is the first, in a series and will be run every other Wednesday. These dances are in aid of the King City Memorial Park which is now in pro- gress. It is hoped that sufficient funds will be raised from these events to make a worthy donation polwards the erection of this Memor- ia . DANCE AT LASKAY A dance will be held in Laskay Hall on Wednesday, Qctober‘17.n"I‘}}is Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the collection of ashes in the Village of Richmond Hill once a week from the lst day of November 1945 to the Slst day of March 1946. Tenders must be in byflOctpber 15, 1945. . The lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. Village of Richmond Hill, October lst, 1945; WELL & CISTERN DIGGING Pumps and Piping Concrete Well Cribs ‘OOOOOWMOOOOOOOOOWOOMOOWWM TOM J ERRETT Richmond Hill RR. 1 JERSEY Cattle SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20TH 1.3o RM. The Property of W. A. BENSON, Lots 6 and 7, Con- cession 4, King Township, V, mile north of King City. Fully accredited for 10 years. All negative to blood test on October 4th. 22 milk 'cows, herd sire, 8 heif- ers 1% years old, 5 heifers 1 year old. Termsâ€"Cash. F. N. SMITH, Auctioneer Noteâ€"110 acre farm with solid brick house and good barn, situated on the Humber River, for sale. Have Your Storm Windows Repaired Now Good Stock of Quality Glass now on hand TENDERS gF. Y. W. BRATHWAITE Be Ready for Cooler Weather BUY THOSE STOVE & FURNACE PIPES NOW PHONE 18 Furnace Cement, Asbestos Paper, etc. PAGE FOUR FINDLAY RANGES, HEATERS & CIRCULATORS We have Bronze, Rubber and Felt Weather Strip in stock Dispersal Sale 'R. LYNETT, Clerk. The Davidson Mission Band will meet at the church Saturday after- noon, October 13th at 2.30 o’clock. This will be their Autumn Thank‘ Offering meeting. Mrs. Musselman of Toronto will be the special speak- er and colored slides will also be shown. A cordial invitation is exâ€" tended to all mothers and' friends. The church was beautifully decor~ ated with flowers and many plants and ferns in keeping with the Spe- cial Thanksgiving service last Sun- day. The hymns and message from the minister, Rev. H.4J. MacKay, day. The hymns and message from the minister, Rev. H. J. MacKay, were in keeping for this our first Thanksgiving since the war ended. The choir sang Pattison’s lovely an- them, “All Thy Works Praise Thee, Mrs. D. L. English and son Doug- las of Toronto spent the holiday weekâ€"end with Mrs. Sidney English at Braedoon Farm. Lucul, nu ;..J u u...., - “n..- O Lord,†with solo parts by Aubrey Stgphgnsoy._ Last week the choir practised at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boyington. Refreshments were servâ€" ed at the close of the practise by the hostess assisted by Doreen and other younger members of the choir. This week the choir will be guests of ï¬ll: and Mrs. Edwin Bruce, Lang- sta . This Sunday 'Cedar Grove United Church will celebrate their annivers- ary. Brown’s Corners choir will provide the music at the evening Entire Herd of BUTTONVILLE NEWS ITEMS WE DELIVER service The October meeting of the W. MS. was held at the home of Mrs. K. W. Stots. In the absence of Mrs. Russell, the vice-president Mrs. Will Rodick, presided. The meeting was in charge of Mrs. H. R. Paterson and Mrs. S. J. English. The worâ€" ship service was conducted by Mrs. Paterson assisted by Miss Mary Rodick. Mrs. Edgar Fuller, Mrs. Stots, Mrs. Norman Reid, Mrs. Doug- las Hood and Mrs. Jim Redick. Mrs. E. Walton acted as secretary. The study book, Angola Now, was taken by Mrs. English, dealing with the church there. Mrs. Stephenson sang Jacob’s Ladder, 3, general favorite of the African converts in Angola. Refreshments were served at the CIOse of the meeting by the two leaders, assisted by Mrs. Stots. Mr. Frank Stephenson, Miss D. Stephenson and Mr. D. Fountain spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. R, Brillinger of Richmond Hill. . ..... 5-- “Mrs. D.‘i>o’t’tége and- family of Sharon visited Mrs. C. H00per and attended Markham FairAqn Sajm‘rday. Mrs. W. Clark, Mrs. F. W. Baker and Mr. Bert Baker had dinner on Thursday at the home of Mrs. Mack- lin at Agincoprt. WM}. Healy and son Edward spent Thanksgiving with Mr. and Mrs. F. ‘Houli‘han. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Joyce and Miss Sybil Warren spent Sunday ev- ening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker. “Mi'sls HIE-ég‘ééret Gould‘mg was the guest of Miss Marion Hood over the holiday wgelg-gnd. __ - .. n ». ,1 ...... "a H-“ V,“ Mr. and Mrs. Walter Craig and son Fraser, accompanied by Miss Florence Craig spent the holiday week-end at the home of Mr. J. Dick at Renfrew. Their host. is the manâ€" 'a'gerr of the Dominion Magnesium Mines Ltd. Saturday was spent in Ottawa shopping and attemding the rugby game between Hamilton and rugby s Ottawa. vv..." MrsT'Grace Hazard of Harriston spent the holiday weekâ€"end with Mrs. A. Stephenson: “ 1 AVALD. 4-. ~uyr..~..~__, Mrs. Basinger and sons Percy and Jim spent a very enjoyable week- end at Sprucedale and brought a friend, Mrs. Brownhill, back for a few day} hpliday‘ here. 1â€".- \,,,A__~L my. W,“ ....... , "Wm Mrs. Risebrough, Miss Risebrough and Mrs. Russell Boyingion were guests for Thanksgiving at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George: Kglly. u). “4‘. v. -.-__ Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Shenfield and famxly were dinner guests on Sun- day at the home of Mrs. and Misses Ridge of Toronto. At the last C.G.I.T. meeting the‘ members received their lanyards, maple leaves, crests and insignias. Miss Helena McCarthy acted as sec- retary for the evening. Several items .were held for discussion and some things were planned. It was decided that the girls would like to have a table of their own to sell articles which were made by them at the .Ladies’ Aid Bazaar. Mrs. McEvan and Miss Mary Read were appointed to sell the articles. Plans for a Hallowe’en party were discussed. The ‘party is to be held on October 26th lat the home of Mrs. A. Read. .uuhy v- _ Mrs. Lloyd-"Batty of Victoria Square had supper on Saturday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Baker. For the next meetmg, held .in No- vember, the girls are to bring points for a debate to be held that night. it is “Resolved that no immigrants should be allowed to settle in col- onies; they shculd be. scattered among the Canadian settlements.†Those on the affirmative side are Jean Hobbs, Mary Read and Lydia Haver and those on the negative side are Ruth Durie, Margaret Wood and Helena McCarthy. On Friday, October 5th a wedding shower was held for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Delbrocco. Miss Ruth Dulie held a birthday party for Miss Margaret Wood who .is to celebrate her 15th birthday on Saturday,â€"October 13th. This party was held on Saturday, October 6th. Games of different kinds were playâ€" _ed and a refreshing tasty lunch was served at the end. Those present were Ruth Durie, Margaret Wood, Ruth Hill, Barbara Underhill, Clara Markey, Jean Hobbs, Helena Mc- Carthy, Lydia Haver, Douglas Bone, John Wood, Sandy Neal, Ken Hirtz, Jim Kurst, Jack Wynn, Bill Sander- son and Warren Willet. THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Miss Beth Barton was home on Sunday, October 7th. Sruniiéy School will be held at 2 p.m. beginning Sunday, October 14. Church service will begin at 3 p.m. GOAT wandered on the premises of C. S. Stong, 1% miles south Edge- ley. Owner may have same by pay- ing expenses and proving property. Phone Maple 46r13. Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of York and Ontario SucceSSor for Corporal Ken Prentice of C.A.S.F. and of the late J; H. New Equipment, New Tires Batteries, Rentals VULCANIZING One Day Service Bourne’s Service 5643 Yonge Street CARR V ILLE Clarke Prentice FOUND is a spe- ‘le rates. ’urt 52w3 HOL'STEIN COW, second calf, due to freshen. Apply H. Mackie, Centre St. E., Richmond Hill. ï¬w DEEP WELL, shallow well & sump pumps. Phone Thornhill 177. No permits necessary. SINGER SEWING MACHINE, good condition; I cook stove, good baker. Apply 16 Arnold St, Richmond Hill. {ngésrigbod condition. Apply '76 Richmond St., Richmond Hill. 1940 ROGERS CABINET RADIO,_§ l REG. HOL‘ST‘E‘I‘N BULL, service- able age. Apply M. Farquharson, Victoria Square, phone Stouff. 6103. KI'DOHEN RANGE, cheap, or will exchange for Quebec heater. Apply 64 Edgar Avenue, Richvale. D‘ARWIE TULJP BULBS, mixed, good colors, 3 doz. $1.00 and up. All gqu bulbs. 1131. J. Smellie, Thorn- Hill, phone 42.]. LARGE SIZE J‘AJOKET HEATEIR and 30 range bgi_lerZ _reasoggb1e._Ap- ply Mrs: sts, Markham Rd., phone Richmond Hill 145R. ELECTRIC FLOOR PomsuER to rent, $1 per day, prompt delivery in village. Phone Gerald Pans, 80 Church St, Richmond Hill 133. NEW DEEP WELL, shallow well & sump pumps. Phone Thornhill 177. No permits necessary. YORKSHIRE SOWS, bred, some due to farrow, also young pigs from reg- xsteled boar. Ayrshlre Bulls, serv- iceable age and younger. Apply Geo. Sp"ing_,__Stop 14A Yonge St., phone S-ROOM HOUSE, stucco, 2 large halls and sunroom, garage, large lot. This house has all conveniences, lo- cated in Richmond Hill. Hot water heating. Apply 15 Centre Street EL, Richmond Hill. I‘horn'h’iu 149. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, Woods & Frigidaire Milk Coolers, DeLaval Milkers, Grain Grinders, Shallow Well Electric Pumps, Electric Mot- ors, Electropail Heaters. Dairy Cattle, Hay and Straw accepted in trade. Toronto Radio 5:: Sports, 241 Yonge St., Toronto. 1 DINING ROOM‘ SIDEBOARD, solid Oak with bevelled mirror; 1 kitchen cupboard; 1 kitchen range, Climax, with warmer and reservoir, 1 ice box, holds ’75 lbs. ice. Apply Mrs. J. H. Bull, opposite Jefferson IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, $3,000 cash buys a 1% story house and lot in the Village of Maple near Toronto. House has a reception hall, living room, dining room, kitchen and sum- mer kitchen on ground floor; 3 bed- rooms, hall and unï¬tted bathroom on second floor; full sized basement, furnace heated, artesian well with good water. Lot 50 by 2-09. Apply Mrs. Robert Sawdon, Maple, Ont. STURDY WOMEN try to plan how to please the inner .man; women play a monstrous role trying to figure the sugar dole, so Rita rides a spirited. horse to get Bake'r’s Sweetner. Of‘ course the whole family got sore, no sugar for tea or gaffee any more. Rita wanted Baker’s Sweetner for a date. Baker’s Sweetner was sold out, she was too late, so to the neighâ€" bors she did hike, she must have Baker’s Sweetn‘er for her Mike. Mike says that sure is swell tea. Rita, you make my heart throb, I’m not really sure it’s .me. Your cooking and baking is really smart, you must be using a Baker's ,Sw‘eetner chart. I see nothing goes to waste. Baker's Sweetner has the sugar taste. Mike says I hear that Baker’s Sweetner is cheaper than sugar. Rita says yes, you know that $5 worth Baker’s Sweetner is as sWeet as $14 worth sugar. No coupons, it’s so handy and easy to use. It has the sugar taste and no bitter taste. Guaran- teed as represented or money back. 25 oz. 25c., 40 oz. 350., 1/2 gal. 65c., 1 gal. $31.25, 5 gal. $5, 10 gal. $9.50. Containers extra, 25 oz. 1.c., 4‘0 02- 10c., 1/2 gal. 150., and jugs or cans 25c. No shipment made less than a gallon @ $1.50. We pay express up 1m 100 miles when money order ac- |companies order for 6 gallons 01‘ more. Geo. E. Baker, th.B., Manu- facturing chemist, Stouffville. THIS IS THE DAY OF ADVERTISING-AWAKE THE MOST OF IT. PLATESQ-Flve lines or Xess, 25 cents for first, insertion and 1's cents for each subsequent insertion. Over 5 lines 5 cents per llue extra each mseltion. IF CHARGED 7 CENTS PER LINE. Classified Advs. WOODBRIDGE FAIR POSTPONED Saturday, October 20th FOR SALE Will have Big Horse Show, Cattle and Swine. Also Three [Racing Classes (weather permitting), Jumping and Pony Events. UNTIL 8 YOUNG FIGS, 10 weeks old. Ap ply Elmo Snider. OOLT 1% years old Richmond Hill. 24 CHUNKS. Apply Robt. Rid-dell, King, phone 36r2. DRILL PRESS, heavy duty. Apply Samuel Winger, Maple, phone 62r22 ABOUT 1‘50 BUS. OLD OATS. Ap- ply 6043 Yonge St, phone ‘fl'ilow- dale 682. DINING ROOM SUITE, good condi- tion, reasonable. Apply 139 Yonge St., Richmond Hill. NEW DEEP WELL, shallow well sump pumps. Phone Thornhill 177. No permits necessary HAND BLOCK MACHINE, 9x9x18 complete. Apply B. Mountjoy, No. 7 Highway and Sussex Ave. 12 SUCKER‘S, 6 weeks old; 7 chunks, some weighing 150 lbs. Apply Red and Green Barn, Mill Rd., Stop 2313. 10-20 INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR on ,steel, good condition. W. H. An- derson. Downsview, phone Maple 611-13. 5 ROOM FRAME HOUSE, 1/2 acre of land, poultry building, small fruit and poultry. Apply J. R. Herring- ton, Richmond Hill. RUG, green imported broodloom, 9 ft. by 10% ft. with pad, both in exâ€" cellent condition, price $75.00. Apply phone Richmond Hill 13J. DRAKE and 2 DU‘CK‘S; boy’s wagon, large size; 2 hangmg flower pots and quart sealers. Mrs. Watson, Carrville Rd. and Yonge St. QUANTITY of tested mixed gram containing Ajax Oats, $1.90 per cwr. Will chop for BC. bag. Apply Fred J. Dew, King RR. 3, phone 37. HOUSEHOLD G'OO'D'S, modern Chesterfield suite and bedroom suite, very modem radio, two prams, white and blue, other articles, etc. Apply Mrs. J. Wilson, 82 Yonge Street, Richmond Hill CLEANING WOMAN for 1/2 day weekly, $2.00. Apply phone Thornâ€" hill 28w. 3 Y»D'S. PIT GRAVEL; 2 yds. good loam, C.O.D. Apply Mears, G‘arden Ave., Langstaff. MAN for farm work, $360 per month. Apply herb Jones, Maple RR. 2, phone Maple 54r14. GIRL or WOMAN one day a, week, Monday. Apply Mrs. J. Royle, 1815 Spruce Ave., Richvale. SMALL HOUSE, apartment or shar- ed accommodation urgently required by MI. Morrow, Richmond Hill High School. HORSES to kill, highest prices paid. Apply Box 54 Richmond Hill P.O. or Courtland Mink Ranch, Oï¬ord St., Elgin Mills. WANTED (For essential research} â€"cats (full-grown) and dogs (small adults). Troyer Natural Science’ Ser- vice, Oak Ridges, phone King 3132. FEATHERS WANTED -â€" Feathers and feather beds of all descriptions. Highest prices paid. Write to Queen CiLy Feather Co., 23 Baldwin St., TO RENT SMALL HOUSE or aparï¬- ment consisting of 4 or 5 roonis in Richmond Hill by Prov. Constable. Urgently needed. Please notify The Liberal Office. Toronto DEAD HORSES & CATTLE want- ed. For free pick-up hene RIGH- MOND HILL 7 or K NG 24r4 or MAPLE 2937. We pay telephone charges. GORDON YOUNG LIMIT- ED.V'I:0r0nt0. phone AD.‘ 3636 Real Estate Insurance Auction Sales Personally Listed and Advertised. Thistletown - Ont Phone Weston 7031-12 Woodbridge 64r23 N. Geo. Wallace, Sec WANTED Ken Love AUCTIONEER Beelich Ontario THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th'1945 WELL DIG-GING and excavati Phone R.chmond Hill 2481‘4. 1F PAINTER & DECORATOR. L. W. Zixï¬evlielitiï¬hone 224w Richmond Hill. MLL [)0 WELL DIGGING. Apply 1' ram; York RR. 1 Maple. SLENDER TABLETS are effective. ii§éeksiisrupilzply $i; 12 weeks’ $5, at a‘cmchmer’s Drug Stor‘e. ' lEAMSTER, ploughing, grading‘and‘ cellars dug. Apply Bert. Smith, phone Ricnmond Hill 1:34:12. P. INGLES & SONS, general conâ€" tracwrs, Jefferson, Uni. All kinds cement work, barns remodelled. MRS. w. BAILEY will. be at her home every evening, Essex Avenue, Langstaff, from 6 to 9 for Telepathy Fortune Telling. CORNS instantly relieved withA Lloyd’s Corn and Callous‘ Salveâ€"the effective corn remedy. 50c. at Scotchmer’s Drug Store“ WATER HAULED. We haul water for dry cisterns and wells. Gibson Transport, phone Agincourt 44J12. SAND AND GRAVEL delivered any- where in district. E. Charity, Yongo Street and Brooksxde Road. Phone Richmond Hill 102r14. LAWN MOWERS repaired & shat?- ened by experienced workman. App y Jos. Winger, Corner Carnville Road and Dufferin St., phone Maple 62r21. ALL KINDS FURNITURE repairs. upholstering, cabinet work, wood carving. Estimates given. N. G. VanDyke. 33 Hunt Avenue, SPRAY PAINTING, all kinds of paint work. Experienced workman- Shlp. Estimates cheerfully given. G. vary, Maple RR. 1, phone Maple 311- 2. ELECTRICAL WIRING, housesI farm buildings, specializing in schoox erll‘lg. Territory includes Richmond Hill and vicinity. Apply Forth Eleo- tric, Schomberg, phone 69 Schom- brerrg; PEN AND PENCIL in leathegacase: ifu‘f‘ound please‘ï¬ngtify The Liberal Office. MISCELLANEO U S AUCTION SALE of High Class Household Furniture, Electric Washer, Rangette, At Part Lot 3, Coh. 2 Markham Twp., 1 mile north 9f Steele’s Dishes, Utenéils, Rug, Linens, Garden Tools, Etc. The undersigned has received in- structions to sell by quligjuct'log THURSDAY", ‘OCT. 15 AVE. East, on Bayview Ave. The following property_ belonging: to YOU ARE LONELY, write. Box Clarkston, Wash. Send stamp. Centre Room Rug, 6%)(71/2 ft. Linoleum 15x16 It. Pairs Net Curtains, new Pair Green Chintz Curtains Pair Wine Drapes Full Size hand made Crochet Bed- spread Number Table Cloths 1 Steel Walnut finished Bed & Spring 1 Spring Filled Mattress 1 Highly Polished Dresser with mir- ror 1 High Boy Chifferobe 2 Leather Seated Chairs 2 Hand Painted Pictures 4 Odd Chairs 2 Mattresses 3 l FI‘Vâ€"WIAV Good Small Centre Tables Steel Bed and springs in light brown Oak grained design 1 Goose Down Feather Mattress 1 Cedar Cupboard Wardrobe 2 Washstands and Dresser to match Number of Odd Wall Pictures and Ornaments 1 Single Day Bed Couch and Mat- tress - 1 Wall Rack and White Chair 287 Pieces English China. Dishes in bridal wreath design Odd Dishes, Glassware, Jugs, Cut- lery. etc. 1 Table and Stool 1 Table Centre Mirror ,‘_ Number of FIOWer Vases s. Several Pieces Wear-Ever Aluminum Kitchen Utensils, such as Sauce- pan, Frying Pan with cover, Double Waterless Cooker, Tea Kettle and 1 Wash Boiler Double Boiler 1 Tea Kettle, also number of kitchen utensils 2 Medicine Cabinets 1 Clothes Horse and Clothes Basket Pictures, Frames, etc. Findlay Oval Kitchen Range, med- ium size, good as new Electric Bridge Lamp, 3-way in- direct lighting Force Electric Rangette, good as new Favorite Electric Washing Machine complete with attached wringer, good as new Jones Portable English made hand Sewing Machine 3-piece Chesterfield Suite, very good condition Extension Dining Table and five matching chairs Brown Linoleum Rug, 12x12 ft. Blue Linoleum Rug, 12x15 ft. 2 Saws Sealers, Jars†etc. No. 3 Large Universal Food Grmder Several other household and kitchen effects, etc. 1 Step Ladder 1 Lawn Mower and other garden tools, etc. Positively No Reserve, Property Sold Termsâ€"â€"Cash. Sale at 1 p.m. All purchases to be paid for on sale Ken & Clarke Prentice, Aucts, Milliken, phone Agincourt 52w3, OLIVER COULSON. Clerk. . Georgé vasibottbm 4-m. ( gal. ar arg ‘ge Axe and Glazed 'Sew LOST 31‘ Mower Axe lids Rakes rard