Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 4 Oct 1945, p. 8

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rAGE EIGHT DANCIN G In MAPLE COMMUNITY HALL FRIDAY, OCTOBER 5th Music by Dyer’s Rhythm-Airs MODERN 8; ('1 lie-iatulzitions to Miss Ruby Aviscii's class. convened by Miss June Collard lor the very beautiful and appropriate the rations of au- tumn leaves, flowers, fruits and vegetables which graced the chancel of the church for Sunday's service when Rally Day was observed. Mrs. weSt Toronto‘s most popumr band lluson illustrated with Scene-o-felt ERNIE EVANS~ Floor luanager the story of the five barley loaves a _ and two fishes. Her address was REFRESHMENTS ADMISbION DOC' l)l'L‘>tlli(’(l in such a manner, which left no doubt in the mind of each one present as to the responsibility everyone slnuld i'ecl toward the younger geneiation. After the regular Y.P.U. meeting last Sunday evening, the convenors of the groups were invited to the parsonage for further discussion on the year’s activities at the close of which Miss Peggy MacKay served dainty refreshments. The Y.P.U. are holding a special service next Sunday night under the leadership of Jim Boynton and his group. Topic will be taken by L.A. C. Lorne Mortson, who will relate his trip through the “Holy Land" while serving with the R.C.A.F. in Africa. Special music will be given by the Heise quartette. Toronto Centre Presbytery will meet in Victoria Square Church Ocâ€" tober 15th instead of October lst as announced in last week’s issue. The ladies of the WA. will serve dinner at the close of the afternoon ses- sion. WWW Live Poultry Wanted HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID CUSTOM PICKING SERVICE We will dress your poultry for you at 8c. per bird Arrangements must be made in advance before bringing in any poultry. Schomberg Poultry Processing Plant Phone 78 Norman Archibald, Manager Thursday evening of this week an executive meeting was held at the home of Mrs. H. F. Collard. m.“ Mr. Britnell and Mr. and Mrs. Nighswander of Toronto dined at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sander- son Sunday evening. Miss Grace Boynton, nurseâ€"in- training at Grace Hospital, Toronto, spent Monday at her home here. Grace expects to graduate in June of next year. Mr. and Mrs. Buchanan and Ann had tea Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Valliere. Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Collard and family were guests for dinner Sun- day evening at the home of Mr. and Body and Fender Work. Announcing the Change of Business â€"â€" From â€" Elgin Mills to Bond Lake Garage We would appreciate your patronage in our new location. J. D. Aubrey Stephenson, Button- .- ' V] (2. Bond Lake Phone ng 43111 Miss Kathleen Barber had tea THIS VERY MINUTE IF the needy and destitute of war-torn lands could stand at your side in their rags and povertyâ€"and look in your clothes closet with you . . . that could happen, and you saw the plea in their sunken, death-hounded eyes, you would give half of your clothing to warm them. , *THIS VERY MINUTE, I will go and look. They won’t be at my side, but their voice of thanks will be. Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIOl in aid of NATIONAL CLOTHING OOLLEGTION, Oct. 1 to 20 THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO VICTORIA SQUARE NEWSY NOTES Sunday with Miss Helen Boynton. Sinday gucsts at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton included Rev. and Mrs. lluson, Cormley and ‘Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Perkins and Coral. Another milestone on the road of life has been passed by a number of our Victoria Square gentlemen during the past week. Birthday con- gratulations to Messrs. Eli Ilennie, L. G. Stoutenburgh, P. Willows. Stanley Boynton, Lewis Heise and Jim Boynton. Please keep in mind the National Clothingr Collection Oct. 1st to 20th. Any used clothing, clean and in good repair will be appreciated. the same to be left at either Mrs. P. Willows evening store or Mrs. H. Collard's home. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Bennett and family and Mr. Barry Collard had tea at Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Boyn- ton's Monday evening. Friends will he, plcased to know that_Mrs. Haig has returned to the district and is residing in Gormley where she has purchased a home. Mr. and Mrs. Willows, Mrs. Macâ€" Illmurray and Mrs. Plewes visited at Uxbridge Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. F. Bi'umwell and family motored to Highland Creek Sunday and visited With Mrs. H. Burke and Verna. Dr. Archer Wallace will present an illustrated lecture entitled “A Tale of Two Cities" Wednesday, October 10th in the church. Tickets are be- ing sold. Remember ladies, the two who sell the greatest number of tickets will each receive an auto- graphed copy of his book. Miss Dorothy Oliver returned home Sunday from Highland Creek where she spent a few days with Miss Verna Burke. Mr. and Mrs. S. Boynton, Lawâ€" rence and Donald had dinner Sun- day evening with Mr. and Mrs. W. Boynton, Toronto, after which they attended the service at Carleton St. United Church. There will be no Sunday School next Sunday as a special Service will be held at 2.30 p.m. when the un- veiling of the Honor Roll will take place. Rev. Roy F. Hicks, B.A., Au- rora, will be guest speaker. The Wesley church choir will furnish the Public Auction Sale of Real Estate, Carpenters, Plumb- ers, Workmen’s Tools, Lumber and Odd Equipment, Etc. The Property of ARTHUR BURSILL Part Lot 3, Con. 2, Markham Twp., entrance lst street north from Steele's Ave. East, then west off Bayvicw Avenue on Proctor Avenue DONCASTER GARDENS SATURDAY, OCT. 13 Several Electric Ceiling and Veranda Fixtures 3 Ladders 3 Car Jacks Prestolite Torch Gasoline Lamp and Shade 2 Post Hole Augers 2 Rain Barrels 2 Wheelbarrows 9 Galv. Iron Tanks for Culverts 1 Heavy Duty Trolley Spare Parts of Concrete Mixer 5 Sets Shelving Angle Iron Supports 100 Ft. Angle Iron 2 01d Quebec Heaters 2 Oil Drums with Taps, 30 gals. Small Anvil, Picks, Shovels, Sledges 1 Gravel Screen ‘ Several Pieces Sheet Metal 1926 Dodge Engine 3 Dodge Generators Lawn Mower, nearly new Lath Fencing in 6 ft. lengths Chev. Chassis and pile scrap iron and copper 50 Assorted Paint Brushes 3 Barrels Coal Screenings 6 Glass Jar Batteries Several Soldering Irons and Tin- smith’s Fire Pot Hods for Bricks and Mortar 1 Small Portable Gas Engine 1 Small Generating Dynamo Numerous Other Odd Useful Articles LUMBER 100 Feet 3x12 Pine Joists 30 Pieces Seasoned Oak Logs, quart- ered, some dressed 200 Feet 1" Pine Sheeting 7 Bundles Cedar Shingles 3 Old Doors :Bricklayer's and Carpenter’s Trestels CARPENTER TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 1 Bench with Vice and Bench Stop 1 Tool Box, Planes, Hammers, Brace and Bits, Saws, Chisels, Stanley Butt Gauge, Wood Plough, Cold Chisels BLACK & GALVANIZED IRON PIPE (Used) About 700 Ft. ASSOrted Pipe from %YY 2” About 400 Assorted Unions, Elbows, Tees, Nipples and Bushings 10 Assorted Nickle and Brass Taps, etc. Twin Oil Burner for Cook Stove Several Stilson and Car Wrenches Gear Puller 1 Porcelain Toilet l Galvanized Iron Toilet 1 Copper Tank Termsâ€"Cash. Sale at 1 pm. No Reserve, Property sold All purchases to be paid for on day of sale before removal. DESCRIPTION OF REAL ESTATE Consists of a choice building lot with 100 feet frontage on south end of Secombe Ave. and has ZOU ft. depth, containing 1’2 acre more or less. This lot is well fenced, situated in Doneastcr Gardens. very level and would make an ideal site for anyone wishing a lot to build on, as all local conveniences are available, hydro, etC. TERMS ON REAL ESTATE H 10 per cent of the purchase price to be paid down at time of sale. balance to be settled in fuil within 30 days. Full partieuiars Hl‘. day of sale. Real E~lzite offered at about 3 pin. subject to a reserve bid. CLARKE PRENTICE. Auct. Milliken. phone Agincourt .S'wai. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 4th, 1945. UNIONVILLE Congratulations and best wishes to Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Champion whose marriage took place in Toronto last Thuisday. Mrs. Ernie Appleton has just re- ceived word that her brother S.S.M. (‘yril Clarkson of St. Catharines has been awarded the Military Medal. Two more boys are arriving honiz from overseas. Bob Allen of the Air‘th Highlanders arrived home Tues- day evening and Fred Bartlett is expected home this week. On Saturday the Junior and In- termediate classes of Central Unit- ed Church gathered at the church at 10.30 to prepare the programme for Rally Sunday and also to decorate the church for the occasion. A fine service was held on Sunday with members of the Sunday School tak- ing part. World-wide Communion will be held on Sunday. A cordial invita- tion is extended to all. Paul Deacon arrived home on Monâ€" day evening from overseas service in the R.C.A.F. and paid a visit to bro- ther Ken and family on Tuesday. Be prepared for the National Clothing Collection which will com- mence Monday, October lst and con- tinue until October 20th. music. Miss Bessie Hagerman is enjoy- ing a few days in the city. Rev. Alnutt of Toronto made his yearly visit to Victoria Square Tues- day evening of this week and pre- sented his moving pictures illustrat- ing the work of the Upper Canada Bible Society. Owing to the incle- ment weather only 14 were in at- tendance. New officers for the comâ€" ing year were appointed as follows: President, Mr. Rolph Boynton; sec.- reas., Miss Marion Boynton; collecâ€" torsâ€"3rd con., Mrs. Douglas Gee; 5th con., Miss M. Sanderson; upper 4th con., Mrs. H. Wellman; lower 4th con., Mrs. H. Collard; town, Mrs. F. McRoberts. AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock, Hinman Electric Milker, Imple- ments, Hay & Grain The Property of J. H. BRACKEN West Quarter Lot 15, Con. 7, Markham Township THURSDAY, OCT. 11 HORSES 1 Bay Mare, 5 yrs. old 1 Bay Mare, 12 yrs. old 1 Black Mare, 11 yrs. old 1 Gray Mare, 10 yrs. old CA’I'I‘LE 1 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred Sep~ tember 8th 1 Holstein Cow, milking well, June 6th 1 Blue Heifer, fresh 1 Jersey Holstein Cow, due Nov. 25 1 IHolstein Cow, milking well, bred July 27 1 Red and White Cow, full flow, bred July 22 1 Red Cow, due 'Dec.‘ 23 ' 1 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred Au- gust 28th 1. Holstein Cow, gust 20th 1 iHolstein Cow, due Nov. ‘26 1 Holstein Heifer, due Oct. 22 1 Blue Heifer, due Nov. 4 1 White Heifer, due Jan. 10 1 Holstein .Heifer, due Jan. 19 2 Holstein ‘Heifers, 6 months old 3 Heifers, 1% years old 1 Holstein Bull, 6 months old POULTRY Plymouth Rock Pullets Plymouth Rock Year Old Hens IMPLEMENTS 1 Hinman Milker complete with 2 single units and 1/2 H.P. 25 cycle motor Melotte Cream Separator Cylinder for well pump with spring M-‘H DTill, 13 disc Mâ€"IH Spring Tooth Cultivator M-H Disc, putthrow M-H Binder, 6 ft. cut, with trucks and sheaf carrier Frost & Wood Mower, 5 ft. cut 1 Turnip Drill MaH Sulky Rake Fleury Plow, No. 21 International Walking Plow Cutter M<H Scuffler 3-Horse Doubletrees 2 Sets Doubletrees _ Daniel Incubator, 200 egg capacity ‘Set of Drag Harrows, 4 section Scythe Farm Bob Sleighs Cockshutt Riding Plow Set of Scales, 1200 lbs. cap. ‘Chatham Fanning Mill and Bagger Root Pulper Wheelbarrow Farm Wagon and Rack Wagon Box Steel Tank Bag Truck Small Cutting Box Bags, Ladder and Shovels Pail, Strainer and Plunger Grain Cradle Brooder Stove Other Articles too numerous to men- tion HARNESS 2 Sets Back Band Harness Number of Collars HAY AND GRAIN 40 Tons Mixed Clover and Alfalfa Hay About 200 Bus. Barley Quantity of Ajax Oats About 275 Bus. 1 yr. old Cartier Oats FURNITURE Glass Cupboard Extension Table Parlour Table Fall Leaf Table White Iron Bed 2 Small Tables Number of Kitchen Chairs Brass Bed and Springs Oak Dresser and Washstand White Dresser with mirror Daisy Churn, No. 2 l Feltol Rug, le'.’ l Feltnl lug. Wit! 1 Linoleum Rug, 7x9 Termsâ€"Cash. been sold and propi‘ittoi is giving up. A. FARMER. Auctioneer. Lloyd Turner. Clerk. Sale at 1 p.m. Positively no reserve as farm has AUCTION SALE 100 ACRE FARM FARM STOCK. IMPLEMENTS John Deere Tractor, Model B The undersigned has received iii- structions to sell by public auction at Lot 3. Con. 6 Pickering Twp. On No. 7 Highway at Kinsale . FRIDAY, OCT. 12th. the following property belonging to A. G. HOOKER Horses and Cattle Gray Gelding, 12 yrs'old; Black Mare, 1‘: yrs. old; Reg. Guernsey Heifer, bred .luiie S; Durham Red (.‘0w, 6 yrs. old. bred Aug. 30; Black Cow, 5 yrs, bred Sept. 1‘); Black Cow, 7 yrs., due April 13; Blue Cow, fresh, bred Sept. 7, 3 yrs. old; Roan Cow, 3 yrs., fresh; Black Heifer, due April 1, 3 yrs. old; Roan Heifer, bred April 13; Red and White Heifer, 1%: yrs. old; Holstein Heifer, not bred; Holstein Heifer, not bred; BlaClt & White Heifer, not bred; Holstein Heifer, not bred; Red .& White Heif- er, not bred; Red Heifer, not bred; Black 8; White Heifer, not bred; Ayrshire Heifer, 8 mos. old; Holstein Heifer, 8 mos. old; White Holstein Heifer, 8 mos. old; Black & White Heifer, 6 mos. old; 2 Holstein Heifâ€" er Calves; 3 Bull Calves; Red Steer; Holstein Steer; Holstein Bull, 4 yrs. old. Swine Yorkshire Sow, due time Yorkshire Sow, due time Yorkshire Sow, due time 4 Chunks,, about 150 lbs. Implements Model B John Deere Tractor on rub- ber, 44 model, good as new; Tractor intgral Cultivator Attachment for above tractor; John Deere 2-furrow Plough, near new; 13â€"disc Fertilizer Drill, near new; Tractor Cultivator, John Deere, near new, 8 ft.; John Deere 8 ft. Tractor Double Disc; M-H Binder and Trucks, 7 ft. cut; Set Harrows, 4 sections; Geo. White Blower Cutting Box, 15 in., pipes complete, new; John Deere Tractor Manure Spreader, near new; Set Steel Trucks, near new; Flat Bottom Hay Rack, new; Circular Saw and Frame, complete; Fleury Grinder, 10 in. plate; Drive Belt, 6 in., 50 ft. long; Cream Separator, Eaton’s, 500 of sale of sale of sale 1bs.; Forks; Shovels; Numerous Other Articles. THE FARM At the same time and place the 100 acre farm consisting of bank barn with water bowls complete, pig pen, hen house, new milk house, brooder house, implement shed and rough cast house. There are 7 acres of bush and 30 acres sown in wheat, spring water and 2 good wells. It is equipped with hydro throughout. Terms on property made known day of sale. Terms on chattels, cash Sale at 1 pm. A. S. FARMER, Auctioneer R. V. Mowbray, Clerk *Aâ€"Uâ€"CTIOâ€"NTSALEâ€"ofi bred Dairy Cattle, Horses, Implements, Grain, Hay, Household Furniture, etc. The Property of FRANK O’DELL Lots 19, 20, Con. 2 North York full flow, bred Au- Twp., 1 mile north of water tank from Lansing Cutâ€"Off FRIDAY, OCT. 12th HORSES Grey Horse, 8 years old Bay Horse, 8 years old Grey Horse, 10 years old DAIRY CA'I'I‘LE Holstein Cow, calf by side Holstein Cow, due Oct. lst Holstein Cow, due Nov. 15th Holstein Cow, due about Jan. 25 Holstein Cow, full flow, bred June 15th Holstein Cow, full flow, bred July 30th Holstein Cow, full flow Holstein Cow, full flow, bred July 16th Holstein Cow, full flow, bred June“ 28th Holstein *Cow, full flow Holstein Heifer, 1% years old Holstein Bull. 1V2 years old IMPLEMENTS McCormick Deering Binder, 7 ft. Cockshutt Mower, 5 ft. cut, nearly new 1 Roller, 3 drums Cockshutt Horse Rake, nearly new M-H 13-Spout Drill Set M-H Inthrow Disc, nearly new Stiff Tooth Cultivator Set Diamond Harrows, 3'sections No. 21 Victor Riding lPlow No. 12 Fleury Plow with wheels 2-Furrow Cockshutt Walking Plow Hr‘)‘ r-u-u-t H HH H HHDâ€"‘bâ€"‘H HH Scufflers 1 *Potato Plow Wagon Gear 1 Hay Rack, flat Harrow Cart 1 Garden Seeder Milk Cart 1 Set of Sleighs Water Troughs, 1 large and 1 small Set Stewart Hand Power Clippers, nearly new Chatham Fanning Mill Rock Island Tractor, 15â€"25, on steel‘ HAY AND GRAIN Quantity of Red Clover Quantity of Timothy Quantity Alfalfa Quantity of Oats HARNESS 1 Set Team Farm Harness 1 Set Plow Harness Number of Horse Collars MISCELLANEOUS 1 Cross Cut Saw, nearly new Number of Laying Hens 1 Dozen Cedar Posts Quantity of Barbed Wire 1 Iron Kettle 1 Gravel Box 2 Root Pulpers 1 Wheelbarrow Other Articles too numerous to me tion ‘2 Cupboards 1 Glass Case 2 Iron Bedsteads. tiesses râ€"IMHHHNHiâ€"Aiâ€"IHHHHH HDâ€"l 1 Kitchen Rang 1 Washstand sprian and m 1 Extension T2. 1 Organ 1 l’arl'vur Suite 1 Cream Separator Other Householl lfifftcts, etc. Termsâ€"Cash. Sale at 1 p.i ' No Reserve. Farm sold CLARKE PRENTICE, Auct.

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