Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 11 Oct 1945, p. 7

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VILLAGE OF RICHMOND HILL Treasurer’s Sale of Lands in Arrears ’- of Taxes ' By virtue of 9. Warrant iSSued by the Reeve of the Village of Richmond Hill dated the 11th day of August, 1945 and to me directed, command- ing me to proceed with the collecâ€" tion of arrears of taxes, together with the fees and expenses, I hereby give notice that the list of lands liable to be sold has been prepared, and is being published in the “Ontario Gazette” under the dates of Septem- ber 4th, October 2nd and November 6th, 1945, and that unless the said arrears of taxes and costs are sooner paid, I shall, on the 7th day of De- cember 1945 proceed to sell the said lands to discharge the said arrears of taxes and the charges thereon. The sale will be held on the above date at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon in the Municipal Hall in the Village of Richmond Hill. Copies of â€"said 1 my office. Dated at Richmond ’Hill September 6, 1945. 82W 15 Elizabeth Street Phone 162 Richmond Hill Order Fall Fertilizer early on account of strike delay. That will secure you well cured goods. ‘Willowdale, Zoné 8-288 ' (Toronto Subscribers Dial “Operator"-â€"Message Charge) 6 Walder Ave Repalrs We Repair Radios. Toasters, Irons, Heaters, Grills, Vacuum Cleaners, Motors, Lamps, etc. Phone Mohawk 0508 or 137 Yonge St. Richm‘ THURSDAY, OCTOBER 11th, 1945 Kills and Repells. Guaranteed AA rating, highest quallty. Also full line of Hog & Stock Minerals. Delivered to your farm, one or more bags at a time, assuring you of a fresh supply at all times. For delivery call SEPTIC TANK SYSTEMS SANITARY CONTRACTORS TANKS CLEANED our 0F TOWN SERVICE W. J. ALDRIDGE Radio and Electrical ARE YOU PLANNING TO BUILD? Save Time, Money and Disap- pointment by having plans drawn. Moderate charges, as low as $10.00 RONALD WEEDEN Building Consultant Watkins Fly Spray You’ve Tried the Rest, NOW try the Best. FEEDS FOR FARM AND POULTRYMAN. 297 ’EAlfm'hurrst Ave., Lansing RICHMOND HILL, ONT. SAND GRAVEL HAULAGE ERNIE DURIE THE MILL DDT BARN SPRAY Phone Thomhill 30-R Richvale P.O. Phone Maple 64r4 FOR NP! OR ROLLING YOUR OWN L. W. REID Harvey Bell RUSSELL LYNETT, In Stock: Phones: Phone 126J APPLY Village Treasurer st may be had at Richmond Hill Toronto 139 Eversley W.A. baiaar will be held in King United Church basement on Saturday, December lst. The Pres- byterian ladies are busy making preâ€" parations. _ Mrs. Rock’s sister of Utterson vis- ited her recently. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson have moved into their newly built home here. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Folliott and Harold spent the weekâ€"end at Hills- burg. While there Mr. Folliott was inStiumental in releasing Wm. Everâ€" dell, over 80, a Hills'ourg townsman who was in the habit of taking a Sunday morning walk over Donald McMm‘chy farm. While climbing a wire fence his heel caught and he was thrown backward his head touch- ing the ground. Unable to help himself or call for aid the old genâ€" tleman hung suspended in this p051- tion for probably two hours when the McMurchy cmldren made the dis- covery and summoned aid. Not close enough to actually discern the figure the children were greatly alarmed. ‘Mr. Folliott found the victim' uncon- scious and in poor condition. Donald MbMurchy removed him to his home in Hillsburg and medical aid~was sought. The fact that the accxdent occurred about 80 rods from the Mc- Murchy house and on Sunday added to the delay of discovery. Mrs. McMann and son Bbbby, Au- rora, were visitors of George Brown on Sunday. Mrs. A. McClure addressed Maple Presbyterian W.M.S. at the thankâ€" offering meeting when Mrs. E. Keff- er and Mrs. Victor Orr were made life members. Present were two charter members of the Society, Miss A. Walkington and Miss S. Robin- son Mrs. Ed. Patton, Edmonton, and Mrs. Earl Patton, Winnipeg, received a visit from Miss Audrey Patton on ner trip west. Miss Hilda Patton is at her home here having complezed a term as d1â€" rector of a farm camp at St. Cath- arines. ‘ a centre of the higheh mural worthy of communaauon ox genera tions to come. King Athletic Association has maoe iinal negotiations for the Me- morial t’ark grounds, which will De a recreation park in memory of its war heroes. There is something binding in its purpose. Long needed to take care 01 the energies of grow- ing children, and expand the healthy interest of young people in the realm of sports as weii as countless other offices to fill, a recreation centre 101' King and district can express in fine terms the ideals and motives of pure minds and the give and take wnich llIe draws upon so constantly. The organization and groups of cit- izens behind the project are Willing to take the burden of ways and means. But more than that ‘i's‘Te- quired, the understanding and sup- port of many people over a long period of time. It requires vision and labor to carry the plan through to a successIul And none must violate the pledge L0 liluuic: “Us Visitmg his cousin at ng, Mrs. David McAlllster over the week-end was Earl Barnes, Toronto, son of Charlie Barnes. Ronnie O‘Deli saw Gordon Patton before he left for Canada. Ronnie ‘ls with his wife at Richmond Hill. Alfred Barker Returns After four years overseas _serv1ce Alned Barker cam: nome on Oct. 15L. We expect to hear something 01 his exper.ences but in me mean- time he 15 a welcome visitor at King, especxaily amtng n.s many friends 01 the WJ. whom he so Iaithfully re- membered with letters of tnanks. Mrs. McAllister 0: Richmond hill and other ‘equally important’ Iriends have shared in the home-coming. Mrs. Jas. Patton and family have received many interesting gifts from Cpl. Gordon Patton, now with the Toronto Scottish. 1,200 tulip bulbs have come Irom Holland, valuable tlinkets and souvenirs from other European couniries, numbermg more than 20 all told. Miss Audrey Patton has returned from an extensive trip through the Canadian West, visiting Vancouver.” Victoria and Banff. While travell- ing she met a Canadian mother from Bowmanville who lost her three only sons in the war and a husband who passed away suddenly. They became Iriends finding expelience on the journey of life a means to under- standing. The recent death of Miss Mary Teasdale, Aurora, was a source of deep regret here. Born at Laskay. Mary was widely known and leaves to mourn her early death a number of close friends and school chums. This community extends sympathy to the mother and family. fife and Haughter have been extend- e expressions by a great number of friends in these parts. In the passing of the late J. M. Walton, Aurora, a familiar figure in King Township has been removed. His interest and connections remain- ed active until a long illness set in. Much of the historical data of Ketâ€" tleby and other sections has been set down in accurate and interesting manner 'by the late_ Mr. Walton. His Wren Ninette Holingsworth has returned from Esquimalt, BC. and is taking a rehabilitation course at Ottawa. She visitcd her parents a week ago and was an interested spec- tator of Eaton Hall Hunt. Mrs. G. H. Stone is gaining in strength after a long illness. She has received many cards, leters and visitors which have passed the time pleasantly away which she remem- bers with thanks. Her daughter MrS. Whitney left a week ago for her‘ home in Elmvale. Mrs. E. Patton and Mrs. J. Clift accompanied her home, returning immediately after- ward. Mls. J. Phillips has reiurned home following a. surgig_al_j11ness. A King City District News A reception given by Robertson Masonic lodge for one of their mem- bers, Wm. Hoiles, recently appointed to the office of District Deputy Grand Master, Toronto District “1)”. District lodges were well represent- ed with past District Deputy, A. Dickson and the Grand Lodge Regis- trar, Lockie Wilson as speakers, among other speakers. The new Dis- trict Deputy has earned the office and secretary to him is D. M. Ross. :As .a. token of regard Robertson Lodge presented the Deputy with a 177piece china tea set. Strange Bazaar in the interests of St. Andrew’s Church will be held in Laskay Hall on Friday, Nov. 16th. Mr. and Mrs. F. Rolfe spent the weekâ€"end in Toronto. Deceased passed away as a result of an explosion while examining dynamite in blasting a stump on hi. farm. He is survived by his only brothâ€" er, Dr. Bryaon, Brampton, an Aunt is Mrs. John Redmon, Aurora, 21 sis- ter of the deceased's late mother, Margaret Hall. Dr. .S. 'Gordon Chalk is at his farm home, Chalkr.ll for a few holidays. The funeral of the late Thos. Bry- don, con. 11, King, was held last Saturday, interment in Bolton ceme- tery with Rev. R. G. McKay, Wood- bridge, conducting. The service was held at his late home with a large attendance from a wide district in King and Albion. King council was fully represented. In Scottish tra- ditional manner the bagpipes were played as the funeral cortege pro- ceeded from the residence and later into the cemetery. SATURAY, OCTOBER 13 SPONSORED BY Richmond ill High School Navy League Tag Day ADVERTISING FINANCED BY THE FOLLOWING LOCAL BUSINESSES: W. J. NEAL PAUL DUBOIS YEREX ELECTRIC M. P. MALTBY DOMINION STORES THE LIBERAL, RICHMOND HILL, ONTARIO Thanksgiving visitors of Mrs. Tena Wilson and Mrs. Alex Gray were Mr. and Mrs. Jas. D. Gray and daughter Carol. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Gray, Miss Margaret Gray, all of Toronto and Mrs. John Gray, Las- kay. We are pleased to know that Mr. Norman McClure, Toronto, is home again after suffering an acute ill- ness a short time ago when he was confined to North Bay hospital. He will be in bed for a month. Pte. Murray Ezard arrived at his Lanskay home last week from two years service overseas. He enlisted with the Second Division LR.’C.E. For the first time a month ago he hapâ€" pened upon his brother Russell driv- ing a truck in Holland. They visited their brother Bert afterward, the first time the brothers have met while over there. Murray looks well and was met 'by a joyous mother at the Toronto depot. His friends are glad to see him. King _United Bazaar will be given by the WA. on Thursday, November 22nd in the church basement. On October 3lst a rummage sale will be sponsored by the W.A. of St. John’s Anglican Church, Oak Ridges in the parish hall. 'Announcement is made for Harv- est Thanksgiving Service at Imman- uel Baptist Church, Kettleby, Sun- day, October 14th with Rev. C. E. Cragg, Kettleby United minister. preaching at 11 a.m., and the pastor, ‘Rev. H. Wilson at 7.30 pm. Special music for the day. Service in King Baptist cancelled that date. Anniversary service will be held in St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Strange, morning and evening with Rev. M. E. Burch, Mimico, a former minister at both services, Maple Presbyterian choir singing. by FERGUSON GUARANTEED & SUPPLIED (SOON) MORLEY’S BARNETT’S MEAT MARKET BRATHWAITE’S HARDWARE RICHMOND HILL 50. TO $1.00 DAVIES DRY GOODS SHEPPARD & GILL REAMAN’S CONFECTIONERY SERVA MFG. CO. R. J. CRAIGIE CANADIAN TIRE CORPORATION ASSOCIATE STORE PARIS AUTO SUPPLY RICHMOND HILL DAIRY AL. WHITE MABLEY’S SERVICE STATION LITTLE BROS. JONES COAL CO. RICHMOND TAILORS LTD. AUS/TIN’S DRUG‘ STORE M. D. SCHMIDT GLASS MEAT MARKET SCOTCHMER’S DRUG STORE STAN’S TONSORIAL PARLOUR STROMBERG-CARlSON AND THERE STILL WILL BE NO'I’HING FINER (Archie Murray) @Wfl? RADIO PAGE NINE

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