I om I’CHUM Miss Helen Doner has completed her comse in nursing at the Albany Hospital, Toronto, and is spending some time at her home here. We welcome Mrs. Margaret Haig back to our community. Mrs. Haig has been caring for a relative Mrs. Mann of Baltimore, Ont. They, and Mr. Percy Edwards have taken up residence in the house recently vaâ€" cated by Mr. .and Mrs. Bennett, Marâ€" garet and Murray who have moved into their new home on the high- way. Mrs. Katie Hoover is spending several weeks visiting relatives at Clarence Centre,.N.Y. and Perry Station. Mr. and Mrs. William Ash and Lawrence motored to Port Robinson to spend the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Louis Lehman and John. Mrs. Thos. Moorby of Sunderland accompanied by her sister Mrs. M. Kenah are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Moorby. ‘ Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ratcliff were entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Doner on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Mansbridge, Betty and Carol were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hunt and Ruth. Miss Bessie Cordell, returned mis- sionary from China, who is attend- ing Medical Institute in Toronto, ad- dressed the Sunday School at the M.B.C. Church on Sunday. MiSS Cor- dell gave a very interesting talk of her work in China and is anticipat- ing returning to her field of labor in the near future. She was enter- tained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hoover. 82W Mr. and Mrs. John Keller moved on Monday from our community to reside on the ninth concession of Markham. Mr. Keller is employed by Mr. Harmon Jones. There was a very Iine attendance at the semi-annual Love Feast of the Brethren in Chris: Church held here Saturday and Sunday. Rev. John Nigh of Hagersville was the speak- er at morn.ng service and Rev. Mar- shall Winger of St. Anns delivered a very stirring message at the Sun- day evening service. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Grove were guests at the wedding of their ne- phew, Mr. Harley Wldeman who was married on Saturday at Conestoga, Ont. VIVVIrs. Fréï¬ces Hisey of Toronto is visiting relatives and friends in this district. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1945. A number of the ladies from this vicinity motored to Zephyr on Wed- nesday to attend the Women’s Mis- sionary Society Rally at the Zephyr United Church. __ ‘ Order Fall Fertilizer early on account of strike delay. That will secure you well cured goods. FEEDS FOR FARM AND POULTRYMAN. SAN D GRAVEL HAULAGE Kills and Repells. Guaranteed AA rating, highest quanty. Also full line of Hog & Stock Minerals. Delivered to you: farmhone or more bags at; a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. Watkins Fly Spray You’ve 'h'ied the Rest, NOW try the Best. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. THE MILL ERNIE DURIE Phone Thomhill 30-R DDT BARN SPRAY FOR PIPE OR ROLLING ,YOUR OWN L. W. REID Richvale P.O. Phone Maple 64r4 For delivery call GORMLEY In Stock: Phones: APPLY 139 7 7We Aunderstand thth Ronnie O’Dell has arrived from overseas. His friends here will berglagi ye» see Mr. and Mrs. Norman Ferguson, Watson and Ethel attended the bur- ial of Mrs. Ferguson’s brother-1n- law, George Bruce, Forrest, Man. at The Stone Church Cemetery, Beavâ€" erton, last week. Mrs. Ferguson’s brother, Wm. Muir, Brandon, Mam, accompanied the bpdy to Beaverton. On October 10 a special meeting for this group will be held with Mrs. Hollman, diocesan worker to speak. King Organized for National Clothing Drive Mrs. Alvin McNair and Mrs. Clarke Archibald have been appointed by King W.I. to convene the Campaign for Clothing Collection for European areas. They announce that all art- icles may be left in the Anglican Church basement, which is open at at all times. Used clean clothing is acceptable as sewing groups are ready to make over garments. Church rganizations have been asked to take up the plan and turn in as much as possible. It remains for each individual to visualize the great need of putting warm clothes on the backs of so many\ who suffer the extreme results of war in their land. Minter approaching, with health al- ready undermined from starvation and improperly nourishing food, the anguish of lost homes and families all afford as fine a field for wel- fare work as could ever arise within our experience. Taking an extensive holiday, Miss Marjorie McMurchy was tendered a presentation by the choir and con- gregation of Laskay United Church last Thursday at; the Sunday School rooms, when a purse of money was given her in appreciation of 16 years as organist of the church. Messrs. P. Forrester and H. E. Ross made the presentation. Dave GlaSS Returns Completing almost six years with the R.C.E. overseas, Dave Glass re- turned on Monday looking well and extremely happy. His English wife will come to Canada at a later date. His sister, Mrs. A. E. Kelley and family, as well as members of the Glass family met him in Toronto. Dave notices quite a change in King folks and his nieces he scarcely re- cognized. They were small girls when he left. Welcome home, Dave. Earl Scott and family of Kinghorn Mr. and Mrs. Brydon Ross, King; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Willett and daughter, Toronto, were visitors on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ross. Mrs. D. Rawlings and Shirley Anne attended the wedding of Miss Suz- anne Angus in Toronto on Saturday. Shirley Anne_ acteg as flower girl. The formation of a Junior WA. in All Saints Anglican Church has a good executive with Mrs. Alvin Mc- Nair as leader; Mary Jane Walker, president; Lois McBride, vice-presi- dent; Joan Reid, treasurer, and June Hollinshead, secretary. Miss Mar- jorie’s name is also added to the leadership. Miss Kate McMurchy, ’I‘hornbury, was present for the McMurchyâ€"Ross wedding on Sept. 29th. King W.I. birthday will be celeâ€" brated in banquet manner on Tues- day, Oct. 9th in the United Church basement. Miss Ethel Chapman, noted writer and lecturer, will be guest speaker. The annual event is anticipated‘ with _ much pleasure. Extremely painful injuries were sustained by Mr. Thos. Brydon, west King and brother of Dr. Brydon, when the fuse he was lighting for dynamite blasting of stumps caused an early explosion. One hand was torn to pieces, an eye blinded anu injuries to head and chest. He is being treated in Toronto Genexal Hospital. The tires of a Plymouth sedan owned by Rev. Harry Wilson, King, were saved when fire demolished the car on Sunday morning while park- ed near the shed of Kettleby Baptist; Church while Mr. Wilson was preach- ing. Mrs. Black, organist, noticed the flames and gave the alarm. Ef- forts to beat out the blaze were fruitless and no immediate water was on hand. Aurora fire equipment was summoned but the vehicle was well advanced to the state of ruin already. Tires will be convenient providing Mr. Wilson can secure a car to put them on. Commodities of this type are hard to get these days. One of the congregation drove Mr. Wilson home to King and he had no preaching service at Pottageâ€" ville church in the afternoon, being Thanksgiving rally for the Sunday School there. In the evening he per- formed three baptisms in King, Miss Donna Wilson, his daughter; Sarah Barradel], Kettleby, and Roy Rumble, son of Albert Rumble, Maple; Earl Scott and family of Kinghorn have removed to the Wm. Mitchell farm which he has bought. Mr. Robt. Wyles, Toronto, called on A. McClure last week. He had attended the funeral of the late Miss Maggy Teajsdale at Aqrora. vy- Mrs. H. Wilson addressed Evers- ley W.M.fS. at the home of Mrs. R. Gehatly last week, her subject be- ing “Doors Closed and Openâ€. Tracâ€" ing some of the earliest history of the christian gospel both in Asia and Europe the speaker led up to present day advance showing the op- portunities at home and abroad of opening doors and preventing those already opened from being closed. Conviction of our beliefs and the de- sire to live and spread that belief is a door each can reach. Mrs. Ross and Miss J. Gellatly sang duets. McMurchy-Ross A pretty wedding was held in Laskay United Church on Saturday afternoon, Sept. 29th, with Rev. M. -R. Jenkinson officiating. Jean So- phronia Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Ross became the bride of Duncan Marshall McMurchy, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Duncan McMurchy, all of King. The church was adorned with choice gladioli and the wedding music was played by Miss Marjorie Mc- Murchy with Miss Helen Hunter singing “Through the Years†while King City District News â€"adorned with, wedding music Marjorig Mc- WThe groomsman was Mervyn Gould and the ushers Bert Ross and Aubrey Marwood. For the reception at the home of the bride her mother wore navy with white accents, navy accessories and hat and a corsage of pink roses. Asâ€" sisting, the groom’s sister, Miss Marjorie McMurchy, wore a green crepe dreSS and brown hat, and ac- cessories. Her flowers were mixed blooms in autumn shades. For travelling the bride changed to a lime green suit, brown hat and matching accessories, a brown coat and corsagg of French marigolds. fl VAftrer avï¬oneymoon to points east theyrwill li_ve on the _gt:<)_o§n’s_ farm. A large shower was held in Laskay hall during the previous week for the bride and many lovely gifts were received. Miss Betty MoCallum and Mrs. Jesse Richards attended the gifts an}! received. We offer congratulations and best THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO The annual plowing match of the King and Vaughan Plowmen’s Asso- ciation will be held this vear on the farm of Marshall’s Hatchery at lot 30, concession 5 King Township on Friday, October 26th. This event 15 fast becoming one of the most pop- ular matches in the province and several of the best known plowmen will. make their appearance here. Last Wednesday the Sherman Arn- old sale advertised in this paper at- tracted a large crowd and bidding was brisk with high prices. The new Case tractor went for $1950.00, the top priced cow went for $300 with others following close and there were‘ 44 head sold during the afternoon. The sale was conducted by Sellers and Atkinson, auctioneers, and was completed in less than four and a half hours. The monthly meeting of the Oak Ridges Branch, Canadian Red Cross Seciety, will be held at the home of Mrs. S. C. Snively, Wilcox Lake, on Thursday, Oct. 11th at 2.30 pm. King And Vaughan wishes to the bridal couple who are both well known here. ViOctober 712 and 13 is the date of Schomberg Fall Fair. Oak Ridges Red Cross . . . just sign a short form letter which Victory Loan Salesmen carry (banks have copies) ordering the bank to buy Victory Bonds for you. Pay 5% when ordering and the balance at any time during the next 12 months. The interest the bonds earn pays the interest on the bank loan. Cattle Sell Well FARMERS CAN BUY VICTORY BONDS ON CONVENIENT DEFERRED PAYMENTS THROUGH ANY BANK Plowing Match Friday, Oct. 26th WAR 71,90 €000’3e/5ron LONG Richmond Hill Estimates Free Toronto, Ont. Venetian Blinds PARIS AUTO SUPPLY Early Deliveries By Return Soldier Phone Hy. 7611 No Obligation Telephone 86 PAGE NINE