PARLOR 3 PM. at the home of Mr. J as; Skeele, Yonge St. Turkey Supper served from 5.30 to 8.30 BINGO ~â€" NOVELTIES â€" GAMES Richmond Hill Arena? Grand Draw for General Electric Wash- ing Machine, value $111.00 Saturday, Sept. 29th Under the auspices of St. Mary’s Catholic Church, BAZAAR FARM FORU M N EVVS Afternoon Tea Baking Sale Cordial Invitation Is Extended To All Richmond Hill and St. Luke’s Church, Thornhill Presbyterian Women’s Association DANCING Ken Rose and His Orchestra Modern and Olde Tyme Music {0:01 IOI=IOI JOYCE LARAMAN Under the auspices of the Phone 242 Telephone 119 IN THE AND 10:10] 10:0] DANCE AND EUCHRE A dance and euchre will be held in Vellore Memorial Hall Friday ev- ening, October 19th at 8.30 o’clock. Ken Rose Orchestra Under the aus- pices of Vellore 181'. Women’s Insti- tute. Admission 50:. l.-.†ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. J. Durrant, Elgin Mills, wish to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter. Florence, to Charles W. Joy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Wm. Joy, Maple, wedding to take place some time in October. ridge, Church St., Richmond H111, are happy to announce the birth of their son, Leonard Harold on Wedâ€" nesday, September 26th at Mrs. Heeley's' Nursing que. MABLEYâ€"To den Mabley (n at the Burnsid General Hosp: tem‘ber 25th, t1 BIRTH MARLEYâ€"To Mr. and Mrs. C. Bor- den Mabley (me Margaret MacPhee) at the Burnside Wing of the Toronto General Hospital, on Tuesday, Sep- tember 25th. the gift of twins, a son and a daughfer. Mother and child- ren doing well. “RIDGEâ€"Mr. and Mrs. c.741- 1945 one 10:0] 2i€ï¬mond Hm, :onq The regular monthly meeting of the United Church W.M.'S. will be held in the Sunday School room on Thursday, October 4th at 3 p.m. The first chapter of the new study book will be reviewed. A11 ladies are wel- come. The Fresh terian Women’s Asso~ ciation will old an Afternoon Tea and Baking Sale on Saturday after- noon, September 29th at 3 pm. at the home of Mr. James Skeele, Yonge Street. Mr. Skeele’s fine collection of glassware and antiques will be on display. The October meeting of the Wo- men’s Christian Temperance Union will be held at the home of Mrs. (Dr.) Wilson on Tuesday, October 2nd at 3 p.m. The speaker will be Mrs. Rivers, who will give an ac- count of the recent provincial con- vention held at St. Catharines. You will be assured of an interesting time and a hearty welcome at this meeting. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Norman Stephenâ€" son who received word on Wednesâ€" day of this week of the passing of her father in Sarnia. The teachers of the Pt‘blic School met at the hcme of Mrs. H. H'Ickson, Centre So. on Auevsday afternoon for a presentation to Mrs. W. Winn, a member of the staff, a bride of the past week. Vaughan and Richmond Hill Wo- men’s Auxiliary of Veterans will meet Monday, October lst at 8 pm. in the Municipal Hall. If you have a husband, son or daughter in the services, a cordial invitation is ex- tended to you. The Presbyterian W.‘M.S. will meet at the home of M15. 0. M. MacKiIIOp Richmond St. on Thursday afternoon, October 4th at 3 pm. All members cordially invited to attend. Two of our local young people commenced their schooling in To- ronto this week. They are Miss Jean Scott at Toronto University, and Miss Dorothy Hirtle at Victoria College. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Savage are en- joying- holidays this week in Ham- ilton visiting their daughter Mrs. Lionel Cardwell. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs. Herb Butt in the passing of her sister Mrs. M. Camp- bell, wife of Dr. Campbell in To- ronto last Thursday. Mr. James Butler Sr. was elected this week to. the Greater Toronto Veterans Adwsory Council. Mrs. Jas. Young is progressing favourably in the Toronto General Hospital after an operation for ap- pendicitis. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bain and twin children Michael and Barbara of Toronto visited with Mr. and Mrs. N. J. Glass this week-end. Mr. Percy Webb of Don Head Farm has returned after making a business trip to New York City. A Euchre will be held' in"t’!fé"base- ment of St. Mary’s Catholic Church Sh"'1l*ri'&a§,"s’epte"mber 28th at 8.30 pm. All cordlally invited to attend. Miss Joâ€"Ann Royle, formerly of ,Iontreal, celebrated her third birthâ€" lay at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Royle of Richvale. Among the guests were the Misses Diane Diggings of Toronto, Helen and lzifa iBurns, I'Patricié Davenport, Carol Hirstz, Patricia and Lorraine Wood, ,the Masters Brian and Law- Miss Bernice Wilkir is visiting this week Mrs. A1. White. Aence Taylor, Barry Smith, the twins Wayne and Garry Royle. Tea was served afterwards for the mothers. A very pretty lawn wedding took place Saturday, September 22nd at the home of the bride’s parents, 159 Yonge St., Richmond Hill, when Ramona, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Osbourne, became the bride of Lorne Fleury, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fleury, Aurora. Rev. C. B. Brethen of Richmond Hill officiated, assist- ed by Rev. Chas. Mustard of Toron- Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a white sheer gown trimmed with silver szquins and carried a bouquet, of red roses. Miss Helen Fleury was bridesmaid and was dressed in powder blue silk jer- sey and wore a corsage of red roses. Little Miss Patricia Kratz was flow- er girl. The best man was Stewart Gr_allan} _o_f ‘Zephyr. The bride’s mother received wear- ing black sheer tlimmed with white corded silk with a corsage of white asters and pink roses. The groom’s mother assisted wearing an orchid jersey dress with a yellow and or- chid corsage. About 50 guests were present to a buffet supper. The happy couple left for a trip to the west. solat Mr. A good crowd was at the Richvale Soci: held in the basement Wednesday evening. were: Ladies, lst, M 2nd, Mrs. W. Deadr E. Rowden; consola Jarvis; travelling, M Men, lst, Mr. G. He E. Rowdem 3rd, Mr. 1 Social and Personal ion, Mr. W E. Rowden. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO FLEURY-OSBOURNE RICHVALE as, lst; Mrs. W. Deadman Wilkinson of Whitby week with Mr. and Mr lustis; 2nâ€"d, Mr. M. Bowen; conâ€" ims: travelling, in 2' the rize 31 Mrs. Spar]: hall 0! winner Jordan ndance Euchre Mr Workers are urgentIy needed in the Red Cross work room Wednes- day afternoons and evenings. All materials and wool on hand must be used and quotas must be complet- ed. Plan to help with this last piece of war work. Richmond Hill Red Cross is anxi- ous to obtain a correct list of boys who will still be overseas for Christ- mas 1945. Will all relatives or friends who expect next of kin to arrive in Canada before Christmas kindly phone Mrs. O. L. Wright, Richmond Hill 78. Your co-opera- tion in this matter will be greatly apprecxated. Rev. C. B. Brethen, B.A., minister Sunday, Sept. 30th 9.45 a.m.â€"Sunday School Rally Day. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Worship. 7 p.m.â€"Evening Worship. All are welcome. The Richmond Hill Public School Field Day will be held in the Park next Wednesday, October 3rd. This was originally scheduled for this Friday but due to the wet weather has been postponed. A11 friends and parents of the children are cordially invited to attend. Vé'Ever. remembered by Mom, Dad and Marlon. IN MEMORIAM MIGHELLâ€"In loving memory of a dear son and brother, James Goldie Michell who passed away September 25th, 1936. RALLY D'AY 11.15 a.m.â€"The Sabbath School. 11.45 a.m.â€"â€"Special Rally Day Serâ€" vice. The Sabbath School child- ren will attend in a ‘body. Come and worship with us. ST. MARY’S ANGLICAN CHURCH RICHMOND HILL Rev. W. F. Wrixon, L.Th., R.D., Rector Sunday, Sept. 30 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"Morning Prayer 7 p.m.-â€"Evening Prayer. Sherwood-Unionville Parish S. Cooper, pastor, Maple RR. 1 18th Trinity September 30 Zion, Sherwood 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 11 a.m.â€"The Service. Bethesda, Unionville 10 a.m.â€"Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.#The Service. All are welcome. RICHMOND HILL PRE‘SBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. S. W. ‘Hirtle. B.A.r, Minister Sunday, September 30, 1945 RED CROSS NOTES gawk? wag PUBLIC SCHOOL FIELD DAY THE LUTHERAN CHURCH ser CROSSE & BLACKWELL’S Bransion Sauce = 250 Syrup 29C CLASSIC T3331 - lug-45¢ ROGER’S KELLOGG’S Corn Flakes Tomato Soup CAMPBELL’S NEW PACK CHOICE QUALITY CHOCOLATE DRINK Kgples - $in- 690 FRUIT - VEGETABLES BAXTER Celery - CALIFORNIA SNOW WHITE Eéï¬ibns 10c GREEN RICHMOND HILL UNITED CHURCH l1 lions 573553510c l iiKblSHEs - 2 9c CAULIFLOWER - - - 1 50 Trinity 18 3 25c 63:310. $3190 2% E‘Kiiï¬ihlas . 170 TOMATOES 2%); 27c WWâ€WWMMW Edgeley 19c Thursday, Friday, Saturday, September 27, 28, 29 ABBOTT AND COSTELLO “ TOMORROW â€"â€" THE WORLD †“ THE NAUGHTY NINETIES †REPAIRS TO ALL MAKES 0F RADIOS Authorized Member of PHILCO Service Wednesday and Thursday, October 3, 4 JOYCE REYNOLDS, ROBT. HUTTON EDWARD ARNOLD EDGELEY and DISTRICT FREDERIC MARCH, BETTY FIELD B Batteries â€" Burgess and General Monday and Tuesday, October 1, 2 Irystal and Magnetic Pick-Up Arms DONALD GIFFEN RED ROSE lkuu ILUDU 651;; “mm 270 DEVON Peas - - 233350 Téiilitmï¬ap - 4%250 LUX or CAMAY MAPLE LEAF Navel Oranges P‘fï¬hEPlums 2m 29c E. D. SMITH’S CALIFORNIA LOCAL IMPORTED “JANIE†SIZE 344's DOZ. c PAGE FIVE Ontario